Is it moral for God to punish us?

or to refrain from the teachings of unclean creatures that do not ruminate. .
just out of curiosity, which religion do non-ruminating creatures teach?.....

The truth is, all of them, especially yours.

You profess to believe that a three in one god diddled a virgin to father himself so that he could become fully human without a human father, speak in riddles, perform some magic tricks, be tortured and crucified (because he loved the romans so much), only to rise from the dead, spook his friends for a few weeks, and then float up into the sky from where he will one day descend to raise the dead, take all believers up into the clouds and burn unbelievers forever in sulfurous flames...

Do you really have no inking that you have swallowed a load of crap, hook, line and sinker? Astonishing!

Thanks for providing proof that the teachings of unclean creatures that do not ruminate are vile and contaminate the mind.
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I may have a colorful way of stating things, but my info is spot on. You say that I'm wrong but don't show that I'm wrong.
for example. I pointed out that Christianity does not teach that heaven is attained by personal made absolutely no response to that......your claim wasn't "colorful" was false......

Christians are at best irrational and what Christianity teaches is illogical.
and what is it that you are saying Christianity teaches that is illogical?.....
The 40 day worldwide flood, the parting of the sea, walking on water, making a woman out of a man's rib, a talking snake, a burning bush that talks and writes tablets, a guy who dies on the cross to absolve you of your sins but not really because you still pay for your sins in the end (Hell), ...
miracles and allegories are easily misunderstood by unbelievers, but this last one has me confused.....why do you pretend that Christianity teaches Christ died for our sins but we still have to pay for them in hell?.......that is not what Christianity teaches.....unless you are complaining that those who refuse to accept salvation still have to pay for their sins......that however would not be logical......if someone offered to buy you lunch but you refused to accept it, would you consider it illogical for the restaurant to expect payment?......
i can't believe something that on its face is illogical.
He died on the cross for my sins. In other words, he's already paid for my food, why would I pay for it again? I'll take a free lunch anytime.
I may have a colorful way of stating things, but my info is spot on. You say that I'm wrong but don't show that I'm wrong.
for example. I pointed out that Christianity does not teach that heaven is attained by personal made absolutely no response to that......your claim wasn't "colorful" was false......
I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.
"You say that I'm wrong but don't show that I'm wrong."
Ok, got me there, lol.
If I don't repent my sins and live a godly life, I'll go to hell. There you have "personal" as I have to do it or I go to hell, and "righteousness" as I have to stop sinning and live a bring a supposed higher moral standard to my life to have any chance of going to heaven.
but that is an inaccurate description of what Christianity cannot stop sinning, you are a human not only have a chance, but an assurance of heaven if you believe in Jesus Christ as your savior......(John 3)......there is no requirement of personal righteousness for admission.......
Sinners get into heaven because Jesus already paid the sin bill on the cross? So no need to stop sinning? Hey! That's what I said! :D
or to refrain from the teachings of unclean creatures that do not ruminate. .
just out of curiosity, which religion do non-ruminating creatures teach?.....

The truth is, all of them, especially yours.

You profess to believe that a three in one god diddled a virgin to father himself so that he could become fully human without a human father, speak in riddles, perform some magic tricks, be tortured and crucified (because he loved the romans so much), only to rise from the dead, spook his friends for a few weeks, and then float up into the sky from where he will one day descend to raise the dead, take all believers up into the clouds and burn unbelievers forever in sulfurous flames...

Do you really have no inking that you have swallowed a load of crap, hook, line and sinker? Astonishing!

