...'Insurrection' on J6 = the real deal ....

Ha ha! Gotcha, didn't I?

lol ...sure - you go with that.

deflection denied.jpg

next time try not playing the ' what aboutism game ' because you can't argue the topic. or here's a brilliant idea!


try starting a new thread!
Like an assassinationist NOT charged with assassination.
They get charged with MURDER.

Fuck you and your lame attempt to justify the insurrectionists.

We will settle with an insurrectionist charged with seditious conspiracy.
Then call the .05% of people that have been charged with it, seditionists, if it makes you feel better. There is a difference between the terms.
Reality is reality, smuck.
yep, like .05% of the attendees lol
Yep, 1,000's crossed the line.
Babbitt literally crossed the line, attempting to enter the restricted area.

Dude, 1,000's were complicit on J6.
0.05% = .0005 times X is 1,000 is 2 Million.

You understand the math?
If 2 Million People were at J6, then .05% would be 1,000.

It is close to 1,000 people being charged.
You are bad at Math.
Liberal judge moron. They can't define what a woman is either. Bottom line, there can be no insurrection without anyone being charged with that crime--PERIOD. Whine and cry and kick the slats out of your crib all you want. There was no insurrection. It was a riot--just like the ones that BLM/Antifa carried out--but not nearly as long or costly.
About time someone states the truth. All we have heard is cross dressing Santos loving right wing perverts who get their definitions from white wing media outlets.

By definition, it was an insurection.
As we all have seen on this venue there is a segment (growing ever smaller, btw) ...but a faction of posters here who will not admit---yet ----that the violent attempt to stop the Constitutionally mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power was, in fact, an insurrection.

Yeah, their view conflicts with both the colloquial understanding of the word, and the statutory definition.

But their hesitancy no longer matters all that much. Their view has been fading for some time now. But yesterday, a nail on the issue was firmly pounded into place.

A DC trial court, in passing judgement (and a sentence - 68 months) clearly and unambiguously stated in open court, on the record.....that the January 6th attempted insurrection WAS......in fact, an insurrection.
Here are the court's statements as reported in Politico:
(my avatar has bolded the word 'insurrection' as emphasis)

"Jan. 6 defendant who sprayed line of police sentenced after tearful apology

“You’re entitled to your political views but not to an insurrection," the judge said before delivering 68-month jail term.

By KYLE CHENEY -- Politico 02/01/2023 04:55 PM EST

"A Jan. 6 defendant who sprayed a chemical irritant at about 15 police officers — and later bragged about it in a video interview — was sentenced Wednesday to 68 months in prison. This is one of the stiffest Jan. 6 sentences handed down to date.

Daniel Caldwell, a 51-year-old Marine Corps veteran, delivered a tearful apology in court to the officers he sprayed, expressing remorse for his actions that day and pleading with U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly for mercy.
But Kollar-Kotelly repeatedly described Caldwell as an “insurrectionist” and noted that his deployment of chemical spray at officers created such an intense cloud that it nearly broke the depleted police line by itself.
“You’re entitled to your political views but not to an insurrection,” the judge said. “You were an insurrectionist.”

Kollar-Kotelly also put his involvement in the broader Jan. 6 attack in the context of previous challenges to the United States government. She said it was crucial for her sentence to “fortify against the revolutionary fervor that you and others felt on Jan. 6 and may still feel today.”

“Insurrection is not,” she said, “and cannot ever be warranted.”
Kookoo for Cocoa Puffs....

About time someone states the truth. All we have heard is cross dressing Santos loving right wing perverts who get their definitions from white wing media outlets.

By definition, it was an insurection.
Another moron that can't read a dictionary exposes their ignorance. Run along.
They damn sure aren't being indoctrinated in WA public schools.
So answer the Question.
You just said you live in WA.
What Private School did:

1) You attend
2) Your children attend
3) Your grandchildren attend

Why can't you answer this simple 3 part question?
Another moron that can't read a dictionary exposes their ignorance. Run along.
You can't slither away that easily.

"an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government."

Yup, and Seditious Conspiracy carries a LOOOOONNNNGER Sentence.
Thank You for accepting the crime of Seditious Conspiracy.
That LOOOOOOONNNNNGER sentence hasn't been doled out to any of those guys who discussed the riot over a beer. Fancy that? Strange, the longest sentence was given to an NYPD cop who attacked a DC cop. Hmmmm. Kind shoots that fallacious argument full of holes, eh Winnie?
That LOOOOOOONNNNNGER sentence hasn't been doled out to any of those guys who discussed the riot over a beer. Fancy that? Strange, the longest sentence was given to an NYPD cop who attacked a DC cop. Hmmmm. Kind shoots that fallacious argument full of holes, eh Winnie?
Your ignorance is noted.
So which Private School do you pay to have your grandchildren attend?
So answer the Question.
You just said you live in WA.
What Private School did:

1) You attend
2) Your children attend
3) Your grandchildren attend

Why can't you answer this simple 3 part question?
1. I didn't attend any school in this state that is run by a commie dictator and his minions supported by morons like yourself who can't differentiate between seditious CONSPIRACY and insurrection.
2. My children didn't attend any of WA's underfunded schools, either.
3. My grandchildren aren't being indoctrinated by Chris Reykdal and his brainless minions either.
I see your posts daily and if you are an example of the quality of education in WA, I rest my case.
You can't slither away that easily.

"an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government."

There was no revolt, rebellion, against the authority of the gov't. It was a 6-hour riot. There were no weapons and the only murder was that of an unarmed female trespasser--a misdemeanor at most. And STILL, you morons have yet to produce one charge of insurrection, let alone conviction. Maybe you should slither back under your rock, apparently that is where you've been.

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