I’m proud of my president

I don’t always agree with his style, or even all of his substance for that matter, but one thing is clear - the man has a vision for a strong America and he has the gonads to make his dreams come to fruition. I never thought for a second he’d be this good. Lesson learned - you can’t underestimate this man. Foreign leaders and dictators must take notice. Welcome to mu Trump appreciation thread. Feel free to rep me for it


Zero Points on Style.

100 Points on RESULTS.
Oh he gets a few style points. Watching him troll the media is fucking priceless. Witnessing the aneurism it gives the hacks on the left is a never ending source of entertainment

I have to agree. His ability to titillate and entice the stupid to over-react gained him hundreds of millions of dollars in free publicity during the 2016 campaign. :) And now, he uses the occasional provocative statement or half expressed thought to trip up the dishonest media and provoke them into issuing fake news which makes them look like hateful partisans and blunts somewhat their ability to accomplish their primary goal which is to destroy him. Even some of the Fox News hosts who are not Trump supporters have fallen for that.

His unorthodox style of communication allows him to bypass the more hateful media who will not give him any kind of honest forum and go straight to the people. To some degree, Reagan had to utilize many of the same tactics when he was really under fire. It worked beautifully for both. And the more I watch this happen, the more I realize he knows exactly what he is doing at least most of the time.
Obama is a pussy wimp.

Every General from Washington to Eisenhower would have hanged him from the nearest tree for ever BOWING to a foreigner....that's never happened in the history of America before.

Not only that, they would have hanged Obama for how he pardoned Bowe Bergdahl and gave comfort and aid to many of our enemies. The Idiot Left stands here talking about the "many lies" of Trump and that "Trumpsters" have no credibility, entirely forgetting that many Trump supporters had previously been Obama voters, but they would rather forget that, not to mention that they talk of lies all the while knowing full well they stand in the shadow of not only the biggest liar of them all Obama, but the most heinous of the liars, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Liar In Chief, who never met a lie she didn't like. Compared to the Dems, Trump is an angel.
This picture tells you everything you need to know about Obama's vision for America


In defense of Obama, I'm pretty sure this photo is photoshopped. Obama was criticized for bowing to the Japanese emperor, but I personally don't fault him for that as it is the Japanese custom to bow as a matter of politeness, not submission. The closest Obama came to bowing to a Muslim--and I do believe he instinctively bowed on that occasion--was to the Saudi king. And, while breaking from protocol, I didn't see that as the big deal that his opposition made out of it.

I wish we would start evaluating all Presidents honestly on what they actually do and the results of what they do instead of the politics of hateful personal destruction that seems to be all that matters these days.

I would say Obama's track record included good and bad, but the bad probably outweighed the good.

So far Trump's track record has included good and bad, but so far the good is far outweighing the bad.
Obama is a pussy wimp.

Was that bow worth mentioning? Yes. A huge deal. No. More likely than not it reflects customs he was instructed in and observed when living in Indonesia through four of his formative years.

Little known is that the Indonesians erected a statue that I suppose is still there of the boy Obama during that time.
View attachment 192739
Statue of Ten-Year-Old Obama Erected in Indonesia

I in no way think that the polite bow to the Saudi King was anything more than an instinctive gesture of respect and Obama was not thinking about U.S. protocol at the time. Was it inappropriate? In the way most Americans look at expected protocol, yes. Something sinister or anything that makes him a 'pussy wimp'? No. Other things might contribute to that image, but that little bow to the Saudi king wasn't one of them.

Has President Trump inappropriately bowed to somebody? So far I don't believe he has. But if he did, that wouldn't be a huge deal either.

Obama is the first pussy sub beta male POTUS and bowed to a foreign leader.

Do the liberals pay you to say things like that to make the honorable opposition to Obama look really bad?

I opposed President Obama for much of his eight years on most, not all, of his agenda. And at times, when he was insufferably arrogant or out of line as I saw it, I would characterize him that way. But he was President of the United States and that office deserves at least a degree of respect.

