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Is another Civil War brewing?

Instead of just insulting me, Rules for Radicals #13 please show what BATSHIT crazy posts i have put up? Was it the ABC7 ISIS in 50 states report? Or how ISIS is throwing homosexuals off the roofs of tall buildings? Or could it be that since you are a fudgepacking liberal , all you can do is be BIGOTTED towards me?
If you're looking for a liberal look elsewhere, androgynousjim. The 'shine is erasing your sparse brain cells at an alarming rate.
please show what BATSHIT crazy posts i have put up?

How about the part where you predict a civil war wherein the military overthrows the government? How about your paranoid fantasies about being ready for some imaginary "uprising"?

Like I said, calm the fuck down, androgynousjim.
Where did i say the military overthrows the government you lying sack of shit. Maybe you better go back to pre-school and learn how to read. I said "2nd. Many of the military do not like what this homosexual muslim president is doing to America, and if there is a civil war, where illegals and liberals start destroying America, you can bet the military will go against the wishes of the president, even as he is removing the patriotic officers with more immoral ones. [/quote] When the military is given an unlawful order, they do not have to obey it. Shame you are too stupid to understand this, probably because you sit in your mom's basement smoking dope , causing CO2, by using up electricity generated by coal fired powerplants. If you want, we can continue to call each other names, i dont mind, i will use the Rules for Radicals right back at you.
Where did i say the military overthrows the government you lying sack of shit. Maybe you better go back to pre-school and learn how to read. I said "2nd. Many of the military do not like what this homosexual muslim president is doing to America, and if there is a civil war, where illegals and liberals start destroying America, you can bet the military will go against the wishes of the president, even as he is removing the patriotic officers with more immoral ones.
When the military is given an unlawful order, they do not have to obey it. Shame you are too stupid to understand this, probably because you sit in your mom's basement smoking dope , causing CO2, by using up electricity generated by coal fired powerplants. If you want, we can continue to call each other names, i dont mind, i will use the Rules for Radicals right back at you.[/QUOTE]

You know what? I just want you guys to start the war. I can't wait to see another Ruby Ridge or Waco type siege against your own property by the feds. If you are so itching to fight the feds, just gather your army, pretend it's 1861, start your civil war and watch as the police and national guard (if required) attack you and incinerate your house.

I just love it when gun nuts talk about taking on the fed in a gun battle. You guys watch too many movies I suppose. So go on, I will watch you on CNN live as you get hit by ATF snipers' bullets.
I also find it funny to hear time and again that right wing NRA member gun nuts think they need their guns to fight the totalitarian US government's gigantic military forces. LOL LOL LOL!
This is the most hilarious thing I keep hearing over and over again. I enjoy the entertainment of it all.
... or is that alarmist?
Even the "gay marriage" is aligning South vs. North...or no?

I think it's a strong possibility.

The civil war started by states refusing to abide by Federal mandates. The states are seemingly doing this now. The blue states on sanctuary policies and the red states on social issues.

If the states continue to defy the fed, the fed could assert their will. The states could respond.
... or is that alarmist?
Even the "gay marriage" is aligning South vs. North...or no?

I think it's a strong possibility.

The civil war started by states refusing to abide by Federal mandates. The states are seemingly doing this now. The blue states on sanctuary policies and the red states on social issues.

If the states continue to defy the fed, the fed could assert their will. The states could respond.

Instead of posting hollow threats on an internet forum, I would like to see RWers begin their war against fed government ASAP. If you guys are itching for a fight then begin one. Throw the first punch and see what happens to you. Go for it.
LA Times
The battle lines are hardening in Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's so-called range war against the federal government over his right to graze cattle on public lands.
When over 150,000,000 people stand up against 100,000 liberal war mongers, the only way this DICTATOR can do anything is to push the nuke button. Otherwise when 1/2 of America shows up in Washington DC armed and ready for bear, those little weenie pussies will head to their bunkers, hoping they can get off the sinking ship while the rest of US have to clean up the mess. Only they dont realize that in their bunkers, we know where their intakes are and when we cover them, soon they will starve for oxygen and come up for air. Once again, those that have Obama/Biden or Vote the Vagina bumperstickers on their cars will be mistaken for ISIS sympathizers. ineptocracy_anti_obama_bumper_stickers-r59b2c7148b694cefb47ab3ce00261efa_v9wht_8byvr_512.jpg
LA Times
The battle lines are hardening in Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's so-called range war against the federal government over his right to graze cattle on public lands.
When over 150,000,000 people stand up against 100,000 liberal war mongers, the only way this DICTATOR can do anything is to push the nuke button. Otherwise when 1/2 of America shows up in Washington DC armed and ready for bear, those little weenie pussies will head to their bunkers, hoping they can get off the sinking ship while the rest of US have to clean up the mess. Only they dont realize that in their bunkers, we know where their intakes are and when we cover them, soon they will starve for oxygen and come up for air. Once again, those that have Obama/Biden or Vote the Vagina bumperstickers on their cars will be mistaken for ISIS sympathizers.View attachment 44276

