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Incarceration rates

1. bullshit--
the Ferguson Report on the LIe?MYTH of police targeting the blacks more than whites
like A LOT of MSM crap/and stuff people post here, when you look at the facts and the DETAILS, it's all bullshit
..some black reported to the Ferguson Report investigators that he was ticketed ONLY because he was black---WRONG--he did something ILLEGAL--I think it was something like not getting a permit or something--but it WAS illegal
..here's another example:
in my city's newspaper the headline was ''blacks treated unfairly in real estate/buying houses--the REALITY was they had blacks tell how they only THOUGHT they were being treated unfairly---there were no documented instances

sure--there is racism and unfairness--but not in the quantity that the MSM/blacks perceive there is
2. you don't have undeniable or even reasonable stats to back it up

Study Finds Black Men Receive Longer Sentences Than White Men For Same Crime

The United States Sentencing Commission reported last week that black male offenders received sentences on average 19.1 percent longer than similarly situated white male offenders.

The finding is based on data for fiscal years 2012-2016, and it is consistent with the prior four periods studied by the Commission.
your link is worthless/irrelevant---you said:
Do they, or are they just caught more since they are the focus of the police. If the police started searching white people's cars at the same rate as those of black people then white people's arrest rates would to up also.
bold mine
the link refers to offenders

I also said that blacks are giving longer sentences for the same crimes, which is what the link is talking about.

Do try and keep up so I do not have to keep doing a recap for you.
that's another thing:
WHYTF do people get upset when criminals--black criminals--get longer sentences??
they are CRIMINALS
why do you people love criminals so much?

Why should someone get a longer sentence for the same crime just because they have a different color skin?

Justice is supposed to be blind, not racist.

Why can't sentencing be equal across racial lines? Would that be such a terrible thing in your world?

I wouldn’t be surprised if minorities everywhere receives a more harsh treatment when convicted. Have no data to support that. Just a hunch. Also, just read about the different sentences for use of powder cocaine and crack cocaine - which have “punished” the black community harder incarceration wise.

If the law is skewed to fall down harder and more frequent on a crime more common within a minority it would seem logical that this minority is also over represented in the statistics.

Hard to tell though.
A question that has nothing to do with left or right. Why is it that the US has such extreme high incarceration rate?

Is it because Americans are more criminal in general and American police is just super effective?

Or is it economically motivated - cheap labour and private interests in the industry?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Is this something you feel comfortable with or is it something you would like to see changed?
It culls the herd within our various inner-city $hitholes...

"...don't do the crime, if you can't do the time... no, no... don't do it..."
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A question that has nothing to do with left or right. Why is it that the US has such extreme high incarceration rate?

Is it because Americans are more criminal in general and American police is just super effective?

Or is it economically motivated - cheap labour and private interests in the industry?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Is this something you feel comfortable with or is it something you would like to see changed?

Yeah, I'd like to see change, screw this three strikes and you're out BS, let's do three strikes and you're dead. That would end the revolving prison door and reduce prison population at the same time.

That’s not necessarily the aim, people in prison might also be considered an asset. 13th amendment exclude criminals from legislation regarding slavery. Killing people render them useless - incarceraring them can yield profit.

BS $30-60,000 a year to keep them locked up, that doesn't include pretrial confinement or court costs, third strike dead within 10 days after a mandatory review of the trial for fairness. If they want to appeal a conviction it better be one of the first two.

A question that has nothing to do with left or right. Why is it that the US has such extreme high incarceration rate?

Is it because Americans are more criminal in general and American police is just super effective?

Or is it economically motivated - cheap labour and private interests in the industry?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Is this something you feel comfortable with or is it something you would like to see changed?

The incarceration rates are driven by two things: Minimum sentencing and zero tolerance. When Reagan was elected, there were 30,000 minorities in federal prisons. Today there are ten times that number. Drug laws, and over-policing of minority communities.
A question that has nothing to do with left or right. Why is it that the US has such extreme high incarceration rate?

Is it because Americans are more criminal in general and American police is just super effective?

