Is it REALLY best that EVERYONE can Vote?

Ever think that maybe some of us don’t believe those jobs should exist in the first place? That they’re illegal, immoral and unconstitutional.

Nope. I’m not even saying I should be guaranteed a vote myself. I agree in free and fair elections. I just don’t believe everyone should be allowed to participate in them.
Did I miss the post where you set out the criteria for who gets to vote?
Maybe we can just set up a monarchy to run the country

They know better than the average people
Monarchies are blood lineages.

Soooo. . . you are suggesting that we let the Trump family rule us in perpetuity?

They seem to be the most fertile of our elite families.

id I miss the post where you set out the criteria for who gets to vote?
No one has asked.

In my mind:

  1. Male.
  2. Natural-born American Citizen.
  3. High School Diploma.
  4. Full-time student or Paid Federal Income Tax the previous year.
  5. No Felony or Alcohol/Drug related conviction.
  6. Must pass a Civics/Election related test (50 questions, multiple-guess - 80% passing grade) within 70 days prior to election.
  7. Must provide Government issued photo ID
  8. MUST vote in Person on Election Day.
That would be a good start.
No, EVERYONE should not vote.

1. The dead shouldn't vote
2. Minors shouldn't vote
3. Non-citizens shouldn't vote
4. People who didn't bother to register in the jurisdiction in which they live shouldn't vote
5. People who no longer reside in a jurisdiction shouldn't vote (except for military and overseas personnel)
6. Convicted criminals in jail shouldn't vote
Women have no appropriate place in politics. Not as voters, candidates, etc… That is not a woman’s proper role in society.

If SA wasn’t a religious state I’d have moved there decades ago.

Oh, for pity's sake. Your crusty ol' curmudgeon routine has gotten a bit de trop.
Women have no appropriate place in politics. Not as voters, candidates, etc… That is not a woman’s proper role in society.

If SA wasn’t a religious state I’d have moved there decades ago.
Well, fortunately people who think like you will be dead soon.
It is honestly who and what I am. If you don’t like it, put me on ignore. Otherwise, just accept it because it’s not gonna change.

Oh, quit being so thin-skinned, swampy.
Not being thin-skinned. I’m just starting the reality of the situation.

That's not how you are coming across to me. I poke a little fun at you and you whinge that I should put you on ignore. Grow up.
That's not how you are coming across to me. I poke a little fun at you and you whinge that I should put you on ignore. Grow up
I don’t do fun. I don’t do humor or sarcasm either. I have said for years, on more than a few boards that people who dislike or disagree with me would do well to ignore me because I’m not going to be changing for anything.
No, EVERYONE should not vote.

1. The dead shouldn't vote
2. Minors shouldn't vote
3. Non-citizens shouldn't vote
4. People who didn't bother to register in the jurisdiction in which they live shouldn't vote
5. People who no longer reside in a jurisdiction shouldn't vote (except for military and overseas personnel)
6. Convicted criminals in jail shouldn't vote

7. The mentally deficient and Conservatives (same thing) shouldn’t vote

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