Is It Possible Trump Could Get A fair Trial

So you are a scumbag hypocrite, tell us something we didn't know douche nozel
Not hypocritical at all...

If you can nail Sleepy Old Uncle Joe in the law courts then by all means do so...

I couldn't give two $hits less...

Just don't expect the focus to be taken off of your Orange Baboon-God in the criminal law courts in the meantime...

You belly-aching about Biden does not get Rump off the hook for HIS crimes...
Already finding him guilty in our minds because we know enough of the facts, is not the same as not wanting him to have a fair trail.

I would not allow a Trumpster on the jury if that's what you mean. One bad apple can hang any jury.

Or if I was the judge and found a Trumpster obstructing justice, I'd remove them and replace them with an alternate.

So, you’d allow the entire jury to be trump haters then?
And this would get laughed out of court on appeal. You would need some sort of overwhelming, concrete evidence of a juror's bias.

Right, it only takes one cultist to hang the jury and force another trial. But I feel like the cultists will be weeded out by the prosecution.
We have to take their word for it, remember? All they have to do is swear they'll find him guilty and they're in.
and find a jury in a dark blue city where not one of the jurors was biased against Trump and have a judge who was not biased against Trump? I find that highly unlikely. Is an accused person still forced to stand trial even if it is obvious that they can't have a fair trial? If so, then we have the definition of a kangaroo court.

I am far left, but we already are certain of the injustice, because the impeachments, indictments, etc., have all already been totally illegal and fraudulent.

I do not like Trump, but other than loading the SCOTUS, he actually did fine.
Biden is doing much worse with the illegal war in the Ukraine and the illegal economic sanctions on Russia.
Frankly, everyone deserves a fair trial.

This is one crucial element that his lawyers are and will harp on.

Fun times.

A remotely fair trial would have requite the ridiculous charges to already have been dismissed by any fair judge.

The laws on classified docs are clear.
Presidents always give permanent copies to whomever they want, including themselves, so they can use them for later research.

The law on hush money is that it clearly is legal.
They tried this already on John Edwards, and the jury threw it out unanimously.

Jan 6 is protected political protest, unless you can prove Trump already knew there was no voter fraud, and that can't be done because there always is some voter fraud, and the polls said Trump would easily win.

Dems definitely want a fair trial!

It's the MAGGOTS that are scared of a fair trial.

Because they know:

"A Fair Trial Ends in a HANGING!"

If the trial was remotely fair, Jack Smith would be prosecuted and Trump cleared of all charges.
And I say that as a far left liberal.
Face it. His aides are flipping. Trial on. Trump will go down.

His aids are irrelevant because nothing Trump did was remotely illegal.
The closest would be if Trump knew there was not voter fraud, but that is impossible because there always is some, and the polls said he would win.
Maybe on the moon? I mean, we all know he's guilty. He admitted most of his crimes on tape or on tv.

That is silly.
Not only did Trump not admit to anything illegal, but there is not a single thing he could have done that was remotely illegal.
He was careless about classified docs, but has full legal authority to do whatever he wants with them, and no one else gets any say at all.
He paid hush money, but that is perfectly legal. They already tried this with John Edwards.
And a protest over supposed voter fraud is protected political speech.
That is silly.
Not only did Trump not admit to anything illegal, but there is not a single thing he could have done that was remotely illegal.
He was careless about classified docs, but has full legal authority to do whatever he wants with them, and no one else gets any say at all.
He paid hush money, but that is perfectly legal. They already tried this with John Edwards.
And a protest over supposed voter fraud is protected political speech.
In your eyes, Trump can do no wrong. A model citizen. Hah!
Not hypocritical at all...

If you can nail Sleepy Old Uncle Joe in the law courts then by all means do so...

I couldn't give two $hits less...

Just don't expect the focus to be taken off of your Orange Baboon-God in the criminal law courts in the meantime...

You belly-aching about Biden does not get Rump off the hook for HIS crimes...
The continual focus on trump is designed to take the focus off scumbag douche-bags like Biden!
The continual focus on trump is designed to take the focus off scumbag douche-bags like Biden!

If Rump were to have recieved a fair trial he would already tried, convicted and spending the rest of his life prison plus 3 lifetimes.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. In order to really have a fair trial all jurors and alternate jurors should have their backgrounds checked out and investigated for political bias, including social media posts. This trial is far too important to accept their words when asked questions. And, we need to have a judge who can pass the same qualifications.
You can say it until you're blue in the face. That isn't going to happen.

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