I’m not sure why progressive policies aren’t common sense to anyone

The specific policies do vary, but the overall goal is that no one working 40 hours a week should live in poverty. 3 people own more wealth than the bottom 50% of Americans. Doesn’t that bother republicans? 78% of workers in contrast, live paycheck to paycheck. Does anyone actually think the GOP will do anything about this?

American progressive politics have nothing to do with communism and paying everyone the same regardless of the work. It’s about strengthening the middle class and helping to alleviate poverty.

The government shutdown spotlights a bigger issue: 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck

The 3 Richest Americans Hold More Wealth Than Bottom 50% Of The Country, Study Finds
Well look at red states. 150 years of conservative policies taking care of red states and like Appalachia . And each and every one is a terrible disaster.

Republicans like to blame that on minority populations in their states. Then you look at really bad terrible disasters like Kentucky and West Virginia which are like 90 and 94% white and five of the 10 poorest counties in the country are between those two states.
That’s how terrible republican policies are.

Say what?

150 years of Democrat policy in the south, it takes time when the Republicans finally took over.

American progressive politics have nothing to do with communism and paying everyone the same regardless of the work. It’s about strengthening the middle class and helping to alleviate poverty.
"Progressive" policies always involve the state forcing people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation.
This creates a condition of state-enforces involuntary servitude.
Involuntary servitude is the antithesis of liberty.

If you cannot see why people would oppose this, you are part of the problem.
The specific policies do vary, but the overall goal is that no one working 40 hours a week should live in poverty.


3 people own more wealth than the bottom 50% of Americans.
You can prove this how and how does it have anything to do with your first sentence about 40 hour weeks?

Doesn’t that bother republicans?

You should ask them

78% of workers in contrast, live paycheck to paycheck.
You can provide proof of this statement?

Does anyone actually think the GOP will do anything about this?

You mean like educate Americans on how to operate a budget, control impulse spending, and work toward education that has value on the working world?

American progressive politics have nothing to do with communism and paying everyone the same regardless of the work.

How do you justify bringing everyone who works 40 hours down to the same level? I'm reminded of a quote which goes, "Capitalism -- Unequal wealth at the top. Socialism -- Equal poverty at the top.

It’s about strengthening the middle class and helping to alleviate poverty.

Then you should probably support removing the burdensome taxes on them and those they purchase goods from.

Your links didn't work for me.
The specific policies do vary, but the overall goal is that no one working 40 hours a week should live in poverty. 3 people own more wealth than the bottom 50% of Americans. Doesn’t that bother republicans? 78% of workers in contrast, live paycheck to paycheck. Does anyone actually think the GOP will do anything about this?

American progressive politics have nothing to do with communism and paying everyone the same regardless of the work. It’s about strengthening the middle class and helping to alleviate poverty.

The government shutdown spotlights a bigger issue: 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck

The 3 Richest Americans Hold More Wealth Than Bottom 50% Of The Country, Study Finds

LefTard Logic
“Listen here you greedy fucks...I want and need more free shit...and I demand more free shit for tens of millions of wetbacks too DAMNIT. If you hard working, self funded, positive contributing lowlifes don’t see it my way...you have no common sense.”

Do you shameless begging pukes ever stop to listen to your pathetic selves?
Republicans have the same definition for leftard and libtard:

Republicans actually believe that shoveling the wealth of the nation to the top 1% will make a better America.
Republicans believe that regulations are terrible. I suspect they even want to get rid of auto insurance and speed limits.
Every time or a republican is in power you get disasters like George Bush and Ronald Reagan.

Reagan was a great President that made us a much wealthier country. Most of the Bush years were great years economically. As for the downfall (housing crisis) we did accept responsibility. It's just that we won't accept it alone since it was Clinton that started all this minority home lending crap before Bush got into office.

And how are Republicans shoveling wealth to the 1%?
What we had was the slowest recovery since WWII. The jobs that were created were lower paying and non-skilled jobs. It's common sense that you can't expect manufacturers to open their wallets wide when you have a President raising their taxes, attacking and closing down businesses, threatening them with possible higher fuel costs, and creating expensive business regulations.
We also had the biggest recession since WWII. Why you people are lost on that logic is beyond me.

I don't buy it was the biggest recession. I was an adult and lived through both the Reagan and Obama recession. During the Reagan recession, there were not even any McDonald's jobs available. It also lasted much longer than the Obama recession.
You really should call it the Bush recession because it started under him. And you’re right. It was short. It ended in mid 2009. We were losing 100,000s of jobs per month until it started to taper off.

Call it anybody's recession you like, but the truth is that was a walk in the park compared to the Reagan recession (if you want to play that game, call it the Carter recession). I should know. As a stupid kid, I quit my job without having another in the works. There was absolutely no place to work at that time, not even McDonald's.
Okay how about this? You compare the amount of jobs lost per month between Reagan’s recession and Bush’s. It is staggering.

It has nothing to do with jobs lost. It has to do with jobs available. The difference between the two eras is that social programs pay a lot more these days than under Reagan, so people took whatever job they could get back then.

For instance my neighbor lost his job due to his employer closing. He was there many years. He sat on unemployment for two years before taking a job with his brother-in-law, a job he could have taken at anytime he was on unemployment.

But unemployment paid well enough for him not to work, so he didn't. He did do side jobs for cash now and then, but he wasn't broke.

That didn't happen years ago. Unemployment was barely enough to get by on, even if you could do that. Households that couldn't, took any job available for any amount of money they could make. So there were many less jobs available than under DumBama.

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