If you think Romney will beat Obama


The right is always afraid to discuss the color of the sky. Every time we try to point out that the sky is not blue they deny that fact. Do you think the sky is blue? If so, then you are wrong, the sky is not blue. We have been trying to tell you that, but the right refuses to listen. Sometimes there are clouds and that is an undeniable fact and since everyone knows that clouds are white, it is proven here that the right is wrong when it insists the sky is blue, because if they claim to have never seen clouds in the sky then they are lying. They must have never even seen a sunset either because they are so ignorant they can't see other colors and still the right repeats the lie that the sky is blue. One time at band camp I saw this beautiful sunset with pink and orange hue but the right wants to deny these facts. As the sunrises in the east, I often see a bright yellow too, so again more lies from the right. Just last week, I heard Romney claim yet again that the sky is blue, he repeats that lie and you believe him. Everyone knows that ten years ago Mitt Romney mentioned the beautiful pink sky over his expensive lake house, so again you see what a proven flip flopping hypocrite he really is, but I for one am not fooled by this. If he can't be trusted when it comes to the color of the sky, what else can we trust him with? If you agree with Mitt and believe that the sky is blue I will show you a rainbow and then I will laugh at you.

But at least the trees are the right height!

The right is always afraid to discuss the color of the sky. Every time we try to point out that the sky is not blue they deny that fact. Do you think the sky is blue? If so, then you are wrong, the sky is not blue. We have been trying to tell you that, but the right refuses to listen. Sometimes there are clouds and that is an undeniable fact and since everyone knows that clouds are white, it is proven here that the right is wrong when it insists the sky is blue, because if they claim to have never seen clouds in the sky then they are lying. They must have never even seen a sunset either because they are so ignorant they can't see other colors and still the right repeats the lie that the sky is blue. One time at band camp I saw this beautiful sunset with pink and orange hue but the right wants to deny these facts. As the sunrises in the east, I often see a bright yellow too, so again more lies from the right. Just last week, I heard Romney claim yet again that the sky is blue, he repeats that lie and you believe him. Everyone knows that ten years ago Mitt Romney mentioned the beautiful pink sky over his expensive lake house, so again you see what a proven flip flopping hypocrite he really is, but I for one am not fooled by this. If he can't be trusted when it comes to the color of the sky, what else can we trust him with? If you agree with Mitt and believe that the sky is blue I will show you a rainbow and then I will laugh at you.

But at least the trees are the right height!

I think it MIGHT be close, and I also think think Romney has a good shot at winning, DEPENDING on his VP pick.
I think it MIGHT be close, and I also think think Romney has a good shot at winning, DEPENDING on his VP pick.

But first, he has to get through this;


  • $goodpoint.jpg
    78.9 KB · Views: 47
a typical sillyboob post...

The right is always afraid to discuss the color of the sky. Every time we try to point out that the sky is not blue they deny that fact. Do you think the sky is blue? If so, then you are wrong, the sky is not blue. We have been trying to tell you that, but the right refuses to listen. Sometimes there are clouds and that is an undeniable fact and since everyone knows that clouds are white, it is proven here that the right is wrong when it insists the sky is blue, because if they claim to have never seen clouds in the sky then they are lying. They must have never even seen a sunset either because they are so ignorant they can't see other colors and still the right repeats the lie that the sky is blue. One time at band camp I saw this beautiful sunset with pink and orange hue but the right wants to deny these facts. As the sunrises in the east, I often see a bright yellow too, so again more lies from the right. Just last week, I heard Romney claim yet again that the sky is blue, he repeats that lie and you believe him. Everyone knows that ten years ago Mitt Romney mentioned the beautiful pink sky over his expensive lake house, so again you see what a proven flip flopping hypocrite he really is, but I for one am not fooled by this. If he can't be trusted when it comes to the color of the sky, what else can we trust him with? If you agree with Mitt and believe that the sky is blue I will show you a rainbow and then I will laugh at you.

But at least the trees are the right height!

:lol: Urban planning at its finest...
I think he will. Obama has done way too much damage. If it is not reversed, it will cripple us. From obstructing Energy, causing major inflation, the Home Sale Tax coming into effect, Obama care. It will kill us, by design. We are funding fluff, while real needs are being ignored. Everyone is at risk. I can't think of a gentler hand on the scalpel right now than Romney. People will bitch, no matter what he does, true enough, but his hand will remain steady and sure, in spite of the extreme Left.

With Romney's hand on the scalpel, I'd be more worried about a stab in the back.

