IL bans self service gas?

I just found out yesterday that there is a full service attendant at a gas station about 15 miles from home, although unfortunately in the opposite direction from the places I go, like work and shopping. However, I will now start going there for my gas, because it is worth it to have someone check the oil regularly. I have let it get so low a couple times that the mechanic said it was down 4 qts--basically no oil left in it. That's very bad for an engine, but there is not a single full service attendant for 50 miles--except the one guy I found out about yesterday. I am happy to spend a dime extra per gallon--that's still a buck forty, tops, and it's a lot less than a damaged engine.

And no, don't tell me to check my own. This car burns oil--it's a trait of the model. I usually remember to stop by the mechanic and he'll top me off.
Who cares if a state has self service or not? Makes no difference to me. If someone wants to pump my gas so be it.

Gas stations have convinced you that you want to pump your own gas

No. Gas stations offered a discount per gallon if you pumped it yourself. Most people took advantage of that.

I remember when they started using self serve in the 70s, they offered a discount of a few cents. That discount evolved into charging extra for full serve.

People spend needlessly in this country, but for some reason, gas seems to be haunting to them. When prices were higher during the Bush years, I remember some gas station would do a promotion by selling gas for 20 cents per gallon less than the going rate. People would sit in line for an hour. It cost them more to sit on idle than it would if they just went to another station and paid full price. Spending money on gasoline has always been a hangup of ours, so when self serve came out, it was very appealing to a lot of people to get gasoline for less.
I know when I was living in the city, I'd shop around for the lowest price, and when I'd filled up, I'd saved something like 30 cents and driven half way across town to get it.
My family used to run a store. I was raised in the philosophy that you give your trade to the businesses that treat you decent and fair, even if it costs a few cents more. I have no problem continuing to make that choice.
Who cares if a state has self service or not? Makes no difference to me. If someone wants to pump my gas so be it.

Gas stations have convinced you that you want to pump your own gas

No. Gas stations offered a discount per gallon if you pumped it yourself. Most people took advantage of that.

I remember when they started using self serve in the 70s, they offered a discount of a few cents. That discount evolved into charging extra for full serve.

People spend needlessly in this country, but for some reason, gas seems to be haunting to them. When prices were higher during the Bush years, I remember some gas station would do a promotion by selling gas for 20 cents per gallon less than the going rate. People would sit in line for an hour. It cost them more to sit on idle than it would if they just went to another station and paid full price. Spending money on gasoline has always been a hangup of ours, so when self serve came out, it was very appealing to a lot of people to get gasoline for less.
I never understood the obsession with the price of gas while nobody questions an increase in anything else.

I buy about 20 gallons a week. If the price goes up a dollar that is $20 extra a week.

I guess it never bothered me because I drive an economy car. My Toyota Camry gets about 32 mpg because most of my driving is highway. Because it has a 15.5 gallon tank, I fill up once every two weeks, and usually only get about 13 gallons at a time.
Back in the day, when America was great, people didn’t pump their own gas.

I worked in a gas station in 1970 part time while going to college.

I made $1.25 /hr.

Not exactly the best job in world the but helped me get through college debt free.

This stupid thing in Illinois will cause the price of gas to increase .50 cents a gallon. Dumbest thing anybody could think to do. But of course Illinois is run by Democrats and they are not exactly the best and brightest. Democrats always screw up everything they touch.

Let’s look at the numbers.
You pay an attendant $8 an hour to pump gas. Over the course of an hour he may service 25 cars at 12 gallons each. That’s 300 gallons an hour.
That’s 2.6 cents a gallon.

You think you're going to find somebody to pump gas for eight dollars an hour in the middle of winter? Then you'd be crying we can't find gas pump attendants and that's why we need more foreigners to do the job.

What you people on the left can never grasp is that wages are only part of the cost to the employer. The employer has to double their Social Security contributions, match their Medicare contributions, pay unemployment and workman's compensation insurance, provide them paid holidays and vacation.

Modern gasoline stations usually have at least a dozen pumps and often a lot more than that.

A pump man at such a facility would really have to be on-the-ball as well to tend that many customers. That's asking a lot from any employee.

They would have to hire several people. They can't be running across the parking lot all the time for other customers.
Not at all. You just make one island full service. All the rest self-serve. That's the way it has been done since self-serve came into being. The last full service attendant around here went the way of the dodo bird when he moved away and the owner couldn't find anyone else to take the job.
I think you have to pay more than minimum wage or give them free car repairs or SOMETHING. It's not an easy job.
Who cares if a state has self service or not? Makes no difference to me. If someone wants to pump my gas so be it.

