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Is anyone else not voting?

Dec 5, 2006
Outside Tulsa, Oklahoma
2008 was supposed to be the first election in which I am old enough to vote. I'm pissed because I was really looking forward to it!

A lot of my nerdy airhead friends are trying to convince me to vote for Ron Paul. Okay, besides the fact that he's a cut-and-run reactionary, nobody ever even heard of him until literally ten seconds ago, so what's the point? Mit Romney is a waffler, and the rest of them...well, same issue as with Paul.

I really do think that bitchy skank Hillary will win, not because she got A LOT of votes, but because everybody else stayed home to watch the Family Guy or something. That's what I'll be doing.
Not voting is your problem, ck. Deal with it on your on or see your Doctor about it. This is not the place for support on that issue.

While he should vote, your claim this is not the place to get support for his idea is simply wrong. This board is a board where even racists can try and get support, Conspiracy whackos and senile old fools can try and get support. We even have a turk nationalist that tries to get support.
2008 was supposed to be the first election in which I am old enough to vote. I'm pissed because I was really looking forward to it!

A lot of my nerdy airhead friends are trying to convince me to vote for Ron Paul. Okay, besides the fact that he's a cut-and-run reactionary, nobody ever even heard of him until literally ten seconds ago, so what's the point? Mit Romney is a waffler, and the rest of them...well, same issue as with Paul.

I really do think that bitchy skank Hillary will win, not because she got A LOT of votes, but because everybody else stayed home to watch the Family Guy or something. That's what I'll be doing.

Perhaps you should consider voting and doing your part to ensure Hillary is NOT the next President instead of tossing in the towel a year early?
Ummmmmmm... maybe it's better that someone who thinks the republican field is "cut and run reactionaries" and calls the person who is probably going to be the next president a "bitchy skank", isn't going to vote.
Ummmmmmm... maybe it's better that someone who thinks the republican field is "cut and run reactionaries" and calls the person who is probably going to be the next president a "bitchy skank", isn't going to vote.

Good point.:lol:

It is my contention however that if one does not cast one's lot, one then has NO right to bitch about the outcome.

I'd love to see how many people on the various message boards I frequent actually voted and call them on it.
Good point.:lol:

It is my contention however that if one does not cast one's lot, one then has NO right to bitch about the outcome.

I'd love to see how many people on the various message boards I frequent actually voted and call them on it.


I agree with you wholeheartedly that if you have opportunity to vote and don't use that vote, you deserve what you get and have no right to complain about the outcome.
Not voting is your problem, ck. Deal with it on your on or see your Doctor about it. This is not the place for support on that issue.

Yes it is and he has my support for choosing to do the right thing and not taking part in an asinine system and benefiting from it. Those who vote should not be praised for doing so. They are generally pond scum who vote in an effort to violate the rights of others and to advance their interests and the interests of their families at the expense of others. It is one thing to want to have a say in your government and to promote a system where everyone has an equal voice but since our Constitution doesn't do this than it only makes sense that he would choose not to vote. It's not like it really matters anyway since the various candidates will represent the same faction in this country. The fact that this faction is divided into two political parties doesn't make it any less a tyranny of that faction. :cuckoo:
Ummmmmmm... maybe it's better that someone who thinks the republican field is "cut and run reactionaries" and calls the person who is probably going to be the next president a "bitchy skank", isn't going to vote.

Of course for your faction that would be the case. It makes sense that the only motherfuckers you want to vote is yourself, your bastard husband and retarded children along with other motherfuckers who agree with your desire to infringe on the rights of others. For those who have had it with your faction and its two political parties the desire to vote isn't there. We don't want to choose a Republican Jillian or a Democrat Jillian and vote for them or to get involved in your petty little inter-faction bickering. I will vote in the next election for one reason alone and that is to prevent you and fuckers like you from electing one of your own kind to violate my rights. You as an individual are no different than any other fucking tyrant who has reigned as a King and your Royal Decrees issued in the ballot are no different. You sicken me, and so does your fucking family. You betrayed me the moment you supported the fucking Constitution and I hate you for it and every time you vote to deprive me of representation by making sure you are represented and I am not you betray me. You deny me a vote on the very laws that your motherfucking representatives have a vote on and then you seek to tell others that it is good that those who have had it with you assholes don't vote. :evil: His attitude is the right one even though I wouldn't begrudge him voting to make sure that shitheads like you regardless of their party aren't elected by other shitheads. :lol:
Good point.:lol:

It is my contention however that if one does not cast one's lot, one then has NO right to bitch about the outcome.

I'd love to see how many people on the various message boards I frequent actually voted and call them on it.

Let me break it down for you motherfucker. If you tax me I have the right to complain regardless if I vote. I have the right to complain about the outcome just like I do about the process itself. I refuse to cast my lot and become like you and those who support this retarded process. I object to it and will not be corrupted by it as you have, you mini-dictator. The only reason I will vote is to protect myself and my loved ones from people like you. I do so because I have no problem using your system and Constitution against you since you use it against me.
Who'd a thought - Edward's a closet Anarchist...