And it certainly does when we have so much good news as a result of President Trump's agenda. That does not mean at all that he should not be criticized where criticism is due and/or that his agenda should not be scrutinized. But He is President of the United States and that office deserves at least a degree of respect.
This picture tells you everything you need to know about Obama's vision for America


In defense of Obama, I'm pretty sure this photo is photoshopped. Obama was criticized for bowing to the Japanese emperor, but I personally don't fault him for that as it is the Japanese custom to bow as a matter of politeness, not submission. The closest Obama came to bowing to a Muslim--and I do believe he instinctively bowed on that occasion--was to the Saudi king. And, while breaking from protocol, I didn't see that as the big deal that his opposition made out of it.

I wish we would start evaluating all Presidents honestly on what they actually do and the results of what they do instead of the politics of hateful personal destruction that seems to be all that matters these days.

I would say Obama's track record included good and bad, but the bad probably outweighed the good.

So far Trump's track record has included good and bad, but so far the good is far outweighing the bad.
Obama is a pussy wimp.

Was that bow worth mentioning? Yes. A huge deal. No. More likely than not it reflects customs he was instructed in and observed when living in Indonesia through four of his formative years.

Little known is that the Indonesians erected a statue that I suppose is still there of the boy Obama during that time.
View attachment 192739
Statue of Ten-Year-Old Obama Erected in Indonesia

I in no way think that the polite bow to the Saudi King was anything more than an instinctive gesture of respect and Obama was not thinking about U.S. protocol at the time. Was it inappropriate? In the way most Americans look at expected protocol, yes. Something sinister or anything that makes him a 'pussy wimp'? No. Other things might contribute to that image, but that little bow to the Saudi king wasn't one of them.

Has President Trump inappropriately bowed to somebody? So far I don't believe he has. But if he did, that wouldn't be a huge deal either.

Obama is the first pussy sub beta male POTUS and bowed to a foreign leader.

Do the liberals pay you to say things like that to make the honorable opposition to Obama look really bad?

I opposed President Obama for much of his eight years on most, not all, of his agenda. And at times, when he was insufferably arrogant or out of line as I saw it, I would characterize him that way. But he was President of the United States and that office deserves at least a degree of respect.

And it certainly does when we have so much good news as a result of President Trump's agenda. That does not mean at all that he should not be criticized where criticism is due and/or that his agenda should not be scrutinized. But He is President of the United States and that office deserves at least a degree of respect.

That’s because you respect and love this nation, the left do not.
In defense of Obama, I'm pretty sure this photo is photoshopped. Obama was criticized for bowing to the Japanese emperor, but I personally don't fault him for that as it is the Japanese custom to bow as a matter of politeness, not submission. The closest Obama came to bowing to a Muslim--and I do believe he instinctively bowed on that occasion--was to the Saudi king. And, while breaking from protocol, I didn't see that as the big deal that his opposition made out of it.

I wish we would start evaluating all Presidents honestly on what they actually do and the results of what they do instead of the politics of hateful personal destruction that seems to be all that matters these days.

I would say Obama's track record included good and bad, but the bad probably outweighed the good.

So far Trump's track record has included good and bad, but so far the good is far outweighing the bad.
Obama is a pussy wimp.

Was that bow worth mentioning? Yes. A huge deal. No. More likely than not it reflects customs he was instructed in and observed when living in Indonesia through four of his formative years.

Little known is that the Indonesians erected a statue that I suppose is still there of the boy Obama during that time.
View attachment 192739
Statue of Ten-Year-Old Obama Erected in Indonesia

I in no way think that the polite bow to the Saudi King was anything more than an instinctive gesture of respect and Obama was not thinking about U.S. protocol at the time. Was it inappropriate? In the way most Americans look at expected protocol, yes. Something sinister or anything that makes him a 'pussy wimp'? No. Other things might contribute to that image, but that little bow to the Saudi king wasn't one of them.

Has President Trump inappropriately bowed to somebody? So far I don't believe he has. But if he did, that wouldn't be a huge deal either.

