In This Season of Political Yard Signs-An Observation and a Question

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Blaylock...You are either a shameless liar, or psychotic if you actually believe the slanderous horseshit that you are posting,. Post the statements that I have made supporting sexual predators or apologize and shut the fuck up. The link that you used, where I supported comprehensive sex education as some sort of evidence to support your bizarre claim about me is just more proof of you dishonesty and, quite possibly, you mental illness.

Anyone who follows that link can see clearly enough what it is that you were defending there—the sexual indoctrination and grooming of young children, to set them up to be easy prey for sexual predators. The irony is thick, given what you clearly stand for, that you are so quick to label someone else as a sexual predator in the complete absence of any credible evidence to support that accusation. If he really was a sexual predator, you'd probably be on his side.
Blaylock...You are either a shameless liar, or psychotic if you actually believe the slanderous horseshit that you are posting,. Post the statements that I have made supporting sexual predators or apologize and shut the fuck up. The link that you used, where I supported comprehensive sex education as some sort of evidence to support your bizarre claim about me is just more proof of you dishonesty and, quite possibly, you mental illness.

Anyone who follows that link can see clearly enough what it is that you were defending there—the sexual indoctrination and grooming of young children, to set them up to be easy prey for sexual predators. The irony is thick, given what you clearly stand for, that you are so quick to label someone else as a sexual predator in the complete absence of any credible evidence to support that accusation. If he really was a sexual predator, you'd probably be on his side.
Anyone who follows that link will clearly see that you are bizarre, sexually obsessed , mentally ill and delusional . I invite and encourage all to scrutinize my writings and see for themselves what it is that I stand for.
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?

It isn’t only your question that’s simple.
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?

Watching the left over that last two weeks those signs might as well be on Mars.

Pointless emotional gibberish
So why do you want a sexual predatory and whiney, privileged brat on the supreme court. - ? Those signs are exactly why we don't want him on the court. So for you guys they might as well be on mars
Prove he’s a sexual predator.
So why do you want a sexual predatory and whiney, privileged brat on the supreme court. - ? Those signs are exactly why we don't want him on the court. So for you guys they might as well be on mars

Someone who openly, unabashedly, supports and defends the very worst sexual predators, is in no position to call someone else “a sexual predatory and whiney, privileged brat” based on a campaign of false accusations and character assassination that was never backed up by even the faintest shred of actual evidence.
Blaylock...You are either a shameless liar, or psychotic if you actually believe the slanderous horseshit that you are posting,. Post the statements that I have made supporting sexual predators or apologize and shut the fuck up. The link that you used, where I supported comprehensive sex education as some sort of evidence to support your bizarre claim about me is just more proof of you dishonesty and, quite possibly, you mental illness.
You apologise for referring to Justice Kavanaugh as a sexual predator.
I don't see anything different this year than any other, except in 2012 there were a lot less democrooks admitting to being retarded in advance by putting obozo signs in their yards. They were still retards and voted for that meat puppet faggot twice.

We will see in 4 weeks if the country decides to continues to prosper, or really enjoyed 8 years of stagnation, malaise, perverts gaining political influence, and parasites getting rich from democrook money laundering environmental scams.

So why do you want a sexual predatory and whiney, privileged brat on the supreme court. - ? Those signs are exactly why we don't want him on the court. So for you guys they might as well be on mars


That's absolutely hysterical, the forum's most prolific pervert propagandist calling anyone else on earth out about anything having to do with sexual deviance. It's like Ted Kennedy calling someone out for intoxication manslaughter, without there even being a police report to support his claims.

That's is how stupid pieces of shit like RegressiveParasite are folks, they're dangerously stupid.

In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?

Write Madcow. She might put you on her show.
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?


I see one of those signs I know damn well a left loon lives there

Fear of vandalizism by psychotic left wing lunatics.

Straight up why I don’t do it.

No signs, no bumper stickers.

Like concealed carry, it ain't no one else's business.

I’d like to direct this question to the anti Trump folks with U.S. citizenship status for obvious reasons.
Given the amount of over the top outrage we’ve witnessed over a two year period one would think the haters will be able to post a laundry list of things here.....BUT I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess there will be very little participation from the Left in this one.

I will say the only POTUS in my lifetime that had an actual direct negative impact on my life was Bush II and his invasion of Iraq. I lost friends and fellow Marines. Before it was all over one of the Marines I put in as a recruiter had died in Iraq, that is something one does not ever forget.
Obamacare devastated millions of conservatives lives....

Had no impact on me at all, though it did make my wife's job as a nurse much harder.
Small businesses/owners could not afford Obamacare at all, But then again that was part of the reason for Obamacare. There is no place for small business in Big government... fact

I always felt the reason for the ACA was to fuck up our healthcare system so badly that the only solution would be a single payer system.

I agree with Goofy Goober on that.

There's a reason we vote by secret ballot. :itsok:
In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?


We don't accept your framing of the issues.
Anyone who follows that link will clearly see that you are bizarre, sexually obsessed , mentally ill and delusional . I invite and encourage all to scrutinize my writings and see for themselves what it is that I stand for.


That... coming from a cum dumpster that probably hates his own soul, who posts about NOTHING BUT

"bizarre, sexually obsessed , mentally ill and delusional" disgusting bullshit. Then you prattle on about reading any of the insipid bullshit you pasted from some pathetic excuse for a link as if it's something YOU "thought", and not just some idiocy you insist everyone else should believe.


I think that when they wrote the First Amendment they had not considered the possibility we would thwart the evolutionary process and in fact reverse it. We are run amok with fugitives from a natural selection like you. If vapid drones like you were kept supervised properly by family we would not have lunatics like Pelosi, or babbling imbeciles like Hank Johnson in positions of federal power. For that matter sociopaths like stalin, mao, hitler etc... all cults of personality that dragged millions to misery and death. This is what happens to countries that follow the ideas YOU promote you regressive piece of shit you.

That isn't just what you "stand for" it's what you push for. You're desperate to be the first lemming off the cliff.


My house was egged too, and you've exposed yourself as a complete and utter moron. In what way are all those vandalisms happening not evidence, pray tell? I can hammer you with different instances of this happening all day long and you'll just "nu-uh" it like a 3 year old, so I'm not going to waste the time.
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In this season of political yard signs, I have made an interesting observation. Many people who have signs promoting state and local Democratic candidates also have one or both on the signs below in my community

I have yet to see a home that is displaying a sign promoting a Republican that also displays one of these signs.

So my question is simple. Why? Is it a coincidence or does it speak volumes about what each party stands for?

Soros pay his zombies to deface any sign of the enemy, that's why we don't have so many of these displays. We'll keep voting you fuckers out of office until the day comes he realizes he'll never destroy America and he ends up like Hitler on the bunker with Jake by his side as his Eva Braun
I'm changing my nickname for him to Pervert Parasite I think.

Parasitic Pervert. ;)

We usually roll with "Regressive Pervert".

or "Jeffrey".

Stupidity this intense needs to be recorded so that anthropologists 1000 years from now can study how Darwin's Theory of Evolution was reversed, and that Mike Judge was a Prophet who made a movie called

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It requires a thread all it's own. These pathetic drones are so far up their own asses they taste the same food twice.
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