Is it possible for a homosexual to be a Christian?

Wrong forum? Perhaps he can ask it to be moved. Which forum would it fit in?

I think we need an LGBT forum. Problem would be trolled constantly.
Yeah, kind of like the religion forum is now.
"Is it possible for a homosexual to be a Christian?"

Obviously some Christians aren't capable of being 'Christian.'
Wrong forum? Perhaps he can ask it to be moved. Which forum would it fit in?

I think we need an LGBT forum. Problem would be trolled constantly.

And make NovaSteve the moderator....
It is a hard question I suppose.
The Bible says that a person is "saved" after repenting and turning to God for salvation. Since redemption is (roughly) defined as acknowledging one's sins and asking forgiveness for them, can an active homosexual come to saving faith, even if he or she continues to actively sin? Wouldn't that mean that they don't actually believe that their sexual orientation is a sin?
May anybody answer to these questions.

Why is this obvious trolling thread in Politics?
Why talk about sexuality in a Political thread? Religion is an uncomfortable subject. Obviously, a person needs to decide what is more important ---- one's sexual preferences or CHRIST! A person trapped in any sexual behavior pattern can become or be a Christian. But the obvious realization is would that individual be happy if Jesus walked in on him in the act or would those so involved be very embarrassed?
It is a hard question I suppose.
The Bible says that a person is "saved" after repenting and turning to God for salvation. Since redemption is (roughly) defined as acknowledging one's sins and asking forgiveness for them, can an active homosexual come to saving faith, even if he or she continues to actively sin? Wouldn't that mean that they don't actually believe that their sexual orientation is a sin?
May anybody answer to these questions.

Why is this obvious trolling thread in Politics?
Why talk about sexuality in a Political thread? Religion is an uncomfortable subject. Obviously, a person needs to decide what is more important ---- one's sexual preferences or CHRIST! A person trapped in any sexual behavior pattern can become or be a Christian. But the obvious realization is would that individual be happy if Jesus walked in on him in the act or would those so involved be very embarrassed?
Only if busted and needing to cry great scalding tears in front of ones congregation and national tv for visiting sluts?
It is prohibited by religion. Every system has some rules to obey.
Since homosexuality, nor "homosexual activity", is a sin, absolutely.
I don't subscribe to the flawed traditional interpretations on that issue.
It is a hard question I suppose.
The Bible says that a person is "saved" after repenting and turning to God for salvation. Since redemption is (roughly) defined as acknowledging one's sins and asking forgiveness for them, can an active homosexual come to saving faith, even if he or she continues to actively sin? Wouldn't that mean that they don't actually believe that their sexual orientation is a sin?
May anybody answer to these questions.

Saint Augustine is known for praying, "God make me good--but not just yet."

Others turn to God in their sin because they know He is their best way out of it. Jesus put it, "Those who are healthy have no need of a physician."

I don't know what all homosexuals believe. However, the definition of sin is, "Missing the mark." The primary purpose of sex is procreation. Anyone (gay or straight) who has sex without being open to the possibility of procreation is "missing the mark." How many people do you know, gay or straight, who are open to the possibility of pregnancy (on the off chance it should occur) each and every time they have sex?

Something to think about. We humans miss the mark in so many areas. I feel the biggest mark we can miss is not pursuing a relationship with God. Perhaps the reason we can miss out on this relationship is because we decide to until we are more perfect before pursuing it.
Sure. Ask any Catholic priest. :)
HAh, Once you 'become Christian' It's not like you instantly become sinless. Everyone sins, all the time, whether you're Christian or not. Thats just being human. Thats where that Jesus dude comes in so handy. However IT IS A SIN.
I will throw some tidbits out there:

-the word "homosexuality" was first created in the middle of the 19th century. Of course, the logical assumption is that people knew the difference between straight and gay long before that, but no one was really thinking of a clinical term for it.

-In the New Testament, it is fact that:

1.) Yeshuah never once is quoted about gays, gayness, gay acts, ever. This can only lead to one of three conclusions:

a.) He knew nothing of it.
b.) He knew a lot about it but deliberately chose, after adressing practically every other issue of his day, to not speak about it.
c.) It was not important enough for him to talk about it.

