Illinois Governor Goes Full Communist...Says Churches Cannot Open For Over A Year

DEMTARD True colors being exposed 7 months before an election....gotta love it....
Don't waste your time.
You have enough problems of your own to deal with.
Mac has gone full TDS the last few months.

He finally drank the kool aid, now up is down, right is wrong and he is always correct.

Usually you don't meet people like Mac in person. This week I did.
Usually you think a Snowflake has a look....they wear black VC type pajamas in CA, but here in TN they look like everyone else. None of them admit they're Democrats. When they live around other Progressives they wear neck scarves and cut their hair in a buzzcut like their barber was smoking crack. Purple hair and lots of tattoos and piercings.
This guy has been in our shop for just over a year. He seemed like just a quiet guy who seemed to know his job because he always talked about how much he knew, but not much else. He's one of those short scruffy looking types that pretty much keep to themselves. He's a smoker and can't make it thru a meeting without going outside to suck on a cancer stick.

Where I live there is a alot of hunting and fishing. I don't do either. However, during the lockdown, I started increasing my gun collection......and I made the mistake of mentioning it. This guy asked me why I needed so many guns. My response was that it was a combination of loving guns, but wanting to defend my home from home-invasions or government intrusions.
He was asking me why I feared either. I said it's because I pay attention to what's going on in America today. It may not be happening in every state but some states are instituting some draconian rules that makes getting plenty of ammo now a priority before the supply is cut off. Not to mention the fact that some of these governors were releasing prisoners out into the public. Where is a convict going to go during a lockdown? It's bad enough when you have a home to go to. Some of these criminals don't have anything left on the outside.
Then I mentioned WACO TX. Prime example of the government murdering people because of their religious beliefs and gun ownership. Well....this caused this little prick to go off on a tirade about how Trump hasn't released his tax returns....then he started yelling about Trump's bad business deals.
I said what does that have to do with the murder of 76 men, women, and children. says..that wasn't Clinton's fault. That was an accident.
Then I began telling him about how Clinton used bulldozers to prep the compound with liquid tear gas and then set fires all over so they were burnt out into the open.
No....those fires were caused by smoke grenades, he said.
I said, no they weren't.
Then he interrupted me and said that I wasn't there so I didn't know what really happened.
The Clintons didn't murder those people.
Then I told him I had seen what Clinton did in Mogadishu Somalia to close to 100 tribal leaders when they tried to sue for peace. He sent helicopter gunships in to butcher them.
The back and forth after that made it impossible to negotiate peace with the locals and eventually led to BlackHawk Down.
He says, so what!!
What does that matter?
I said it's a pattern that Bill and Hillary have established. The way they kill people and get away with it. It's an abuse of power. Some people are just willing to do anything to get their way.
Then he says, so what. Everyone does that.
I said, does everyone get away with murdering people?
Yeah....but Trump had some bad business deals, he says.
Then he started ranting about Trump's dad giving him all the money he's earned and what a crook he was.
I figured it was time to walk away before I ended up throat punching the little shit.

This is the mentality of some of these folks. They feel they have a right to hate Trump because CNN and MSNBC gives them what they need every day to keep it going. Nothing else matters to them.

Thursday this pipsqueak was joking about a rumor he heard that Trump's Valet had tested positive for COVID-19.
Wouldn't it be funny if Trump caught the shit.....he laughed.

It's best not to have anything to do with these sick folks....because their TDS goes beyond insanity. If they find out you like Trump, you have no redeemable value in the world....and they're liable to stab you in the back when they get a chance.
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Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
You also have right to STFU.
She's just spouting off because religion triggers her.
  • She's not rich.
  • She's not white.
  • She's not a man.
  • She thinks rich white dudes invented God.
God is a big black woman.
as long as God is a woman.
She is...

Only a woman could create such a fucked up earth..
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
You also have right to STFU.
She's just spouting off because religion triggers her.
  • She's not rich.
  • She's not white.
  • She's not a man.
  • She thinks rich white dudes invented God.
God is a big black woman.
as long as God is a woman.
She is...

