I'm voting for the black guy

No, not the half black guys the Demonrats like to run, but a REAL black man who scares all the leftie tards.

Dems in Michigan, show us youre no longer the party of the KKK and vote for John James.

"Fucking John James..... That would SUCK!"

I wish I lived in Michigan to vote for him, but I did vote for Blackburn in TN.

And if I lived in Tennessee, I'd vote for Breidenson (or whatever his name is).

yeah it didn't take long. I looked for a non trump post and found this one from 2016

DGS, your belief that the political party of the Governor is the determining factor in the outrage is off mark. While I have always believed the switch was an innocent error, as in all things, it is the coverup that is the outrage. And your implication that Granholm would have escaped blame under the same circumstances is wrong, especially when lives and futures are at stake. But I think I know the source of your contention. It is that the Democrats in DC are holding a hearing even as we post that Republicans have refused to attend, or even acknowledge as far as I can tell. And I believe that the minority party cannot bring an investigation before Congress, so they go off in a corner and have their own unofficial hearing, same as after the Sago mine disaster. So that makes it look political and we all go to our corners to wait for the next Pavlovian bell. I think you are not wrong to point out the political opportunism of this event, neither side is above that. But I do not believe Gov. Snyder doesn't care, nor do I think a Democrat would escape blame under the same circumstances.

friend, this post confuses me. Am I having an alzheimers moment? I can't seem to connect the dots between the old post and the current subject.

I posted it, because a lot of lefties, try to say they were republicans....when they weren't....You can tell by their positions on issues....it's very easy to smoke them out...

Ah, now I understand. Thanks. However, I'm pretty sure you haven't heard some of the lifelong Republicans I've heard lately who are making public pleas for everyone to vote Democrat this election. The most recent was Sullenberger and he was most articulate.
Ah, now I understand. Thanks. However, I'm pretty sure you haven't heard some of the lifelong Republicans I've heard lately who are making public pleas for everyone to vote Democrat this election. The most recent was Sullenberger and he was most articulate
What the hell kind of insanity is that?!
Ah, now I understand. Thanks. However, I'm pretty sure you haven't heard some of the lifelong Republicans I've heard lately who are making public pleas for everyone to vote Democrat this election. The most recent was Sullenberger and he was most articulate
What the hell kind of insanity is that?!
Death Angel, this video says it can't play because of ad blocker, but if you wait a few seconds..it WILL play. In addition there is George Will, Bill Chrystal, Colin Powell and a plethora of old guard Republicans. You will not agree of course, and I only show you as documentation, but I respectfully as that you listen to Sully ...before you spit at your screen.

Watch Capt. Sullenberger: Vote against Republican control Free Online - The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell Excerpt

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