International Men in Dresses Day

See? You don't know me, and you misquote me.

I never quoted you in the first place.

When I brought up the way drag queens disrespected women, you minimized it as a few bad words.

That is equally as harmful as those that use the stereotypes against women.
Years ago, when I was in my teens, I was in several drag shows. At 2 different venues. Children attended both.

None of them disrespected women. And there was no profanity at all. In fact, my Mother (a very respectable southern lady) was at the shows as well.
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I never quoted you in the first place.

When I brought up the way drag queens disrespected women, you minimized it as a few bad words.

That is equally as harmful as those that use the stereotypes against women.

And you supported the shows, both with your attendance and financially.

And you went with friends who supported them financially, and apparently liked them too.
You are missing what I said.

Years ago, when I was in my teens, I was in several drag shows. At 2 different venues. Children attended both.

None of them disrespected women. And there was no profanity at all. In fact, my Mother (a very respectable southern lady) was at the shows as well.

The mere fact that they dress outrageously in woman’s attire, and you absolutely cannot say they don’t. Is stereotyping. If it were a white man, wearing black face, and acting outrageously as are the stereotypes of that community, then I’m guessing it’d be a completely different story
And you supported the shows, both with your attendance and financially.

And you went with friends who supported them financially, and apparently liked them too.

Went once. Never again. And I’d never befriend one of them, that’s for sure.

I have far too much respect for my mother, sisters, wife and daughters.

The mere fact that they dress outrageously in woman’s attire, and you absolutely cannot say they don’t. Is stereotyping. If it were a white man, wearing black face, and acting outrageously as are the stereotypes of that community, then I’m guessing it’d be a completely different story

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You mean like this?
Went once. Never again. And I’d never befriend one of them, that’s for sure.

I have far too much respect for my mother, sisters, wife and daughters.

But you stayed long enough to hear plenty of the acts.

And your friends obviously like them. "Birds of a feather", right?
How about Dolly Parton? She dresses very trashy, and does so on purpose. I she disrespecting women?
How about Dolly Parton? She dresses very trashy, and does so on purpose. I she disrespecting women?
OMG. Are you kidding me!

Dolly Parton gives you license to degrade women?

Holy Shit. I don’t think your friggen joking. I think you are for real!

That’s sick dude.

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