Nope. Sorry about that motherfucker. As I have noted in previous posts. I don't believe in anarchy. I believe in free countries which the United States isn't. The difference between those who support anarchy and those who support liberty is that the first doesn't want laws and the second want self-government based on the right to do more than vote and to have the right to a voice voted away in an election. Those who opposed the Constitution in 1789 weren't anarchists anymore than I am an anarchist for opposing that tyrannical document written by the likes of pond scum like George Washington, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. :eusa_boohoo:

I agree with you wholeheartedly that if you have opportunity to vote and don't use that vote, you deserve what you get and have no right to complain about the outcome.

So your argument is basically "if you have the opportunity to be evil and be a tyrant like me" and "don't use that opportunity, you deserve what you get" and have no right to complain "about what we do to you." Sorry about that motherfucker but those who take issue with the outcome and process have a right to complain about the outcome and/or process. They have this right because those who do vote get to tax them and to make laws that affect their lives. To even suggest this would be like suggesting that if someone had the opportunity to join a King's Court and didn't they would have no right to complain when the King's Court made their decisions. That is the most idiotic claim ever made. It is wrong to suggest that unless people consent to having their right to an actual vote and representative voted away by others that they have no right to complain. They do have the right to complain. :eusa_naughty:
Nope. Sorry about that motherfucker. As I have noted in previous posts. I don't believe in anarchy. I believe in free countries which the United States isn't. The difference between those who support anarchy and those who support liberty is that the first doesn't want laws and the second want self-government based on the right to do more than vote and to have the right to a voice voted away in an election. Those who opposed the Constitution in 1789 weren't anarchists anymore than I am an anarchist for opposing that tyrannical document written by the likes of pond scum like George Washington, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. :eusa_boohoo:

Get off your lazy fat arse and do something about it then. I'm from New Zealand, and up until 11 years ago we had a two party system too. On the odd occasion a third party would get a person in parliament, but they were ineffectual. So what happened? We got a petition going that got enough signatures to get a referendum. So instead of the first past the post system, we now have MMP. What does that mean? Eight - that's right Cocksucker - eight different parties are in our parliament now, and none have the majority so the have to get coalitions together...cool eh? That was 11 years ago, and while all the doomsayers and whiners (much like yourself) said it would never work, guess what Shitface? It works a dream. You wouldn't believe how well parties that wouldn't even talk to each other now get on like a house on fire. Is the place perfect? Course not, but nothing is. People like you want perfection, and when you cant' get it, bitch and whine and throw your toys out the cot. Get with the programme Eddie - do something about it. Stop fucking whining like a little child....that's easy. I remember one of our last Prime Ministers under FPP, Jim Bolger, being harrassed year in and year out by a bloke called Winston Peters. He used to be in Bolger's party and split to form NZ First. Once a reporter asked Bolger if he was sick of hearing Peters always attacking him. Bolger replied that it was easy for Peters to offer solutions because he would never be PM. That's how I see you to a degree. You offer solutions that are not real, because you'll never be in a position to do anything about it because you bitch and moan too much. Go figure. Ironically, due to our new system, Peters is in coalition with the current govt and is now our Foreign Minister..
you know, luv, there's a reason I don't engage your posts. you're out of control and the things you say are absurd.

No.. we don't live in a straight democracy. But it wasn't established to be one. Were the reasons for establishing our system less than egalitarian? Yes.

The Constitution? Not perfect, but works pretty well as long as the enforcment mechanisms don't break down.

I don't see our laws the way you do.

And yes, if you're not voting, running a candidate for office who supports your views or running for office yourself, then you have no right to complain.

You want your views out there? Go run for office and take the heat during debates on what you think. Hold your views up to the light of day. Go ahead... put it out there for the American people instead of pissing away your time insulting people on a messageboard.

Go 'head... go for it. ;)
Where I've just moved to, you have to vote or get fined $25...

I would pay the $25 instead of voting in corrupt elections based on a system of tyranny. There are better ways to govern ourselves and the only people who support the kind of system that we have are generally corrupt, pond scum and are mini-dictators hiding their real natures behind the ballot. I for one will not be obligated to take part in a system like this one where people are denied a voice in their government based on a vote I cast. I will not attempt to deprive others of their right to be represented unless I feel threatened by them and need to vote to defend myself. I have no problem with the government doing whatever the hell it wants. Some people object to the government tracking them or keeping records on them. I on the other hand do not give a shit if they do this. I recognize that our system is no different than any monarchy that has come before it. It is one "consolidated empire" and I will have nothing to do with it until people begin to realize that for liberty to exist we need a system where everyone is equally represented. This doesn't mean that every law or tax that we want will be passed but that every person will get a direct vote or a vote by a representative of their choice instead of our system where the only people who get a vote are those who voted for a specific person.
you know, luv, there's a reason I don't engage your posts. you're out of control and the things you say are absurd.

No.. we don't live in a straight democracy. But it wasn't established to be one. Were the reasons for establishing our system less than egalitarian? Yes.

I never complained about us not being a "straight democracy" nor do I care that we aren't one. In fact, I do not support "straight democracy." As I have repeatedly noted. I believe in a representative government which we aren't.