I go with option c.)

2.) Not a single one of the apostles directly mentions anything gay or gay related, excepting Romans I. They talk about "perversions", but never go into specifics.

-In the Old Testament (known as the Tanakh among us Jews), there are 613 commandments for us Jews to keep.

Exactly TWO of those commandments (or 0.33% of all commandments) speak directly about specific homosexual acts, and indeed, those commandments list them as a "abomination". But then again, so is lusting after another woman other than your wife, jacking off, especially if your seed happens to hit the ground, or eating shellfish.

So, we have a weird brand of Christianity getting all umbraged up, the same brand that insists that the Old Testament doesn't really stand anymore, it was replaced by the word of Jesus. But on the other hand, as soon as the word "gay" comes into play, those same Christians grasp at Lev 18:22 and Lev 20:13 for dear life in order to prove, just prove that gay is horrible.

Meanwhile, many of these same Christians, while married, are pumping pussy behind their wives' backs and seen no problem with that, in spite of the fact that that sin carries exactly the same punishment with it, if a real "Christian" does want to take every one of the 613 commandments literally and fullfill them.

This is an object lesson in utter hypocrisy and I always enjoy watching "Christians" twist themselves into pretzels in order to make their logic work.

It is a hard question I suppose.
The Bible says that a person is "saved" after repenting and turning to God for salvation. Since redemption is (roughly) defined as acknowledging one's sins and asking forgiveness for them, can an active homosexual come to saving faith, even if he or she continues to actively sin? Wouldn't that mean that they don't actually believe that their sexual orientation is a sin?
May anybody answer to these questions.

If it weren't, the Catholic Church would collapse. Not even a joke. :)
Being Christian isn't incompatible with being homosexual any more than being an idolater and Sabbath-breaker is. Majority of Christians break multiple idolatry commandments as well as Sabbath ones. No one seems to bring those up. Well, almost no one ;)
"It is a hard question I suppose."

It is a hard question I suppose.
The Bible says that a person is "saved" after repenting and turning to God for salvation. Since redemption is (roughly) defined as acknowledging one's sins and asking forgiveness for them, can an active homosexual come to saving faith, even if he or she continues to actively sin? Wouldn't that mean that they don't actually believe that their sexual orientation is a sin?
May anybody answer to these questions.
The vast majority of gay Americans are Christian, and are perfectly capable of practicing their religion in good faith where their homosexuality is not considered 'sin.'

There are Christian sects that might perceive homosexuality to be a 'sin,' and others not; but anyone who claims to be a Christian is a Christian, and no one can compel him to believe otherwise, particularly another Christian.

If they're Christians, then they know that homosexuality is a sin. Sorry, loser.
Yes a gay can be christian! Because what is more abhorrent to God is divorce and those that have been divorced live in sin and commit adultery everyday they are with the one not their wife and any christians live in sin living with others and sex before being married. If these people can live in sin everyday of their lives and not repent, why not a gay person?'s the same thing....but but but gays live in sin everyday!!!!lol so do 90% of American christians but you never hear them repent..

.and since there is more scriptures talking about adultery and divorce then there is about gays then I can prove beyound a shadow of a doubt that today's christians not only sin but embrace their sin calling it normal instead of trying to abstain from sin they embrace it. So why do these normal christians get a pass for every day of their sinful lives, and not gays?
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"It is a hard question I suppose."

It is a hard question I suppose.
The Bible says that a person is "saved" after repenting and turning to God for salvation. Since redemption is (roughly) defined as acknowledging one's sins and asking forgiveness for them, can an active homosexual come to saving faith, even if he or she continues to actively sin? Wouldn't that mean that they don't actually believe that their sexual orientation is a sin?
May anybody answer to these questions.
The vast majority of gay Americans are Christian, and are perfectly capable of practicing their religion in good faith where their homosexuality is not considered 'sin.'

There are Christian sects that might perceive homosexuality to be a 'sin,' and others not; but anyone who claims to be a Christian is a Christian, and no one can compel him to believe otherwise, particularly another Christian.

