Zone1 Interesting verse. What say ye?

Nothing is written in "Jewish". :4_13_65:
What I meant was that after the Jews returned from Babylon, they conflated the Passover and The Feast of Unleavened Bread into a single feast. The writers of the New Testament reinforced this error in their accounts of "the last supper" having been "Judaized" themselves for many years.
Speak to God... he hears us... he hears you... you don't have to recite some prayer although that's good too... just talk to him...
This is essentially, though only totally metaphorically, true.
We (humans of all times and places) have so hyper-anthropomorphized the term that it is poisonous to use the word "God", at all, but especially in conversation. Everyone 'knows' what it means. It is closer to being understood by a paltry percentage of we folk.
Obviously, the universe and existence have aspects and qualities whose source is not obvious.
We latch names, nouns, to things and then think we know them.
Gravity is a good example, as are life and death.
"God" is in a similar verbal situation.
Now if we can just finish the job and finally conclude that Jesus died on (our) Wednesday and rose on (our) Saturday, understanding that the Good Friday/Easter thing is an invention of the Romans, and accepted by most of Christendom since.
you assume no variation in calendars.
What I meant was that after the Jews returned from Babylon, they conflated the Passover and The Feast of Unleavened Bread into a single feast. The writers of the New Testament reinforced this error in their accounts of "the last supper" having been "Judaized" themselves for many years.

The author or authors of 'Mathew' was an educated Jew, writing for Jews, so was 'John', and some think 'Mark' was recording Peter's views. The literary structures and OT references make a good case for those opinions. I personally don't know with any certainty, just read certain scholars I have respect for.

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