In fairness, the Dems should be concerned...


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
While the state Dems strut their stuff and puff out their chests, they should be concerned that with all his advantages and running against a near lunatic, their boy only squeaked out a 3 point win. WHY?

And now it looked like the AG is going to the GOP. WHY?

I think they should be realistic about this and realize that the early failure of the ACA is hurting the brand. Either the WH gets the web site up and gets people enrolled, or 2014 may be an interesting year. One that may not see the Dem gains some have projected.

The web site failure is a huge blunder and if it is not fixed by the end of the month.....well it could be very ugly.

Just being honest...:eusa_whistle:
The Virginia election was relatively unique because the national government being shutdown probably affect Virginia more per capita then any other state. One in 3 families have someone who gets income from the national (not state) government. So when the public largely blamed the GOP for the shutdown, Cuccinelli found himself in the crossfire in something he had nothing to do with.

In other words, the Virginia race was probably it's own unique environment for it's place and time. Place being Virginia's huge dependence on national government spending, and time being so close to the shutdown.

In truth I found both candidates incredibly weak, if anything the biggest benefit will be having a democratic governor in an important swing state for 2016...

That's all not to say that the Tea Party is all fine and dandy. Dean Young losing in super-mega conservative Alabama to Byrne is an accompanying tale to the Virginia race.

Virginia's Attorney General hasn't gone to the GOP's up for a recount, we probably won't know till Nov 25th. Al Frankin didn't get his senate seat for almost six months due to a recount in Minnesota, when the recount started the GOP candidate had a small lead.
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While the state Dems strut their stuff and puff out their chests, they should be concerned that with all his advantages and running against a near lunatic, their boy only squeaked out a 3 point win. WHY?

And now it looked like the AG is going to the GOP. WHY?

I think they should be realistic about this and realize that the early failure of the ACA is hurting the brand. Either the WH gets the web site up and gets people enrolled, or 2014 may be an interesting year. One that may not see the Dem gains some have projected.

The web site failure is a huge blunder and if it is not fixed by the end of the month.....well it could be very ugly.

Just being honest...:eusa_whistle:

Sixteen senators who are up for reelection in 2014 went to see Obama today. They wanted a delay in the ACA of one year. Obama said no. Think he made a mistake there. He should have taken it under advisement. The Senators are beginning to panic and could compromise if a bill comes up in the next debt ceiling negotiation.
The ACA is a massive undertaking. There are going to be setbacks and glitches. Obama should not allow his insistence not to negotiate with someone "pointing a gun at his head", to cloud his better judgement to do the right thing.

If it looks like a pig and smells like a pig, it might very well be a pig. Take the time to get it right and fix it before levying penalties on people. This can be a great program that will help millions of people. But the cluster f_____ beginning has shaken a lot of people's confidence in the system.
The ACA is a massive undertaking. There are going to be setbacks and glitches. Obama should not allow his insistence not to negotiate with someone "pointing a gun at his head", to cloud his better judgement to do the right thing.

If it looks like a pig and smells like a pig, it might very well be a pig. Take the time to get it right and fix it before levying penalties on people. This can be a great program that will help millions of people. But the cluster f_____ beginning has shaken a lot of people's confidence in the system.

Geico can put up a website that does pretty much what Obamacare does and gets it right the first time. So do a bunch of other companies. Obamacare ahs taken 3 years and millions of dollars, spent it on crony capitalism, and come up with a clusterfuck.
Once the website is fixed, they will have to face the fact that the basic premise--healthy young people signing up to pay for something they dont need and cant afford--is flawed and the system will rapidly be overburdened. Then what?
But Obamacare is the law of the land. Democrats need to live with it.
Many people are seeing higher premiums and deductibles not to mention finding out they can't keep the plans they were told they could keep fixing a website won't fix this.
Many people are seeing higher premiums and deductibles not to mention finding out they can't keep the plans they were told they could keep fixing a website won't fix this.

It's the insurance companies' fault. Isn't that this week's excuse? Or is it Bush's fault? I can't keep it straight.
It is funny seeing the Dimwits that voted for obamacare and made "recorded" speeches in Congress claiming the GOP was lying about this and that over obamacare are now making speeches in Congress that they never, never ever supported people losing their insurance over obamacare.......pathetic liars and hypocrites.
Many people are seeing higher premiums and deductibles not to mention finding out they can't keep the plans they were told they could keep fixing a website won't fix this.

It's the insurance companies' fault. Isn't that this week's excuse? Or is it Bush's fault? I can't keep it straight.

In a rarity I don't think Bush has been blamed yet while the insurance companies are the current scapegoat even though most of the people losing their plans are healthy and I don't recall insurance companies as a general rule kicking off healthy people off not sure where they will go for the next scapegoat.
While the state Dems strut their stuff and puff out their chests, they should be concerned that with all his advantages and running against a near lunatic, their boy only squeaked out a 3 point win. WHY?

