Is Duck Dynasty the beginning of a Hot Religious War?

Oh you have an athiest creed now?

I have a highly developed sense of ethics based on years of study (including the bible). It's why I am a progressive. I do not look to morally challenged televangelists, roid brained pro wrestlers and opinionated hillbillies for guidance. Turn off the TV and crack a book every once in a while and maybe you too will be able to not get distracted by retarded publicity stunts like this.

So because you have highly developed ethics, you associate yourself with a group of people who literally invented the propaganda that lead the greatest mass genocides in human history???

Where is that disconnect?

If you believe that then I feel sorry for you.
Oh you have an athiest creed now?

I have a highly developed sense of ethics based on years of study (including the bible). It's why I am a progressive. I do not look to morally challenged televangelists, roid brained pro wrestlers and opinionated hillbillies for guidance. Turn off the TV and crack a book every once in a while and maybe you too will be able to not get distracted by retarded publicity stunts like this.

So because you have highly developed ethics, you associate yourself with a group of people who literally invented the propaganda that lead the greatest mass genocides in human history???

Where is that disconnect?

I don't really associate myself with anyone, certainly not communists, intellectually lazy people like you just like to lump everyone they don't like or understand into one big scary group. Authoritarian followers like yourself are always a party to genocide while anti authoritarian people like myself are the first to be rounded up.
Nutters must be victims. It riles them up....since they do not have the rally cry that normally comes with being right.
The East and West coast Libs against the Midwest and Southern forces...Nice!

That would be over before it even got started. The NYC and LA type city slicker libtards would run out of food in a matter of days after we stopped the trucks from entering cities, and they'd all be killing each other for the last pack of Oscar Mayer hotdogs and bottle of water left in a store. All we'd have to do out here in the heartland is pick off the occasional straggler, like shooting fish in a barrel.

I know. Why I'll put good money on you. And me.


They don't get it at all do they?
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And here everyone was thinking it was the perpetually offended skanks over at glaad who were getting their panties ruffled over nothing....
Certainly but the US is only a communist nation in your paranoid syphilitic brain, Atheists do not want to kill Christians, they just want you people to not be so damned stupid and easily led by psychopaths.

Then you should be firmly opposed to Obama the Child Mass Murderer; The Prince of the Air who Brings Death from the Skies upon Muslim Children with Soulless Fiends (drones).
Certainly but the US is only a communist nation in your paranoid syphilitic brain, Atheists do not want to kill Christians, they just want you people to not be so damned stupid and easily led by psychopaths.

Then you should be firmly opposed to Obama the Child Mass Murderer; The Prince of the Air who Brings Death from the Skies upon Muslim Children with Soulless Fiends (drones).

I do not like the drone strikes but what does that have to do with your unquestioning obedience to any con man who quotes scripture?
When it happens...I will fill out my application to join forces with the duck commander....The Libs can have Pajama boy lead them....... :lol:

I'm guessing the duck commander is happy being a millionaire and not likely give up his lifestyle to lead a group of half-wits like you into any kind of war.

That you morons are even entertaining this idea is a testament to your stupidity.

But, yeah, come on up here with your trailer park revolution. I would thoroughly enjoy watching the National Guard stomp a mud-hole in your dumb ass.
Btw, what's a 'hot religious war'?

Is that when religions compete to see whose priests are the hottest for little boys?
The East and West coast Libs against the Midwest and Southern forces...Nice!

That would be over before it even got started. The NYC and LA type city slicker libtards would run out of food in a matter of days after we stopped the trucks from entering cities, and they'd all be killing each other for the last pack of Oscar Mayer hotdogs and bottle of water left in a store. All we'd have to do out here in the heartland is pick off the occasional straggler, like shooting fish in a barrel.

I know. Why I'll put good money on you. And me.


They don't get it at all do they?
No, they don't. Chicago is within a few hundred miles of me, but these leftard sons a bitches aren't even allowed to possess a firearm. They run out of food and think they're going to head to rural Wisconsin where there's farms and gardens and game to eat, and the ones that do get out of Chicago alive will run into a virtual wall of lead in Wisconsin. They truly have no chance, but, that's their choice, to be a city slicker leftard.
Communist takeovers of nations throughout history have always targeted and banned religion, especially Christianity. In North Korea today, people are executed for even possessing a Bible.

North Korea publicly executes 80, some for videos or Bibles, report says | Fox News

The details of religious annihilation --- the forced practicing of atheism of previous Communist Empires need not be discussed --- as it's well know.

In the United States today, with the passage of the NDAA, totalitarian spy networks, allowing boys to use girls bathrooms, militarization of the police forces, the paramilitary besiegement and occupation of Boston, the imperial arrest and seizure of Adam Kokesh, --- and ... many many other troubling signs of the United States Constitution being usuurped and replaced by Despotic Doctrines and the Presidency having fully abosrbed all powers of Congress, we must wonder ...

Are they finally coming for religion --- Christianity in particular? Is the Duck Dynasty controversy (which honestly appears to have been a trap/setup) an experiment testing the religious attitudes and backlash of Americans, are they seeing if we're ready to submit?

Are they preparing for an Atheist War, through proxy organizations that aren't subject to Constitutionalists limitations?

I think it is another nail being driven into the coffin of political correctness. americans are tired of having their firgts, freedoms and personal beliefs challenged and trampled. a real push back is starting to rumble. gun rights was a major galvanizer of people standing up for their rights. this will be another. because this is more than a gay issue. it is a freedom of speech issue and a right to personal opinion issue. just like they did with guns, liberals made the wrong assumption on this issue they are fighting just a bunch of redneck hillbillies. they have totally underestimated the force they are up against.
The East and West coast Libs against the Midwest and Southern forces...Nice!

That would be over before it even got started. The NYC and LA type city slicker libtards would run out of food in a matter of days after we stopped the trucks from entering cities, and they'd all be killing each other for the last pack of Oscar Mayer hotdogs and bottle of water left in a store. All we'd have to do out here in the heartland is pick off the occasional straggler, like shooting fish in a barrel.

hurricane sandy gave us a real clear picture of what will happen in cities and urban areas when the infrastructure crumbles. they come to a standstill. no gas, people become immobile. no heat, they freeze. no food, they starve. it will become every man for themselves in real short order. now what happens when this occurs on a national basis? no way aid can get everywhere. chaos will ensue. you don't own a gun, you will go hungry.
The East and West coast Libs against the Midwest and Southern forces...Nice!

That would be over before it even got started. The NYC and LA type city slicker libtards would run out of food in a matter of days after we stopped the trucks from entering cities, and they'd all be killing each other for the last pack of Oscar Mayer hotdogs and bottle of water left in a store. All we'd have to do out here in the heartland is pick off the occasional straggler, like shooting fish in a barrel.

hurricane sandy gave us a real clear picture of what will happen in cities and urban areas when the infrastructure crumbles. they come to a standstill. no gas, people become immobile. no heat, they freeze. no food, they starve. it will become every man for themselves in real short order. now what happens when this occurs on a national basis? no way aid can get everywhere. chaos will ensue. you don't own a gun, you will go hungry.
... you will die.
Btw, what's a 'hot religious war'?

Is that when religions compete to see whose priests are the hottest for little boys?

Those would be teachers and the judges who make sure those pedophile teachers are on the streets molesting more children.

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