If you use the term "crap policies"...

So...you got nothin'.

By the way, you babbling, fool, I've never referenced Ms. Barrette.

You referenced her in your post above, claiming her case was one of a tiny few examples.

The poster I responded to, btw, was ASKING for examples.

And you found...two.

And the proof that these two examples are representative of the millions of people who stand to lose the coverage that Obama said they could keep is STILL not forthcoming.

You fail. Just like always.

Well then you post those millions, one by one, with proof, and then you'll have standing to claim that posting ALL the evidence is better than posting a few representative examples.
Well, actually you have, about 5 days ago:


See, it's that kind of shameless, outright, and easily provable LYING that so clearly and unequivocally separates you from those of us with integrity.
Then I made a mistake, and I apologize.

That's what people with integrity do.

When was the last time you apologized for being wrong, Integrity Boi?

A sincere apology is not delivered with a ration of shit included.
So...you've never apologized for being wrong.

But then, you're NEVER wrong, are you?

You referenced her in your post above, claiming her case was one of a tiny few examples.

The poster I responded to, btw, was ASKING for examples.

And you found...two.

And the proof that these two examples are representative of the millions of people who stand to lose the coverage that Obama said they could keep is STILL not forthcoming.

You fail. Just like always.

Well then you post those millions, one by one, with proof, and then you'll have standing to claim that posting ALL the evidence is better than posting a few representative examples.
But you don't have any proof that those are representative samples, do you?

Hint: No, you don't.
I've had Blue-Cross/Blue Shield, and I don't believe this crap for a second. They are one of the largest insurers in the country. I doubt that would be the case if people knew they got nothing when they filed a claim. I don't recall them offering any plan with the benefits described.

I'm aware of the phony "health plans" referred to in that article, I had client ask about them a couple of years back so I checked them out. You'll see emails and faxes for them, "Famly Health Coverage for $69 a Month!", and evidently a FEW people have fallen for them. I know I've gotten at least one fax at the office with one of these plans, a few weeks ago.

When I checked them out for my client, I called a few (I think three) doctors on the "network" and the their claims/billing people had never even heard of the plans. Not a big surprise, I had never heard of the companies offering them and I know that you simply cannot get real coverage for that price. Their websites lay claim to some vague set of "discounts" rather than co-pays and co-insurance, which says it all for someone who knows what to look for. They're pretty much a scam.

So yes, those few scam policies that naive people bought are "crap policies". However...

Very few people have fallen for this bullshit and bought these "policies". But what's happening here is that the Obamacare apologists are trying to pretend that these policies are the lion's share of the REAL policies having to be dropped by the REAL health insurance companies because of new regulations imposed by the ACA, and of course that's not true. I think they know that.

But as usual when it comes to trying to deal with partisan ideologues, I don't know if these people are just naive or simply parroting what MSNBC and the Huffington Post tells them without checking anything out. Either way, they are ideologically obligated to defend it somehow, and evidently they have decided that this is their best shot.

Okay, whatever.


Herein lies your problem and your ignorance: you are trying to paint 'REAL health insurance companies' as good actors in the marketplace. They are NOT. They are among the BIGGEST rip off artists. THEY are the ones fully controlled by Wall Street investors who punish any company that doesn't deny enough treatments...they operate REAL DEATH PANELS...

Judith Goss whose story is in the article had a plan offered by CIGNA.

I gave you the avenue to educate yourself. But just keep emoting...:cuckoo:

Medicare denies more treatments than any private health insurance company.

Junk health insurance
Stingy plans may be worse than none at all
Consumer Reports magazine: March 2012

It might seem to be health insurance, if you don’t look too closely, and most people don’t. The premiums are surprisingly affordable. And so millions of unemployed people, service industry workers, and those taken in by fast-talking telemarketers sign up. They may think they’re insured—until they have a medical problem and find out that their coverage is as skimpy as a hospital gown.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to usher in a new era of consumer-friendly health care. For instance, insurers are no longer allowed to put outrageously low limits on the amount they pay out for medical care in a year or lifetime.

While millions of Americans have benefited from that and other reforms, many are still prey to the kind of skimpy “junk” plans the new law was designed to eliminate. Some plans, known as mini-meds, are operated by employers and brand-name insurance companies with special dispensation from the federal government. Others, such as health discount cards and fixed benefit indemnity plans, from companies you’ve probably never heard of, are so meager that regulators don’t consider them to be health insurance at all—though that’s frequently not clear to consumers. And some of the companies operate one step ahead of the law.

Cheap Health Insurance - Consumer Reports

Just like they tried to cover up how few were enrolling, they are also trying to cover up how few of the cancelled policies were what they called junk policies.

