Is it REALLY best that EVERYONE can Vote?

Here's a question for you Lefties: Why shouldn't prospective voters (applying for voter registration) be required to pass EXACTLY THE SAME TEST that immigrants seeking naturalization must pass? In English?

There is only one reason: If that requirement were implemented, Democrats would never win another national election.

But ignoring that, Is there any argument why that requirement should not be implemented?
O co
And women haven't done th

And women haven't done that?
Of course, there are a few exceptions here and there but as a whole an 18yr old kid, whether male or female who has been indoctrinated by left-wing woke teachers, while still living under their parent's home and support do not have enough life experience to properly engage in the voting process.
O co

Of course, there are a few exceptions here and there but as a whole an 18yr old kid, whether male or female who has been indoctrinated by left-wing woke teachers, while still living under their parent's home and support do not have enough life experience to properly engage in the voting process.
If you actually had a penny to your name would you turn your vast fortune over to some 18 yr old to invest? Would you listen to their advice about getting vaccinated? Would you suggest that your daughter marry and 18 yr old? If truthful you would say no but you have no problem with the same 18 yr old shaping the destiny of my country. Go visit Biden in his basement and leave us alone. Better yet FJB.
No one has asked.

In my mind:

  1. Male.
  2. Natural-born American Citizen.
  3. High School Diploma.
  4. Full-time student or Paid Federal Income Tax the previous year.
  5. No Felony or Alcohol/Drug related conviction.
  6. Must pass a Civics/Election related test (50 questions, multiple-guess - 80% passing grade) within 70 days prior to election.
  7. Must provide Government issued photo ID
  8. MUST vote in Person on Election Day.
That would be a good start.
Well, I can tell you that 1, 3, 7, and 8 are going to be problematic off the bat. Not enforceable. #2 is already enforced. Undocumenteds are not allowed to any state. #5, if you've served your time for the crime, you should be able to vote...unless you are still in prison. :) #6...shit, most members of Alt-Right Nation couldn't pass this kind of a test.
With Election Day less than 48 hours away, I again wonder…

Is it REALLY in the best interests of this nation that EVERYONE is allowed to Vote?

I look at the people I interact with every day in public, who I work with, and the news I see in the media and I truly wonder why it is that so many people really want most people to be allowed to vote. I’m not talking about illegals, criminals, the mentally deficient, etc… I’m just talking about the average citizen on the street.

Haven’t we see enough of the imbeciles and crooks that the general population continues to elect on both ends of the spectrum? When do we start working to ensure only the truly qualified individuals get a say in these vital decisions?

Every legal eligible American...even though some have suggested there be an IQ test for liberals...

Define truly qualified first.
  1. Male.
  2. Natural-born American Citizen.
  3. High School Diploma.
  4. Full-time student or Paid Federal Income Tax the previous year.
  5. No Felony or Alcohol/Drug related conviction.
  6. Must pass a Civics/Election related test (50 questions, multiple-guess - 80% passing grade) within 70 days prior to election.
  7. Must provide Government issued photo ID
  8. MUST vote in Person on Election Day
As noted earlier in the thread.
Well, I can tell you that 1, 3, 7, and 8 are going to be problematic off the bat. Not enforceable. #2 is already enforced. Undocumenteds are not allowed to any state. #5, if you've served your time for the crime, you should be able to vote...unless you are still in prison. :) #6...shit, most members of Alt-Right Nation couldn't pass this kind of a test
That’s why we need a total rewriting of the Constitution; to fix the massive holes left by the naive fucks who wrote it the first time
That’s why we need a total rewriting of the Constitution; to fix the massive holes left by the naive fucks who wrote it the first time
So....The Constitution WAS meant to be a living, breathing document?? :)
Re-write it for who? ? To benefit the ruling class? I think the framers wrote it specifically to avoid that happening.
Can either of you explain WHY you want the morons, the idiots, the uneducated, I’m uninformed, and the just plain immoral members of society given the same weight as the decent men of this country?
Who gets to decide who is a "decent man"?
Here's a question for you Lefties: Why shouldn't prospective voters (applying for voter registration) be required to pass EXACTLY THE SAME TEST that immigrants seeking naturalization must pass? In English?
Because that's stupid. We aren't voting for question on a history quiz.
So....The Constitution WAS meant to be a living, breathing document?? :)
Re-write it for who? ? To benefit the ruling class? I think the framers wrote it specifically to avoid that happening
No, not a living document. That’s why it, and this entire nation need to be burned to the ground and a NEW, Proper nation built in its place. A nation that lays out the DUTIES of its citizens as well as the privileges that can be earned by living properly.
No, EVERYONE should not vote.

1. The dead shouldn't vote
2. Minors shouldn't vote
3. Non-citizens shouldn't vote
4. People who didn't bother to register in the jurisdiction in which they live shouldn't vote
5. People who no longer reside in a jurisdiction shouldn't vote (except for military and overseas personnel)
6. Convicted criminals in jail shouldn't vote
Democrats shouldn't vote.

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