Is Elizabeth Warren A Far Leftwing Hack?

Is Elizabeth Warren A LW Nutjob?

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Yes, she is undoubtedly a left wing hack.

You can hear her parroting Obama's "roads and bridges" speech here:

Warren seems to think only rich people use roads and bridges and benefit from the defense of our country, and therefore are the only ones who should pay for all that.

As if none of those clapping rubes in the video used any roads and bridges to get to her little gathering! :eek:
Your post is one long tirade CHUCK FULL of disingenuous.

I don't know where to begin!

So what about her statements about how we got into this hole?

I didn't see you address that.

Bullshit, his post is spot on, Warren thinks she's entitled to MORE of rich peoples money because they use roads and bridges..........
Marc, raising taxes on the rich won't solve a single problem. Not one. Because that is not the cause of our problems.

I don't disagree with Warren on everything she says is a problem, but her "solutions" are right out of the far left playbook.

And they won't work, which makes her a hack.
Elizabeth Warren supports the following far left policies:

1) To access a health insurance company, people should have to go through a government gatekeeper.

2) To be able to sell insurance to those people, the insurance provider cannot provide the customer with a wide range of options they can afford. They must provide what the government tells them to provide at a cost the goverment says they can charge. It does not get more left wing than this!

3) If an insurance company makes more than the government feels they deserve to make, they have to return that money to their customers. It does not get more left wing than this!

4) The government should force you to buy insurance or pay a fine.
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Marc, raising taxes on the rich won't solve a single problem. Not one. Because that is not the cause of our problems.

I don't disagree with Warren on everything she says is a problem, but her "solutions" are right out of the far left playbook.

And they won't work, which makes her a hack.
I don't think I've ever seen or heard her say that raising taxes on the rich will solve all the problems.

I see her addressing what exactly brought us here, you know, the far RW policies that The Bush Regime reigned down on us for 8 years. It's a counter if anything. A much needed one at that.

g5000, do you think it's right that not one. single. Wall Street banker has been jailed for what happened? For that matter, let me ask you...Do you think there were any bad actors in that sector that knew what was going on was wrong and would lead to near financial collapse?

She's not saying these things in a vacuum sir, it's for a reason.
If so, then what makes her one.

Spell out what POLICIES she's put in place and/or promoted tells you that she's a LW nut.

Please include links.

I can tell you what makes her a hack, she attacks Republicans for agreeing with Obama.
EW is not far left wing, but she is a democrat, and she does not like corporate excesses. That certainly means she is despised by much of the GOP.
Marc, raising taxes on the rich won't solve a single problem. Not one. Because that is not the cause of our problems.

I don't disagree with Warren on everything she says is a problem, but her "solutions" are right out of the far left playbook.

And they won't work, which makes her a hack.
I don't think I've ever seen or heard her say that raising taxes on the rich will solve all the problems.

I see her addressing what exactly brought us here, you know, the far RW policies that The Bush Regime reigned down on us for 8 years. It's a counter if anything. A much needed one at that.

g5000, do you think it's right that not one. single. Wall Street banker has been jailed for what happened? For that matter, let me ask you...Do you think there were any bad actors in that sector that knew what was going on was wrong and would lead to near financial collapse?

She's not saying these things in a vacuum sir, it's for a reason.

I have quite frequently raged over the crimes committed by Wall Street, as I thought you knew. :)

I doubt there is anyone here better versed on Wall Street than I. I may even be better versed than Warren.

Like I said, I agree with Warren about some problems. Where I disagree is on her solutions to those problems.

These problems were not created in just 8 years, Marc. I am disappointed you believe so. In fact, it was Clinton who signed the two major pieces of legislation which completely deregulated Wall Street. That was a joint effort by Republicans and Democrats in Congress, and Bill Clinton.
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She's the one who started the LW nonsense mocking business owners of not building their
business...Government was responsible.
Note to rw's -

Won't you PLEASE look up the meaning of the term, "Communist"?

Thanks ever so much.
EW is not far left wing, but she is a democrat, and she does not like corporate excesses. That certainly means she is despised by much of the GOP.

I am pretty sure she considers herself to be far left so I would love you to explain why she is wrong.
"Is Elizabeth Warren A Far Leftwing Hack?"

That's about the nicest thing you could say about LIEawatha.
If so, then what makes her one.

Spell out what POLICIES she's put in place and/or promoted tells you that she's a LW nut.

Please include links.

Yes, and she's an unethical progressive to boot. Her claim of native American heritage is laughable.
If so, then what makes her one.

Spell out what POLICIES she's put in place and/or promoted tells you that she's a LW nut.

Please include links.

Yes, and she's an unethical progressive to boot. Her claim of native American heritage is laughable.

Which is exactly why she'll get the Dem nomination in 2016. Chris Christie will have to go third party

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Marc, raising taxes on the rich won't solve a single problem. Not one. Because that is not the cause of our problems.

I don't disagree with Warren on everything she says is a problem, but her "solutions" are right out of the far left playbook.

And they won't work, which makes her a hack.
I don't think I've ever seen or heard her say that raising taxes on the rich will solve all the problems.

I see her addressing what exactly brought us here, you know, the far RW policies that The Bush Regime reigned down on us for 8 years. It's a counter if anything. A much needed one at that.

g5000, do you think it's right that not one. single. Wall Street banker has been jailed for what happened? For that matter, let me ask you...Do you think there were any bad actors in that sector that knew what was going on was wrong and would lead to near financial collapse?

She's not saying these things in a vacuum sir, it's for a reason.

I have quite frequently raged over the crimes committed by Wall Street, as I thought you knew. :)

I doubt there is anyone here better versed on Wall Street than I. I may even be better versed than Warren.

Like I said, I agree with Warren about some problems. Where I disagree is on her solutions to those problems.

These problems were not created in just 8 years, Marc. I am disappointed you believe so. In fact, it was Clinton who signed the two major pieces of legislation which completely deregulated Wall Street. That was a joint effort by Republicans and Democrats in Congress, and Bill Clinton.

Gramm, Leach, Bliley. Which one of them is the Democrats sponsoring this legislation?
It passed along partisan lines in the Senate, and after going to committee and having the Repubs strengthen the anti redlining portion of the CRA, it was passed in the House with some Dems supporting it.

Of course it had been a Republican wet dream for years to get legislation like this passed.
And taking advantage of a pussy whipped Bill Clinton, they got him to sign the bill. The Repubs hated Glass Steagall since the time it was signed in 1933.

By far the worst thing Bill Clinton did was signing that bill. By far. Passing that bill opened the door to everything that followed. Not passing that bill and all that strange funny money from sources never in the mortgage market would have never been available to corrupt the markets.
If so, then what makes her one.

Spell out what POLICIES she's put in place and/or promoted tells you that she's a LW nut.

Please include links.

Sorry to type cast, but just being democrat fills the bill. They'll put you all in chains, donja know?
She is a dingbat that used her fake ancestry to advance her career. She is not qualified to run a hot dog stand. Her entire life has been spent in the halls of academia and now government.

A place were ideas RULE! But results and reality are not very important.

She is perfect for the Dems! She'll be the first fake Indian woman POTUS

God bless America If she's the best you democrats have got. What will you do if Hillary does not or cannot run?

who's on the bench?

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