Honestly, how can you still trust these lying assholes after this?

WTF is wrong with you??

Hundreds of thousands of BlueCross BlueShield members had their policies cancelled. Is Blue Cross selling junk policies????

Links? WHY don't you faux news parrots ever provide them?

Because we shouldn't have to.

Open your God Damned eyes and ears. It's been all over the news for a couple of weeks. It's what this stupid thread is about.

Find out for yourself instead of waiting for those lying assholes to feed you your talking-points.
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Just like they tried to cover up how few were enrolling, they are also trying to cover up how few of the cancelled policies were what they called junk policies.

Honestly, how can you still trust these lying assholes after this?

WTF is wrong with you??

Hundreds of thousands of BlueCross BlueShield members had their policies cancelled. Is Blue Cross selling junk policies????

Links? WHY don't you faux news parrots ever provide them?

Because we shouldn't have to.

Open your God Damned eyes and ears. It's been all over the news for a couple of weeks. It's what this stupid thread is about.

Find out for yourself instead of waiting for those lying assholes to feed you your talking-points.

the defective liberal gene prevents them from a logical reasoned assessment of current events.
Just like they tried to cover up how few were enrolling, they are also trying to cover up how few of the cancelled policies were what they called junk policies.

Honestly, how can you still trust these lying assholes after this?

WTF is wrong with you??

Hundreds of thousands of BlueCross BlueShield members had their policies cancelled. Is Blue Cross selling junk policies????

Links? WHY don't you faux news parrots ever provide them?

Because we shouldn't have to.

Open your God Damned eyes and ears. It's been all over the news for a couple of weeks. It's what this stupid thread is about.

Find out for yourself instead of waiting for those lying assholes to feed you your talking-points.

Translation...EPIC FAIL by mudwhistle. Rules of debate: if you quote figures, links are required.

Just keep on parroting the bullshit your tiny little pea gets filled with from right wing propaganda sources.

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush
Links? WHY don't you faux news parrots ever provide them?

Because we shouldn't have to.

Open your God Damned eyes and ears. It's been all over the news for a couple of weeks. It's what this stupid thread is about.

Find out for yourself instead of waiting for those lying assholes to feed you your talking-points.

Translation...EPIC FAIL by mudwhistle. Rules of debate: if you quote figures, links are required.

Just keep on parroting the bullshit your tiny little pea gets filled with from right wing propaganda sources.

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush

David Frum? You may as well be quoting Chuck Schumar, as if he was some kind of friend of the Republican party. Neither George Bush or David Frum resemble anything close to a conservative.
Because we shouldn't have to.

Open your God Damned eyes and ears. It's been all over the news for a couple of weeks. It's what this stupid thread is about.

Find out for yourself instead of waiting for those lying assholes to feed you your talking-points.

Translation...EPIC FAIL by mudwhistle. Rules of debate: if you quote figures, links are required.

Just keep on parroting the bullshit your tiny little pea gets filled with from right wing propaganda sources.

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush

David Frum? You may as well be quoting Chuck Schumar, as if he was some kind of friend of the Republican party. Neither George Bush or David Frum resemble anything close to a conservative.
That's because neither ARE. Both are Repubicans...that is to say Democrat lite...Liberals, Statists. Frum is NO friend to the Republic. He's a hack.
Links? WHY don't you faux news parrots ever provide them?

Because we shouldn't have to.

Open your God Damned eyes and ears. It's been all over the news for a couple of weeks. It's what this stupid thread is about.

Find out for yourself instead of waiting for those lying assholes to feed you your talking-points.

Translation...EPIC FAIL by mudwhistle. Rules of debate: if you quote figures, links are required.

Just keep on parroting the bullshit your tiny little pea gets filled with from right wing propaganda sources.

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush

I didn't quote any figures.

I simply told you what is in the news. It is the entire reason for this silly thread. The numbers are so staggering that the White House felt the need to make shit up about it. Sort of like their story about a video causing Benghazi.

Once fooled, shame on them.

Twice fooled, shame on you.
And you found...two.

And the proof that these two examples are representative of the millions of people who stand to lose the coverage that Obama said they could keep is STILL not forthcoming.

You fail. Just like always.

Well then you post those millions, one by one, with proof, and then you'll have standing to claim that posting ALL the evidence is better than posting a few representative examples.
But you don't have any proof that those are representative samples, do you?

Hint: No, you don't.

Why wouldn't they be? It's not as if that woman's situation was particularly unique. Use your head.