Obama is the first pussy sub beta male POTUS and bowed to a foreign leader.

Do the liberals pay you to say things like that to make the honorable opposition to Obama look really bad?

I opposed President Obama for much of his eight years on most, not all, of his agenda. And at times, when he was insufferably arrogant or out of line as I saw it, I would characterize him that way. But he was President of the United States and that office deserves at least a degree of respect.

And it certainly does when we have so much good news as a result of President Trump's agenda. That does not mean at all that he should not be criticized where criticism is due and/or that his agenda should not be scrutinized. But He is President of the United States and that office deserves at least a degree of respect.

That’s because you respect and love this nation, the left do not.

Well thanks. I do respect and love this nation, especially the democratic and peaceful transfer of power that we have enjoyed for most of 229 years. And because I do, I object to malicious, mean spirited, and hateful slurs directed toward the President or anybody else lawfully elected or appointed no matter who that person is.
This picture tells you everything you need to know about Obama's vision for America


In defense of Obama, I'm pretty sure this photo is photoshopped. Obama was criticized for bowing to the Japanese emperor, but I personally don't fault him for that as it is the Japanese custom to bow as a matter of politeness, not submission. The closest Obama came to bowing to a Muslim--and I do believe he instinctively bowed on that occasion--was to the Saudi king. And, while breaking from protocol, I didn't see that as the big deal that his opposition made out of it.

I wish we would start evaluating all Presidents honestly on what they actually do and the results of what they do instead of the politics of hateful personal destruction that seems to be all that matters these days.

I would say Obama's track record included good and bad, but the bad probably outweighed the good.

So far Trump's track record has included good and bad, but so far the good is far outweighing the bad.
Obama is a pussy wimp.

Was that bow worth mentioning? Yes. A huge deal. No. More likely than not it reflects customs he was instructed in and observed when living in Indonesia through four of his formative years.

Little known is that the Indonesians erected a statue that I suppose is still there of the boy Obama during that time.
View attachment 192739
Statue of Ten-Year-Old Obama Erected in Indonesia

I in no way think that the polite bow to the Saudi King was anything more than an instinctive gesture of respect and Obama was not thinking about U.S. protocol at the time. Was it inappropriate? In the way most Americans look at expected protocol, yes. Something sinister or anything that makes him a 'pussy wimp'? No. Other things might contribute to that image, but that little bow to the Saudi king wasn't one of them.

Has President Trump inappropriately bowed to somebody? So far I don't believe he has. But if he did, that wouldn't be a huge deal either.

Obama is the first pussy sub beta male POTUS and bowed to a foreign leader.

Do the liberals pay you to say things like that to make the honorable opposition to Obama look really bad?

I opposed President Obama for much of his eight years on most, not all, of his agenda. And at times, when he was insufferably arrogant or out of line as I saw it, I would characterize him that way. But he was President of the United States and that office deserves at least a degree of respect.

And it certainly does when we have so much good news as a result of President Trump's agenda. That does not mean at all that he should not be criticized where criticism is due and/or that his agenda should not be scrutinized. But He is President of the United States and that office deserves at least a degree of respect.

I can't think of one thing that Obama did that deserves any respect.

He was never qualified to be President and he was elected for the wrong reason by idiots that had the wrong agenda for this country.
trump deserves no respect whatsoever. He's just an arrogant trashy whore out to destroy our nation. He doesn't deserve to be in the Oval Office or even clean its bathroom.
In defense of Obama, I'm pretty sure this photo is photoshopped. Obama was criticized for bowing to the Japanese emperor, but I personally don't fault him for that as it is the Japanese custom to bow as a matter of politeness, not submission. The closest Obama came to bowing to a Muslim--and I do believe he instinctively bowed on that occasion--was to the Saudi king. And, while breaking from protocol, I didn't see that as the big deal that his opposition made out of it.

I wish we would start evaluating all Presidents honestly on what they actually do and the results of what they do instead of the politics of hateful personal destruction that seems to be all that matters these days.