The Constitution? Not perfect, but works pretty well as long as the enforcment mechanisms don't break down.

The Constitution doesn't work well at all. The only reason you say that is because it is your factions document written by your faction. You can call yourself a Democrat, Republican or anything else for that matter but you belong to the faction that supported the Constitution.

And yes, if you're not voting, running a candidate for office who supports your views or running for office yourself, then you have no right to complain.

So if you don't belong to the King's Court in a monarchy you have no right to complain about the outcome of decisions made by his court? Wow, I just love you for saying that Queen Jillian of the Voterdom of Retardsville. I will bear in mind that unless I become as you are and take part in your sick system that I have no right to complain when you fuck me over with your vote. Unless I put someone up for a candidate and go along when YOU VOTING AWAY MY FUCKING VOICE I have no right to complain. I will bear that in mind you fucking dictator and I will bear in mind that you want me to join your Court. But I will continue to complain and I will continue to say what needs to be said about your kind of person. Now fuck off Queen Jillian and go vote in your fucking elections. Go vote this way: I VOTE THAT I WILL HAVE A VOTE IN THE SENATE AND I VOTE THAT THOSE WHO DON'T VOTE FOR MY CANDIDATE WILL NOT. God bless America where we have no say in our government and aren't represented unless we belong to the faction that elects a person. Ironically, it is the same faction. I can vote for candidate A who is a Democrat or candidate B who is a Republican but I would still be voting for your faction. :cuckoo:

You want your views out there? Go run for office and take the heat during debates on what you think. Hold your views up to the light of day. Go ahead... put it out there for the American people instead of pissing away your time insulting people on a messageboard.

Go 'head... go for it. ;)

I will not become like you bitch to win. I will not take part in a system so evil to stop it or change it. I will no more do what you say than I would to join a fucking King's Court so that I can change it. I will continue to insult you bitch because that is what you are. You are nothing more than pond scum and so is your family. I don't care if you don't like me saying that either. I don't want my views out there so badly that I WOULD JOIN A KING. I am sure that you would tell those who complained about Saddam Hussein that if they didn't join Saddam Hussein they had no right to complain. I will not become as you are so that I can stop you. That would be wrong. To do evil to stop evil isn't right. That is what you are telling me to do. Because I have an issue with our system of government you tell me I have no right to complain unless I do the very things I complain about. Wow! That is just great. I have no right to complain about the things that you do unless I do them too. I shouldn't be on here insulting you when you are fucking me over in the ballot and acting like a dictator instead I should be out there fucking you over in the ballot and acting like a dictator. :eusa_boohoo: :lol:
Get off your lazy fat arse and do something about it then. I'm from New Zealand, and up until 11 years ago we had a two party system too. On the odd occasion a third party would get a person in parliament, but they were ineffectual. So what happened? We got a petition going that got enough signatures to get a referendum. So instead of the first past the post system, we now have MMP.

I am so glad for New Zealand. :eusa_liar: Now instead of two parties fucking them over they have the same faction represented by many different parties.

What does that mean? Eight - that's right Cocksucker - eight different parties are in our parliament now, and none have the majority so the have to get coalitions together...cool eh? That was 11 years ago, and while all the doomsayers and whiners (much like yourself) said it would never work, guess what Shitface? It works a dream.

Whoopee. You changed a corrupt system for a corrupt system. :cuckoo: I'm so glad for New Zealand. It must be so awesome to live there. Whether it is two or eight it doesn't matter. I am just as easily able to find someone who agrees with me and have them represent me indirectly in a two-party system as I am in an eight party system. Instead, I would whether see a system that allows me to be directly represented. This is the big difference. Is an eight party system an improvement? I don't think so but at least people may be more likely to vote because of it.

You wouldn't believe how well parties that wouldn't even talk to each other now get on like a house on fire. Is the place perfect? Course not, but nothing is. People like you want perfection, and when you cant' get it, bitch and whine and throw your toys out the cot. Get with the programme Eddie - do something about it. Stop fucking whining like a little child....that's easy. I remember one of our last Prime Ministers under FPP, Jim Bolger, being harrassed year in and year out by a bloke called Winston Peters. He used to be in Bolger's party and split to form NZ First. Once a reporter asked Bolger if he was sick of hearing Peters always attacking him. Bolger replied that it was easy for Peters to offer solutions because he would never be PM. That's how I see you to a degree. You offer solutions that are not real, because you'll never be in a position to do anything about it because you bitch and moan too much. Go figure. Ironically, due to our new system, Peters is in coalition with the current govt and is now our Foreign Minister..

It sounds to me like Bolger is as much of an ass as you are and that is why you agree with him. I'm not whining like a little child when I complain about the system. You suggest that I do something about it. How would you suggest I do this? Get a petition going? Wow! I must do something I disagree with or be whining like a little child. A petition isn't what we need to do at all. The solution to this must come from the same source that supports the Constitution or it wouldn't be right. Ironically, I acknowledge this even though I believe they are motherfuckers. The problem with me doing something about it is that what needs to be done would require me to take part in something I disagree with and to do something I find to be repugnant. I won't become what I detest in order to change it. :cuckoo:

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