Is it fair to blame Donald Trump for the damage done by Covid?

The United States has more air traffic than any country on Earth by an enormous margin. We have most of the biggest airports on the planet too, and many of those are next to dense groups of people. It seems to me that that's a pretty hard situation to control during a pandemic.

Is it realistic to think that under different leadership the United States would have avoided or heavily mitigated this situation?

Should Donald Trump be blamed in the manner that he often is by the left, or could some of the criticism possibly be called unfair?
If his messaging on remediation had been different things would have been much better, so yes. It is fair to blame him to a great extent.
Trump made the decision in Feb20 to politicize the virus. Aware of the dangers he chose to hide them and make believe there was no danger. Then, in April he made the decision to politicize masks and other safety protocols.

Blame trump for the pandemic? No.
Blame Trump for 500k deaths because of his refusal to lead? Certainly.
Trump followed Fauci's advice and he screwed up doing it.
The United States has more air traffic than any country on Earth by an enormous margin. We have most of the biggest airports on the planet too, and many of those are next to dense groups of people. It seems to me that that's a pretty hard situation to control during a pandemic.

Is it realistic to think that under different leadership the United States would have avoided or heavily mitigated this situation?

Should Donald Trump be blamed in the manner that he often is by the left, or could some of the criticism possibly be called unfair?

I blame Trump for being the lying, theiving, draft dodging, child raping, traitor that he is.

I blame the idiots that voted for him for Covid.
The United States has more air traffic than any country on Earth by an enormous margin. We have most of the biggest airports on the planet too, and many of those are next to dense groups of people. It seems to me that that's a pretty hard situation to control during a pandemic.

Is it realistic to think that under different leadership the United States would have avoided or heavily mitigated this situation?

Should Donald Trump be blamed in the manner that he often is by the left, or could some of the criticism possibly be called unfair?
Highest death count in the entire world. More than countries over 4 times more populous than ours.

So...yeah. Trump is entirely to blame.

See my signature.
See my signature.
This forum was gracious enough to grant people the ability to turn signatures off. I have no idea what you lunatics are advertising at the bottom of your posts and I have no desire to.
This forum was gracious enough to grant people the ability to turn signatures off. I have no idea what you lunatics are advertising at the bottom of your posts and I have no desire to.
When more than 17,000 Americans die from it (Covid-19), then you can legitimately attack Trump. - bripat9643
That was inexcusable and beneath the presidency, as are many of his behaviors.

He could have behaved with more tact for sure. I don't think he could have stopped the pandemic from ravaging our nation though.

He pretty clearly enabled the notion that this was being overblown, and that stopped people from getting vaccinated. How many of them died? How many of them spread it to others that died? I don't believe that's a small number.

Overall, he:
  • LIED to the American public about the severity of a deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on us
  • ATTACKED our best health and science officials when they were just trying to do their damn jobs
  • MOCKED Americans who were just trying to protect themselves and their loved ones with masks and social distancing
  • THANKED supporters who gathered in indoor spaces without masks, creating super-spreader events
  • MAINTAINED an environment of not taking the virus seriously, which obviously spread to the sheep, no doubt spreading the virus further
  • IGNORED health safety protocols at the fucking WHITE HOUSE, turning it into a fucking COVID HOT SPOT that needed to be FUMIGATED
  • LIED AGAIN to the American public by constantly saying "we're turning the corner on the virus", even when they knew goddamn well we were not

We know the shithole people in shitholes like Loon York and Mexifornia defied anything and everything Tump said and they were still dropping like flies...
WHOOPSIE...there goes that talking point Mac so badly wanted to sell.
Further, the almost dead fake president with a host of miracle vaccines and a firm dose of authoritarianism is on pace to KILL more than Trump did with no vaccine and while extending freedom and liberty to the people.
Simply not true.

On Jan 20th when Biden took office there were 429,874 deaths, today there are 757,849 leaving 327,975 under Biden's watch.
"We know the shithole people in shitholes like Loon York and Mexifornia defied anything and everything Tump said and they were still dropping like flies...
WHOOPSIE...there goes that talking point Mac so badly wanted to sell.
Further, the almost dead fake president with a host of miracle vaccines and a firm dose of authoritarianism is on pace to KILL more than Trump did with no vaccine and while extending freedom and liberty to the people."

