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Is Hitler in Heaven? What about John Wayne Gacy?

To the best of my understanding of my religion, they aren't in Heaven yet, but will eventually be.

Not even an apology is necessary.

Ya cause actually reading the Bible and understanding that those that follow Satan willingly and chose sin over savior are not brought into the Paradise is so enlightened.

There are specific steps that must occur. And yes some will be condemned to eternal death.

To the best of my understanding of my religion, murderers go to the Telestial Kingdom, which would mean murderers go to Heaven.

Actually the book of Mormon is clear those that practice sin are condemned when they die they suffer.

Read Alma chapter 5. and Alma chapter 12.
Ya cause actually reading the Bible and understanding that those that follow Satan willingly and chose sin over savior are not brought into the Paradise is so enlightened.

There are specific steps that must occur. And yes some will be condemned to eternal death.

To the best of my understanding of my religion, murderers go to the Telestial Kingdom, which would mean murderers go to Heaven.

Actually the book of Mormon is clear those that practice sin are condemned when they die they suffer.

Read Alma chapter 5. and Alma chapter 12.

Pretty sure I was taught that almost everyone, including murderers, makes it to at least the Telestial Kingdom.
I reject the idea of eternal torture. It always comforted me to think that with incredibly rare exception, my religion didn't teach that.

If I had to make up a heaven and hell idea on my own, if someone was too horrible to redeem I would have them go to sleep and have their energy dissipate into the cosmos.

I recoil from the idea that God would create people at his will, without their permission, and then when they failed to live up to whatever he required of them, he would make them suffer for eternity.
I reject the idea of eternal torture. It always comforted me to think that with incredibly rare exception, my religion didn't teach that.

If I had to make up a heaven and hell idea on my own, if someone was too horrible to redeem I would have them go to sleep and have their energy dissipate into the cosmos.

I recoil from the idea that God would create people at his will, without their permission, and then when they failed to live up to whatever he required of them, he would make them suffer for eternity.

Those that die as taught by the Book of Mormon go no where but spiritually they either exist in comfort or discomfort. Until the Judgement day. Haven't read far enough to say whether they are forgiven after the punishment or not. I guess I could ask the missionaries, they generally know whats up.

Ya I am active in the church again after 30 years. Well sort of active, I go to services and the missionaries visit.
what sins were committed is relevant to their Judgement - unless there is a way to bring back a life, those who take one will have no way to reach the Everlasting ... they die with their last breath.
If all you have to do is apologize, does that mean anyone can get into heaven?

ALL God's people were created in His invisible Kingdom, also known as Heaven. We were spoken into existence through His created Word, which is His voice. Wavelengths of energy were spoken into existence as His stored thoughts and that's who we are.
If all you have to do is apologize, does that mean anyone can get into heaven?

One must be baptized and accept Jesus as their savior. Accept the Holy ghost as well. However one does not get a get out of jail card with no limits.

One must not practice evil or sin.All humans are flawed and will sin. One can ask for forgiveness for sins. However if one chooses to practice sin there is no forgiveness.

When you screw up and sin you can be forgiven. If you actively chose to continue to commit the same sin or sins over and over that is practicing sin and there is no forgiveness until you stop doing it.

If one chooses to follow Satan they are also barred from eternal life in paradise.

What's the purpose behind this primitive ritual of Baptism? Why do you have to be dunked in water to be accepted by your creator? Seems kind of stupid and amoral to me.
If I had an edit button I would delete that post of mine, Mr. H. It sounds awful. I am sincerely sorry. I was undone and not using the brain God gave me. - J.
according to

"conversations with god" they are....that man is incapable of understanding the total concept of sin and all that...and god would not harm his children

Cop out. Man is in fact capable... God has no children, only man has children. And the children of man can has no cheeseburger. Nor can you.

Wrong. You are addressing one of his children. Strollingbones is his. I've got it on a very reliable source. She got hurt. It happens. This is war. War is messy. Choose what side you are on but stop denying there is a side, Mr. H! Cheeseburger? HA! THIS ISN'T BURGER KING! YOU DON'T GET IT YOUR WAY, YOU GET IT GODS WAY OR NO WAY AT ALL!

