If you're a Reagan Republican and a Trump supporter ...

Things that can't be undone are Democrat social programs and international treaties.

If Trump breaks the very fragile geopolitical peace, there is no reversing the ensuing world war.

If Trump decides to send the nuclear bombs flying, there would be no reversing the ensuing nuclear annihilation.

This is a guy who knows nothing about geopolitics or the military, and openly spits on mad theory, which is something that every state ruler since Reagan has acknowledged.
The greater issue is how bripat9643 is supporting the lesser of two evils, rather than rejecting the legitimacy of the entire system and the two dipshits running to take control of it.

It is a dangerous and counterproductive attitude in my opinion.

Apparently "rejecting the legitimacy of the entire system" means allowing the worst part of it to win.
Things that can't be undone are Democrat social programs and international treaties.

If Trump breaks the very fragile geopolitical peace, there is no reversing the ensuing world war.

If Trump decides to send the nuclear bombs flying, there would be no reversing the ensuing nuclear annihilation.

This is a guy who knows nothing about geopolitics or the military, and openly spits on mad theory, which is something that every state ruler since Reagan has acknowledged.

Trump is not going to start a nuclear war. Don't be absurd. He hasn't even suggested such a thing. If anyone in this race is a war monger, it's Hillary.
Trump is not going to start a nuclear war. Don't be absurd. He hasn't even suggested such a thing.

Donald did suggest using nuclear weapons on Iran.

Trump asked three times in the same interview why the US could not use nuclear weapons in anything other than self defense.

Additional point: The mentality of this dumbass is to like anybody that likes him, and he has no self control whenever somebody slants him even slightly.

If anyone in this race is a war monger, it's Hillary.

I agree with you there.
Until we abolish the State, he wants the State to help him achieve his objectives. Makes sense, right?

It doesn't make sense to me, but I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt for the moment.

I prefer to ask questions before jumping to conclusions.

Um ... it's what he said. You didn't graduate from high school cum Magma Cum Laude, did you?
Apparently "rejecting the legitimacy of the entire system" means allowing the worst part of it to win.

The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Like I said, it is a very dangerous and counterproductive attitude.
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That you oppose "open borders" directly contradicts that you're actually an anarchist.

I don't know enough about TPP to have a view either way. I support free trade but I don't support Obama. I'd like to know what it actually says.

And Trump saying he's an anti-capitalist, anti-free trader is a bizarre way to run for people who support capitalism and free trade. Maybe he should win the election before negotiating with anyone

Trump isn't going to enshrine his so-called anti-capitalism in the Constitution as Hillary will do with her appointments to the Supreme Court. That's what you don't seem to get. Any changes Trump makes can be undone. Nothing Hillary does will be undone. Once she legalizes 30 million illegals, how will that be undone? Once she abolishes the 2nd Amendment, how will that be undone? Once she signs TPP, how will that be undone?

Give me an example of something the Republicans ever did that was undone. Bonus, give me an example of something Democrats did Republicans ever did that was undone? Either works

Reagan's tax rates. Reagan's deregulation. His defence expansion. The Smoot Hawley tariffs.

Reagan undid his tax rates. Undoing Reagan's deregulation was bad, you said bad things are undone, not good things. How was his defense expansion undone? Seems to be endlessly expanded. Smoot Hawley seems like a week example given the ebb and flow of tariffs in this country
Clinton undid Reagan's tax rates. Obviously, the military is a small shell of what it was under the Reagan administration. As for Smoot-Hawley, it proved that tariffs can obviously be undone. Yet you are claiming Republican policies can't be undone. Things that can't be undone are Democrat social programs and international treaties. When was the last time we backed out of one of those?

In context, you said bad things Republicans do can be undone, that's what I disagreed with. You weren't specific about Reagan, he raised them then lowered them. Saying good things can be undone wasn't my point, of course government undoes things like tax cuts. What I'm saying is that government oppression is never undone.

And we aren't spending enough on the military for you? Seriously? An anarchist? We need to get out of everyone's shit, then we'd be spending plenty
That's my point. That's exactly my argument I mean duh, did you read the conversation? What is wrong with you?

I just misunderstood the conversation.

My sincerest apologies.

OK, we're good. But what you chastised me for again was exactly the point I was making, bripat was arguing against it. That's why I was confused
Give me an example of something the Republicans ever did that was undone. Bonus, give me an example of something Democrats did Republicans ever did that was undone? Either works

You are making an argument against your own beliefs.

The powers of the state grow overtime. You know this to be true, and you just demonstrated it with your post.

State libertarians are naive in thinking that they can shrink the state or prevent it from expanding.


That's my point. That's exactly my argument I mean duh, did you read the conversation? What is wrong with you?

Nevertheless, you are content to allow Hillary to become president.

strawman, and a lame one
Not at all. You've said so many times.

I've said I want neither of them to be President, they both suck. You said I'm content to allow Hillary to be President, which I've never said. Stop projectile vomiting your shit. We're screwed either way. I'm "content to allow" neither of them to be President. You're saying I need to vote for one of them or I'm in favor of the other. Which is a load of crap
That aside, you aren't even supporting the one man who would actually make real changes.
I'm curious how this will come about. What magic wand would Johnson have to make Republicans or Democrats not obstruct his agenda they same way Republicans have obstructed Obama's?

:lmao: Yeah, the Democrats don't do that. What a douche. A tip, hang the bag higher ...
Trump is not going to start a nuclear war. Don't be absurd. He hasn't even suggested such a thing.

Donald did suggest using nuclear weapons on Iran.