White 6
When more than 17,000 Americans die from it (Covid-19), then you can legitimately attack Trump. - bripat9643
I think I recognize that name. Should I care what he said for some reason?
"We know the shithole people in shitholes like Loon York and Mexifornia defied anything and everything Tump said and they were still dropping like flies...
WHOOPSIE...there goes that talking point Mac so badly wanted to sell.
Further, the almost dead fake president with a host of miracle vaccines and a firm dose of authoritarianism is on pace to KILL more than Trump did with no vaccine and while extending freedom and liberty to the people."

White 6

when I post facts it always triggers you. Why is that?
I blame Trump for being the lying, theiving, draft dodging, child raping, traitor that he is.

I blame the idiots that voted for him for Covid.
Which do you classify as:
Pole puffer
Rug muncher
Chick with a dick
Lowlife degenerate

I ask because DECENT, NORMAL and PRODUCTIVE speaks ill of Trump.
when I post facts it always triggers you. Why is that?
No trigger at all...I prefer that you do that...It allows me to call you out on your LefTard logic....You always seem to leave out pertinent information and context in an attempt to run cover and polish the turd that is Joe Biden.
But we're not a Leftist....your typing fingers are.
No trigger at all...I prefer that you do that...It allows me to call you out on your LefTard logic

facts have no party affiliation. What I posted was pure fact, that is all. I corrected misinformation posted on the forum.

..You always seem to leave out pertinent information and context in an attempt to run cover and polish the turd that is Joe Biden.
But we're not a Leftist....your typing fingers are.

What did I leave out?
The United States has more air traffic than any country on Earth by an enormous margin. We have most of the biggest airports on the planet too, and many of those are next to dense groups of people. It seems to me that that's a pretty hard situation to control during a pandemic.

Is it realistic to think that under different leadership the United States would have avoided or heavily mitigated this situation?

Should Donald Trump be blamed in the manner that he often is by the left, or could some of the criticism possibly be called unfair?

Is it fair to blame Donald Trump for the damage done by Covid?​

Extrapolate Cuomo's numbers over 50 states.....then tell us, how many times Mac1958 and all his filthy Lefties here bad-mouthed Cuomo and that'll tell you all you need to know.
So you legitimately hold Trump responsible for over 500,000 deaths? You're not just exaggerating because you're arguing on a political forum? You truly and honestly believe that shit?

A lot of people didn't want to overreact, including myself. Shutting down travel and the economy is an extremely big decision that isn't easy to make, and he certainly didn't make these decisions alone. Maybe he deserves some slack on this one.
Let's look at the numbers and play what if.


Now early last year the states got together and implemented various restrictions and what happened?
Deaths, after spiking to 65k in March before all the restrictions were in place and dropped for 2 months.

Then Trump began his anti-science tirades in May and by July the numbers spiked 0ver 70%,
Now what might have happened if, instead of running for president Trump had decided to BE President?
Supported the mandates?
One can easily speculate that the downward trend observed in April/May would have continued and deaths would have dropped well below 10k per month.
But, you can easily see by the chart that such support never came and Trump's actions eventually cost him the presidency.

First Trump predicted no deaths, then a few dozen, then a few thousand, then 30k, then 60k...
If he'd decided to do the right thing hundreds of thousands of Americans would be alive
And Trump would be president, so I guess there's that.


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The Progs and the media were on pure anti Trump mode and did not help at all. With the corrupted sadists like Fauci, with the backing of a swamp organization like the CDC this turned into a blurred pandemic where no real truths were given. It would have gone better if Schumer and Pelosi worked with Trump. But the election as you know. I know the real murderers. The lifetime political hacks are to blame.
In February Trump knew the danger and made the decision to cover it up.
There is no one to blame bt Trump no matter how desperately you try.
No trigger at all...I prefer that you do that...It allows me to call you out on your LefTard logic....You always seem to leave out pertinent information and context in an attempt to run cover and polish the turd that is Joe Biden.
But we're not a Leftist....your typing fingers are.

What did I leave out?
A very important caveat. See, honest, unbias people not working an agenda tend to include meaningful caveats. But we know you're not working the Lefts agenda or anything.

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