Or is it economically motivated - cheap labour and private interests in the industry?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Is this something you feel comfortable with or is it something you would like to see changed?
Countries with lower incarceration rates usually have the highest unsolved crime rates. If you get raped in Bangladesh, your rapist probably isnt going to be caught.
A question that has nothing to do with left or right. Why is it that the US has such extreme high incarceration rate?

Is it because Americans are more criminal in general and American police is just super effective?

Or is it economically motivated - cheap labour and private interests in the industry?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Is this something you feel comfortable with or is it something you would like to see changed?

It's because of the minority populations that commit 10x more crime than the whites for example.

Do they? Or are they just prosecuted 10x more than whites?
Do you spend much time in black neighborhoods? Do you know what you see there? Bars on windows. Every business has them.

You dont see any bars on windows where I live. A simple pane of glass is enough to prevent break ins.

Your question is shockingly ignorant.
There are a lot of people in this thread that are stuck on false narratives and myths. Seriously, before people comment they need to do real research.

The U.S. incarceration rate is so high for several reasons, most of which is we treat non-violent offenses WAY too harsh and turn those first time offenders into even worse criminals by locking them up, instead of letting them continue to live as part of society while going through programs to help them become better people.

...and people that keep commenting about high minority incarceration rates, it's a completely manufactured piece of bullshit. Young, WHITE, suburban kids and young adults smoke weed and illegally use prescription drugs at a MUCH higher rate than minorities, but minorities are caught, prosecuted, and given stricter punishments for it. It's because of a couple factors like "hot spot" policing, and the fact the police don't want to arrest a white suburban kid because his parent might have some say in the community, and those white suburban kids are more likely to be able to afford a defense lawyer that will take it to court and fight it. Whereas the poor minority kids busted for the same crime will have a public defender that will tell them to make a plea deal... which not only means jail time, but a crime that goes on their record that will haunt them the rest of their lives when it comes to getting a job, or some of the other simplest aspects of life.

Seriously people... don't believe all the shit you see on Facebook and Twitter and just assume it is true. There are A LOT more factors that goes into incarceration rates and the wide discrepancy between races than you could imagine.
A question that has nothing to do with left or right. Why is it that the US has such extreme high incarceration rate?

Is it because Americans are more criminal in general and American police is just super effective?

Or is it economically motivated - cheap labour and private interests in the industry?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Is this something you feel comfortable with or is it something you would like to see changed?
A question that has nothing to do with left or right. Why is it that the US has such extreme high incarceration rate?

Is it because Americans are more criminal in general and American police is just super effective?

Or is it economically motivated - cheap labour and private interests in the industry?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Is this something you feel comfortable with or is it something you would like to see changed?
Countries with lower incarceration rates usually have the highest unsolved crime rates. If you get raped in Bangladesh, your rapist probably isnt going to be caught.
comparing a first world economy with a third world economy?
A question that has nothing to do with left or right. Why is it that the US has such extreme high incarceration rate?

Is it because Americans are more criminal in general and American police is just super effective?

Or is it economically motivated - cheap labour and private interests in the industry?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Is this something you feel comfortable with or is it something you would like to see changed?

Americans are more criminal.

The problem is, we have allowed a sub culture of lawlessness to creep into society. A lack of respect for authority, and a respect for criminal activity.

When you watch a video like this, and hear the defenders of this criminal say "How is he going to get his stuff?" (justifying breaking and entering someone's home to steal their stuff), then you understand why we have such a high prison population.
A question that has nothing to do with left or right. Why is it that the US has such extreme high incarceration rate?

Is it because Americans are more criminal in general and American police is just super effective?

Or is it economically motivated - cheap labour and private interests in the industry?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Is this something you feel comfortable with or is it something you would like to see changed?

Americans are more criminal.

The problem is, we have allowed a sub culture of lawlessness to creep into society. A lack of respect for authority, and a respect for criminal activity.

When you watch a video like this, and hear the defenders of this criminal say "How is he going to get his stuff?" (justifying breaking and entering someone's home to steal their stuff), then you understand why we have such a high prison population.

A lack of equal protection of the law does that as well; lousy Government. We deserve this:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
A question that has nothing to do with left or right. Why is it that the US has such extreme high incarceration rate?

Is it because Americans are more criminal in general and American police is just super effective?