I am inviting the RW gun nut cons to begin their fight. I dare you. Go ahead and begin your war. I've heard enough BS fromf you hollow braggarts for now. Dust off your weapons, load the ammo, buy all your water, batteries, gas, armor, knives, generators, sandbags, first aid kits, spare cell phones, communication devices, backpacks, bikes, trucks, spare weapons, packaged ready to eat meals.

Get battle ready and fight the government. Go for it. The government is waiting to hear from you. So am I. Go young man, go fight the US government. Fire the first shots.
LA Times
The battle lines are hardening in Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's so-called range war against the federal government over his right to graze cattle on public lands.
When over 150,000,000 people stand up against 100,000 liberal war mongers, the only way this DICTATOR can do anything is to push the nuke button. Otherwise when 1/2 of America shows up in Washington DC armed and ready for bear, those little weenie pussies will head to their bunkers, hoping they can get off the sinking ship while the rest of US have to clean up the mess. Only they dont realize that in their bunkers, we know where their intakes are and when we cover them, soon they will starve for oxygen and come up for air. Once again, those that have Obama/Biden or Vote the Vagina bumperstickers on their cars will be mistaken for ISIS sympathizers.View attachment 44276

I am inviting the RW gun nut cons to begin their fight. I dare you. Go ahead and begin your war. I've heard enough BS fromf you hollow braggarts for now. Dust off your weapons, load the ammo, buy all your water, batteries, gas, armor, knives, generators, sandbags, first aid kits, spare cell phones, communication devices, backpacks, bikes, trucks, spare weapons, packaged ready to eat meals.

Get battle ready and fight the government. Go for it. The government is waiting to hear from you. So am I. Go young man, go fight the US government. Fire the first shots.

You're a real ignoranus if you think thats how it's going to kick off.....
LA Times
The battle lines are hardening in Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's so-called range war against the federal government over his right to graze cattle on public lands.
When over 150,000,000 people stand up against 100,000 liberal war mongers, the only way this DICTATOR can do anything is to push the nuke button. Otherwise when 1/2 of America shows up in Washington DC armed and ready for bear, those little weenie pussies will head to their bunkers, hoping they can get off the sinking ship while the rest of US have to clean up the mess. Only they dont realize that in their bunkers, we know where their intakes are and when we cover them, soon they will starve for oxygen and come up for air. Once again, those that have Obama/Biden or Vote the Vagina bumperstickers on their cars will be mistaken for ISIS sympathizers.View attachment 44276

I am inviting the RW gun nut cons to begin their fight. I dare you. Go ahead and begin your war. I've heard enough BS fromf you hollow braggarts for now. Dust off your weapons, load the ammo, buy all your water, batteries, gas, armor, knives, generators, sandbags, first aid kits, spare cell phones, communication devices, backpacks, bikes, trucks, spare weapons, packaged ready to eat meals.

Get battle ready and fight the government. Go for it. The government is waiting to hear from you. So am I. Go young man, go fight the US government. Fire the first shots.
I wonder how you will feel when the stock market crashes and there are uprising in the cities, like Baltimore, Ferguson, and NYC? You seem to be frothing at the mouth in the hope you see Americans die. Shame i served in the military to protects shitheads like you. I am definately ashamed of how my country has been fundamentally transformed into a 3rd world dictatorship. Cant wait till you liberals find out how you will all be equal, equally poor and equally miserable. HOW IS THAT HOPE AND CHANGE WORKING OUT FOR YA?
Where did i say the military overthrows the government ....

