Income Inequality Is A Myth

You need to watch this video to understand the truth of my assertion that income inequality is simply a liberal myth.

Thomas Sowell Dismantles Feminism and Racialism in under 5 Minutes - YouTube
"Income inequality" is obviously a complex issue that is way beyond the ability of your grey matter to understand.

Income inequality is not an issue of race or gender, it's an issue of class.

It's not an issue between white vs black; it is an issue between the 1% and the 99%.
You need to watch this video to understand the truth of my assertion that income inequality is simply a liberal myth.

Thomas Sowell Dismantles Feminism and Racialism in under 5 Minutes - YouTube
"Income inequality" is obviously a complex issue that is way beyond the ability of your grey matter to understand.

Income inequality is not an issue of race or gender, it's an issue of class.

It's not an issue between white vs black; it is an issue between the 1% and the 99%.

That's just stupid. The difference between the 1% and the 99% isn't what we have, it's we did with what we have.
You need to watch this video to understand the truth of my assertion that income inequality is simply a liberal myth.

Thomas Sowell Dismantles Feminism and Racialism in under 5 Minutes - YouTube
"Income inequality" is obviously a complex issue that is way beyond the ability of your grey matter to understand.

Income inequality is not an issue of race or gender, it's an issue of class.

It's not an issue between white vs black; it is an issue between the 1% and the 99%.

That's just brilliant. An issue between the 1% and the remainder.
What a load of crap..
This theory of income inequality or wealth gaps or whatever label one wishes to use is purely political. It's being used by the left to gin up support for democrat candidates who regurgitate this talking point.
If a candidate was actually opposed to the this alleged 'gap', he or she would be turning down checks from anyone who's income is over $300k per year. Of course, that's not going to happen. Political candidates NEED that money.
Carlos Slim is the wealthiest man in the world, living in a country[Mexico] where people risk their lives to come to the US to perform manual labor. That's income inequality.
Carlos Slim is the wealthiest man in the world, living in a country[Mexico] where people risk their lives to come to the US to perform manual labor. That's income inequality.

Yes. And Slim is wealthy because his businesses are protected by the Mexican government from competittion. Which is pretty much what liberals here want.
You need to watch this video to understand the truth of my assertion that income inequality is simply a liberal myth.

Thomas Sowell Dismantles Feminism and Racialism in under 5 Minutes - YouTube

This is from 1981. Can't you find anything in this century to support your "feelings"?
After all the Crash of 2008 had not occurred yet when this show was taped.
That's William Buckley hosting.
Sowell is speaking to black vs white incomes.

OK, hang on MudWad and go forward 32 years to today, I know it's hard for you but....things have changed and the contemporary reference to income inequality is not about race. It refers to wealth, period. And right now the top 1% has 40% of the country's wealth.
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You need to watch this video to understand the truth of my assertion that income inequality is simply a liberal myth.

Thomas Sowell Dismantles Feminism and Racialism in under 5 Minutes - YouTube
"Income inequality" is obviously a complex issue that is way beyond the ability of your grey matter to understand.

Income inequality is not an issue of race or gender, it's an issue of class.

It's not an issue between white vs black; it is an issue between the 1% and the 99%.

Here's the real myth: that 1%ers who make $450,000 per year are the equivalent tax sheltering billionaires like Warren Buffet.
In the studies of what caused the Great Depression the first thing usually listed is inequality of income.

That would be an interesting read if you could find a link.

Many books on the Great Depression use Galbraith's The Great Crash as the Bible on the causes of the Great Depression. I think it was the first real study of economic depressions.
You need to watch this video to understand the truth of my assertion that income inequality is simply a liberal myth.

Thomas Sowell Dismantles Feminism and Racialism in under 5 Minutes - YouTube
"Income inequality" is obviously a complex issue that is way beyond the ability of your grey matter to understand.

Income inequality is not an issue of race or gender, it's an issue of class.

It's not an issue between white vs black; it is an issue between the 1% and the 99%.

Every time one of you libs can't explain one of your silly positions you always say that.

Face it, you can't explain it and I can.

It's nonsense.
You need to watch this video to understand the truth of my assertion that income inequality is simply a liberal myth.

Thomas Sowell Dismantles Feminism and Racialism in under 5 Minutes - YouTube

This is from 1981. Can't you find anything in this century to support your "feelings"?
After all the Crash of 2008 had not occurred yet when this show was taped.
That's William Buckley hosting.
Sowell is speaking to black vs white incomes.

OK, hang on MudWad and go forward 32 years to today, I know it's hard for you but....things have changed and the contemporary reference to income inequality is not about race. It refers to wealth, period. And right now the top 1% has 40% of the country's wealth.

The thread is about income, not wealth. As I already pointed out to Chris they are two entirely different things.
You need to watch this video to understand the truth of my assertion that income inequality is simply a liberal myth.

