IRS Raids Montana Gun Store

No. I didn't have to be there to know this is illegal.
They've been trying to do this for a very long time....and the GOP, the Supreme Court, and the NRA has stood in their way.

You people make all kinds of baseless claims daily. Show me proof they had no right to do this raid or shut up.
Last I heard those ATF 4473 forms were classified as a privacy issue that the government has no right to.
It's against the law for them to have access to them.
That form is to be maintained by the FFL dealer.
The only purpose they have for the forms is when tracing a firearm used during a crime.
All of you claiming this raid was illegal and some big conspiracy by the Biden administration are assuming the version you're reading in the far right media is an accurate accounting of what happened. None of you know anything about this gun shop or the man who owns it or his history and why the IRS would be looking into him. You have only one side of the story, which you see fit to agree with because it fits your bias.
You people make all kinds of baseless claims daily. Show me proof they had no right to do this raid or shut up.
Why not look into the rules and regulations on ATF Form 4473.
That will tell you all you need to know.
The fact is illegal for them to remove those forms from a licensed FFL dealer's shop.
But go ahead and look it up yourself.

All of you claiming this raid was illegal and some big conspiracy by the Biden administration are assuming the version you're reading in the far right media is an accurate accounting of what happened. None of you know anything about this gun shop or the man who owns it or his history and why the IRS would be looking into him. You have only one side of the story, which you see fit to agree with because it fits your bias.
Until we see another version of this report, what other version do you want us to believe?
You people make all kinds of baseless claims daily. Show me proof they had no right to do this raid or shut up.
Its possible that the gun store owner was engaged in suspected illegal activity

After all the Deep State MIGHT NOT be engaged in some sort of a lib partisan scam

But the government does not deserve the benefit of the doubt so its up to them to prove they are not abusing their power
Its possible that the gun store owner was engaged in suspected illegal activity

After all the Deep State MIGHT NOT be engaged in some sort of a lib partisan scam

But the government does not deserve the benefit of the doubt so its up to them to prove they are not abusing their power

I've never stated they weren't abusing it. What I said was none of you have any evidence they are other than your own paranoia.
How about withholding judgment until you get the other side of the story?
Sorry, but they've been arguing in court for decades about this.....and now Biden is doing it without bothering to make it legal. I've been hearing about this since Bill Clinton was POTUS.

CA has imposed Universal Background Checks....but I'm sure that is going to go in front of the Supreme Court and be struck down.
Apparently Biden (or his communist handlers) aren't willing to wait for this action to be made legal. They're just going ahead and using force/intimidation to make FFL dealers come to heel.
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Sorry, but they've been arguing in court for decades about this.....and now Biden is doing it without bothering to make it legal. I've been hearing about this since Bill Clinton was POTUS.

CA has imposed Universal Background Checks....but I'm sure that is going to go in front of the Supreme Court and be struck down.
Apparently Biden (or his communist handlers) aren't willing to wait for this act it to be made legal. They're just going ahead and using force/intimidation to make FFL dealers come to heel.

Definitely had nothing to do with the fact that they were going into a gun shop.
Have you ever been in one?
They aren't walking around the place packing heat.

I think what's going on is the IRS is showing up sporting tactical gear in an intimidation manuver hoping that nobody tries to stop them.
Then they're grabbing the ATF forms and daring anyone to stop them.
Once they leave the place, the only thing the FFL dealer can do is take them to court.....and in maybe a year or two it goes in front of the that time they'll have made copies of everything and gotten what they wanted anyway.
The IRS doesn't need a warrant to shut down your business to do a records check.
All they have to do is show you their IDs and tell you that you're undergoing an audit.

As soon as Obama became president he pulled that shit on my Western Union business.
They closed my doors and spent all day copying my files, using my printer and my paper.
My guess it the only reason they didn't find something to nail me on is because my wife is black.
Both IRS agents were black.

That is illegal, unconstitutional. They violated your 4th amendment rights. They instituted a search without due process of law. Further, they had no right to use your own equipment to gather evidence against you! That is a violation of your 5th amendment rights, in effect forcing you to effectively self-incriminate yourself by providing your own evidence against yourself! Just imagine if, through their process, they HAD found evidence incriminating you! Perhaps evidence they were not even looking for! And at the very least, they should have compensated you for not only the materials of yours they used, but compensated you for the time percentage as a loss of business. That stinks to high heaven.

None of which allows the IRS to remove the forms from the FFL.
All of you claiming this raid was illegal and some big conspiracy by the Biden administration are assuming the version you're reading in the far right media is an accurate accounting of what happened. None of you know anything about this gun shop or the man who owns it or his history and why the IRS would be looking into him. You have only one side of the story, which you see fit to agree with because it fits your bias.

Based on the now well known corruption of the fbi and DOJ, they no longer enjoy the trust they once had.

Now EVERYTHING they do is suspect.


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