Or maybe waking up in a bathtub with my kidney being sold on Ebay.

Romney will be an awesome president for rich people, but the rest of us, not so much.

I don't think he's "weird", he's just a phony. Uncomfortable around people unless he's in charge, uncomfortable in his own skin, unsure of what to say to the great unwashed, how to relate. Kind of a male version of Nancy Pelosi.


I think he really is weird. He says a lot of these off the wall things.

Now, being a CEO is part of that. When you surround yourself with people who never disagree with you, and even laugh at your stupid jokes, you probably don't realize "The trees are the right height" just ain't funny.

But I think being brought up in that weird cult like environment where everyone kind of thinks the same and you are penalized for having indpendent thought is part of it, too.

I think folks like Intense and Valerie who think that Romney will be a great president because he was a great businessman (again, so were Hoover and GW Bush, and look how well that turned out), seem to forget that a democratically elected government works completely differently.

The very fact that Romney talks very little about his one term as Governor is kind of telling. His only two accomplishments were RomneyCare and watching stupidly while the courts legalized gay marriage. And that's really about it.
obama is going to lose. He is going to lose badly. His policies are failing so badly that "failure" is going to be permanently attached to his name. His health care bill, the lawsuits against the states, all slated for failure. To combat the perception of failure, obama has basically abandoned his office to campaign full time. If he can't succeed, he can at least go around, tell jokes on television and tell people he has succeded.

obama's answer to his own inability to lead is to do away with representative government and do what he wants so that he doesn't waste valuable campaign time. In addition to making representative government irrelevant he intends to make the Supreme Court irrelevant too. In order to accomplish what obama wants to accomplish, he has to eliminate the republic and replace it with a Cuban style dictatorship and that is why he will lose.

I'm just wondering how your little world is going to crash down when he wins a second term.

I think they still call it.....

Deja Vu.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxDgRr_Ynvc&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLA11972639E54C010]Right America Feeling Wronged pt1 - YouTube[/ame]​
About the same as yours, Jackass. ;)

I don't have that much of a stake in it.

I'm not an Obama fan. I wish the GOP could have nominated someone I could vote for.

They didn't.

But Romney won't win, because even Republicans don't like him that much.

Also, he's alienated the groups he needs to win. Hispanics, Women, WOrking folks.

I think he will. Obama has done way too much damage.


....is (nearly) unmanageable.


The right is always afraid to discuss the color of the sky. Every time we try to point out that the sky is not blue they deny that fact. Do you think the sky is blue? If so, then you are wrong, the sky is not blue. We have been trying to tell you that, but the right refuses to listen. Sometimes there are clouds and that is an undeniable fact and since everyone knows that clouds are white, it is proven here that the right is wrong when it insists the sky is blue, because if they claim to have never seen clouds in the sky then they are lying. They must have never even seen a sunset either because they are so ignorant they can't see other colors and still the right repeats the lie that the sky is blue. One time at band camp I saw this beautiful sunset with pink and orange hue but the right wants to deny these facts. As the sunrises in the east, I often see a bright yellow too, so again more lies from the right. Just last week, I heard Romney claim yet again that the sky is blue, he repeats that lie and you believe him. Everyone knows that ten years ago Mitt Romney mentioned the beautiful pink sky over his expensive lake house, so again you see what a proven flip flopping hypocrite he really is, but I for one am not fooled by this. If he can't be trusted when it comes to the color of the sky, what else can we trust him with? If you agree with Mitt and believe that the sky is blue I will show you a rainbow and then I will laugh at you.

But at least the trees are the right height!

....No doubt, thru the magnanimous-efforts of.....



(That's cool, Mitt. You can thank Him, later.)

The right is always afraid to discuss the color of the sky. Every time we try to point out that the sky is not blue they deny that fact. Do you think the sky is blue? If so, then you are wrong, the sky is not blue. We have been trying to tell you that, but the right refuses to listen. Sometimes there are clouds and that is an undeniable fact and since everyone knows that clouds are white, it is proven here that the right is wrong when it insists the sky is blue, because if they claim to have never seen clouds in the sky then they are lying. They must have never even seen a sunset either because they are so ignorant they can't see other colors and still the right repeats the lie that the sky is blue. One time at band camp I saw this beautiful sunset with pink and orange hue but the right wants to deny these facts. As the sunrises in the east, I often see a bright yellow too, so again more lies from the right. Just last week, I heard Romney claim yet again that the sky is blue, he repeats that lie and you believe him. Everyone knows that ten years ago Mitt Romney mentioned the beautiful pink sky over his expensive lake house, so again you see what a proven flip flopping hypocrite he really is, but I for one am not fooled by this. If he can't be trusted when it comes to the color of the sky, what else can we trust him with? If you agree with Mitt and believe that the sky is blue I will show you a rainbow and then I will laugh at you.

