In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.
Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.

yes, indeed.

The Congresscritters love secret deals.

Major fascistic legislation was adopted during Xmas eve, after midnight, in secret

16th "Amendment"

Obama Hellcare

Increasing the debt ceiling

Republicans acting like democrats, no checks and balances, we are definitely screwed.
Fine mark my word their borrowing and spending party WILL come to a screeching halt one day you can't pile up $10 trillion in debt every 8 years and survive.
Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.

the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?
The term 'house of cards' comes to mind when I think about this. I wish we could catch at least one break, if these corrupt bastards are going to continue borrowing and spending like this at least get the boot heel of government off our necks so we can grow the economy to pay for it.
Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.

stop you if we've heard it before ?????

hell, we've only heard it 8-10 times already.... don't stop now.
Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.

the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?

Oh please when Obama threatens to veto any bill not to his liking you are saying he doesn't have his hands in this? /eyeroll
The term 'house of cards' comes to mind when I think about this. I wish we could catch at least one break, if these corrupt bastards are going to continue borrowing and spending like this at least get the boot heel of government off our necks so we can grow the economy to pay for it.

WE ARE BEING GOVERNED BY MANY Francis J. "Frank" Underwood.
The Republicans suspended the debt ceiling so they don't have to go through the embarrassment of raising it a couple of times during an election year and being seen as the hypocrites they are.
the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?

Thank you for admitting the Democrats who controlled a near super majority control of Congress, and thus the purse strings, Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years is responsible for the recession/depression, the massive spending, and that the 'bad economy Obama whine about inheriting did NOT come from Bush but instead came from his own Democrats who controlled the federal budget!
the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?

Thank you for admitting the Democrats who controlled a near super majority control of Congress, and thus the purse strings, Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years is responsible for the recession/depression, the massive spending, and that the 'bad economy Obama whine about inheriting did NOT come from Bush but instead came from his own Democrats who controlled the federal budget!
The crash was not caused by the federal budget.

Were you in a coma during 2007-2009?

The weakness of our recovery is caused by the federal debt, and also by our private debt. In other words, it is EVERYONE's fault.

When you will retards ever grow tired of pointing the finger at everyone but yourselves to avoid personal responsibility?
The Republicans suspended the debt ceiling so they don't have to go through the embarrassment of raising it a couple of times during an election year and being seen as the hypocrites they are.
The 18 Republicans were tired of the Liberal blackmail - being blamed for 'shutting down the govt' - if they refused to give in and allow the Democrats to add as much debt as they wanted so they just gave in.
We all made the big shit sandwich that is the private and public debt problem, and we are all going to have to take a bite.

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