In Someone's Mind "Some People Did Something" 18 Years Ago Today


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
And I wonder how she'll spend the day?


Sure we had a Kenyan for 8 years, but that hideous, racist inbred, incestuous, multiple financial felony tax cheat, illiterate Somalian who cannot speak English being in the US government is so bizarre. What kind of savage district voted the filthy Muslim into office? I mean, were they American citizens or filthy, savages on Whitey taxpayer support?
What do you expect from a death cult Sharia law racist??

She should have been booted out of Congress long ago.
It will be justice when the same thing happens to her political career. Our government will be much better off after we throw that bitch out. That way she will have more time to marry any other family member she has a hankering for.
Anyone who has bothered to study the event, knows the official government story is bull shit. Does our government ever tell the truth?
Yeah 'some people' in high places paid well , along with the biggest and best military since the Roman empire, FAILED America.

When some Congresscritters complained , the set up a complete whitewash committee

Then our resident Nazi's imposed the Patriot Act ,Homeland Security ,along with an Orwellian system to come down on all citizens here

And you jingo's want to sing hail to the chief today?

I hope Omar give a heartfelt speech about those someone's that might have done that horrific events on this date in 2001...

I hope she give that speech in front of the surviving family members while spewing her love to hate them.

Then when her speech is done I hope she walk into the crowd and is given the proper treatment she deserves...

Now before the left scream something like Isreal did it just remember today is the day we all stopped and watched our nation fall on it knees in horror while those like Omar and Talib danced in the streets at the deaths of so many people...
Trump must declassify the 9/11 documents.
Yeah just like he claimed he would release the JFK files. That didn’t happen.

Donnie is expanding the swamp he claims to want to drain, yet the swamp still hates him.
So what is the politically correct term that would be acceptable to the Trumpublicans when an American Muslim's speaks about the events 18 years ago?
So what is the politically correct term that would be acceptable to the Trumpublicans when an American Muslim's speaks about the events 18 years ago?

“Some terrorists did some horrific things 18 years ago”..... if you want to be PC about it.

The typical condescending tenor from Omar by saying “some people did something” is really saying “fuck you, get over it, it was not that big a deal.”
So what is the politically correct term that would be acceptable to the Trumpublicans when an American Muslim's speaks about the events 18 years ago?

“Some terrorists did some horrific things 18 years ago”..... if you want to be PC about it.

The typical condescending tenor from Omar by saying “some people did something” is really saying “fuck you, get over it, it was not that big a deal.”

PC is a scourge on free expression meant to limit ones thoughts and actions.

Not really, if you consider who she was talking to and what she was talking about.

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