Only a woman could create such a fucked up earth..

So you in essence you said God, religions and the Bible created a fucked up earth!!
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
You also have right to STFU.
She's just spouting off because religion triggers her.
  • She's not rich.
  • She's not white.
  • She's not a man.
  • She thinks rich white dudes invented God.
God is a big black woman.
as long as God is a woman.
She is...

Only a woman could create such a fucked up earth..

So you in essence you said God, religions and the Bible created a fucked up earth!!

I have been reading to much lately of the lost gospel of Judas..

In contrast, Jesus is able to teach Judas the true meaning of his life, ministry and death. Mankind can be divided into two races, or groups. Those who are furnished with the immortal soul, like Judas, can come to know the God within and enter the imperishable realm when they die. Those who belong to the same generation of the other eleven disciples cannot enter the realm of God and will die both spiritually and physically at the end of their lives. As practices that are intertwined with the physical world, animal sacrifice and a communion ceremony centered around "cannibalism" (the consumption of Jesus' flesh and blood) are condemned as abhorrent. The other Gospels say that Jesus had to die in order to atone for the sins of humanity. The author of Judas expresses the view that this sort of substitutionary justice pleases the lower gods and angels. The true God is gracious and thus does not demand any sacrifice.
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
You also have right to STFU.
She's just spouting off because religion triggers her.
  • She's not rich.
  • She's not white.
  • She's not a man.
  • She thinks rich white dudes invented God.
God is a big black woman.
as long as God is a woman.
She is...

Only a woman could create such a fucked up earth..

So you in essence you said God, religions and the Bible created a fucked up earth!!

I have been reading to much lately of the lost gospel of Judas..

In contrast, Jesus is able to teach Judas the true meaning of his life, ministry and death. Mankind can be divided into two races, or groups. Those who are furnished with the immortal soul, like Judas, can come to know the God within and enter the imperishable realm when they die. Those who belong to the same generation of the other eleven disciples cannot enter the realm of God and will die both spiritually and physically at the end of their lives. As practices that are intertwined with the physical world, animal sacrifice and a communion ceremony centered around "cannibalism" (the consumption of Jesus' flesh and blood) are condemned as abhorrent. The other Gospels say that Jesus had to die in order to atone for the sins of humanity. The author of Judas expresses the view that this sort of substitutionary justice pleases the lower gods and angels. The true God is gracious and thus does not demand any sacrifice.

So only Judas enters into the kingdom of God. That is not what the bible says.
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
You also have right to STFU.
She's just spouting off because religion triggers her.
  • She's not rich.
  • She's not white.
  • She's not a man.
  • She thinks rich white dudes invented God.
God is a big black woman.
as long as God is a woman.
She is...

Only a woman could create such a fucked up earth..

So you in essence you said God, religions and the Bible created a fucked up earth!!

I have been reading to much lately of the lost gospel of Judas..

In contrast, Jesus is able to teach Judas the true meaning of his life, ministry and death. Mankind can be divided into two races, or groups. Those who are furnished with the immortal soul, like Judas, can come to know the God within and enter the imperishable realm when they die. Those who belong to the same generation of the other eleven disciples cannot enter the realm of God and will die both spiritually and physically at the end of their lives. As practices that are intertwined with the physical world, animal sacrifice and a communion ceremony centered around "cannibalism" (the consumption of Jesus' flesh and blood) are condemned as abhorrent. The other Gospels say that Jesus had to die in order to atone for the sins of humanity. The author of Judas expresses the view that this sort of substitutionary justice pleases the lower gods and angels. The true God is gracious and thus does not demand any sacrifice.

So only Judas enters into the kingdom of God. That is not what the bible says.

It was written in 300 AD, just when the 27 books of the NT was cannonized.

Gospel of Judas not included
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
You also have right to STFU.
She's just spouting off because religion triggers her.
  • She's not rich.
  • She's not white.
  • She's not a man.
  • She thinks rich white dudes invented God.
God is a big black woman.
as long as God is a woman.
She is...

Only a woman could create such a fucked up earth..