And now it looked like the AG is going to the GOP. WHY?

I think they should be realistic about this and realize that the early failure of the ACA is hurting the brand. Either the WH gets the web site up and gets people enrolled, or 2014 may be an interesting year. One that may not see the Dem gains some have projected.

The web site failure is a huge blunder and if it is not fixed by the end of the month.....well it could be very ugly.

Just being honest...:eusa_whistle:

It's a lot worse than just the website. Millions of Americans are getting letters from their medical insurance companies stating their policies are being cancelled. And they remember Obama's pledge: "If you want to keep your present policy--you can."
While the state Dems strut their stuff and puff out their chests, they should be concerned that with all his advantages and running against a near lunatic, their boy only squeaked out a 3 point win. WHY?

And now it looked like the AG is going to the GOP. WHY?

I think they should be realistic about this and realize that the early failure of the ACA is hurting the brand. Either the WH gets the web site up and gets people enrolled, or 2014 may be an interesting year. One that may not see the Dem gains some have projected.

The web site failure is a huge blunder and if it is not fixed by the end of the month.....well it could be very ugly.

Just being honest...:eusa_whistle:

I am going to break this down into why Democrats should and should not be concerned. First, let's start with why Democrats should not be concerned:

The GOP (Guardians of Progressivism), has the dumbest man in politics, Karl Rove with far too much influence. The establishment GOP decided on October 1, 2013 not to fund Cuccinelli in VA, the establishment and America-hating traitor, Karl Rove would rather wipe their asses with the Constitution than support libertarian and TEA party Republicans. There will be many establishment Republicans that lose in the primaries to libertarian TEA party Republicans,but the GOP (Guardians of Progressivism), will not fund these candidates, and they will be grossly outspent by their Democrat opponents, much like Cuccinelli was grossly outspent. Many will disagree with me, but I believe the Republicans will lose the House, and Democrats will gain in the Senate, simply because the America-hating progressives in the GOP will not fund any Republican outside the establishment. Too many Republcians will not vote for establishment Republicans, and they, too will lose to Democrats. The GOP is going to lose many donors, especially after what they did with Cuccinelli in VA. The establishment GOP will idiotically lie about how they will repeal Obamacare, and do the usual, run pathetic campaigns and just assume people will be so mad at Democrats, they will vote for people with the same politics in the establishment GOP - the GOP will fail miserably. Unfortunately, this will be what most likely happens in 2014 and 2016.

Now, on to why Democrats should worry. Even in spite of the GOP stabbing Cuccinelli in the back, Cuccinelli being grossly outspent, the Democrats needing a fake Libertarian to take votes away from Cuccinelli...Cuccinelli still came closer to winning in VA than either McCain or Romney did against spite of the fact the idiots in the establishment GOP told everyone that McCain and Romney were the best chances to beat Obama. Huge money was poured into McCain and Romney, and there was a united GOP behind both of them. How interesting, a severely underfunded TEA Party candidate, Cuccinelli came closer to defeating a Democrat than either McCain or Romney.

The TEA Party and Libertarian movement in the Republican Party should be what scares Democrats and establishment GOP types. Now, while my libertarian and conservative friends will most likely disagree with me on this, the most likely scenario is Democrats will gain in the Senate, and take back the House, simply because the establishment will not fund anyone outside the establishment, and too many Republican voters will give the middle finger to Karl Rove and and the establishment and not vote for them.

While the GOP has dark days ahead of it, the Libertarian TEA Party factions will soon gain control of the GOP, they will cut off all funding to establishment Republicans, and that is when the GOP will become a viable contrast to the Democrat party as opposed to being a mirror image of them - that's when the Democrat party will take major hits elections.
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You can fix this website a million times. It won't give 4.2 million people their insurance back.
If Republicans keep putting social issue nut jobs on the ticket they are in deep trouble. When you have candidates talking about "legitimate rape," or sticking a wand up a woman's vagina who wants an abortion, or outlawing oral sex between consenting've lost 95% of America.

Americans are generally fairly tolerant people. Republicans need to get out of people bedrooms and out of ladies' private parts. It's fucking stupid and offensive. There are far more important issues in America than whether or not Larry wants to give Bob a blow job. Let it go people.
While the state Dems strut their stuff and puff out their chests, they should be concerned that with all his advantages and running against a near lunatic, their boy only squeaked out a 3 point win. WHY?

And now it looked like the AG is going to the GOP. WHY?

He was already the AG before he ran for Guv.