I would say Obama's track record included good and bad, but the bad probably outweighed the good.

So far Trump's track record has included good and bad, but so far the good is far outweighing the bad.
Obama is a pussy wimp.

Was that bow worth mentioning? Yes. A huge deal. No. More likely than not it reflects customs he was instructed in and observed when living in Indonesia through four of his formative years.

Little known is that the Indonesians erected a statue that I suppose is still there of the boy Obama during that time.
View attachment 192739
Statue of Ten-Year-Old Obama Erected in Indonesia

I in no way think that the polite bow to the Saudi King was anything more than an instinctive gesture of respect and Obama was not thinking about U.S. protocol at the time. Was it inappropriate? In the way most Americans look at expected protocol, yes. Something sinister or anything that makes him a 'pussy wimp'? No. Other things might contribute to that image, but that little bow to the Saudi king wasn't one of them.

Has President Trump inappropriately bowed to somebody? So far I don't believe he has. But if he did, that wouldn't be a huge deal either.

Obama is the first pussy sub beta male POTUS and bowed to a foreign leader.

Do the liberals pay you to say things like that to make the honorable opposition to Obama look really bad?

I opposed President Obama for much of his eight years on most, not all, of his agenda. And at times, when he was insufferably arrogant or out of line as I saw it, I would characterize him that way. But he was President of the United States and that office deserves at least a degree of respect.

And it certainly does when we have so much good news as a result of President Trump's agenda. That does not mean at all that he should not be criticized where criticism is due and/or that his agenda should not be scrutinized. But He is President of the United States and that office deserves at least a degree of respect.

I can't think of one thing that Obama did that deserves any respect.

He was never qualified to be President and he was elected for the wrong reason by idiots that had the wrong agenda for this country.

Yeah. He has no redeeming qualities. You are absolutely correct.
I love a lot of what Trump is doing as well BUT-"and there is always a but" IF he doesnt at least TRY and get rid of the CIA,IRS,the FBI,and the FED and all these other corrupt three letter alphabet government institutions like our last great president Kennedy was trying to do as well,then as far as I am concerned Hitlery might just as well have been elected.He's got a little over two years to do so and i will give him that chance to do it.If he doesnt,time for him to go.

Thats a tall task but it is fucking DECADES overdue.:mad:
I don’t always agree with his style, or even all of his substance for that matter, but one thing is clear - the man has a vision for a strong America and he has the gonads to make his dreams come to fruition. I never thought for a second he’d be this good. Lesson learned - you can’t underestimate this man. Foreign leaders and dictators must take notice. Welcome to mu Trump appreciation thread. Feel free to rep me for it

I don’t always agree with his style, or even all of his substance for that matter, but one thing is clear - the man has a vision for a strong America and he has the gonads to make his dreams come to fruition. I never thought for a second he’d be this good. Lesson learned - you can’t underestimate this man. Foreign leaders and dictators must take notice. Welcome to mu Trump appreciation thread. Feel free to rep me for it

View attachment 192765

I would expect nothing less than one of our government paid shills that troll here everyday.^
In defense of Obama, I'm pretty sure this photo is photoshopped. Obama was criticized for bowing to the Japanese emperor, but I personally don't fault him for that as it is the Japanese custom to bow as a matter of politeness, not submission. The closest Obama came to bowing to a Muslim--and I do believe he instinctively bowed on that occasion--was to the Saudi king. And, while breaking from protocol, I didn't see that as the big deal that his opposition made out of it.

I wish we would start evaluating all Presidents honestly on what they actually do and the results of what they do instead of the politics of hateful personal destruction that seems to be all that matters these days.

I would say Obama's track record included good and bad, but the bad probably outweighed the good.

So far Trump's track record has included good and bad, but so far the good is far outweighing the bad.
Obama is a pussy wimp.

Was that bow worth mentioning? Yes. A huge deal. No. More likely than not it reflects customs he was instructed in and observed when living in Indonesia through four of his formative years.

