Impolite To Ask Why Republicans Are Mute Regarding Obama's Picks?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
What's with this? Geithner with taxes. Holder with FALN and other pardons. Panetta with rendition. Nary a peep.
I don't know enough about any of them to say anything, but I'd be interested to hear what both sides think of them.
What's with this? Geithner with taxes. Holder with FALN and other pardons. Panetta with rendition. Nary a peep.

Because they are too busy on trying to say that Obama is an illegal?

Because they are too busy wallowing over the last election?

Because they are too busy watching Nailin Paylin?

Because they are too busy thinking ahead to 2012?

Because they are too busy praying that Obama will be struck down or do horrible as President to prove to America that Republicans are always right?

Because they are too busy crying about Obama's ideas while offering none of their own?

Because they are too busy trying to delude themselves on the idea that Bush was a good president and that nothing could of really been done about Katrina?

Because when compared to people like Harriet Miers, they seem like good decisions?

Because they realize that Bush 41 was just as qualified as Panetta when he took the role of Director of the CIA?

Because they realize with choices like John Ashcroft (who helped cut nearly two-thirds an emergency request for counterterrorism funds by the FBI after 9/11) and Alberto Gonzales (Yes man, Torture is fine because it's obsolete, no Habeas Corpus for Americans, Republican Lawyers only please) that Eric Holder couldn't be that much worse?

Because they realize Paulson wasn't exactly a golden pick?

Those could all be valid reasons why Republicans been mute on Obama's picks thus far. Just some food for thought really. (Oh and personally? I disagree with the picks of Geithner and Holder. So before you right wing nut birds begin freaking out, don't think I believe those two are great ideas.)
Because they are too busy on trying to say that Obama is an illegal?

Because they are too busy wallowing over the last election?

Because they are too busy watching Nailin Paylin?

Because they are too busy thinking ahead to 2012?

Because they are too busy praying that Obama will be struck down or do horrible as President to prove to America that Republicans are always right?

Because they are too busy crying about Obama's ideas while offering none of their own?

Because they are too busy trying to delude themselves on the idea that Bush was a good president and that nothing could of really been done about Katrina?

Because when compared to people like Harriet Miers, they seem like good decisions?

Because they realize that Bush 41 was just as qualified as Panetta when he took the role of Director of the CIA?

Because they realize with choices like John Ashcroft (who helped cut nearly two-thirds an emergency request for counterterrorism funds by the FBI after 9/11) and Alberto Gonzales (Yes man, Torture is fine because it's obsolete, no Habeas Corpus for Americans, Republican Lawyers only please) that Eric Holder couldn't be that much worse?

Because they realize Paulson wasn't exactly a golden pick?

Those could all be valid reasons why Republicans been mute on Obama's picks thus far. Just some food for thought really. (Oh and personally? I disagree with the picks of Geithner and Holder. So before you right wing nut birds begin freaking out, don't think I believe those two are great ideas.)
How much shit thrown by you? How much will stick? Poor job. Hope you got your wad shot, feel better?

For more able. Why are the Republicans sitting mute? These are serious problems, yet nary a peep.
How much shit thrown by you? How much will stick? Poor job. Hope you got your wad shot, feel better?

For more able. Why are the Republicans sitting mute? These are serious problems, yet nary a peep.

I don't consider myself a republican, but I've brought it up on here. No intel experience, cheating on income taxes, sitting on the board of Freddie Mac, yeah change we can believe in.
How much shit thrown by you? How much will stick? Poor job. Hope you got your wad shot, feel better?

For more able. Why are the Republicans sitting mute? These are serious problems, yet nary a peep.

Those are all valid reasons Annie, whether you choose to believe it's true or not is your own choice.

The Republicans are sitting mute because they are praying to God that Obama fails miserably, that way they can step in and be like "We told you so! Change is bad! Let's return to the Status Quo!"

Let me ask you Annie, what has been the Republican's ideas for the country besides opposing the bailout? Let all the companies fail? Not much of a solution really if you ask me. Doesn't take much thought for that one.

But when you compare with Bush Administration picks like Harriet, Alberto, and John; Eric and Geithner don't seem that bad.

Which is plain sad considering how low the standards must be for that to be true.
Those are all valid reasons Annie, whether you choose to believe it's true or not is your own choice.

The Republicans are sitting mute because they are praying to God that Obama fails miserably, that way they can step in and be like "We told you so! Change is bad! Let's return to the Status Quo!"

Let me ask you Annie, what has been the Republican's ideas for the country besides opposing the bailout? Let all the companies fail? Not much of a solution really if you ask me. Doesn't take much thought for that one.

But when you compare with Bush Administration picks like Harriet, Alberto, and John; Eric and Geithner don't seem that bad.

Which is plain sad considering how low the standards must be for that to be true.

Maybe they don't feel like wasting their breath---which it would be.
Those are all valid reasons Annie, whether you choose to believe it's true or not is your own choice.

The Republicans are sitting mute because they are praying to God that Obama fails miserably, that way they can step in and be like "We told you so! Change is bad! Let's return to the Status Quo!"

Let me ask you Annie, what has been the Republican's ideas for the country besides opposing the bailout? Let all the companies fail? Not much of a solution really if you ask me. Doesn't take much thought for that one.

But when you compare with Bush Administration picks like Harriet, Alberto, and John; Eric and Geithner don't seem that bad.

