'Instead of Gaza' | How should we name the new city?

Israel has a command structure and a code of justice similar to ours.
Rules of war are something only Western cultures adhere to. Not terrorists and butchers.

It reminds me of the 60s and 70s. American soldiers were guilty of the same sort of thing in Vietnam.
You have to keep control of your men or all Hell breaks loose.
The difference between now and Vietnam is that we have leftists defending the Muslim barbaric butchers and demonizing the Jews following the rules of war.
Stop this tiresome demagogy. Some years ago, any peace deals with the Arab countries and Israel were seen as unrealistic and out of reality. Now, it is the reality.

There is no way for Israel other than seeking for 'reasonable groups' in Palestine and neighbouring countries and work out some reasonable solution.

If you want to go on with your bluff, then go on. Your narratives will have any basis only in the case the US is ready to fight another war in the Middle East. If not, your line of reasoning may get 'out of reality' pretty fast.
Don't be so naive. No one really believes a two-state solution is possible, but the US pays lip service to it because they believe the Arab street would go nuts if they were told the truth. Israel was able to make peace with Egypt because Sadat was able to credibly offer peace to Israel, but there has never been a Palestinian leader could do that, there is none now and there is no reason to believe there could be one in the foreseeable future. There simply is no solution to this issue now and there won't be until the Palestinian culture gives up the ambition to conquer Israel.
Israel has made that offer, but the Palestinians refused it it.
Palestinians are a creation of the League of Nations.

Most of those people would be called Arab Israelis.

Israel today is just what used be the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah.

There was a similar conflict in India when Britain gave it it's independence. They split into Pakistan and India.
The problem is both sides are fighting over Jerusalem. Both groups claim ownership.
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The difference between now and Vietnam is that we have leftists defending the Muslim barbaric butchers and demonizing the Jews following the rules of war.
Yep. The left has switched sides because they've been taken over by our enemies.
Don't be so naive. No one really believes a two-state solution is possible, but the US pays lip service to it because they believe the Arab street would go nuts if they were told the truth. Israel was able to make peace with Egypt because Sadat was able to credibly offer peace to Israel, but there has never been a Palestinian leader could do that, there is none now and there is no reason to believe there could be one in the foreseeable future. There simply is no solution to this issue now and there won't be until the Palestinian culture gives up the ambition to conquer Israel.
It was possible at one time. Israel offered the Palestinians 95% of what they asked for to have their own state, but it was contingent upon the Arabs there acknowledging Israel’s right to exist. They refused.

Now there should be no attempt by the Biden Administration to carve out a two-state solution with the Arabs. They just brutally massacred 1400 innocent Jews, INTENTIONALLY, and to expect Israel to be “nice” after that is ridiculous.

The Gazans had their chance. They blew it.
It was possible at one time. Israel offered the Palestinians 95% of what they asked for to have their own state, but it was contingent upon the Arabs there acknowledging Israel’s right to exist. They refused.

Now there should be no attempt by the Biden Administration to carve out a two-state solution with the Arabs. They just brutally massacred 1400 innocent Jews, INTENTIONALLY, and to expect Israel to be “nice” after that is ridiculous.

The Gazans had their chance. They blew it.
911 and Pearl Harbor come to mind.
911 and Pearl Harbor come to mind.
Yup. And did we have anti-Americans from other countries demanding we cease fire?

Also, when considering the size of Israel’s population, 10/7 was worse than 9/11. It would be like the Islamic terrorists killing 30,000 of our people rather then 3,000.

I think Biden should pressure Egypt to take the Palestinians, or no more aid. Americans are giving Egypt $1.3 billion.

It was possible at one time. Israel offered the Palestinians 95% of what they asked for to have their own state, but it was contingent upon the Arabs there acknowledging Israel’s right to exist. They refused.

Now there should be no attempt by the Biden Administration to carve out a two-state solution with the Arabs. They just brutally massacred 1400 innocent Jews, INTENTIONALLY, and to expect Israel to be “nice” after that is ridiculous.

The Gazans had their chance. They blew it.
In hindsight, I'm not sure it was ever possible, but Israel did succumb to outside pressures to allow Arafat to return from Tunisia and did offer nearly all the land in the territories and the Palestinian response was the second intifada. That should have been enough to convince any reasonable person that possibility of two states living side by side in peace was at least generations away, and now the reactions of the Palestinians to the Oct. 7 massacre confirms it.
Yup. And did we have anti-Americans from other countries demanding we cease fire?

Also, when considering the size of Israel’s population, 10/7 was worse than 9/11. It would be like the Islamic terrorists killing 30,000 of our people rather then 3,000.

I think Biden should pressure Egypt to take the Palestinians, or no more aid. Americans are giving Egypt $1.3 billion.

I think we should stay out of it, but that's just me.

Nothing good is going to come from any of this.

You can only solve the problem one way. Wipe the Palestinians off the face of the Earth.
As long as there are people of that mindset.....peace is impossible.

If the shoe were on the other foot the Palestinians would wipe out every Jew everywhere.
If they can gain enough support they will go house to house killing them everywhere. They tried murdering Jews in Russia and now over 100 of them have been arrested and might spend years in prison.
I think we should stay out of it, but that's just me.

Nothing good is going to come from any of this.

You can only solve the problem one way. Wipe the Palestinians off the face of the Earth.
As long as there are people of that mindset.....peace is impossible.

