Is Ben Carson the right man for the White House?

What do you think about Ben Carson as President of the United States?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 45.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 54.8%

  • Total voters
You don't even know what you are talking about. If we hadn't had a horrible first black president who himself was a racist, Ben Carson could have been a great first black president. One the nation could have been proud of, not embarrassed of.

Wait. WHY won't our country elect Ben Carson? Because the first black President wasn't as good as you thought he should be?

Is this your way of saying that you think the majority of the voters are racist enough to figure all black Presidents would be the same?

Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice, Shame on me.
You don't even know what you are talking about. If we hadn't had a horrible first black president who himself was a racist, Ben Carson could have been a great first black president. One the nation could have been proud of, not embarrassed of.

Wait. WHY won't our country elect Ben Carson? Because the first black President wasn't as good as you thought he should be?

Is this your way of saying that you think the majority of the voters are racist enough to figure all black Presidents would be the same?

Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice, Shame on me.

Thank you.

You're saying that Barack Obama is Ben Carson is any black man.

And, as a bonus, they all look alike, right? :ahole-1:
You don't even know what you are talking about. If we hadn't had a horrible first black president who himself was a racist, Ben Carson could have been a great first black president. One the nation could have been proud of, not embarrassed of.

Wait. WHY won't our country elect Ben Carson? Because the first black President wasn't as good as you thought he should be?

Is this your way of saying that you think the majority of the voters are racist enough to figure all black Presidents would be the same?

Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice, Shame on me.

Thank you.

You're saying that Barack Obama is Ben Carson is any black man.

And, as a bonus, they all look alike, right? :ahole-1:
He's not an asshole, you should apologize.
He's an ignorant hate filled racist piece of shit...
You don't even know what you are talking about. If we hadn't had a horrible first black president who himself was a racist, Ben Carson could have been a great first black president. One the nation could have been proud of, not embarrassed of.

Wait. WHY won't our country elect Ben Carson? Because the first black President wasn't as good as you thought he should be?

Is this your way of saying that you think the majority of the voters are racist enough to figure all black Presidents would be the same?

Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice, Shame on me.

Thank you.

You're saying that Barack Obama is Ben Carson is any black man.

And, as a bonus, they all look alike, right? :ahole-1:
He's not an asshole, you should apologize.
He's an ignorant hate filled racist piece of shit...

I will not apologize. He can be an ignorant hate filled racist piece of shit asshole.
I like him and would be happy to vote for him, but I like a few others better. Herman Cain would be my top choice, but he isn't running and has no chance. In reality I am torn between Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. I am going to donate to both of their campaigns. After that I would probably put Carson.
Carson is less qualified than Sarah Palin.
So was Barack Obama. A Governor trumps a community organizer. Governor Palin actually earned top marks for effectiveness at governance, unlike the clusterfuck that Obama has unleashed on the nation.

So you're going to support Ben Carson, with NO experience, after ragging on President Obama for only have some experience?

lol, you fit into the category I described earlier.

You are dumb, Rik didn't say he would support Carson, he said he'd never be elected.
Now you know as well as I do that those TP racists are not going to vote for a black man. But nice try!
Now you know as well as I do that those TP racists are not going to vote for a black man. But nice try!

Jim knock off all the hate for crying out loud. Your hardon for the Tea party shows you are the racist. and your Demcorat party is the party of racist, just look how you all threat any black Republican. and the party of Sexist look how you all threated Sarah Palin
the people of the Tea Party just help elect Tim Scott and Mia Love so
gawd give us a break already
Now you know as well as I do that those TP racists are not going to vote for a black man. But nice try!

Jim knock off all the hate for crying out loud. Your hardon for the Tea party shows you are the racist. and your Demcorat party is the party of racist, just look how you all threat any black Republican. and the party of Sexist look how you all threated Sarah Palin
the people of the Tea Party just help elect Tim Scott and Mia Love so
gawd give us a break already

You don't even know what you are talking about. If we hadn't had a horrible first black president who himself was a racist, Ben Carson could have been a great first black president. One the nation could have been proud of, not embarrassed of.

Wait. WHY won't our country elect Ben Carson? Because the first black President wasn't as good as you thought he should be?

Is this your way of saying that you think the majority of the voters are racist enough to figure all black Presidents would be the same?

Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice, Shame on me.

Thank you.

You're saying that Barack Obama is Ben Carson is any black man.

And, as a bonus, they all look alike, right? :ahole-1:

No, it can be said if someone finally changed from voting Republican and voted democrat in the last 6 years. They became disillusioned and said "never again."
You don't even know what you are talking about. If we hadn't had a horrible first black president who himself was a racist, Ben Carson could have been a great first black president. One the nation could have been proud of, not embarrassed of.

