Is Braggs stretching it with a felony?

The LAW Professor says the indictment is bullshit.
Bragg is a clown.

Who cares what he says when he doesn't know Bragg didn't have to list the underlying offensive in the indictment?
Nothing makes them first degree. They are the lowest form of felonies. Like Bragg is the lowest form of life along with those who support him.

Then Trump should have nothing to worry about. How cone he hasn't yet filed a motion to dismiss the case based on that, FruitLoops?
That’s not the same kind of offense.

Cohen and Trump colluded to engage in campaign activity entirely off the books and to cover up their crimes. That’s really illegal.
It is close enough and you know ity. trump is being persecuted by our government and assholes like you support it. Shame on you Commie.
It is close enough and you know ity. trump is being persecuted by our government and assholes like you support it. Shame on you Commie.
It’s not anywhere near close enough.

You just always invent excuses for your orange daddy.
It's the SAME one, repeated ad nauseum.

Moron, there are 34 felony counts. That other moron idiotically claimed there there were not 34 felony counts but that there were 34 misdemeanor counts that somehow make only one felony count. You're just as dumb as he is.
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Moron, there are 34 felony counts. That other moron idiotically claimed there there were not 34 felony counts but that there were 34 misdemeanor counts that somehow make only one felony account. You're just as dumb as he is.
And he really ought to know better.

He’s being dishonest
The indictment lists the crime.

The underlying crime is an element of the offense and described in the statement of fact. Bragg is not prosecuting the underlying crime so it’s not a part of the indictment.
What is the underlying crime, Simp?
It is close enough and you know ity. trump is being persecuted by our government and assholes like you support it. Shame on you Commie.

It's not even the same ballpark, FruitLoops.

Obama and Hillary were charged with a false entry to the FEC. A civil violation with a fine. Nothing more.

Trump is charged with felonies for making false entries to the state of NY with the intent of committing another crime or aiding or concealing another crime. A criminal violation which can carry a fine and/or incarnation.
Those '34 counts' ain't the whole story.
All they are doing is setting a marker for what is to come.
Establishing a predicate.
(First, a caveat: I ain't a lawyer)

If Bragg can prove that some ....not necessarily all 34....of these 'falsifying records' charges are true, then per New York law (as I understand it) showing that the falsifying was done to: cover up a action that could hurt Trump's electoral prospect; or, that Trump recorded the payments as a legitimate business expense and thus paid less tax than otherwise. Or that it was falsified to cover up any other crime....whatever crime the DA can show. And that means it doesn't even need to be a 'crime' that Trump committed. It is the 'cover up' of a crime that levers the 'falsifying' into felony-land.

And poster kyzr above states he hasn't seen a 'felony' listed in his reading of the 34 counts. And others have stated they haven't read what the underlying 'crime' would be.

Well, if they are reading it for that.....they can stop. It ain't there. Nor need it be. Yet. The NY DA is not required to list the 'underlying' crime at this point. And is likely ---perhaps wisely ---electing NOT to show his full hand. He will have to, oh sure. But not yet.

In short, I kinda look at those 34 counts as sort of a fishnet.....or sticky fly-trap. One of the counts...and it need only be one.....will be shown to be true (receipts, recordings, documents, testimony, etc.) ... and Bragg then proves to the jury that that payment was intended to cover up Crime A, or maybe Crime B, or C, or D, yadda, yadda, yadda.

And that is the Bada...and the Bing.
Judging from the statement of facts which focused on interactions with the Cohen, the crime or crimes will be
most likely connected to him. He was convicted of election law violations so if they were done at the request of his client, Trump then Trump will go down if Bragg has the proof.
Judging from the statement of facts which focused on interactions with the Cohen, the crime or crimes will be
most likely connected to him. He was convicted of election law violations so if they were done at the request of his client, Trump then Trump will go down if Bragg has the proof.
Yes Cohen was convicted by the feds Bragg is over stepping into federal territory
Imbecile, you idiotically claimed there were not 34 felony counts.

I showed you there are.

Why are you still yapping?
No dumbass ass it's the law


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