I'm Wanting To Home School My Future Children More and More Every Day

Maybe the reason he wasn't charged is that the media favors sex with children and our law enforcement and judges are corrupt and also fine with it. The new American leftist standards.
How can you claim law enforcement and judges are all corrupt because one guy wasn't charged with something you feel he should be charged with??

But whine like a bitch when someone else talks about the need for police reform, judicial reform, etc
Especially when they have perverts like this working for the school board and they don't wind up getting charged with anything. I'm not saying whether or not I live around here, but this still really pisses me off. :mad:

Lemme guess he wanted to discuss is alternative lifestyle as a pedo dem? Yes?
The majority of homeschooling parents seek outside sources when they are unqualified to meet their child's needs. 40 years ago these sources were thin on the ground. Now? Plentiful.

Homeschooling is a viable and increasingly popular option that the Left has only made MORE popular.
Homeschooled children consistently outperform publicly school children academically in all areas.

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