Is it REALLY best that EVERYONE can Vote?

No, not a living document. That’s why it, and this entire nation need to be burned to the ground and a NEW, Proper nation built in its place. A nation that lays out the DUTIES of its citizens as well as the privileges that can be earned by living properly.
That sounds vaguely familiar. :)

With Election Day less than 48 hours away, I again wonder…

Is it REALLY in the best interests of this nation that EVERYONE is allowed to Vote?

I look at the people I interact with every day in public, who I work with, and the news I see in the media and I truly wonder why it is that so many people really want most people to be allowed to vote. I’m not talking about illegals, criminals, the mentally deficient, etc… I’m just talking about the average citizen on the street.

Haven’t we see enough of the imbeciles and crooks that the general population continues to elect on both ends of the spectrum? When do we start working to ensure only the truly qualified individuals get a say in these vital decisions?

Only combat vets should have the ability to vote. Only combat vets should be full citizens. Solved for you.
Is it REALLY best that EVERYONE can Vote?

That far too many conservatives such as the OP believe otherwise comes as no surprise, of course – this is yet another example of the right’s war on democracy.

For example, some on the right believe that only property owners should be allowed to vote.

Other conservatives have opined that those on disability shouldn’t be allowed to vote so they don’t vote for ‘more disability.’

And now the OP advances the wrongheaded notion that only ‘truly qualified individuals’ should be allowed to vote.

What criteria would conservatives use to determine if a citizen is a ‘truly qualified individual’ and how would one’s qualifications be determined; given the right’s propensity for illiberal authoritarianism, it’s not difficult to imagine how that would be accomplished.
Absolutely wrong. 18-year-olds should never, ever be given the right to vote.
All they know for their entire existence is free food, free clothes, free room and board, free toys, and free health care. just free everything and without any responsibility. With that kind of background, I just wonder what party they would gravitate to?
If women negatively impact this election and help elect far-left liberals candidates based on their demented need for total abortion rights while completely ignoring the importance of all other issues, I would likely add them to the list too.
And yet another authoritarian rightist exhibits conservatives’ contempt for the right to vote.
With Election Day less than 48 hours away, I again wonder…

Is it REALLY in the best interests of this nation that EVERYONE is allowed to Vote?

I look at the people I interact with every day in public, who I work with, and the news I see in the media and I truly wonder why it is that so many people really want most people to be allowed to vote. I’m not talking about illegals, criminals, the mentally deficient, etc… I’m just talking about the average citizen on the street.

Haven’t we see enough of the imbeciles and crooks that the general population continues to elect on both ends of the spectrum? When do we start working to ensure only the truly qualified individuals get a say in these vital decisions?

I don't want people to vote themselves into my bank account. Who does?

That far too many conservatives such as the OP believe otherwise comes as no surprise, of course – this is yet another example of the right’s war on democracy.

For example, some on the right believe that only property owners should be allowed to vote.

Other conservatives have opined that those on disability shouldn’t be allowed to vote so they don’t vote for ‘more disability.’

And now the OP advances the wrongheaded notion that only ‘truly qualified individuals’ should be allowed to vote.

What criteria would conservatives use to determine if a citizen is a ‘truly qualified individual’ and how would one’s qualifications be determined; given the right’s propensity for illiberal authoritarianism, it’s not difficult to imagine how that would be accomplished.
One thing is certain, chronically unemployed losers and single mother on welfare should not be allowed to vote. No one who works for the government should be allowed to vote.
No one has asked.

In my mind:

  1. Male.
  2. Natural-born American Citizen.
  3. High School Diploma.
  4. Full-time student or Paid Federal Income Tax the previous year.
  5. No Felony or Alcohol/Drug related conviction.
  6. Must pass a Civics/Election related test (50 questions, multiple-guess - 80% passing grade) within 70 days prior to election.
  7. Must provide Government issued photo ID
  8. MUST vote in Person on Election Day.
That would be a good start.
All of which is un-Constitutional.
I don’t believe voting should be a Right at any level. I don’t believe in Rights in general.
Now you're just being stupid. If the government takes your property, are you just going to meekly accept it?

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