Trump asked three times in the same interview why the US could not use nuclear weapons in anything other than self defense.

Additional point: The mentality of this dumbass is to like anybody that likes him, and he has no self control whenever somebody slants him even slightly.

If anyone in this race is a war monger, it's Hillary.

I agree with you there.

Bullshit. He asked a question. He didn't announce any policy to use nuclear weapons on Iran. If you think Hillary's mentality is any better, just look what she did to Libya and Egypt. George W. Bush is also a dumbass. He started a war that he wasn't prepared to win. George H. W. Bush is also a dumbass. So is Clinton and so is Obama. The later's foreign policy is a disaster. Trump's intention is to not get involved in foreign squabbles. I don't have a problem with that.
You are making an argument against your own beliefs.

The powers of the state grow overtime. You know this to be true, and you just demonstrated it with your post.

State libertarians are naive in thinking that they can shrink the state or prevent it from expanding.


That's my point. That's exactly my argument I mean duh, did you read the conversation? What is wrong with you?

Nevertheless, you are content to allow Hillary to become president.

strawman, and a lame one
Not at all. You've said so many times.

I've said I want neither of them to be President, they both suck. You said I'm content to allow Hillary to be President, which I've never said. Stop projectile vomiting your shit. We're screwed either way. I'm "content to allow" neither of them to be President. You're saying I need to vote for one of them or I'm in favor of the other. Which is a load of crap

We are not equally screwed either way. Trump is proposing some good things. About the only thing I dislike are his threat to impose tariffs and his plan for maternity leave. He wants to appoint good judges, cut government regulations, and cut government in general.

Clinton, on the other hand, would be a complete disaster. Our 2nd Amendment rights would be the first thing to go. Our First Amendment rights would be next. She would legalize 30 million illegal aliens and open the flood gates for more. How you imagine there is any equivalence between the two defies comprehension.
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...

There is a difference. Reagan was a liberal by today's standards.
Reagan loved America.

Reagan had a core.

Reagan was a class act.

But more importantly, Reaganites were not a bunch of Nazis.
Gary Johnson is also a global warming NUT..

Yes, Gary Johnson believes in global warming as any sane person does. However anyone who believes climate change is happening shouldn't vote for Johnson, they should vote for a candidate who isn't going to repeal what little progress we have made instead of taking a pass on this election and voting in the derp.

That's my point. That's exactly my argument I mean duh, did you read the conversation? What is wrong with you?

Nevertheless, you are content to allow Hillary to become president.

strawman, and a lame one
Not at all. You've said so many times.

I've said I want neither of them to be President, they both suck. You said I'm content to allow Hillary to be President, which I've never said. Stop projectile vomiting your shit. We're screwed either way. I'm "content to allow" neither of them to be President. You're saying I need to vote for one of them or I'm in favor of the other. Which is a load of crap

We are not equally screwed either way. Trump is proposing some good things. About the only thing I dislike are his threat to impose tariffs and his plan for maternity leave. He wants to appoint good judges, cut government regulations, and cut government in general.

Clinton, on the other hand, would be a complete disaster. Our 2nd Amendment rights would be the first thing to go. Our First Amendment rights would be next. She would legalize 30 million illegal aliens and open the flood gates for more. How you imagine there is any equivalence between the two defies comprehension.

Trump is proposing nothing that can work in reality. His wall is one example. His latest proposal is to build it 30 feet deep and 80 feet high and 2000 miles long. The engineering problem make it pretty much impossible.

If they get it built it will take many years and if Mexico's economy greatly improves Mexicans won't be coming here. The other problem with a wall is they can still get over it. The will get into this country wall or no wall. The wall won't even slow them down. Trump knows this but his supporters are not very bright and they believe it will work. The average American IQ is 100. All the dumb people support Trump.
Nevertheless, you are content to allow Hillary to become president.

strawman, and a lame one
Not at all. You've said so many times.

I've said I want neither of them to be President, they both suck. You said I'm content to allow Hillary to be President, which I've never said. Stop projectile vomiting your shit. We're screwed either way. I'm "content to allow" neither of them to be President. You're saying I need to vote for one of them or I'm in favor of the other. Which is a load of crap

We are not equally screwed either way. Trump is proposing some good things. About the only thing I dislike are his threat to impose tariffs and his plan for maternity leave. He wants to appoint good judges, cut government regulations, and cut government in general.

Clinton, on the other hand, would be a complete disaster. Our 2nd Amendment rights would be the first thing to go. Our First Amendment rights would be next. She would legalize 30 million illegal aliens and open the flood gates for more. How you imagine there is any equivalence between the two defies comprehension.

Trump is proposing nothing that can work in reality. His wall is one example. His latest proposal is to build it 30 feet deep and 80 feet high and 2000 miles long. The engineering problem make it pretty much impossible.

If they get it built it will take many years and if Mexico's economy greatly improves Mexicans won't be coming here. The other problem with a wall is they can still get over it. The will get into this country wall or no wall. The wall won't even slow them down. Trump knows this but his supporters are not very bright and they believe it will work. The average American IQ is 100. All the dumb people support Trump.

First off, Trump proposed building a 1000 mile wall. He hasn't made any statements concerning the height, so we already know you're full of shit. It's far from impossible. If the Israelis can build a 400 mile wall, there's absolutely no reason the USA can't build a 1000 mile wall.

LIke all leftwing douche bags, you're trying to claim that walls don't work. Thousands of years of experience, including much recent experience shows that they do work.

In short, you're a dumbass posting horseshit.

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