But at least the trees are the right height!

I think it MIGHT be close, and I also think think Romney has a good shot at winning, DEPENDING on his VP pick.
Yeah.....he only needs to find himself a Political Superstar.....like John McCain did!


I don't think he's "weird", he's just a phony. Uncomfortable around people unless he's in charge, uncomfortable in his own skin, unsure of what to say to the great unwashed, how to relate. Kind of a male version of Nancy Pelosi.

Yeah.....sure.....that's who......Nancy Pelosi.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrzXLYA_e6E]Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits - YouTube[/ame]


“Once, while Sarah was preparing for a city-council meeting, she said, ‘I’m gonna put on one of my push-up bras so I can get what I want tonight.’ That’s how she rolls.”


I don't think he's "weird", he's just a phony. Uncomfortable around people unless he's in charge, uncomfortable in his own skin, unsure of what to say to the great unwashed, how to relate. Kind of a male version of Nancy Pelosi.


I think he really is weird. He says a lot of these off the wall things.

Now, being a CEO is part of that. When you surround yourself with people who never disagree with you, and even laugh at your stupid jokes, you probably don't realize "The trees are the right height" just ain't funny.

But I think being brought up in that weird cult like environment where everyone kind of thinks the same and you are penalized for having indpendent thought is part of it, too.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3pic_0D6tw]All About Mormons | Commentary (South Park) - YouTube[/ame]

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Please say so here. I want to be able to come back and laugh at you and re-read all your bullshit. This is going to be easier than beating McCain. My aunt said Obama visited UofMiami and the cheers were deafening. I don't even think Mitt will win Florida. Might even lose Arizona. McCain almost did and its his home state. No one likes Romney. Its laughable. Polls showing them neck and neck are laughable.

No way Romney wins Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin or NJ. Not with what all the right wing Governors are doing to women and unions. And that's not even counting the Emergency Financial Managers that Snyder is putting in place of elected government. I wonder if people in Michigan even know what I'm talking about.

Not after Citizens United.

Not if the Occupy Wallstreet crowd shows up. They dwarf the tea baggers.

The with Paul Ryan trying to kill social security and medicare.

Not with the GOP wanting to invade Iran next.

Not when the GOP wants to make the Bush tax breaks even bigger.

But please tell me how/why Romney is going to beat Obama? I want to come back and laugh at you after the elections.

Gas prices? Obamacare? Birth Control? Not enough. No one likes Romney. Obama's beating him by 9 points right now.

I'll give you one thing, you have all the DNC talking points down pat..quite the spew..what a useful tool
Please say so here. I want to be able to come back and laugh at you and re-read all your bullshit. This is going to be easier than beating McCain. My aunt said Obama visited UofMiami and the cheers were deafening. I don't even think Mitt will win Florida. Might even lose Arizona. McCain almost did and its his home state. No one likes Romney. Its laughable. Polls showing them neck and neck are laughable.

No way Romney wins Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin or NJ. Not with what all the right wing Governors are doing to women and unions. And that's not even counting the Emergency Financial Managers that Snyder is putting in place of elected government. I wonder if people in Michigan even know what I'm talking about.

Not after Citizens United.

Not if the Occupy Wallstreet crowd shows up. They dwarf the tea baggers.

The with Paul Ryan trying to kill social security and medicare.

Not with the GOP wanting to invade Iran next.

Not when the GOP wants to make the Bush tax breaks even bigger.

But please tell me how/why Romney is going to beat Obama? I want to come back and laugh at you after the elections.

Gas prices? Obamacare? Birth Control? Not enough. No one likes Romney. Obama's beating him by 9 points right now.