If they're Christians, then they know that homosexuality is a sin. Sorry, loser.
Yes a gay can be christian! Because what is more abhorrent to God is divorce and those that have been divorced live in sin and commit adultery everyday they are with the one not their wife and any christians live in sin living with others and sex before being married. If these people can live in sin everyday of their lives and not repent, why not a gay person?'s the same thing....but but but gays live in sin everyday!!!!lol so do 90% of American christians but you never hear them repent..

.and since there is more scriptures talking about adultery and divorce then there is about gays then I can prove beyound a shadow of a doubt that today's christians not only sin but embrace their sin calling it normal instead of trying to abstain from sin they embrace it. So why do these normal christians get a pass for every day of their sinful lives, and not gays?

"It is a hard question I suppose."

It is a hard question I suppose.
The Bible says that a person is "saved" after repenting and turning to God for salvation. Since redemption is (roughly) defined as acknowledging one's sins and asking forgiveness for them, can an active homosexual come to saving faith, even if he or she continues to actively sin? Wouldn't that mean that they don't actually believe that their sexual orientation is a sin?
May anybody answer to these questions.
The vast majority of gay Americans are Christian, and are perfectly capable of practicing their religion in good faith where their homosexuality is not considered 'sin.'

There are Christian sects that might perceive homosexuality to be a 'sin,' and others not; but anyone who claims to be a Christian is a Christian, and no one can compel him to believe otherwise, particularly another Christian.

If they're Christians, then they know that homosexuality is a sin. Sorry, loser.
Yes a gay can be christian! Because what is more abhorrent to God is divorce and those that have been divorced live in sin and commit adultery everyday they are with the one not their wife and any christians live in sin living with others and sex before being married. If these people can live in sin everyday of their lives and not repent, why not a gay person?'s the same thing....but but but gays live in sin everyday!!!!lol so do 90% of American christians but you never hear them repent..

.and since there is more scriptures talking about adultery and divorce then there is about gays then I can prove beyound a shadow of a doubt that today's christians not only sin but embrace their sin calling it normal instead of trying to abstain from sin they embrace it. So why do these normal christians get a pass for every day of their sinful lives, and not gays?

You won't see Christians in church insisting that their sins are not sinful, however, and publicly embracing a lifestyle that celebrates those sins.
"It is a hard question I suppose."

It is a hard question I suppose.
The Bible says that a person is "saved" after repenting and turning to God for salvation. Since redemption is (roughly) defined as acknowledging one's sins and asking forgiveness for them, can an active homosexual come to saving faith, even if he or she continues to actively sin? Wouldn't that mean that they don't actually believe that their sexual orientation is a sin?
May anybody answer to these questions.
The vast majority of gay Americans are Christian, and are perfectly capable of practicing their religion in good faith where their homosexuality is not considered 'sin.'

There are Christian sects that might perceive homosexuality to be a 'sin,' and others not; but anyone who claims to be a Christian is a Christian, and no one can compel him to believe otherwise, particularly another Christian.

If they're Christians, then they know that homosexuality is a sin. Sorry, loser.
Yes a gay can be christian! Because what is more abhorrent to God is divorce and those that have been divorced live in sin and commit adultery everyday they are with the one not their wife and any christians live in sin living with others and sex before being married. If these people can live in sin everyday of their lives and not repent, why not a gay person?'s the same thing....but but but gays live in sin everyday!!!!lol so do 90% of American christians but you never hear them repent..

.and since there is more scriptures talking about adultery and divorce then there is about gays then I can prove beyound a shadow of a doubt that today's christians not only sin but embrace their sin calling it normal instead of trying to abstain from sin they embrace it. So why do these normal christians get a pass for every day of their sinful lives, and not gays?

You won't see Christians in church insisting that their sins are not sinful, however, and publicly embracing a lifestyle that celebrates those sins.
Yet they do amongst their own. Hey I understand that if they did cast out all those that live in sin and embrace it, they would have no one to go to the church. So they had to, hypocracy. But it's ok as long as their is an elephant in the room "gays". You guys can go on believing your better then them. Lol
"It is a hard question I suppose."