Junk health insurance
Stingy plans may be worse than none at all
Consumer Reports magazine: March 2012

It might seem to be health insurance, if you don’t look too closely, and most people don’t. The premiums are surprisingly affordable. And so millions of unemployed people, service industry workers, and those taken in by fast-talking telemarketers sign up. They may think they’re insured—until they have a medical problem and find out that their coverage is as skimpy as a hospital gown.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to usher in a new era of consumer-friendly health care. For instance, insurers are no longer allowed to put outrageously low limits on the amount they pay out for medical care in a year or lifetime.

While millions of Americans have benefited from that and other reforms, many are still prey to the kind of skimpy “junk” plans the new law was designed to eliminate. Some plans, known as mini-meds, are operated by employers and brand-name insurance companies with special dispensation from the federal government. Others, such as health discount cards and fixed benefit indemnity plans, from companies you’ve probably never heard of, are so meager that regulators don’t consider them to be health insurance at all—though that’s frequently not clear to consumers. And some of the companies operate one step ahead of the law.

Cheap Health Insurance - Consumer Reports

Just like they tried to cover up how few were enrolling, they are also trying to cover up how few of the cancelled policies were what they called junk policies.

Honestly, how can you still trust these lying assholes after this?

WTF is wrong with you??

Hundreds of thousands of BlueCross BlueShield members had their policies cancelled. Is Blue Cross selling junk policies????

Anyone who is transitioned from a pre-Obamacare plan to an Obamacare compliant plan that is comparable for the same price or lower has no complaint.
Then I made a mistake, and I apologize.

That's what people with integrity do.

When was the last time you apologized for being wrong, Integrity Boi?

A sincere apology is not delivered with a ration of shit included.
So...you've never apologized for being wrong.

But then, you're NEVER wrong, are you?


You really need me to dig up a post showing me acknowledging that I was factually incorrect?

Junk health insurance
Stingy plans may be worse than none at all
Consumer Reports magazine: March 2012

It might seem to be health insurance, if you don’t look too closely, and most people don’t. The premiums are surprisingly affordable. And so millions of unemployed people, service industry workers, and those taken in by fast-talking telemarketers sign up. They may think they’re insured—until they have a medical problem and find out that their coverage is as skimpy as a hospital gown.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to usher in a new era of consumer-friendly health care. For instance, insurers are no longer allowed to put outrageously low limits on the amount they pay out for medical care in a year or lifetime.

While millions of Americans have benefited from that and other reforms, many are still prey to the kind of skimpy “junk” plans the new law was designed to eliminate. Some plans, known as mini-meds, are operated by employers and brand-name insurance companies with special dispensation from the federal government. Others, such as health discount cards and fixed benefit indemnity plans, from companies you’ve probably never heard of, are so meager that regulators don’t consider them to be health insurance at all—though that’s frequently not clear to consumers. And some of the companies operate one step ahead of the law.

Cheap Health Insurance - Consumer Reports

Just like they tried to cover up how few were enrolling, they are also trying to cover up how few of the cancelled policies were what they called junk policies.

Honestly, how can you still trust these lying assholes after this?

WTF is wrong with you??

Hundreds of thousands of BlueCross BlueShield members had their policies cancelled. Is Blue Cross selling junk policies????

Anyone who is transitioned from a pre-Obamacare plan to an Obamacare compliant plan that is comparable for the same price or lower has no complaint.

Of course not.

Do you know of any??????
I'll bet none of you know that one of the reasons some insurance companies cancelled policies instead of simply modifying them to be compliant is that some STATES required that.
Just like they tried to cover up how few were enrolling, they are also trying to cover up how few of the cancelled policies were what they called junk policies.

Honestly, how can you still trust these lying assholes after this?

WTF is wrong with you??

Hundreds of thousands of BlueCross BlueShield members had their policies cancelled. Is Blue Cross selling junk policies????

Anyone who is transitioned from a pre-Obamacare plan to an Obamacare compliant plan that is comparable for the same price or lower has no complaint.

Of course not.

Do you know of any??????

Yes, but if I post one daveman will say I need to post millions, one by one.

The political calculations of this pig are pretty obvious.

Anyone who makes under 400% of the federal poverty level (so that's $44,680 for an individual and $92,200 for a family) is going to have their health insurance subsidized to some degree by Those Evil And Greedy Rich Guys.

That's a nice big voting bloc right there, and the Democrats know that those people will vote to keep having their health insurance subsidized by Those Evil And Greedy Rich Guys.

Excellent strategy, as long as you're into the Politics of Envy thing.

Anyone who is transitioned from a pre-Obamacare plan to an Obamacare compliant plan that is comparable for the same price or lower has no complaint.

Of course not.

Do you know of any??????

Yes, but if I post one daveman will say I need to post millions, one by one.

I'll settle for at least one right now. Show links to both policies and not just a general price estimate, but actual accurate quotes. You also need to show the age of the individual and income.

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