Or is it economically motivated - cheap labour and private interests in the industry?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Is this something you feel comfortable with or is it something you would like to see changed?

Americans are more criminal.

The problem is, we have allowed a sub culture of lawlessness to creep into society. A lack of respect for authority, and a respect for criminal activity.

When you watch a video like this, and hear the defenders of this criminal say "How is he going to get his stuff?" (justifying breaking and entering someone's home to steal their stuff), then you understand why we have such a high prison population.

I can’t find any statistics, but I don’t think Americans are considered “more criminal” abroad, I don’t. I get what you say though.
A question that has nothing to do with left or right. Why is it that the US has such extreme high incarceration rate?

Is it because Americans are more criminal in general and American police is just super effective?

Or is it economically motivated - cheap labour and private interests in the industry?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Is this something you feel comfortable with or is it something you would like to see changed?

Americans are more criminal.

The problem is, we have allowed a sub culture of lawlessness to creep into society. A lack of respect for authority, and a respect for criminal activity.

When you watch a video like this, and hear the defenders of this criminal say "How is he going to get his stuff?" (justifying breaking and entering someone's home to steal their stuff), then you understand why we have such a high prison population.

I can’t find any statistics, but I don’t think Americans are considered “more criminal” abroad, I don’t. I get what you say though.

Well I mean.... what people "think" really doesn't matter, does it? The fact we have a higher incarceration rate, alone, would indicate we are more criminal as a culture.

Unless you believe that we have a mass of completely innocent people being locked up, but you would have to show some evidence for that.
A question that has nothing to do with left or right. Why is it that the US has such extreme high incarceration rate?

Is it because Americans are more criminal in general and American police is just super effective?

Or is it economically motivated - cheap labour and private interests in the industry?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Is this something you feel comfortable with or is it something you would like to see changed?

Americans are more criminal.

The problem is, we have allowed a sub culture of lawlessness to creep into society. A lack of respect for authority, and a respect for criminal activity.

When you watch a video like this, and hear the defenders of this criminal say "How is he going to get his stuff?" (justifying breaking and entering someone's home to steal their stuff), then you understand why we have such a high prison population.

I can’t find any statistics, but I don’t think Americans are considered “more criminal” abroad, I don’t. I get what you say though.

Well I mean.... what people "think" really doesn't matter, does it? The fact we have a higher incarceration rate, alone, would indicate we are more criminal as a culture.

Unless you believe that we have a mass of completely innocent people being locked up, but you would have to show some evidence for that.

I know. I can’t really do that. But IF I could and the figures WOULD have shown that US also incarcerated more foreign citizens and US citizens abroad are not over represented in prison - then it would say something. So you are right, I can’t give you facts.
The man sends blacks to jail and lets white boys go free.

Just hang out on any frat row at any big university. Just some college fun ! Meanwhile poor and black kids cross town get arrested for doing the same .

Yes, they do not send whites to prison as much. Wonder why?

Because whites dont commit crimes as much.

We don’t send whites to prison as much for the exact same crimes...wonder why

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Blacks will immediately cop an attitude. They get nasty with the cop, refuse to cooperate. They refuse to answer necessary questions.

Once in custody the black will refuse to cooperate with his attorney. He will become abusive even when the family is paying the lawyer. The black defendant will demand to ignore viable defenses and instead promote urban rage, justification of past slavery. It's not a crime, it's taking reparations. The entire system is racist.

Get this sad dickhead in the courtroom and he laughs during testimony. He will turn and throw gang signs at the audience, glare at the jury or lunge at the victim.

The white guy will be unfailingly nice, cooperative and smile sweetly. The white guy will show up for court in clean and pressed clothing. He will cooperate with his lawyer and answer all questions.

In court, the white guy will pay attention to the proceedings. He may take notes. He will appear like the kind of person who would never commit a crime.

That's why black men will go to prison, even when innocent, where a white guy, even when guilty, will walk.
A question that has nothing to do with left or right. Why is it that the US has such extreme high incarceration rate?

Is it because Americans are more criminal in general and American police is just super effective?

Or is it economically motivated - cheap labour and private interests in the industry?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Is this something you feel comfortable with or is it something you would like to see changed?

It's because of the minority populations that commit 10x more crime than the whites for example.