Thanks for providing proof that the teachings of unclean creatures that do not ruminate are vile and contaminate the mind.
and you ruminating creatures teach the other religion?....I have heard it said that he would separate the sheep from the goats, but I didn't know anyone took it that literally......
He died on the cross for my sins. In other words, he's already paid for my food, why would I pay for it again? I'll take a free lunch anytime.
but you have refused his payment......isn't it illogical to refuse it and then say you accepted it?......
He died on the cross for my sins. In other words, he's already paid for my food, why would I pay for it again? I'll take a free lunch anytime.
but you have refused his payment......isn't it illogical to refuse it and then say you accepted it?......
No, I've always said that I accept JC paying the debt for my sins on the cross. No prob. I pretty much let anyone pick up any tab I've run up. It just makes sense.
I notice that a lot of those who argue that God doesn't have authority to judge them claim they don't believe in Him at all....
He died on the cross for my sins. In other words, he's already paid for my food, why would I pay for it again? I'll take a free lunch anytime.
but you have refused his payment......isn't it illogical to refuse it and then say you accepted it?......
No, I've always said that I accept JC paying the debt for my sins on the cross. No prob. I pretty much let anyone pick up any tab I've run up. It just makes sense.
By continuing in your sin, you make a lie of your claim that you accepted His payment for said sin. You did not repent at all.
He died on the cross for my sins. In other words, he's already paid for my food, why would I pay for it again? I'll take a free lunch anytime.
but you have refused his payment......isn't it illogical to refuse it and then say you accepted it?......
No, I've always said that I accept JC paying the debt for my sins on the cross. No prob. I pretty much let anyone pick up any tab I've run up. It just makes sense.
odd, I believe you've also said you don't believe he exists.....
He died on the cross for my sins. In other words, he's already paid for my food, why would I pay for it again? I'll take a free lunch anytime.
but you have refused his payment......isn't it illogical to refuse it and then say you accepted it?......
No, I've always said that I accept JC paying the debt for my sins on the cross. No prob. I pretty much let anyone pick up any tab I've run up. It just makes sense.
By continuing in your sin, you make a lie of your claim that you accepted His payment for said sin. You did not repent at all.
PostM says I don't have to stop sinning or even repent.
He died on the cross for my sins. In other words, he's already paid for my food, why would I pay for it again? I'll take a free lunch anytime.
but you have refused his payment......isn't it illogical to refuse it and then say you accepted it?......
No, I've always said that I accept JC paying the debt for my sins on the cross. No prob. I pretty much let anyone pick up any tab I've run up. It just makes sense.
By continuing in your sin, you make a lie of your claim that you accepted His payment for said sin. You did not repent at all.
PostM says I don't have to stop sinning or even repent.
why do you troll and say ridiculous things?......are you bored with life?......why not volunteer to help people instead?.....
He died on the cross for my sins. In other words, he's already paid for my food, why would I pay for it again? I'll take a free lunch anytime.
but you have refused his payment......isn't it illogical to refuse it and then say you accepted it?......
No, I've always said that I accept JC paying the debt for my sins on the cross. No prob. I pretty much let anyone pick up any tab I've run up. It just makes sense.
By continuing in your sin, you make a lie of your claim that you accepted His payment for said sin. You did not repent at all.
PostM says I don't have to stop sinning or even repent.
why do you troll and say ridiculous things?......are you bored with life?......why not volunteer to help people instead?.....
That's what you said. I didn't have to make it up. You said sinners go to heaven.
Sinners get into heaven because Jesus already paid the sin bill on the cross? So no need to stop sinning? Hey! That's what I said! :D
but it was all the other irrational stuff you said that I objected to......
So if sinners go to heaven, what's hell for?
such as it exists, those who refuse to believe in him.....
Isn't not believing in him a form of sin? And you say hell exists, got any proof?
He died on the cross for my sins. In other words, he's already paid for my food, why would I pay for it again? I'll take a free lunch anytime.
but you have refused his payment......isn't it illogical to refuse it and then say you accepted it?......
No, I've always said that I accept JC paying the debt for my sins on the cross. No prob. I pretty much let anyone pick up any tab I've run up. It just makes sense.
odd, I believe you've also said you don't believe he exists.....
Never said that ever. I said you don't have any proof that he exists now.
He died on the cross for my sins. In other words, he's already paid for my food, why would I pay for it again? I'll take a free lunch anytime.
but you have refused his payment......isn't it illogical to refuse it and then say you accepted it?......
No, I've always said that I accept JC paying the debt for my sins on the cross. No prob. I pretty much let anyone pick up any tab I've run up. It just makes sense.
By continuing in your sin, you make a lie of your claim that you accepted His payment for said sin. You did not repent at all.
PostM says I don't have to stop sinning or even repent.
That's not what Jesus says. Personally, I'm going with Him.
but you have refused his payment......isn't it illogical to refuse it and then say you accepted it?......
No, I've always said that I accept JC paying the debt for my sins on the cross. No prob. I pretty much let anyone pick up any tab I've run up. It just makes sense.
By continuing in your sin, you make a lie of your claim that you accepted His payment for said sin. You did not repent at all.
PostM says I don't have to stop sinning or even repent.
why do you troll and say ridiculous things?......are you bored with life?......why not volunteer to help people instead?.....
That's what you said. I didn't have to make it up. You said sinners go to heaven.
and what part did you choose to ignore? honest now.......did you really forget the repenting part or did you just feel it was more fun to lie about it?.........

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