Thomas Sowell Dismantles Feminism and Racialism in under 5 Minutes - YouTube

This is from 1981. Can't you find anything in this century to support your "feelings"?
After all the Crash of 2008 had not occurred yet when this show was taped.
That's William Buckley hosting.
Sowell is speaking to black vs white incomes.

OK, hang on MudWad and go forward 32 years to today, I know it's hard for you but....things have changed and the contemporary reference to income inequality is not about race. It refers to wealth, period. And right now the top 1% has 40% of the country's wealth.

The thread is about income, not wealth. As I already pointed out to Chris they are two entirely different things.
There are those who are either incapable or unwilling to make the distinction.
Most are on the left of the political spectrum.

Wealth and income are two entirely different things.
Chris again shows that he can't understand.

Income inequality doesn't exist. It assumes that women and blacks do not make as much as white males. It's total horseshit. Especially in present times. It may have been true 100 years ago, but not today.

Given the same education level, work experience, and competency level, it doesn't matter what sex you are or what race you are.

Seems Forbes disagrees with you folks who take a partisan economist's word for it. And yes, income inequality is bad. Bad for a consumer driven economy. It's that simple. It's crazy that people fail to see it. No actually it's unbelievable.
How Income Inequality Is Damaging the U.S
How Income Inequality Is Damaging the U.S. - Forbes

Inequality Is Holding Back the Recovery

And an opinion piece in Forbes is not that of a partisan economist?:lol:
The article you cite assumes a causal relationship, although it is not proven. And the problem seems to come from gov't interference, according to that same article.

So you saying Forbes is liberal?
I would care to guess that 99% of all economist know there is income inequality. I could post article after article from economists of all stripes acknowledging that there is in fact income inequality. Sowell is the right wing's version of Krugman. They are both political hacks.
And we all know what you are about Rabbi.
Growing apart … And It’s Destroying Our Economy →
Inequality: Growing apart | The Economist

Who’s Who of Prominent Economists and Billionaire Investors Say that Runaway Inequality Harms the Economy
Who?s Who of Prominent Economists and Billionaire Investors Say that Runaway Inequality Harms the Economy | Washington's Blog

Richest 1 percent earn biggest share since '20s

Richest 1 percent earn biggest share since '20s -

The Unequal State of America: a Reuters series
The Unequal State of America: A Reuters series

Obama's America: Income Inequality Grows -- and Prosperity Declines

Obama's America: Income Inequality Grows -- and Prosperity Declines - Carol Platt Liebau

The income gap (written by the managing Editor of Fortune Magazine)
The income gap - Aug. 19, 2013

Fix the Inequality Gap: Bloomberg Businessweek Opening Remarks
Fix the Inequality Gap: Bloomberg Businessweek Opening Remarks - Bloomberg

Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, I even included a pretty hard far right resources (Townhall), they all realize the yes, there is income inequality. It's a danger to the US economy.
I love how our resident non-economists know so much more about economics than the world's top economists of all stripes. We are so lucky to have economic geniuses here at USMB!
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Seems Forbes disagrees with you folks who take a partisan economist's word for it. And yes, income inequality is bad. Bad for a consumer driven economy. It's that simple. It's crazy that people fail to see it. No actually it's unbelievable.
How Income Inequality Is Damaging the U.S
How Income Inequality Is Damaging the U.S. - Forbes

Inequality Is Holding Back the Recovery

And an opinion piece in Forbes is not that of a partisan economist?
The article you cite assumes a causal relationship, although it is not proven. And the problem seems to come from gov't interference, according to that same article.

I would care to guess that 99% of all economist know there is income inequality. I could post article after article from economists of all stripes acknowledging that there is in fact income inequality. Sowell is the right wing's version of Krugman. They are both political hacks.
And we all know what you are about Rabbi.
Growing apart … And It’s Destroying Our Economy →
Inequality: Growing apart | The Economist

Who’s Who of Prominent Economists and Billionaire Investors Say that Runaway Inequality Harms the Economy
Who?s Who of Prominent Economists and Billionaire Investors Say that Runaway Inequality Harms the Economy | Washington's Blog

Richest 1 percent earn biggest share since '20s

Richest 1 percent earn biggest share since '20s -

The Unequal State of America: a Reuters series
The Unequal State of America: A Reuters series

Obama's America: Income Inequality Grows -- and Prosperity Declines
Obama's America: Income Inequality Grows -- and Prosperity Declines - Carol Platt Liebau

I even included some pretty hard far right resources, they all realize the yes, there is income inequality. It's a danger to the US economy.
I love how our resident non-economists know so much more about economics than the world's top economists of all stripes..