Wait. WHY won't our country elect Ben Carson? Because the first black President wasn't as good as you thought he should be?

Is this your way of saying that you think the majority of the voters are racist enough to figure all black Presidents would be the same?

Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice, Shame on me.

Thank you.

You're saying that Barack Obama is Ben Carson is any black man.

And, as a bonus, they all look alike, right? :ahole-1:

No, it can be said if someone finally changed from voting Republican and voted democrat in the last 6 years. They became disillusioned and said "never again."

In my case, it was believing the rhetoric of Obama. We all know what a liar he turned out to be. He is a racist, the most divisive president and many would say they actually question his patriotism. You can't blame that all on his race, but I can blame it on not vetting the man that would be president. Hell, he wouldn't even release information of his background! How bad is that?

Part of my persona; problem with Obam is that I read the book, The Man by Irving Wallace as my first novel as a child and was excited about the thought of our first black president, as portrayed in the novel who became a hero.

I romanticized the day that our first black president would be a match for Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson and what happened is it turned out to be a president who was so enmeshed with scandals and biases, he could be impeached on any given day.
Remember, Obama wasn't the first black president; only the first "halfsie" president. We still need an actual first black president despite Slick Willie's trying to grab the title back then.
You don't even know what you are talking about. If we hadn't had a horrible first black president who himself was a racist, Ben Carson could have been a great first black president. One the nation could have been proud of, not embarrassed of.

Wait. WHY won't our country elect Ben Carson? Because the first black President wasn't as good as you thought he should be?

Is this your way of saying that you think the majority of the voters are racist enough to figure all black Presidents would be the same?

Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice, Shame on me.

Thank you.

You're saying that Barack Obama is Ben Carson is any black man.

And, as a bonus, they all look alike, right? :ahole-1:

Let the electorate elect Ben Carson and let me be pleasantly surprised. He certainly has more of a background than Obama did.
He would have been fantastic in 2008 instead of Obama, liberals could have voted for him because he was black, conservatives could have voted for him because he was accomplished.

In 2016, no, the nation has black fatigue. We saw what happens with a black President and no one is in the mood for another helping. Unfair to Carson but his race will be an issue where it wasn't for Obama, the novelty has wore off. Electing the first black President is newsworthy, but the 2nd isn't.

As an individual, he brings no political experience nor management experience to office and he's not connected into the political ecosphere so he can't twist arms and bring alliances with him into office.

A good part of his appeal comes from misguided Republicans who've internalized liberal idiocy and are excited to be supporting a black candidate simply because he's black. There are thousands of white surgeons of high achievement in the US and no one touts any of these guys as ideal for President.

So, no to the 999 guy too?
Remember, Obama wasn't the first black president; only the first "halfsie" president. We still need an actual first black president despite Slick Willie's trying to grab the title back then.
No. Obama saw himself as black before American (remember Michelle's remark on the 4th of July, "All this for a flag."); He didn't see the importance about wearing the flag on his lapel when ever other Congressmen did; Michelle's statement. "THis is the first time I've ever been impressed with our country...something to that effect..." Ordinary citizens have more partriotism than our leaders. How sad is that?

That is scary.
You don't even know what you are talking about. If we hadn't had a horrible first black president who himself was a racist, Ben Carson could have been a great first black president. One the nation could have been proud of, not embarrassed of.

Wait. WHY won't our country elect Ben Carson? Because the first black President wasn't as good as you thought he should be?

Is this your way of saying that you think the majority of the voters are racist enough to figure all black Presidents would be the same?

Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice, Shame on me.

Thank you.

You're saying that Barack Obama is Ben Carson is any black man.

And, as a bonus, they all look alike, right? :ahole-1:

Let the electorate elect Ben Carson and let me be pleasantly surprised. He certainly has more of a background than Obama did.
That is true. And he is honest about it.
You don't even know what you are talking about. If we hadn't had a horrible first black president who himself was a racist, Ben Carson could have been a great first black president. One the nation could have been proud of, not embarrassed of.

Wait. WHY won't our country elect Ben Carson? Because the first black President wasn't as good as you thought he should be?

Is this your way of saying that you think the majority of the voters are racist enough to figure all black Presidents would be the same?

Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice, Shame on me.

Thank you.

You're saying that Barack Obama is Ben Carson is any black man.

And, as a bonus, they all look alike, right? :ahole-1:

No, it can be said if someone finally changed from voting Republican and voted democrat in the last 6 years. They became disillusioned and said "never again."

Nonsense. Ben Carson is conservative, right? That wouldn't involve any change of heart for voters who are conservative.....unless they hate Obama and figure any black President will be the same......

Face it, your position is racist. Let's repeat what you typed:

"If we hadn't had a horrible first black president who himself was a racist, Ben Carson could have been a great first black president. One the nation could have been proud of, not embarrassed of."

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