Little known is that the Indonesians erected a statue that I suppose is still there of the boy Obama during that time.
View attachment 192739
Statue of Ten-Year-Old Obama Erected in Indonesia

I in no way think that the polite bow to the Saudi King was anything more than an instinctive gesture of respect and Obama was not thinking about U.S. protocol at the time. Was it inappropriate? In the way most Americans look at expected protocol, yes. Something sinister or anything that makes him a 'pussy wimp'? No. Other things might contribute to that image, but that little bow to the Saudi king wasn't one of them.

Has President Trump inappropriately bowed to somebody? So far I don't believe he has. But if he did, that wouldn't be a huge deal either.

Obama is the first pussy sub beta male POTUS and bowed to a foreign leader.

Do the liberals pay you to say things like that to make the honorable opposition to Obama look really bad?

I opposed President Obama for much of his eight years on most, not all, of his agenda. And at times, when he was insufferably arrogant or out of line as I saw it, I would characterize him that way. But he was President of the United States and that office deserves at least a degree of respect.

And it certainly does when we have so much good news as a result of President Trump's agenda. That does not mean at all that he should not be criticized where criticism is due and/or that his agenda should not be scrutinized. But He is President of the United States and that office deserves at least a degree of respect.

I can't think of one thing that Obama did that deserves any respect.

He was never qualified to be President and he was elected for the wrong reason by idiots that had the wrong agenda for this country.

I can think of a lot of things for which President Obama deserves respect. Being wrong does not deserve disrespect. Exercising his point of view or ideology does not deserve disrespect. We do not have to and should not be expected to agree with what is wrong, bad, and ill advised, but as honorable Americans we should respect the office of the President of the United States who was lawfully elected and properly sworn into the office.

He was properly reprimanded when the American people chose not to elect somebody very much like him and instead elected somebody his ideological and political opposite. That is the way honorable Americans deal with unacceptable government.

He was terribly wrong to lie to us about many things that affected us personally and/or involve important ethics, and we are more than justified in calling him out on each and every one. Nobody should be able to do that to the American public with impunity. But even that is not justification to disrespect the office and honorable Americans should not. Barack Obama was President of the United States--all of the United States even when he made it clear to me he didn't intend to be my President--and is therefore entitled to the respect that office entitles him.
I don’t always agree with his style, or even all of his substance for that matter, but one thing is clear - the man has a vision for a strong America and he has the gonads to make his dreams come to fruition. I never thought for a second he’d be this good. Lesson learned - you can’t underestimate this man. Foreign leaders and dictators must take notice. Welcome to mu Trump appreciation thread. Feel free to rep me for it

View attachment 192765

I would expect nothing less than one of our government paid shills that troll here everyday.^


You need the secret decoder ring to figure it out. And we're all out.
Obama is a pussy wimp.

Was that bow worth mentioning? Yes. A huge deal. No. More likely than not it reflects customs he was instructed in and observed when living in Indonesia through four of his formative years.

Little known is that the Indonesians erected a statue that I suppose is still there of the boy Obama during that time.
View attachment 192739
Statue of Ten-Year-Old Obama Erected in Indonesia

I in no way think that the polite bow to the Saudi King was anything more than an instinctive gesture of respect and Obama was not thinking about U.S. protocol at the time. Was it inappropriate? In the way most Americans look at expected protocol, yes. Something sinister or anything that makes him a 'pussy wimp'? No. Other things might contribute to that image, but that little bow to the Saudi king wasn't one of them.

Has President Trump inappropriately bowed to somebody? So far I don't believe he has. But if he did, that wouldn't be a huge deal either.

Obama is the first pussy sub beta male POTUS and bowed to a foreign leader.

Do the liberals pay you to say things like that to make the honorable opposition to Obama look really bad?

I opposed President Obama for much of his eight years on most, not all, of his agenda. And at times, when he was insufferably arrogant or out of line as I saw it, I would characterize him that way. But he was President of the United States and that office deserves at least a degree of respect.