It is a hard question I suppose.
The Bible says that a person is "saved" after repenting and turning to God for salvation. Since redemption is (roughly) defined as acknowledging one's sins and asking forgiveness for them, can an active homosexual come to saving faith, even if he or she continues to actively sin? Wouldn't that mean that they don't actually believe that their sexual orientation is a sin?
May anybody answer to these questions.
The vast majority of gay Americans are Christian, and are perfectly capable of practicing their religion in good faith where their homosexuality is not considered 'sin.'

There are Christian sects that might perceive homosexuality to be a 'sin,' and others not; but anyone who claims to be a Christian is a Christian, and no one can compel him to believe otherwise, particularly another Christian.

If they're Christians, then they know that homosexuality is a sin. Sorry, loser.
Yes a gay can be christian! Because what is more abhorrent to God is divorce and those that have been divorced live in sin and commit adultery everyday they are with the one not their wife and any christians live in sin living with others and sex before being married. If these people can live in sin everyday of their lives and not repent, why not a gay person?'s the same thing....but but but gays live in sin everyday!!!!lol so do 90% of American christians but you never hear them repent..

.and since there is more scriptures talking about adultery and divorce then there is about gays then I can prove beyound a shadow of a doubt that today's christians not only sin but embrace their sin calling it normal instead of trying to abstain from sin they embrace it. So why do these normal christians get a pass for every day of their sinful lives, and not gays?

You won't see Christians in church insisting that their sins are not sinful, however, and publicly embracing a lifestyle that celebrates those sins.
Yet they do amongst their own. Hey I understand that if they did cast out all those that live in sin and embrace it, they would have no one to go to the church. So they had to, hypocracy. But it's ok as long as their is an elephant in the room "gays". You guys can go on believing your better then them. Lol

Hogwash. Nobody is casting anybody out. But Christians do not embrace and celebrate sin. If they do, then they aren't true Christians.
"It is a hard question I suppose."

The vast majority of gay Americans are Christian, and are perfectly capable of practicing their religion in good faith where their homosexuality is not considered 'sin.'

There are Christian sects that might perceive homosexuality to be a 'sin,' and others not; but anyone who claims to be a Christian is a Christian, and no one can compel him to believe otherwise, particularly another Christian.

If they're Christians, then they know that homosexuality is a sin. Sorry, loser.
Yes a gay can be christian! Because what is more abhorrent to God is divorce and those that have been divorced live in sin and commit adultery everyday they are with the one not their wife and any christians live in sin living with others and sex before being married. If these people can live in sin everyday of their lives and not repent, why not a gay person?'s the same thing....but but but gays live in sin everyday!!!!lol so do 90% of American christians but you never hear them repent..

.and since there is more scriptures talking about adultery and divorce then there is about gays then I can prove beyound a shadow of a doubt that today's christians not only sin but embrace their sin calling it normal instead of trying to abstain from sin they embrace it. So why do these normal christians get a pass for every day of their sinful lives, and not gays?

You won't see Christians in church insisting that their sins are not sinful, however, and publicly embracing a lifestyle that celebrates those sins.
Yet they do amongst their own. Hey I understand that if they did cast out all those that live in sin and embrace it, they would have no one to go to the church. So they had to, hypocracy. But it's ok as long as their is an elephant in the room "gays". You guys can go on believing your better then them. Lol

Hogwash. Nobody is casting anybody out. But Christians do not embrace and celebrate sin. If they do, then they aren't true Christians.
So divorce is not a sin and remarrying does not constitute adultery? How many weddings happen at your church that is the wife or husbands 2nd 3rd 4 th marrage? And would that not be a celebration of sinful living according to your bible?
It is a hard question I suppose.
The Bible says that a person is "saved" after repenting and turning to God for salvation. Since redemption is (roughly) defined as acknowledging one's sins and asking forgiveness for them, can an active homosexual come to saving faith, even if he or she continues to actively sin? Wouldn't that mean that they don't actually believe that their sexual orientation is a sin?
May anybody answer to these questions.

Why couldn't they? It's entirely possible to believe in Jesus as the Son of God and be a murderer, thief, adulterer, or liar so why not a homosexual?

Now the question is why would a homosexual believe in a God that made him lust after men and then punishes him for it?

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