Income inequality as a political issue is an urban myth. Incomes will always differ. However we currently have a president that talks like he wants to help the poor but instead is helping the rich and holding down the poor and the Middle Class. As for Obama, he and his friends are all 1%ers.
And an opinion piece in Forbes is not that of a partisan economist?
The article you cite assumes a causal relationship, although it is not proven. And the problem seems to come from gov't interference, according to that same article.

I would care to guess that 99% of all economist know there is income inequality. I could post article after article from economists of all stripes acknowledging that there is in fact income inequality. Sowell is the right wing's version of Krugman. They are both political hacks.
And we all know what you are about Rabbi.
Growing apart … And It’s Destroying Our Economy →
Inequality: Growing apart | The Economist

Who’s Who of Prominent Economists and Billionaire Investors Say that Runaway Inequality Harms the Economy
Who?s Who of Prominent Economists and Billionaire Investors Say that Runaway Inequality Harms the Economy | Washington's Blog

Richest 1 percent earn biggest share since '20s

Richest 1 percent earn biggest share since '20s -

The Unequal State of America: a Reuters series
The Unequal State of America: A Reuters series

Obama's America: Income Inequality Grows -- and Prosperity Declines
Obama's America: Income Inequality Grows -- and Prosperity Declines - Carol Platt Liebau

I even included some pretty hard far right resources, they all realize the yes, there is income inequality. It's a danger to the US economy.
I love how our resident non-economists know so much more about economics than the world's top economists of all stripes..

Income inequality as a political issue is an urban myth. Incomes will always differ. However we currently have a president that talks like he wants to help the poor but instead is helping the rich and holding down the poor and the Middle Class. As for Obama, he and his friends are all 1%ers.

Is income inequality real or not? It seems the worlds economists and investors say it does exist. It's only a myth in the mind of the deniers.
I guess you don't understand what inequality means when a proponent talks about income differences.

They're trying to assert that there is some inherent unfairness in the system.

The system weeds out the pretenders and rewards those who are innovative. What you and other liberals are trying to say is regardless everyone should be paid equally, even if they're the most worthless POS on the planet.

As usual a con doesn't understand any issue without it being black-and-white. Nuance just escapes you doesn't. I don't think we should be paid equally. I support the idea of a CEO making much more money than a low level worker. The problem isn't inequality itself. The problem is the enormous disparity that there actually is between the middle class and the mega wealthy. The top 1% controls 40% of the nation's wealth. That is what's wrong. Do you honestly believe that the 1% deserves that much wealth? Do you honestly believe the top 1% EARNED that money? No way.
Wording your statement differently does not change the message.
Just admit that you are bothered by those with wealth.
You are another person who buys into the Keynesian theory of the zero sum game.
It's false.
There is no "share".
There is no "pie"..
There is no magic pot of money cloistered away in an undisclosed location from which all business draws money that they all deliberately keep from their respective workers.
The liberal mindset on this is well documented.

And an opinion piece in Forbes is not that of a partisan economist?
The article you cite assumes a causal relationship, although it is not proven. And the problem seems to come from gov't interference, according to that same article.

I would care to guess that 99% of all economist know there is income inequality. I could post article after article from economists of all stripes acknowledging that there is in fact income inequality. Sowell is the right wing's version of Krugman. They are both political hacks.
And we all know what you are about Rabbi.
Growing apart … And It’s Destroying Our Economy →
Inequality: Growing apart | The Economist

Who’s Who of Prominent Economists and Billionaire Investors Say that Runaway Inequality Harms the Economy
Who?s Who of Prominent Economists and Billionaire Investors Say that Runaway Inequality Harms the Economy | Washington's Blog

Richest 1 percent earn biggest share since '20s

Richest 1 percent earn biggest share since '20s -

The Unequal State of America: a Reuters series
The Unequal State of America: A Reuters series

Obama's America: Income Inequality Grows -- and Prosperity Declines
Obama's America: Income Inequality Grows -- and Prosperity Declines - Carol Platt Liebau

I even included some pretty hard far right resources, they all realize the yes, there is income inequality. It's a danger to the US economy.
I love how our resident non-economists know so much more about economics than the world's top economists of all stripes..

Income inequality as a political issue is an urban myth. Incomes will always differ. However we currently have a president that talks like he wants to help the poor but instead is helping the rich and holding down the poor and the Middle Class. As for Obama, he and his friends are all 1%ers.

Wow, the evidence of its harm is right in front of you and still you dismiss it. You have issues, dude. I feel sorry for you.
Women's suffrage.

You forgot what you said?

Not enough shiny objects to keep your attention?

what about woman's suffering?
i made my point about voting and that was that.

Your point was based on a false assumption which you threw out and didn't want to discuss because it was something you knew you couldn't prove.

You follow? Or must I spell it out further?

no i didnt want to discuss this issue with Rabbi, just Rabbi because it is a worthless venture.

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