In This Season of Political Yard Signs-An Observation and a Question

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Anyone displaying those signs wants the government to take more of what I earn and give it to them. Or gain status in the Democrat party from their support of Socialism .

Time to fat shame the libtardos prancing around in their yoga pants.
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In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?

The signs are all over D.C. in front of countless homes. A big middle finger to the republican trash that litters the city. Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax, etc. too.

Why don't you just say:

"Its too bad we let people outside of Washington D.C. vote."


"What a wonderful country we would have if only Federal Bureaucrats, Lobbyists, and Welfare Recipients could vote."

That way, you could really look like a damn fool socialist turd....which is what you appear to be trying to do.
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In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?

It is truly inexplicable that Democrats are proud of supporting open borders, racism, sexism and infanticide.
Because liberal babies just steal them and destroy them
Really, ?? Liberals steal these signs if they are posted by a Republican? Really?

A person down the street had many Donald Trump signs before the 2016 election. They got torn down no less than five times and he kept rebuilding them. So YES. I live right near you in MA.

Leftists are insane weaklings.
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?

Soros pay his zombies to deface any sign of the enemy, that's why we don't have so many of these displays. We'll keep voting you fuckers out of office until the day comes he realizes he'll never destroy America and he ends up like Hitler on the bunker with Jake by his side as his Eva Braun
Are you fucking serious??!! You would display a sign decrying hate and welcoming immigrants if only we would not destroy them?? You are another one who did not understand my simple question in the OP
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?

It is truly inexplicable that Democrats are proud of supporting open borders, racism, sexism and infanticide.
Where does it say any of that on those signs?
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?

Signs in favor of illegal immigrants ….what they are saying is they dont give a damn about their neighbor ...wish these people would move into a Somali neighborhood and tell me how much they love it
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?

Both signs are lies, of course, that's why you won't find them next to signs supporting Republican candidates.
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?

The signs are all over D.C. in front of countless homes. A big middle finger to the republican trash that litters the city. Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax, etc. too.

They are a middle finger to every patriotic native born American and a welcome sign to people bent on destroying America.
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?

It is truly inexplicable that Democrats are proud of supporting open borders, racism, sexism and infanticide.
Where does it say any of that on those signs?
Welcoming illegal immigrants, embracing the racism inherent in Black Lives Matter, supporting a woman's alleged right to kill her baby and opposing the baby's right to life.

While we are at it, there is no such thing as a "progressive patriot". Conservatives say, I love my country, but liberals say, I would love my country if only it were completely different from the way it is, clearly defining themselves as subversives.
The few Beto signs in my neighborhood belong to yankee transplants who moved here to take advantage of our economy that was built by Conservatives.
You'd think with the income level in my neighborhood they'd be smart enough to realize they're bringing their shit ideas here and trying to implement the very shitty ideas they fled from.
You almost have to laugh if it wasn't so tragic that hypocrite democrats seem to spend their time disrespecting and promoting disrespect for everyone who disagrees with their politics while they post a sign that claims that "disabilities are respected". Maybe it's part of TDS
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?


BLM who basically loot and commit violence neither believe Love Wins nor that hate has no home here. Same for radical Islamists.

Immigrants are welcome but not illegal immigrants. And hate has no home here...again...unless you disagree with the Democrat new Leftist platform. The signs are fiction.
I don't see people on the left or right putting out political yard signs anymore I suspect because they are worried about some asshole vandalizing there home because of who or what they support. Pretty sad commentary on where we are politically as a nation.
I dont put signs in my yard because I dont need a sign to know who I am going to vote for
I don't need signs to know who I am either. They are to tell others who I am.
If they cared; they would ask. Which really gets to the heart of the issue. It’s a pathetic bid to garner the attention of others who simply don’t care who you are, or what you believe...
Because liberal babies just steal them and destroy them
Really, ?? Liberals steal these signs if they are posted by a Republican? Really?
LWNJs do, not liberals. Liberals advocate a laissez faire free market economy and individual rights. Leftists advocate socialism & totalitarianism. There's a huge difference.
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In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?

Demofags are the party of crime. That's all there is to it.
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