Which is plain sad considering how low the standards must be for that to be true.
Disagree, no one hopes Obama fails, if he does, we all go down. I don't want to hit you with the age thing, but if I didn't know I'd say, "How immature are you going to post? Get some reality!"
Disagree, no one hopes Obama fails, if he does, we all go down. I don't want to hit you with the age thing, but if I didn't know I'd say, "How immature are you going to post? Get some reality!"

Are you fucking kidding me? Perhaps you need to look around this board a little more then. I've seen several posts here alone with people saying they hope Obama fails. Then when logic such as "If he does, we all go down" like I've brought in; it's ignored by them.

Be realistic, there are plenty of people who want Obama to fail. The Republican leaders in Congress included.

Because if Obama does great, Republicans are in huge trouble for the next eight years.

*Imitates Crazy Republican*

Then things such as Abortions won't be banned, Gay Marriage might be passed, Death Penalty might be taken away along with people's guns. And we can't have that! That would destroy the foundation of this country!
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Are you fucking kidding me? Perhaps you need to look around this board a little more then. I've seen several posts here alone with people saying they hope Obama fails. Then when logic such as "If he does, we all go down" like I've brought in; it's ignored by them.

Be realistic, there are plenty of people who want Obama to fail. The Republican leaders in Congress included.

and all the democrats wanted Bush to succeed?
and all the democrats wanted Bush to succeed?

Hell no plenty of them don't.

I wished he did, then this country wouldn't be as fucked up as it is because of him. I may of never wanted Bush to be President, but I surely didn't want him to fail.

Though there are certain things I didn't want him to see pass that I disagree with. Such as taking away our 4th, 5th, and all the other rights that are slowly being taken away with things like the Patriot Act.

Ironically enough, the only amendment he seems to really have expanded is the 2nd. :lol:

But see Bush succeed in the foreign policy and economy sense along with other places? Yes. I would of loved to see the national debt be lowered, America not be in rash wars, etc. However, what I wanted did not come true.
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Hell no plenty of them don't.

I wished he did, then this country wouldn't be as fucked up as it is because of him. I may of never wanted Bush to be President, but I surely didn't want him to fail.

Though there are certain things I didn't want him to see pass that I disagree with. Such as taking away our 4th, 5th, and all the other rights that are slowly being taken away with things like the Patriot Act.

Ironically enough, the only amendment he seems to really have expanded is the 2nd. :lol:

Obama agrees with the Patriot Act and FISa.
Because they are too busy on trying to say that Obama is an illegal?

Because they are too busy wallowing over the last election?

Because they are too busy watching Nailin Paylin?

Because they are too busy thinking ahead to 2012?

Because they are too busy praying that Obama will be struck down or do horrible as President to prove to America that Republicans are always right?

Because they are too busy crying about Obama's ideas while offering none of their own?

Because they are too busy trying to delude themselves on the idea that Bush was a good president and that nothing could of really been done about Katrina?

Because when compared to people like Harriet Miers, they seem like good decisions?

Because they realize that Bush 41 was just as qualified as Panetta when he took the role of Director of the CIA?

Because they realize with choices like John Ashcroft (who helped cut nearly two-thirds an emergency request for counterterrorism funds by the FBI after 9/11) and Alberto Gonzales (Yes man, Torture is fine because it's obsolete, no Habeas Corpus for Americans, Republican Lawyers only please) that Eric Holder couldn't be that much worse?

Because they realize Paulson wasn't exactly a golden pick?

Those could all be valid reasons why Republicans been mute on Obama's picks thus far. Just some food for thought really. (Oh and personally? I disagree with the picks of Geithner and Holder. So before you right wing nut birds begin freaking out, don't think I believe those two are great ideas.)
see, THIS post DESERVES a neg rep for being so fucking moronic

but bobby will cry like a baby if you give him neg rep and he will retaliate and neg rep you on a post that doesnt deserve it
I think republicans have just lost their fight. Any more the dems walk all over them and they don't seem to give a rats ass about it, and that's why I no longer associate myself with the republican party.
Are you fucking kidding me? Perhaps you need to look around this board a little more then. I've seen several posts here alone with people saying they hope Obama fails. Then when logic such as "If he does, we all go down" like I've brought in; it's ignored by them.

Be realistic, there are plenty of people who want Obama to fail. The Republican leaders in Congress included.

Because if Obama does great, Republicans are in huge trouble for the next eight years.

*Imitates Crazy Republican*

Then things such as Abortions won't be banned, Gay Marriage might be passed, Death Penalty might be taken away along with people's guns. And we can't have that! That would destroy the foundation of this country!
I really do not hold myself accountable for those that you consider 'plenty of people.' I am not them, nor defend or accuse them as a group. Why would you?
see, THIS post DESERVES a neg rep for being so fucking moronic

but bobby will cry like a baby if you give him neg rep and he will retaliate and neg rep you on a post that doesnt deserve it

:lol: Really? Can you prove I ever done that to you Dive?

I've never neg repped you as far as I can remember. I've only given you pos reps. Though you've negged me more then a few times. We can always have a mod to double check that if you like.

And you should really turn off the water works in that post, might start flooding the page.
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I really do not hold myself accountable for those that you consider 'plenty of people.' I am not them, nor defend or accuse them as a group. Why would you?

I am merely stating that you took the position of nobody wants to see Obama fail when that position is clearly wrong.

I am not holding you accountable for those people or their views merely your own position that you took willingly.
:lol: Really? Can you prove I ever done that to you Dive?

I've never neg repped you as far as I can remember. I've only given you pos reps. Though you've negged me more then a few times. We can always have a mod to double check that if you like.

Neg rep is over rated, except for haters. Haven't seen any on this thread, so far.

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