Gas stations have convinced you that you want to pump your own gas

No. Gas stations offered a discount per gallon if you pumped it yourself. Most people took advantage of that.

I remember when they started using self serve in the 70s, they offered a discount of a few cents. That discount evolved into charging extra for full serve.

People spend needlessly in this country, but for some reason, gas seems to be haunting to them. When prices were higher during the Bush years, I remember some gas station would do a promotion by selling gas for 20 cents per gallon less than the going rate. People would sit in line for an hour. It cost them more to sit on idle than it would if they just went to another station and paid full price. Spending money on gasoline has always been a hangup of ours, so when self serve came out, it was very appealing to a lot of people to get gasoline for less.
I know when I was living in the city, I'd shop around for the lowest price, and when I'd filled up, I'd saved something like 30 cents and driven half way across town to get it.
My family used to run a store. I was raised in the philosophy that you give your trade to the businesses that treat you decent and fair, even if it costs a few cents more. I have no problem continuing to make that choice.

Agree. That's why I don't shop at Marc's. Their employees all have shitty attitudes. I used to do deliveries to their warehouses, and even their employees at the warehouses have a shitty attitude. I just don't deal with people like that unless I have very few choices.
I worked in a gas station in 1970 part time while going to college.

I made $1.25 /hr.

Not exactly the best job in world the but helped me get through college debt free.

This stupid thing in Illinois will cause the price of gas to increase .50 cents a gallon. Dumbest thing anybody could think to do. But of course Illinois is run by Democrats and they are not exactly the best and brightest. Democrats always screw up everything they touch.

Let’s look at the numbers.
You pay an attendant $8 an hour to pump gas. Over the course of an hour he may service 25 cars at 12 gallons each. That’s 300 gallons an hour.
That’s 2.6 cents a gallon.

You think you're going to find somebody to pump gas for eight dollars an hour in the middle of winter? Then you'd be crying we can't find gas pump attendants and that's why we need more foreigners to do the job.

What you people on the left can never grasp is that wages are only part of the cost to the employer. The employer has to double their Social Security contributions, match their Medicare contributions, pay unemployment and workman's compensation insurance, provide them paid holidays and vacation.

Modern gasoline stations usually have at least a dozen pumps and often a lot more than that.

A pump man at such a facility would really have to be on-the-ball as well to tend that many customers. That's asking a lot from any employee.

They would have to hire several people. They can't be running across the parking lot all the time for other customers.
Not at all. You just make one island full service. All the rest self-serve. That's the way it has been done since self-serve came into being. The last full service attendant around here went the way of the dodo bird when he moved away and the owner couldn't find anyone else to take the job.
I think you have to pay more than minimum wage or give them free car repairs or SOMETHING. It's not an easy job.

The problem is, nobody would go to the full service islands. That's how we became all self serve in the first place. Then you have one or several pumps that are totally useless to you and a line at the self serve pissing people off.
I just found out yesterday that there is a full service attendant at a gas station about 15 miles from home, although unfortunately in the opposite direction from the places I go, like work and shopping. However, I will now start going there for my gas, because it is worth it to have someone check the oil regularly. I have let it get so low a couple times that the mechanic said it was down 4 qts--basically no oil left in it. That's very bad for an engine, but there is not a single full service attendant for 50 miles--except the one guy I found out about yesterday. I am happy to spend a dime extra per gallon--that's still a buck forty, tops, and it's a lot less than a damaged engine.

And no, don't tell me to check my own. This car burns oil--it's a trait of the model. I usually remember to stop by the mechanic and he'll top me off.

It's very easy to check your own oil. All you need is a rag or paper towels. I'm sure You Tube has plenty of videos on it for your model of car.
With more people choosing electric cars and with the auto industry heading this way, I wondered what was the reasoning behind the bill. After a wee bit of Googling I came across this:

The synopsis for HB4571 states, “Creates the Gas Station Attendant Act. Provides that no gas may be pumped at a gas station in this State unless it is pumped by a gas station attendant employed at the gas station. Effective January 1, 2021.”

WGEM’s Illinois Capital Bureau Chief Mike Miletich spoke with Rep. Lilly Monday afternoon. She says the bill will not ban pumping your own gas.

Lilly said the bill language will be amended to give people an option when they go to gas stations.

She said customers could ask for help from an attendant or pump the gas themselves.

Lilly says she saw this idea is working in Atlanta. She says it’s especially valuable for families with small children or people with disabilities. It also could help create local jobs.

Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » It’s just a bill
I don't have anything against Rep Lilly's concern for those with small children and the disabled but there are practical solutions folks can take to help themselves without a law requiring a gas pump attendant at every location.

I live in NJ and we ban self serve

Best thing we ever did
Stupidest thing I’ve ever seen!

It’s been years since I stopped for gas in NJ because of that nonsense.
Your loss

I’ll sit in my car, you run around in the rain and cold
And when the gas attendant gets chronic lung disease from pumping gas all'll say what..........should have gotten a better job........OH WELL........

\We don't get hardly any exposure.......the gas attendants will............because they will be doing it all day.........

Do you want them to use the PROPER PPE then.....and wear Respirators all day due to long term exposure........


You demodumbass clowns sure do reach a long way to grasp at straws. LOL
I'm not a Dem.............Work in a Refinery.........for a long time...

So I repeat my question on Full Service.............Is there LONG TERM CHRONIC problems to pumping gas all day long..........

Why is that question so difficult for you...........hmmm
No there is not. There used to be at one time but now the pump nozzles have recovery caps. There isn't even a whiff of gasoline odor.

I have not seen any manned gas stations since the 80s. It has never bothered me in the slightest. All the pumping stations are covered so you are protected in the rain.

Is there any reason why this ancient labor practice is coming back?
Full Serve is awesome!

Presumably, the next law to pass will outlaw self masturbation. You will need a government approved health worker to service you...for safety sake and all....
Polishprince said:
I don't see where working the pumps at Exxon is such a "good" job.
Then Might As Well Work For Exxon For Free, Right ??
And Wal-Mart, And Lowe's....
That Call Is Only For You To Make For Yourself

Americans Need Entry Level Jobs
If They Are Unable To Raise Themselves Higher
Then They Need Those Jobs Even More
Are you on some sort of drugs?
With more people choosing electric cars and with the auto industry heading this way, I wondered what was the reasoning behind the bill. After a wee bit of Googling I came across this:

The synopsis for HB4571 states, “Creates the Gas Station Attendant Act. Provides that no gas may be pumped at a gas station in this State unless it is pumped by a gas station attendant employed at the gas station. Effective January 1, 2021.”

WGEM’s Illinois Capital Bureau Chief Mike Miletich spoke with Rep. Lilly Monday afternoon. She says the bill will not ban pumping your own gas.

Lilly said the bill language will be amended to give people an option when they go to gas stations.

She said customers could ask for help from an attendant or pump the gas themselves.

Lilly says she saw this idea is working in Atlanta. She says it’s especially valuable for families with small children or people with disabilities. It also could help create local jobs.

Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » It’s just a bill
I don't have anything against Rep Lilly's concern for those with small children and the disabled but there are practical solutions folks can take to help themselves without a law requiring a gas pump attendant at every location.

It's pure BS. They want the price of gasoline as high as they can to promote alternative energy. If there was a market for the handicapped and people with children, at least one gas station in each area would have a full service pump.
About 35 years ago I frequented Dover Township in NJ where the gas was full service by mandate and the price was roughly the same as in the south.

This was a bedroom community so its possible the taxes were lowered to enhance commuting.
Is full service still mandatory in Oregon? I visited back in like 1998 and they fucking freaked out when I tried to put gas on my rental car on my own. You would have thought I robbed the fucking place.

They must have repealed that stupid fucking law, right?
No they didn’t. It was still a thing when I was there a few years ago. Jumped out to fill up and this guy went nuts over it. Like he was the only one with a doctorate in fuel pump operation or something.
I live in NJ and we ban self serve

Best thing we ever did
Stupidest thing I’ve ever seen!

It’s been years since I stopped for gas in NJ because of that nonsense.
Your loss

I’ll sit in my car, you run around in the rain and cold

And you get to sit as you watch the marginally-sentient stoner playing on his phone for 5 minutes before he can be bothered to actually notice your arrival...then he yanks the filler flap open, gouges the quarter panel with the pump nozzle, starts the pump and walks away (he actually pumps the correct grade of gas, you hope). When it's full, he yanks out the nozzle, splattering the last quart down the side of the car, and you hand him your credit card and hope he doesn't write the number down to use later. As you leave, you hope he actually replaced the cap.
About 35 years ago I frequented Dover Township in NJ where the gas was full service by mandate and the price was roughly the same as in the south.

This was a bedroom community so its possible the taxes were lowered to enhance commuting.

I drove though NJ not too long ago. I have to admit, I miss full service. It was nice to be able to just have someone else check the oil.

It does have a make work feel to it. But, with the increasing greying of the population, and self driving cars...

I think I like the idea.

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