Here: "...if there is a civil war, where illegals and liberals start destroying America, you can bet the military will go against the wishes of the president..."
Hope and change has been great! It`s been a while since we`ve lied our way into a war hasn`t it? No longer losing 745,000 jobs a month like we did during Gomer`s last 5 months is a nice change too and if the DOW loses 10,000 points today it will still be higher than it was when Obama kicked your ass in 2008.
Where did i say the military overthrows the government ....

Here: "...if there is a civil war, where illegals and liberals start destroying America, you can bet the military will go against the wishes of the president..."
President is not the government. You didnt know that? He is 1 part of the government out of 3 parts. He took an oath the defend the constitution not shred it, to protect citizens of the U.S. yet just recently "HE" allowed an illegal immigrant multiple felon kill a young woman who was pregnent. If the president once again give an unlawful order the military does not have to follow what he said, that is not overthrowing the government. Get out of the basement , get detox for 6 months, and maybe you can understand how the federal government works.
LA Times
The battle lines are hardening in Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's so-called range war against the federal government over his right to graze cattle on public lands.
When over 150,000,000 people stand up against 100,000 liberal war mongers, the only way this DICTATOR can do anything is to push the nuke button. Otherwise when 1/2 of America shows up in Washington DC armed and ready for bear, those little weenie pussies will head to their bunkers, hoping they can get off the sinking ship while the rest of US have to clean up the mess. Only they dont realize that in their bunkers, we know where their intakes are and when we cover them, soon they will starve for oxygen and come up for air. Once again, those that have Obama/Biden or Vote the Vagina bumperstickers on their cars will be mistaken for ISIS sympathizers.View attachment 44276

I am inviting the RW gun nut cons to begin their fight. I dare you. Go ahead and begin your war. I've heard enough BS fromf you hollow braggarts for now. Dust off your weapons, load the ammo, buy all your water, batteries, gas, armor, knives, generators, sandbags, first aid kits, spare cell phones, communication devices, backpacks, bikes, trucks, spare weapons, packaged ready to eat meals.

Get battle ready and fight the government. Go for it. The government is waiting to hear from you. So am I. Go young man, go fight the US government. Fire the first shots.
I wonder how you will feel when the stock market crashes and there are uprising in the cities, like Baltimore, Ferguson, and NYC? You seem to be frothing at the mouth in the hope you see Americans die. Shame i served in the military to protects shitheads like you. I am definately ashamed of how my country has been fundamentally transformed into a 3rd world dictatorship. Cant wait till you liberals find out how you will all be equal, equally poor and equally miserable. HOW IS THAT HOPE AND CHANGE WORKING OUT FOR YA?

All I can tell you is I am thoroughly enjoying the RW butt hurt over the past 7 years and especially over the past three weeks.

I urge you to begin your civil war against the government. And please don't call 911 if you get hit by the bullets. Our hospitals are not going to treat you for your foolishness. You begin the war, you pay for it yourself including your own surgeries when the ATF snipers hit you in your throat. You won't be able to eat any ways so I suggest buy some liquid soups and ice cream to keep you alive for the next 3 days after which time you will most likely be dead any ways. Good luck.
Hope and change has been great! It`s been a while since we`ve lied our way into a war hasn`t it? No longer losing 745,000 jobs a month like we did during Gomer`s last 5 months is a nice change too and if the DOW loses 10,000 points today it will still be higher than it was when Obama kicked your ass in 2008.
These excerpts from the hearings show the "willful blindness" and corruption that went into the Democrats continual support for these two criminal enterprises, and the efforts made by the Republicans to clean up what everyone knew was coming .
By the way, the reason for the crash of 2007 was because Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Maxine Waters used the race card to not put a halt to the problems of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which you morons keep overlooking. Now that Obama has been the golfer in chief for 6 1/2 years now, you wont blame him for all the misery HE has forced upon you. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Oh and the reason why we arent in a war at the moment is that ISIS even though in our country, is still waiting to rise up and start beheading all the homosexual in this country. But they are doing a bang up job under the muslim homosexual dictator and his trangender partner who reside in the the rainbow house.
When the military is given an unlawful order, they do not have to obey it.

We had an in depth discussion about this in another thread about a month back. Anybody who has ever served in the U.S. military knows that you have to follow all orders. If the orders are illegal you still have to follow them and then afterwards you file charges against the offending party.

The military cannot operate if every soldier is allowed to play momentary lawyer. There is a procedure for unlawful orders. Disobedience is not an option. Maybe you should serve in the military. You would understand this culture.

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