Zone1 If welfare recipients are buying expensive toys, is that a sign we are giving too much free stuff?

They are not paying federal income taxes - and that’s where their welfare comes from. They are net takers, sometimes by as much as $40,000 a year depending on how many illegitimate kids they have.

These people need to start working.
i have a sleep rythm problem that i can't shake, which started with just mental burnout syndrome.
so i'm completely unfit for any kind of regular job.

but i do work (see the free websites in my signature).
i "take" about 18-20K a year in Dutch national funding for that.

thought i'd throw this into the discussion mix before people start painting with only 1 color.
If the single mother plays the EITC game (and all of them do) she can get a check from Uncle Sugar if around $8,000 to spend on anything they like

Each year beginning in January a type of madness grips the hood as the downtrodden run out and spend the money as fast as they can
Now I hear that Kamala wants to give an additional welfare payment of $6,000 in the year a welfare mother pushes out another illegitimate kid. That is on top of the food stamps, Medicaid, and whatever else they get.
Or less altogether. If welfare recipients can afford $100 toys, they don’t as much as responsible people are giving them.
yeah, maybe that too.
but you'd best take raw, accurate and timed-correctly data to work out their financial needs down to good old fashioned spreadsheets. preferably printed out somewhere and kept in a secure warehouse too.
yeah, maybe that too.
but you'd best take raw, accurate and timed-correctly data to work out their financial needs down to good old fashioned spreadsheets. preferably printed out somewhere and kept in a secure warehouse too.
That’s not my job. That’s what the government should be doing - and the libs are just talking about giving out more free money.

if the welfare takers can afford $100 toys now, imagine what they can buy with the extra $6000 Kamala is saying she wants to give them!
Perhaps we should just set up “welfare grocery stores” stocked with the basics - milk, eggs, hamburger, chicken, cereal, milk, veggies, fruits, tuna, bread, etc., - and they can use vouchers to buy there.

I hear there’s a lot of cheating with the EBT system.
Background to put this discussion in perspective:

I know a young woman with four children - no husband, and different fathers - and I buy birthday gifts for each one, since I know money is tight and she is on public assistance. I told her I would have a gift for her son next week, and she suggested a toy I can buy him (he’s 6).

I went to the Walmart, and I found the toy - with about six different versions - ranging in price from $80 to $120 (for the super-deluxe). I opted for a similar type of toy that I think he will like (because I give to her other three and don’t want to set a high bar going forward), but I noticed the obviously low-income people around me grabbing these expensive toys off the shelf. It is a fair assumption that most are on some sort of welfare.

So….the question is: since we give these people food stamps, free health care, subsidized rent, and even cash, is it safe to think that maybe it’s TOO much since they are buying stuff that the self-supporting people cannot afford themselves?

What a stupid post from someone who is obviously clueless. Your assumption that the people you see buying this stuff are obviously on welfare, shows the depths of your classism and ignorance.

Racist, radicalized and Republican is no way for anyone to go through life.
That’s not my job. That’s what the government should be doing - and the libs are just talking about giving out more free money.

if the welfare takers can afford $100 toys now, imagine what they can buy with the extra $6000 Kamala is saying she wants to give them!

What they do with the money is NONE OF YOUR CONCERN.
Now I hear that Kamala wants to give an additional welfare payment of $6,000 in the year a welfare mother pushes out another illegitimate kid. That is on top of the food stamps, Medicaid, and whatever else they get.
Harris is a closet Neo Marxist
Harris is a closet Neo Marxist
Not even a closeted one. She came right out and said we have to give more money to the lower-end to bring them up and make them “equal.”

She also is trying to tie the hands of grocery stores by limiting what they can charge, thereby driving them into bankruptcy and the government taking over (which is sort of what they’re doing with price-fixing).

Now imagine the control the New Democrats will have over people when they control their food supply. Hillary already suggested imprisoning people for speaking out against the Regime (they will call it “misinformation”). First infraction for saying Islamic terrorist: only bread, cheese, tuna, and canned foods for a month. Second infraction for saying Dems are lying about abortion: 30 days in the clink. Third infraction for saying we should not be incentivizing illegal lowlifes into the country: prison!
Perhaps we should just set up “welfare grocery stores” stocked with the basics - milk, eggs, hamburger, chicken, cereal, milk, veggies, fruits, tuna, bread, etc., - and they can use vouchers to buy there.

I hear there’s a lot of cheating with the EBT system.
Brilliant idea Lisa. Would these be socialist, government run grocery stores or free market stores who the government has put their boot on to restrict them to selling only these item's as the means to their livelihood?

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