Is it REALLY best that EVERYONE can Vote?

One thing is certain, chronically unemployed losers and single mother on welfare should not be allowed to vote. No one who works for the government should be allowed to vote.
Again, conservatives subscribing to this thread demonstrating their contempt for the right to vote comes as no surprise.

They are indeed the illiberal, neo-fascist, authoritarian right.

It is in fact not hyperbole to state that democracy is in danger, and that conservatism is the greatest threat to democracy.
They are indeed the illiberal, neo-fascist, authoritarian right
Yep, and damn proud of it. I’ve never claimed to be anything else.
It is in fact not hyperbole to state that democracy is in danger, and that conservatism is the greatest threat to democracy
Democracy is a failed experiment. It has been for 160 years.
Again, conservatives subscribing to this thread demonstrating their contempt for the right to vote comes as no surprise.
Apparently you believe people like me would be offended by that.

They are indeed the illiberal, neo-fascist, authoritarian right.

It is in fact not hyperbole to state that democracy is in danger, and that conservatism is the greatest threat to democracy.
Democracy is in danger, but the threat is coming from Biden and his supporters.
Apparently you believe people like me would be offended by that.

Democracy is in danger, but the threat is coming from Biden and his supporters.
It's funny how they still think their shit-slinging is actually effective at hurting our feelings! How many times do we have to tell them before it seeps into the cracks in their goofy skulls?
One thing is certain, chronically unemployed losers and single mother on welfare should not be allowed to vote. No one who works for the government should be allowed to vote.
Well thank goodness you aren't and will not be in charge of anything, ever.
“The truth, indeed, is something that mankind, for some mysterious reason, instinctively dislikes. Every man who tries to tell it is unpopular, and even when, by the sheer strength of his case, he prevails, he is put down as a scoundrel.”
H. L. Mencken
Oh look, a quote you don't understand, used to justify lies you don't understand. Somebody's orange slob cult bingo card just hit.
Absolutely wrong. 18-year-olds should never, ever be given the right to vote.
All they know for their entire existence is free food, free clothes, free room and board, free toys, and free health care. just free everything and without any responsibility. With that kind of background, I just wonder what party they would gravitate to?
If women negatively impact this election and help elect far-left liberals candidates based on their demented need for total abortion rights while completely ignoring the importance of all other issues, I would likely add them to the list too.
Are you saying that I am wrong that kids live off free stuff and are prone to vote to continue the onslaught of free stuff handed out by the left?
With Election Day less than 48 hours away, I again wonder…

Is it REALLY in the best interests of this nation that EVERYONE is allowed to Vote?

I look at the people I interact with every day in public, who I work with, and the news I see in the media and I truly wonder why it is that so many people really want most people to be allowed to vote. I’m not talking about illegals, criminals, the mentally deficient, etc… I’m just talking about the average citizen on the street.

Haven’t we see enough of the imbeciles and crooks that the general population continues to elect on both ends of the spectrum? When do we start working to ensure only the truly qualified individuals get a say in these vital decisions?
Obviously impossible to control but I would think a lower turnout of truly informed voters is much better than a large turnout of uninformed emotional voters.
Should these people vote?

Obviously impossible to control but I would think a lower turnout of truly informed voters is much better than a large turnout of uninformed emotional voters.
And you see yourself as an "informed" voter?
The idea "everyone gets to vote" is a grand idea from a time that has past. The idea everyone gets to vote was from a time when despite your political affiliation some things didn't change. You were American, you loved America, you worked hard, we're proud of your country and so on. So all of those people getting to vote was terrific.

Now our country has so many foreigners that don't love and cherish and want to protect America, have so many with no values and morals and standards for America's, so many people who don't want to conform to America they just want America to conform to them, and so on.

I prefer that ONLY people who actually PAY TAXES can vote.

I see no problem with that.

You work, you take care of yourself, are responsible, you contribute to society, you get to vote.

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