So you in essence you said God, religions and the Bible created a fucked up earth!!

I have been reading to much lately of the lost gospel of Judas..

In contrast, Jesus is able to teach Judas the true meaning of his life, ministry and death. Mankind can be divided into two races, or groups. Those who are furnished with the immortal soul, like Judas, can come to know the God within and enter the imperishable realm when they die. Those who belong to the same generation of the other eleven disciples cannot enter the realm of God and will die both spiritually and physically at the end of their lives. As practices that are intertwined with the physical world, animal sacrifice and a communion ceremony centered around "cannibalism" (the consumption of Jesus' flesh and blood) are condemned as abhorrent. The other Gospels say that Jesus had to die in order to atone for the sins of humanity. The author of Judas expresses the view that this sort of substitutionary justice pleases the lower gods and angels. The true God is gracious and thus does not demand any sacrifice.

So only Judas enters into the kingdom of God. That is not what the bible says.

It was written in 300 AD, just when the 27 books of the NT was cannonized.

Gospel of Judas not included

I know, and I've think I've read it, although I do not remember it, You can believe whatever you want, but I'm a believer in; God is nature, and nature is the God of the world.
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.

First close to rational thing you have ever posted. We also have a right to drive and 350,000 people are killed every decade---more than the Covid will ever do.

Why do we continue to drive? Because our entire economy and life style depends on it--yet we are destroying the entire economy and our life style over a virus that mainly affects the sick and elderly---who should therefore stay home---which they mostly do anyway. The rest should go to work, to beaches, to Church.

And you and your Bolshevik Governors who hate the Constitution should go to Hell.
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
You also have right to STFU.
She's just spouting off because religion triggers her.
  • She's not rich.
  • She's not white.
  • She's not a man.
  • She thinks rich white dudes invented God.
God is a big black woman.
as long as God is a woman.
She is...

Only a woman could create such a fucked up earth..

So you in essence you said God, religions and the Bible created a fucked up earth!!

I have been reading to much lately of the lost gospel of Judas..

In contrast, Jesus is able to teach Judas the true meaning of his life, ministry and death. Mankind can be divided into two races, or groups. Those who are furnished with the immortal soul, like Judas, can come to know the God within and enter the imperishable realm when they die. Those who belong to the same generation of the other eleven disciples cannot enter the realm of God and will die both spiritually and physically at the end of their lives. As practices that are intertwined with the physical world, animal sacrifice and a communion ceremony centered around "cannibalism" (the consumption of Jesus' flesh and blood) are condemned as abhorrent. The other Gospels say that Jesus had to die in order to atone for the sins of humanity. The author of Judas expresses the view that this sort of substitutionary justice pleases the lower gods and angels. The true God is gracious and thus does not demand any sacrifice.

So only Judas enters into the kingdom of God. That is not what the bible says.

It was written in 300 AD, just when the 27 books of the NT was cannonized.

Gospel of Judas not included

I know, and I've think I've read it, although I do not remember it, You can believe whatever you want, but I'm a believer in; God is nature, and nature is the God of the world.

I am coming into agreement with you about God being a woman thou in all seriousness of the matter, to many lost gospels like also with Thomas, Peter, Mary ..
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
Thats a pretty weak excuse from a political movement that hates religion in the first place

It never ceases to astound me that you waddle in here every day and continue to put your name next to pathetic moronity like this.

Maybe this is beyond your intellect but just because you're so gullible that you'll roll over for some fascist wingnut who wraps himself in the Holey Babble and strikes political postures, and the rest of the world declines to buy that snake oil, IN NO WAY means the latter "hate religion". What it does mean is that you're easily manipulated and too stupid to figure that fact out.


Prove me wrong. Show the class how your whiny butthurt persecution complex has any validity at all.
Maybe look under that rock of "the reporter's stupidity".
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
You also have right to STFU.
She's just spouting off because religion triggers her.
  • She's not rich.
  • She's not white.
  • She's not a man.
  • She thinks rich white dudes invented God.
God is a big black woman.
as long as God is a woman.
She is...

