Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”

I never read such a thing myself btw....
so boedicca was intentionally misquoting....?

Could you possibly be More Banal?

Snippy.....more like ...

Nah, "banal" nailed it. "Obtuse" would work as well.

Daws is one of those posters (Moonglow is another) who have diarrhea of the keyboard. They don't care what they post as long as they add to their post count.
a swing and a miss. strike one.
I call shenanigans. It is incredibly implausible that you have ever read her novels.

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”

I never read such a thing myself btw....
so boedicca was intentionally misquoting....?

Could you possibly be More Banal?
I could, but that would make me as pretentious as you are.

It is completely unsurprising that you are unable to distinguish between "discerning perception and impeccable good taste" and pretentiousness.
false! by having to mention that you have "discerning perception and impeccable good taste" is smoking gun evidence of your pretentiousness.
if you were actually sentient, that might mean something.
the trouble is, you are, as always just tossing shit around to see what sticks.

Rich irony indeed, duhs.

translation: I've got no clue as to what a non sequitur is, so I'll fallback on my done to death false accusation.

You asked for a lie, you got a lie - now you pout.. :dunno:
really? news to me....

Dishonest, as well as stupid - you're the whole package, duhs! :thup:

Is Fox News Brainwashing People Page 49 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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if you were actually sentient, that might mean something.
the trouble is, you are, as always just tossing shit around to see what sticks.

Rich irony indeed, duhs.

oh no not the off topic cartoon how long will this delusion last?

Ah yes, you're too stupid to grasp that these are laser focused on target!
what target? not this topic now you're rationalizing your delusion.
translation: I've got no clue as to what a non sequitur is, so I'll fallback on my done to death false accusation.

You asked for a lie, you got a lie - now you pout.. :dunno:
really? news to me....

Dishonest, as well as stupid - you're the whole package, duhs! :thup:

Is Fox News Brainwashing People Page 49 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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You really are quite stupid...
It's a truth universally acknowledged that those who obsess over Fox News' influence on the public are they themselves thoroughly programmed by the leftwing MSM.

Evidence, please....

It's a truth universally acknowledged that people who say wild facts without supporting evidence are usually watching or presenting Fox News...

You see anyone can do that... I think you have to be trained to understand evidence backed statements and just straight opinion.

*sigh* Where to even begin.

Have you even a remote awareness of how the MSM have circled the wagons to protect Obama and how they constantly promote the Progressive agenda?

One small example: Cindy Crowley's handling of the 2012 debate.

I doubt you grok this as you are a total Prog Thrall.

Cindy Crowley told both candidates she would interject herself before the debate.

When Romney was mounting an attack on the president for the administration’s shifting explanations of the attack of American diplomats in Libya, he hit a nerve.

“For fourteen days he refused to call it an act of terror,” Romney said.

Obama objected, telling Romney to check the transcript. At that point, Crowley attempted a rare feat during a presidential debate: fact-checking in real time. “He did in fact, sir,” Crowley told Romney referring to the president’s initial description of the assault on the U.S. Consulate.

So your view of bias is a moderator actually tell the facts... Must be tough in la la land...
Again no evidence just Hard Right choosing to ignore facts...

The problem for the Hard Right is Reality has a left wing bias.
translation: I've got no clue as to what a non sequitur is, so I'll fallback on my done to death false accusation.

You asked for a lie, you got a lie - now you pout.. :dunno:
really? news to me....

Dishonest, as well as stupid - you're the whole package, duhs! :thup:

Is Fox News Brainwashing People Page 49 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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You really are quite stupid...
ok right the stupid one is the one that took it out of context guess it's not me who did.

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