And it certainly does when we have so much good news as a result of President Trump's agenda. That does not mean at all that he should not be criticized where criticism is due and/or that his agenda should not be scrutinized. But He is President of the United States and that office deserves at least a degree of respect.

I can't think of one thing that Obama did that deserves any respect.

He was never qualified to be President and he was elected for the wrong reason by idiots that had the wrong agenda for this country.

I can think of a lot of things for which President Obama deserves respect. Being wrong does not deserve disrespect. Exercising his point of view or ideology does not deserve disrespect. We do not have to and should not be expected to agree with what is wrong, bad, and ill advised, but as honorable Americans we should respect the office of the President of the United States who was lawfully elected and properly sworn into the office.

He was properly reprimanded when the American people chose not to elect somebody very much like him and instead elected somebody his ideological and political opposite. That is the way honorable Americans deal with unacceptable government.

He was terribly wrong to lie to us about many things that affected us personally and/or involve important ethics, and we are more than justified in calling him out on each and every one. Nobody should be able to do that to the American public with impunity. But even that is not justification to disrespect the office and honorable Americans should not. Barack Obama was President of the United States--all of the United States even when he made it clear to me he didn't intend to be my President--and is therefore entitled to the respect that office entitles him.

As long as Trump keeps doing and saying things that make liberals go apeshit, I'm behind him 100%. I love nothing more than liberal tears.

as long as Trump keeps giving the investigation all the ammo Mueller needs to throw his sorry fat ass out of Washington I'm behind him 1000%.
3,000 documented certified lies in 16 months.

You gotta laugh hard at these guys how they try to twist the facts! Certified by WHO? The people who want Trump out of office? Meantime, they never qualify that just one of Obama's lies to the nation, like who we can keep as a doctor or how much we will save with Obummacare, did more actual HARM to our nation than thousands of Trump's little white fibs.

And they never EVER will tell you the BIGGEST reason why they REALLY hate Trump! Because he is a


The main reason they hate Trump is because he beat Hillary. They knew she was an intolerable person with no actual game plan other than maintaining the miserable status quo, but she had the right letter after her name and that is all that matters to them. Therefore since they couldn't beat him at the ballot box, they must destroy him using any means necessary, legal or illegal, ethical, or rotten ethics to the core. It doesn't matter. He must not be allowed to preside.

So far he has demonstrated strength like nobody I have ever seen. Anybody with any integrity has to admire how he keeps his composure and stands up against an onslaught of hateful hate and personal attacks from media, social media, message boards, and any other means of communications that I have never seen launched against ANY President. He gets maybe 10 to 30 seconds coverage of anything good that happens, if that, and hours/days of coverage of anything they can find or make up to criticize him on or accuse him of. He is one tough cookie. Honorable people have to admire that.

But yeah, he is no partisan, no ordinary politician, no ideologue, and he refuses to do things in any particular way just because they have always been done that way, most especially when the results have not been there doing it the old way. And he tells it like he sees it without first being poll tested and scripted as his predecessors mostly were.

Do I like everything about this man? No way. Who would? Do I agree with him on every point? Nope, I can't do that either. But can I admire what he offers the U.S.A. and respect him as an honorable and effective President of the United States who is doing some very good things? You bet I can.


As President of the United States pretty much impeccably honorable.


The same guy who muscles himself to the front of the photo op?
The same guy who cusses out foreign heads of state?
The same guy who fired a quarter of his cabinet?

The conservative standards for honorable behavior are at an all time low.

I recall when Obama took some pictures at a funeral and they were going ape shit crazy. God forbid Trump not wear a lapel pin...
You gotta laugh hard at these guys how they try to twist the facts! Certified by WHO? The people who want Trump out of office? Meantime, they never qualify that just one of Obama's lies to the nation, like who we can keep as a doctor or how much we will save with Obummacare, did more actual HARM to our nation than thousands of Trump's little white fibs.

