Illegals and the Scream that they are Hurting America.

I don't have to count personally.
Note the date and that being a year ago, one extrapolate the current number.
News provided by
Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)
25 Oct, 2022, 10:57 ET

FAIR Analysis: 5.5 Million Illegal Aliens Have Crossed our Borders Since Biden Took Office --​

Nobody is actually counting. We guess. We have no clue how many are actually here illegally.
Nobody is actually counting. We guess. We have no clue how many are actually here illegally.

More BS from the town clown #1 bozo of the boards. They count every surrender. At last report it was at 7.2 million. That does not include the stealth entry (those coming in on their own because you have Border Patrol running a daycare center).
More BS from the town clown #1 bozo of the boards. They count every surrender. At last report it was at 7.2 million. That does not include the stealth entry (those coming in on their own because you have Border Patrol running a daycare center).

You disagree with me and then agree with me in your argument. Bravo.
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I have YET to be adversely affected by an illegal, from ANY Country.

USA has jobs that the GOP white lazy ass will never do, but deem necessary by such, but bitch about losing jobs to these illegal for a job they would NEVER accept.

1). GOP/Conservatives/RWI's......are you going to pick the fields? Hell No.

2). Are you going to clean the resorts/hotels/motels that rich white Americans visit? Hell No.

Which one of you RWI posters here, that constantly bitch about illegal immigrants, has had a job stolen by one of these illegals?

My guess is ZERO/NONE.
If so, name the job you wanted but was denied.
I have no issue with tons of immigrants coming into our country, what I don't understand is illegal immigrants wanting to by-pass the rules to enter our country. It can't be that difficult, can it? I know of immigrants that cross over the border with the proper documentation to work in our country.

Why can't they do this legally and not illegally? Why do Americans support illegal activities?
Nice try loon. "They count every surrender". They can't count what they don't know about.

Which is what I said. We have no real idea how many are coming and how many are here.

There is no need to repeat what I've already said many times.
Nobody is actually counting. We guess. We have no clue how many are actually here illegally.
Actually they are counting what they can and doing reasonable estimates for the rest. May not know "exactly", but do have a fairly close, accurate gauge.

Numbers are only a lesser factor of the issue. The fact that some many thousands to millions are getting in is the major problem.
Actually they are counting what they can and doing reasonable estimates for the rest. May not know "exactly", but do have a fairly close, accurate gauge.

Numbers are only a lesser factor of the issue. The fact that some many thousands to millions are getting in is the major problem.

Quit offering them jobs.
Yeah, SURGE THE BORDER meant to stay in Mexico.
Watching you retards spin and dance is hilarious.
hey fucktard everyone crossing the border to ask for
I don't have to count personally.
Note the date and that being a year ago, one extrapolate the current number.
News provided by
Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)
25 Oct, 2022, 10:57 ET

FAIR Analysis: 5.5 Million Illegal Aliens Have Crossed our Borders Since Biden Took Office --​

Fucking lie , people who cross the bordere asking for asylum are 100% legelly here scum bag.
Not the problem ,till you come up with a solution that immigrants at our border asking for asylum is 100% legal backed by many federal laws ,international laws and two treaties that becomes law when they are signed, THe Universal Declaration of Human Rights, was signed by every country in the united nation at the time. And the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951 and 1967 supplement defines what a asylum seeker is. Once any treaty is signed by the us it becomes law, You people , you haters you xenophobes are screwed ,Nothing will every change these laws.
God these right wingers are stupid. If anyone knows of one thing that they say that is true and not a distortion let me know I would like to see at leadt one example of them having a clue what the truth is.
Are you trying to say it’s not the fault of the businesses offering illegals jobs at below minimum pay?

Of course it’s their fault.
they would quit hiring in just a matter of weeks if you threw the ceo's and a few board members in jail from 5 to 10 years, that would be the end of it, Historically it has been the right that has protected these CEO's. The hate party is the reason we have this problem. This is so simple get rid of the right wing and the illegals problem would just go away.
The right wing are this countries biggest threat and enemy and should be treated as such. Spit on them when they walk pass. They a sub human traitors.
they would quit hiring in just a matter of weeks if you threw the ceo's and a few board members in jail from 5 to 10 years, that would be the end of it, Historically it has been the right that has protected these CEO's. The hate party is the reason we have this problem. This is so simple get rid of the right wing and the illegals problem would just go away.

No, both parties protect the system that allows business hire illegals.
No, both parties protect the system that allows business hire illegals.
The strongest law to verify illegals was "E-veryfy check" That would be Bill Clinton , literally the American law that was written for immigration was Truman and the "

"E-Verify is already required for either public or private employers in 22 states, including 14 with Republican governors—though it’s been widely criticized by immigration groups and by some congressional Republicans, who argue it could weaken the agricultural industry, which relies heavily on migrant labor."

Immigration and Nationality Act"​


Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA or IIRAIRA) was a act that came out of Clinton's presidency also. Go ahead ace show us what you have.
These are the Immigration laws written and passed by Democrats, What can I say.
The strongest law to verify illegals was "E-veryfy check" That would be Bill Clinton , literally the American law that was written for immigration was Truman and the "

"E-Verify is already required for either public or private employers in 22 states, including 14 with Republican governors—though it’s been widely criticized by immigration groups and by some congressional Republicans, who argue it could weaken the agricultural industry, which relies heavily on migrant labor."

Immigration and Nationality Act"​


Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA or IIRAIRA) was a act that came out of Clinton's presidency also. Go ahead ace show us what you have.
These are the Immigration laws written and passed by Democrats, What can I say.

Neither party does much of anything to enforce or make that stronger. It's a waste of time to pass something no one is going to enforce.

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