As for he rest, I dunno.
Many people are seeing higher premiums and deductibles not to mention finding out they can't keep the plans they were told they could keep fixing a website won't fix this.

actually fixing the website

will only speed up the bad news for many folks
Forward Progressives - Why Chris Christie's Victory Could Possibly Tear the Republican Party Apart

Chris Christie, while I don’t agree with him on much, is the exact kind of Republican the GOP should be embracing. Instead, he’s the kind of Republican hardcore conservatives and the tea party loathe. To them he’s not a “real” Republican. He’s not a “real” conservative.

So, while Republicans (specifically tea party Republicans) continue to try to convince themselves that the way to win elections is by picking a “true” conservative like Ted Cruz, almost all evidence says they should be flocking towards conservatives like Chris Christie instead of tea party-supported politicians.

And this denial of reality is what will ultimately lead to the end of the GOP. After Christie’s overwhelming Republican victory in a “blue” state, you’re going to have quite a few Republicans coming to realize that they must become more moderate (especially on social issues) if they want to remain relevant as a national political party. Yet, on the other hand, you have the hardcore conservatives driving the party towards candidates who are simply batshit crazy. Look at how that turned out for tea party sweetheart Ken Cuccinelli in Virginia last night.

What I’m really curious to see is how Christie will handle himself in the GOP primaries. Because at that moment he’ll have a choice to make: will he pander to the far-right tea party types in his party to try to put himself in the best position possible to secure the nomination, or will he choose to be who he is now? Because in the scheme of things with today’s GOP, Christie is fairly moderate. He’s shown himself to be a man who’s not afraid to call out members of his own party and the right-wing radicalization of the GOP.

This truly is what things are going to come down to. Either the GOP wins, or the TPM wins. But they won't be able to co-exist, and that's what will destroy the Republican party.
The ACA is a massive undertaking. There are going to be setbacks and glitches. Obama should not allow his insistence not to negotiate with someone "pointing a gun at his head", to cloud his better judgement to do the right thing.

If it looks like a pig and smells like a pig, it might very well be a pig. Take the time to get it right and fix it before levying penalties on people. This can be a great program that will help millions of people. But the cluster f_____ beginning has shaken a lot of people's confidence in the system.

Geico can put up a website that does pretty much what Obamacare does and gets it right the first time. So do a bunch of other companies. Obamacare ahs taken 3 years and millions of dollars, spent it on crony capitalism, and come up with a clusterfuck.
Once the website is fixed, they will have to face the fact that the basic premise--healthy young people signing up to pay for something they dont need and cant afford--is flawed and the system will rapidly be overburdened. Then what?
But Obamacare is the law of the land. Democrats need to live with it.

Healthy young people do not need health insurance like home owners do not need home owner's insurance. I am very careful never to leave the stove on when I'm not in the kitchen, so my house will never burn down. I don't need home owner's insurance. Why should I waste my money on something so useless? As for a tornado hitting my home, this house has been standing here for over 30 years and it hasn't been hit yet, so why should I pay for home owner's insurance? It's just a big waste of money.
Forward Progressives - Why Chris Christie's Victory Could Possibly Tear the Republican Party Apart

Chris Christie, while I don’t agree with him on much, is the exact kind of Republican the GOP should be embracing. Instead, he’s the kind of Republican hardcore conservatives and the tea party loathe. To them he’s not a “real” Republican. He’s not a “real” conservative.

So, while Republicans (specifically tea party Republicans) continue to try to convince themselves that the way to win elections is by picking a “true” conservative like Ted Cruz, almost all evidence says they should be flocking towards conservatives like Chris Christie instead of tea party-supported politicians.

And this denial of reality is what will ultimately lead to the end of the GOP. After Christie’s overwhelming Republican victory in a “blue” state, you’re going to have quite a few Republicans coming to realize that they must become more moderate (especially on social issues) if they want to remain relevant as a national political party. Yet, on the other hand, you have the hardcore conservatives driving the party towards candidates who are simply batshit crazy. Look at how that turned out for tea party sweetheart Ken Cuccinelli in Virginia last night.

What I’m really curious to see is how Christie will handle himself in the GOP primaries. Because at that moment he’ll have a choice to make: will he pander to the far-right tea party types in his party to try to put himself in the best position possible to secure the nomination, or will he choose to be who he is now? Because in the scheme of things with today’s GOP, Christie is fairly moderate. He’s shown himself to be a man who’s not afraid to call out members of his own party and the right-wing radicalization of the GOP.

This truly is what things are going to come down to. Either the GOP wins, or the TPM wins. But they won't be able to co-exist, and that's what will destroy the Republican party.

Um, what you fail to understand is that while the establishment in the party may be 'destroyed', the party itself won't. A new brand of Republican would emerge with more ideals that coincide with the Tea Party's. That word you use doesn't mean what you think it means.

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