Only a woman could create such a fucked up earth..

So you in essence you said God, religions and the Bible created a fucked up earth!!

I have been reading to much lately of the lost gospel of Judas..

In contrast, Jesus is able to teach Judas the true meaning of his life, ministry and death. Mankind can be divided into two races, or groups. Those who are furnished with the immortal soul, like Judas, can come to know the God within and enter the imperishable realm when they die. Those who belong to the same generation of the other eleven disciples cannot enter the realm of God and will die both spiritually and physically at the end of their lives. As practices that are intertwined with the physical world, animal sacrifice and a communion ceremony centered around "cannibalism" (the consumption of Jesus' flesh and blood) are condemned as abhorrent. The other Gospels say that Jesus had to die in order to atone for the sins of humanity. The author of Judas expresses the view that this sort of substitutionary justice pleases the lower gods and angels. The true God is gracious and thus does not demand any sacrifice.

So only Judas enters into the kingdom of God. That is not what the bible says.

It was written in 300 AD, just when the 27 books of the NT was cannonized.

Gospel of Judas not included

I know, and I've think I've read it, although I do not remember it, You can believe whatever you want, but I'm a believer in; God is nature, and nature is the God of the world.

I am coming into agreement with you about God being a woman thou in all seriousness of the matter, to many lost gospels like also with Thomas, Peter, Mary ..

It only makes logical sense, if one explores the possibility that "God" exists as such, why would it have gender? Gender is for sex procreation. And if it did have gender, why would it be the specific gender that by definition CANNOT give birth? And if that's the case, who is the female who makes "God" "male", since male and female are relative concepts --- can't have one without the other.

It's pretty obvious then that this dubious gender assignment was contrived --- by males --- as a power grab directed to a populace that they expected would be too dim to figure out that simple logic, and/or one that could be coerced by stuff like mob mentality expulsion, imprisonment, torture and burning at the stake.
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
You also have right to STFU.
So do you.
There is no rule that states you have to go to church to worship God.
Damn, Boomer, you finally said something I have to agree with. No one NEEDS to go to church just to worship God, pray, or practice their faith. It may limit some things they cannot do, such as Easter service or a church wedding, but you can still do these things other ways, at home, etc.
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
You also have right to STFU.
She's just spouting off because religion triggers her.
  • She's not rich.
  • She's not white.
  • She's not a man.
  • She thinks rich white dudes invented God.
God is a big black woman.
as long as God is a woman.
She is...

Only a woman could create such a fucked up earth..

So you in essence you said God, religions and the Bible created a fucked up earth!!
I don't think he was serious. Learn to recognize sarcasm.
God created the Earth.
Man created religions.
The Bible is just a historical account of the creation of man and the New Testament is a retelling of the Messiah.
FYI, God created the Earth but Lucifer dwells on it. That's why it's so screwed up.
Funny, I never hear leftists blaming Lucifer for anything.
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
You also have right to STFU.
So do you.
There is no rule that states you have to go to church to worship God.
You have a choice to go to church or not. The church is supposed to be a fellowship event...designed to encourage the faithful.
Folks like you don't like it.
That's the primary difference between Christians and Agnostics.
Christians feel you have a choice.
Agnostics can't handle the fact that churches exist.
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
You also have right to STFU.
So do you.
There is no rule that states you have to go to church to worship God.
You have a choice to go to church or not. The church is supposed to be a fellowship event...designed to encourage the faithful.
Folks like you don't like it.
That's the primary difference between Christians and Agnostics.
Christians feel you have a choice.
Agnostics can't handle the fact that churches exist.
So you’re pro choice now?
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
You also have right to STFU.
So do you.
There is no rule that states you have to go to church to worship God.
You have a choice to go to church or not. The church is supposed to be a fellowship event...designed to encourage the faithful.
Folks like you don't like it.
That's the primary difference between Christians and Agnostics.
Christians feel you have a choice.
Agnostics can't handle the fact that churches exist.
So you’re pro choice now?
WTF does abortion have to do with this discussion?

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