Do they? Or are they just prosecuted 10x more than whites?
Do you spend much time in black neighborhoods? Do you know what you see there? Bars on windows. Every business has them.

You dont see any bars on windows where I live. A simple pane of glass is enough to prevent break ins.

Your question is shockingly ignorant.
The black areas of Los Angeles not only have bars on the windows but if you look at the roofs, they have plastic bags filled with recyclables. That's how valuable cans and bottles are. They are kept on the roof otherwise they would be stolen.
The man sends blacks to jail and lets white boys go free.

Just hang out on any frat row at any big university. Just some college fun ! Meanwhile poor and black kids cross town get arrested for doing the same .

Yes, they do not send whites to prison as much. Wonder why?

Because whites dont commit crimes as much.

We don’t send whites to prison as much for the exact same crimes...wonder why

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Blacks will immediately cop an attitude. They get nasty with the cop, refuse to cooperate. They refuse to answer necessary questions.

Once in custody the black will refuse to cooperate with his attorney. He will become abusive even when the family is paying the lawyer. The black defendant will demand to ignore viable defenses and instead promote urban rage, justification of past slavery. It's not a crime, it's taking reparations. The entire system is racist.

Get this sad dickhead in the courtroom and he laughs during testimony. He will turn and throw gang signs at the audience, glare at the jury or lunge at the victim.

The white guy will be unfailingly nice, cooperative and smile sweetly. The white guy will show up for court in clean and pressed clothing. He will cooperate with his lawyer and answer all questions.

In court, the white guy will pay attention to the proceedings. He may take notes. He will appear like the kind of person who would never commit a crime.

That's why black men will go to prison, even when innocent, where a white guy, even when guilty, will walk.

Holy fuck! that is the broadest brush I have ever seen used on this forum, and that is saying a lot.

Have you been a racist your whole life or is this a new thing for you?
A question that has nothing to do with left or right. Why is it that the US has such extreme high incarceration rate?

Is it because Americans are more criminal in general and American police is just super effective?

Or is it economically motivated - cheap labour and private interests in the industry?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Is this something you feel comfortable with or is it something you would like to see changed?
Countries with lower incarceration rates usually have the highest unsolved crime rates. If you get raped in Bangladesh, your rapist probably isnt going to be caught.
comparing a first world economy with a third world economy?
The OP is comparing first world incarceration rates to third world incarceration rates and I am responding. What's your point?
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The man sends blacks to jail and lets white boys go free.

Just hang out on any frat row at any big university. Just some college fun ! Meanwhile poor and black kids cross town get arrested for doing the same .

Yes, they do not send whites to prison as much. Wonder why?

Because whites dont commit crimes as much.

We don’t send whites to prison as much for the exact same crimes...wonder why

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Blacks will immediately cop an attitude. They get nasty with the cop, refuse to cooperate. They refuse to answer necessary questions.

Once in custody the black will refuse to cooperate with his attorney. He will become abusive even when the family is paying the lawyer. The black defendant will demand to ignore viable defenses and instead promote urban rage, justification of past slavery. It's not a crime, it's taking reparations. The entire system is racist.

Get this sad dickhead in the courtroom and he laughs during testimony. He will turn and throw gang signs at the audience, glare at the jury or lunge at the victim.

The white guy will be unfailingly nice, cooperative and smile sweetly. The white guy will show up for court in clean and pressed clothing. He will cooperate with his lawyer and answer all questions.

In court, the white guy will pay attention to the proceedings. He may take notes. He will appear like the kind of person who would never commit a crime.

That's why black men will go to prison, even when innocent, where a white guy, even when guilty, will walk.

Holy fuck! that is the broadest brush I have ever seen used on this forum, and that is saying a lot.

Have you been a racist your whole life or is this a new thing for you?
Does the truth hurt that much? If blacks would stop acting out they would stop getting packed off to jail. But that's racist.

You wanted to know why black men go to prison when a white guy will walk. I just told you. The truth is racist.

What happens is that after the black guy puts on his dog and pony show juries won't put him back on the street whether or not he's guilty of the crime charged. And those are black juries!

Why don't you help. Tell black men that cops and courtrooms are no place to work on building up street cred.

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