And they never EVER will tell you the BIGGEST reason why they REALLY hate Trump! Because he is a


The main reason they hate Trump is because he beat Hillary. They knew she was an intolerable person with no actual game plan other than maintaining the miserable status quo, but she had the right letter after her name and that is all that matters to them. Therefore since they couldn't beat him at the ballot box, they must destroy him using any means necessary, legal or illegal, ethical, or rotten ethics to the core. It doesn't matter. He must not be allowed to preside.

So far he has demonstrated strength like nobody I have ever seen. Anybody with any integrity has to admire how he keeps his composure and stands up against an onslaught of hateful hate and personal attacks from media, social media, message boards, and any other means of communications that I have never seen launched against ANY President. He gets maybe 10 to 30 seconds coverage of anything good that happens, if that, and hours/days of coverage of anything they can find or make up to criticize him on or accuse him of. He is one tough cookie. Honorable people have to admire that.

But yeah, he is no partisan, no ordinary politician, no ideologue, and he refuses to do things in any particular way just because they have always been done that way, most especially when the results have not been there doing it the old way. And he tells it like he sees it without first being poll tested and scripted as his predecessors mostly were.

Do I like everything about this man? No way. Who would? Do I agree with him on every point? Nope, I can't do that either. But can I admire what he offers the U.S.A. and respect him as an honorable and effective President of the United States who is doing some very good things? You bet I can.


As President of the United States pretty much impeccably honorable.


The same guy who muscles himself to the front of the photo op?
The same guy who cusses out foreign heads of state?
The same guy who fired a quarter of his cabinet?

The conservative standards for honorable behavior are at an all time low.

I recall when Obama took some pictures at a funeral and they were going ape shit crazy. God forbid Trump not wear a lapel pin...

Some look for the most insignificant flaws in a person and make huge mountains out of any molehill and seek to destroy the one they hate based on those imperfections. And they justify that because there were tsome who criticized the Democrat.

Some of us are not into whataboutism. We love our country and support a vision and agenda and the person who is doing his best to achieve it.

Good night.
The main reason they hate Trump is because he beat Hillary. They knew she was an intolerable person with no actual game plan other than maintaining the miserable status quo, but she had the right letter after her name and that is all that matters to them. Therefore since they couldn't beat him at the ballot box, they must destroy him using any means necessary, legal or illegal, ethical, or rotten ethics to the core. It doesn't matter. He must not be allowed to preside.

So far he has demonstrated strength like nobody I have ever seen. Anybody with any integrity has to admire how he keeps his composure and stands up against an onslaught of hateful hate and personal attacks from media, social media, message boards, and any other means of communications that I have never seen launched against ANY President. He gets maybe 10 to 30 seconds coverage of anything good that happens, if that, and hours/days of coverage of anything they can find or make up to criticize him on or accuse him of. He is one tough cookie. Honorable people have to admire that.

But yeah, he is no partisan, no ordinary politician, no ideologue, and he refuses to do things in any particular way just because they have always been done that way, most especially when the results have not been there doing it the old way. And he tells it like he sees it without first being poll tested and scripted as his predecessors mostly were.

Do I like everything about this man? No way. Who would? Do I agree with him on every point? Nope, I can't do that either. But can I admire what he offers the U.S.A. and respect him as an honorable and effective President of the United States who is doing some very good things? You bet I can.


As President of the United States pretty much impeccably honorable.


The same guy who muscles himself to the front of the photo op?
The same guy who cusses out foreign heads of state?
The same guy who fired a quarter of his cabinet?

The conservative standards for honorable behavior are at an all time low.

I recall when Obama took some pictures at a funeral and they were going ape shit crazy. God forbid Trump not wear a lapel pin...

Some look for the most insignificant flaws in a person and make huge mountains out of any molehill and seek to destroy the one they hate based on those imperfections. And they justify that because there were tsome who criticized the Democrat.

Some of us are not into whataboutism. We love our country and support a vision and agenda and the person who is doing his best to achieve it.

Good night.

Careful, it sounds like you have blood coming out of your whatever...

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