I'll give you one thing, you have all the DNC talking points down pat..quite the spew..what a useful tool


Romney is going to win because obama is such a failure. All democrats have is that Romney is somehow just too wierd to be president. They can't run on obama's record and he's becoming more disliked as the campaign rolls on. The obama regime is the most unpopular presidency in 15 years. His vacations and parties are starting to piss the public off. Not merely the fact of vacations, but the lavishness of vacations and the contempt obama enjoys exhibiting when he rubs the people's noses in spending money like water when they can't afford so much as a week-end getaway. He has turned the white house into the frat house. The office of the president has been turned into a late night punchline. What marvelous insight into high level decision making have we gotten from this administration? We have been informed that the preezy of the united steezy has a big stick and his wife wants to walk out the door and keep on going. This is what the democrats want to keep in the white house? Really? This is how low the bar is for them?
Romney is going to win because obama is such a failure. All democrats have is that Romney is somehow just too wierd to be president. They can't run on obama's record and he's becoming more disliked as the campaign rolls on. The obama regime is the most unpopular presidency in 15 years. His vacations and parties are starting to piss the public off. Not merely the fact of vacations, but the lavishness of vacations and the contempt obama enjoys exhibiting when he rubs the people's noses in spending money like water when they can't afford so much as a week-end getaway. He has turned the white house into the frat house. The office of the president has been turned into a late night punchline. What marvelous insight into high level decision making have we gotten from this administration? We have been informed that the preezy of the united steezy has a big stick and his wife wants to walk out the door and keep on going. This is what the democrats want to keep in the white house? Really? This is how low the bar is for them?

Mitt Romney’s road to presidency this fall looks narrow on electoral map - The Washington Post

It’s no secret that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney has a narrow path to win the presidency this fall. Nowhere is that reality more apparent than when examining the electoral map on which Romney and President Obama will battle in November.

A detailed analysis of Romney’s various paths to the 270 electoral votes he would need to claim the presidency suggests he has a ceiling of somewhere right around 290 electoral votes.

While Romney’s team would absolutely take a 290-electoral-vote victory, that means he has only 20 electoral votes to play with — a paper-thin margin for error.
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Please say so here. I want to be able to come back and laugh at you and re-read all your bullshit. This is going to be easier than beating McCain. My aunt said Obama visited UofMiami and the cheers were deafening. I don't even think Mitt will win Florida. Might even lose Arizona. McCain almost did and its his home state. No one likes Romney. Its laughable. Polls showing them neck and neck are laughable.

No way Romney wins Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin or NJ. Not with what all the right wing Governors are doing to women and unions. And that's not even counting the Emergency Financial Managers that Snyder is putting in place of elected government. I wonder if people in Michigan even know what I'm talking about.

Not after Citizens United.

Not if the Occupy Wallstreet crowd shows up. They dwarf the tea baggers.

The with Paul Ryan trying to kill social security and medicare.

Not with the GOP wanting to invade Iran next.

Not when the GOP wants to make the Bush tax breaks even bigger.

But please tell me how/why Romney is going to beat Obama? I want to come back and laugh at you after the elections.

Gas prices? Obamacare? Birth Control? Not enough. No one likes Romney. Obama's beating him by 9 points right now.

I'll give you one thing, you have all the DNC talking points down pat..quite the spew..what a useful tool

Repugs love to dish it out but can't take it. Waaaaaa.

Demographics Favor Obama Over Romney in November Election - The Daily Beast

Millennials, the most liberal generation, are increasing at the rate of 4 million a year; there were 48 million in ’08, there are 64 million today, and Obama won them by 66 percent. Minorities too are growing as a share of the electorate, and Obama won them last time by 80 percent.

You only won the midterms because dumb ass Democats and Independents only vote in the General Election. Look at the numbers to see how many millions less voted in 2010 than will vote in 2012. This is why the GOP are trying so hard to supress the vote. They are doomed if everyone shows up. Watch, poor communities will have to wait in 4 hour lines to vote. Go away broke asses! In my district it will take 20 minutes tops. Sons of bitches! V for Vendetta.
My aunt said Obama visited UofMiami and the cheers were deafening. I don't even think Mitt will win Florida. Might even lose Arizona. McCain almost did and its his home state. No one likes Romney. Its laughable. Polls showing them neck and neck are laughable.

I'm not responding to the rest of that drivel, but you're predicting an election partially on the fact that your aunt went to a liberal university (90% of all universities, hey they recieve government funding) and heard loud cheering. While laughing at polls? And you're calling other people idiots? Ask her what lottery numbers I should pick next week?
My aunt said Obama visited UofMiami and the cheers were deafening. I don't even think Mitt will win Florida. Might even lose Arizona. McCain almost did and its his home state. No one likes Romney. Its laughable. Polls showing them neck and neck are laughable.

I'm not responding to the rest of that drivel, but you're predicting an election partially on the fact that your aunt went to a liberal university (90% of all universities, hey they recieve government funding) and heard loud cheering. While laughing at polls? And you're calling other people idiots? Ask her what lottery numbers I should pick next week?

Oh, look; we're slamming education again. Just another day at the poo-flinging monkey cage.

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