If the shoe were on the other foot the Palestinians would wipe out every Jew everywhere.
If they can gain enough support they will go house to house killing them everywhere. They tried murdering Jews in Russia and now over 100 of them have been arrested and might spend years in prison.
I just don’t want those Jew-hating Palestinians coming here. Let Egypt take them, and make foreign aid contingent upon it. It will be to America’s benefit.
I just don’t want those Jew-hating Palestinians coming here. Let Egypt take them, and make foreign aid contingent upon it. It will be to America’s benefit.
Hate to tell you....but many of them are already here.

Biden threw the borders wide-open......so more and more are coming every day.
I saw some of them in the store Friday in Clarksville TN.

Several years ago some of them were renting one of my apartments.
Hate to tell you....but many of them are already here.

Biden threw the borders wide-open......so more and more are coming every day.
I saw some of them in the store Friday in Clarksville TN.

Several years ago some of them were renting one of my apartments.
Oh, I know they’re here. The adjacent county is full of them, and when I go to the mall there, I am surrounded by women in full black cover, with half a dozen children in tow, and jabbering away in Arabic. Not a pleasant feeling.
Oh, I know they’re here. The adjacent county is full of them, and when I go to the mall there, I am surrounded by women in full black cover, with half a dozen children in tow, and jabbering away in Arabic. Not a pleasant feeling.
I remember how the day before 911 there were so many living in Nashville.....and after the WTC came down thousands of them left for the Middle-East.

They're getting cocky again.
They think they might be able to get away with another 911.
The problem with the thought of peace in the Middle-East is that there are always extremists on both sides that refuse to stand by and allow it to happen.

To understand this we need to unpack what makes up the mindset of the culture in question. Anyone who understands Arab command structures understands that there is one commander on the ground who controls the thugs that are around them. They don't have a rational command structure. One guy calls the shots, and the mindless dipshits that make up their command have to be told what to do.

I helped train Arab units when I was a military advisor in the 90s.....and that is how they were set up. I tried to get across to them that they needed squad-leaders and platoon leaders as well as company commanders and battalion commanders, but I never could get it to sink in. They had one officer in charge of 100 men and no NCOs. So when they went into Israel from GAZA those idiots just started murdering everything that was alive. Old men, old women, babies, dogs, cats. Anything that was moving or hiding. They were having a good time. Now they're suffering because of their stupidity. But this is highly predictable because all Palestinians that live in GAZA are taught to murder Jews and Christians from birth. So what do you expect them to do when they get the opportunity?

The word mindless minions comes to mind here. This is why reckless rhetoric by their leaders can have destructive consequences. I cringe every time I hear Biden giving one of his "Radical MAGA Extremist" speeches, because I know what it can lead to.
You may like or dislike the Arabs. I am not going to defend them, anyway. How they live, run their societies etc is their internal matters, I don't care at all.

But what should be noted is that a number of Arab ruling elites have grown up enough to make 'adult' decisions, such as recognition of Israel, or the Abraham Accords. And negotiations about the 'Palestinian issue' should be held with these elites, in the first turn.

The longer this war goes on in the way it does now, or, what be even worse, in the case of some 'ethnic cleansing' attempts in Gaza all that will make these Arab elites be less mindful about any peace negotiations, but more concerned about 'the Arab street' demands. And this may lead to bigger troubles in the region.
Israel has made that offer, but the Palestinians refused it it.
You can mention the offers made 20 or 30 or 70 years ago on and on, but that won't change a thing. Looking for some justifications in the past won't help you in the future.
You can mention the offers made 20 or 30 or 70 years ago on and on, but that won't change a thing. Looking for some justifications in the past won't help you in the future.
Gaza has been autonomous since 2005.
They could have used those hundreds of billions in aid to build a beautiful Mediterranean tourist spot. Instead they used it conducting murder.
Don't be so naive. No one really believes a two-state solution is possible, but the US pays lip service to it because they believe the Arab street would go nuts if they were told the truth. Israel was able to make peace with Egypt because Sadat was able to credibly offer peace to Israel, but there has never been a Palestinian leader could do that, there is none now and there is no reason to believe there could be one in the foreseeable future. There simply is no solution to this issue now and there won't be until the Palestinian culture gives up the ambition to conquer Israel.
And what is possible? Ethnic cleansing of Gaza and then the West Bank? Okay, go on. It is your war, after all, and you should decide how to wage it and reap the results.
You may like or dislike the Arabs. I am not going to defend them, anyway. How they live, run their societies etc is their internal matters, I don't care at all.

But what should be noted is that a number of Arab ruling elites have grown up enough to make 'adult' decisions, such as recognition of Israel, or the Abraham Accords. And negotiations about the 'Palestinian issue' should be held with these elites, in the first turn.

The longer this war goes on in the way it does now, or, what be even worse, in the case of some 'ethnic cleansing' attempts in Gaza all that will make these Arab elites be less mindful about any peace negotiations, but more concerned about 'the Arab street' demands. And this may lead to bigger troubles in the region.
The only thing these folks understand is fear and strength.
If they fuck with you, you knock them out or send em back to the Stone-age.

It's the only thing they understand.

It's why they spit on Western Democracies.

"The Arab Street" is just a bunch of hotheaded 20-30 year old males with an advanced case of DSB (Deadly Sperm Build-up).
Gaza has been autonomous since 2005.
They could have used those hundreds of billions in aid to build a beautiful Mediterranean tourist spot. Instead they used it conducting murder.
Yes, they could and should. Though, I am not sure it was really possible while blockade of the Gaza Strip was in place, but nonetheless.

All that doesn't answer on what to do now. Ethnic cleansing? Go on.

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