Im ready to curb gun murders. Lets work together

tn if people are pushed into ghettos with no hope you produce violence and yes i think with better opportunities and education, jobs and some security do realize that gangs provide services ....and that is how they win young people a gang you can make money you have someone to back you have a warm place at night....we look at things from a very privileged white attitude many of us know the true desperation that comes from having nothing and knowing the next day wont be any many nights has one or the other gone to bed hungry or done without? what if you watched them hungry night after night? what would you be driven too and i swear if you say moms house i will kill you lol

you need to find a way to make gangs less cool, and less profitable.
tn if people are pushed into ghettos with no hope you produce violence and yes i think with better opportunities and education, jobs and some security do realize that gangs provide services ....and that is how they win young people a gang you can make money you have someone to back you have a warm place at night....we look at things from a very privileged white attitude many of us know the true desperation that comes from having nothing and knowing the next day wont be any many nights has one or the other gone to bed hungry or done without? what if you watched them hungry night after night? what would you be driven too and i swear if you say moms house i will kill you lol

you need to find a way to make gangs less cool, and less profitable.

Infiltrate them and use the RICO act on EVERYONE.

Deport every single gang member that can be deported, whether convicted of a crime or not.
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

You are "ready to work on a solution" but don't want to hear anything about ANY gun regulation, no matter how common sense?

How about - GET LOST.
Lol, im trying to find solutions to our problem without infringing on other peoples rights. Do you have a solution to suicide or gang violence by gun that wont interfere with my life, as I am a law abiding citizen?

People do not have a right to free-for-all firearm acquisition.
Umm can you reply to what I said? Lol
Face it, no one is pushing poor people into inner city ghettos.

They choose not to work, prefer to live rent paid Section 8 housing and receive free food thru the EBT system. Also health care is free. Why would they want a job.?

Easier to set around all day smoking weed and listen to rap music. While complaining about the racist government keeping them down. ... :cuckoo:
tn if people are pushed into ghettos with no hope you produce violence and yes i think with better opportunities and education, jobs and some security do realize that gangs provide services ....and that is how they win young people a gang you can make money you have someone to back you have a warm place at night....we look at things from a very privileged white attitude many of us know the true desperation that comes from having nothing and knowing the next day wont be any many nights has one or the other gone to bed hungry or done without? what if you watched them hungry night after night? what would you be driven too and i swear if you say moms house i will kill you lol

you need to find a way to make gangs less cool, and less profitable.

Infiltrate them and use the RICO act on EVERYONE.

Deport every single gang member that can be deported, whether convicted of a crime or not.


to where?

No place would want, or take them.

(How much longer is the halfllife on Bikini?)
Because being killed with a knife is better?
Because the thread is about firearms homicides. Perhaps that will sink in to your consciousness after a few repetitions.
you are a loon.

That reminds me. We need to be more ready to institutionalize people who are mentally unstable to the point of being a danger to themselves and others.

MOst homeless should be in loony bins.
How do we ban illegal guns?
I imagine illegal guns are already banned. Legislate an effective ban of handguns and military style semi-automatics, then buy them back, then confiscate them whenever they're seen.
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

You are "ready to work on a solution" but don't want to hear anything about ANY gun regulation, no matter how common sense?

How about - GET LOST.
Let's just proclaim the problem solved and believe it.

You know? Like Obama proclaiming he reduced HC premiums $2,500, or we got all of Assad's chemical weapons, or we saved or created 150k jobs, or he will cut the deficit in half by end of first term, or the fence along Mexican border was nearly complete, or abortions would not be publicly funded under Obamacare, or being the best friend Israel ever had, or claiming oil production is highest ever, or..............

It worked for Obama...thanks to a lapdog press and lots of dumb Americans.
tn if people are pushed into ghettos with no hope you produce violence and yes i think with better opportunities and education, jobs and some security do realize that gangs provide services ....and that is how they win young people a gang you can make money you have someone to back you have a warm place at night....we look at things from a very privileged white attitude many of us know the true desperation that comes from having nothing and knowing the next day wont be any many nights has one or the other gone to bed hungry or done without? what if you watched them hungry night after night? what would you be driven too and i swear if you say moms house i will kill you lol

you need to find a way to make gangs less cool, and less profitable.

Infiltrate them and use the RICO act on EVERYONE.

Deport every single gang member that can be deported, whether convicted of a crime or not.


to where?

No place would want, or take them.

(How much longer is the halfllife on Bikini?)

Woe to a nation that won't take back their own citizens.

Then they are stateless people. Tag them with trackers and let them know that being caught in the us is a felony. Build a "refugee camp" on the border with Mexico, and don't patrol the wall with Mexico.
Face it, no one is pushing poor people into inner city ghettos.

They choose not to work, prefer to live rent paid Section 8 housing and receive free food thru the EBT system. Also health care is free. Why would they want a job.?

Easier to set around all day smoking weed and listen to rap music. While complaining about the racist government keeping them down. ... :cuckoo:
We might have had something to do with it decades ago. But not anymore. Our federal govt and state govts have made discriminating legislation in their favor to better themselves and you still have nothing... What else can you do besides literally wipe their ass?
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

You are "ready to work on a solution" but don't want to hear anything about ANY gun regulation, no matter how common sense?

How about - GET LOST.
Lol, im trying to find solutions to our problem without infringing on other peoples rights. Do you have a solution to suicide or gang violence by gun that wont interfere with my life, as I am a law abiding citizen?

People do not have a right to free-for-all firearm acquisition.
Umm can you reply to what I said? Lol

I did. DUH?

You said "without infringing on other people rights"

And I said that no rights are being infringed on with gun regulations.
Because being killed with a knife is better?
Because the thread is about firearms homicides. Perhaps that will sink in to your consciousness after a few repetitions.
you are a loon.

That reminds me. We need to be more ready to institutionalize people who are mentally unstable to the point of being a danger to themselves and others.

MOst homeless should be in loony bins.
unstable people are a problem but I think the solution is so complex, we aren't ready to do it.

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