Is God merciful? You bet believe he is! You are still here! On the other hand, Strollingbones was not exactly dealt a fair hand but she is doing the best she can with what she got! So let God be God in her life and give her a minute to sort it out.. He does not throw away what is his! She belongs to Him!! - Jere

icanhazcheeseburger is an internet meme, by the way. Just in case you weren't aware what he was referencing.
okay let me throw in a pagan twist.....i think yall just have some major egos problems here....do you really think humans can comprehend a god? or that a god can comprehend humans.....we are like ants to the gods...simple as that...they have no care for what becomes of us....yet you think you can plead and beg your gods into doing what you want? or caring what you want?
Psalm 100:3

King James Version (KJV)

3 Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

God can do what he wants with us.
okay let me throw in a pagan twist.....i think yall just have some major egos problems here....do you really think humans can comprehend a god? or that a god can comprehend humans.....we are like ants to the gods...simple as that...they have no care for what becomes of us....yet you think you can plead and beg your gods into doing what you want? or caring what you want?

Such great beings cannot comprehend that in which they have created? lol
I recall once in college saying that I wasn't altogether sure I wanted to go to heaven because if my MIL was there I didn't see how it could be heaven. Another student said, 'you won't have those feelings when you get there.' I think that is the key. We will all be changed. So, in heaven, they will not be serial killers and she will not be my MIL. (And the Bible does say there will be no marriage in heaven.) Although, if I run into my late husband the first thing I'm going to do is clock him for dying and leaving me to raise those two children alone!

I Corinthians 15:50 - 58

50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

There are people who think they know what the Bible says and they love to throw what they think they know at Christians. But they don't know what the Bible says. They don't have even a clue. All they see is what they can see with their jaded eyes. But God sees what is in a person's heart. He sees them as well.

I Samuel 16:7

King James Bible
But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

I think most of us will be surprised at who is in heaven, not that it is really any of our business because each person's relationship with God is entirely his/her own business alone.

Romans 10:13

King James Version (KJV)

13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

I am sure there are a lot of people of whom we are not aware who will have called upon the name of the Lord.
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repentence is more than just an apology.
I see none in you, just self righteousness.

Is Hitler in Heaven?
"You shall know them by their fruits. A good tree doesn't produce bad fruit." But don't worry about where others go, think about where you're headed.

Learn the parable of the rich man that prays to God, "Lord, thank you for not making me a filthy scum like that poor man." The rich man already has received his reward.

"The first shall be last, and the last shall be first." I'd rather be last for 60 or 70 years, than to be last for eternity.

Jesus warned against being self righteous, and thinking that you're already "saved".
Jesus said, "There will be many that come to me on the last day and say, Didn't I cast out demons in your name, and didn't I prophecy in your name?" And he will answer them, "I know you not, you are workers of iniquity."

There are so many here that think they are "saved", that are far from God. Greed, egotism, and heartlessness lead to perdition.
repentence is more than just an apology.
I see none in you, just self righteousness.
Is Hitler in Heaven?
"You shall know them by their fruits. A good tree doesn't produce bad fruit." But don't worry about where others go, think about where you're headed.

Learn the parable of the rich man that prays to God, "Lord, thank you for not making me a filthy scum like that poor man." The rich man already has received his reward.

"The first shall be last, and the last shall be first." I'd rather be last for 60 or 70 years, than to be last for eternity.

Jesus warned against being self righteous, and thinking that you're already "saved".
Jesus said, "There will be many that come to me on the last day and say, Didn't I cast out demons in your name, and didn't I prophecy in your name?" And he will answer them, "I know you not, you are workers of iniquity."

There are so many here that think they are "saved", that are far from God. Greed, egotism, and heartlessness lead to perdition.

Careful, there.
repentence is more than just an apology.
I see none in you, just self righteousness.
Is Hitler in Heaven?
"You shall know them by their fruits. A good tree doesn't produce bad fruit." But don't worry about where others go, think about where you're headed.

Learn the parable of the rich man that prays to God, "Lord, thank you for not making me a filthy scum like that poor man." The rich man already has received his reward.

"The first shall be last, and the last shall be first." I'd rather be last for 60 or 70 years, than to be last for eternity.

Jesus warned against being self righteous, and thinking that you're already "saved".
Jesus said, "There will be many that come to me on the last day and say, Didn't I cast out demons in your name, and didn't I prophecy in your name?" And he will answer them, "I know you not, you are workers of iniquity."

There are so many here that think they are "saved", that are far from God. Greed, egotism, and heartlessness lead to perdition.

Careful, there.

Let God judge between the two of us. Hopefully He will be merciful to both of us. Because I know I need mercy. Im not a gambling man, but I could bet Hangover needs it too.

The beautiful part of the Gospel is that when we recieve our Eternal rewards, we wont be the same people we are now. Christ will change us. And we will be our true selves.

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