Is it REALLY best that EVERYONE can Vote?

The Republican candidate for president has won the popular vote only ONCE in the past 30 years.

Time is not on their side, so I can understand your flop sweat and your desire to abolish universal suffrage.

A MUCH better idea would be for the Republican party to purge itself of all the psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards.

It might be too late though. I think the cancer has metastasized.
I am glad that the Republicans have learned how to run for President.....when will you dembots?
One could make an argument that religious fundies that literally make their lives based on something that may NOT be real probably shouldn't vote. It leads into the question are they sane? You want to go on and on about how we woman shouldn't because of emotions? well, I say your sanity and emotional hatred for a large percentage of the population is probably a stronger case for removal of your vote.

Show us on this doll where the praying people hurt you.

I am glad that the Republicans have learned how to run for President.....when will you dembots?

Democrats don't -run for President' - they work to install the next corrupt, criminal, treasonous, compromised self/party-serving, authoritarian globalist who will continue to safeguard their hold on money, power, and control and continue to move the political meter farther to the left until the country - if it remains one - is unrecognizable.
Clarification: Only those who PAY FEDERAL INCOME TAXES should be allowed to vote.

(sales taxes are state taxes)
Thomas Jefferson believed everyone below a certain point should be exempt from taxation. He also believed in progressive taxation.

Jefferson also believed the government could not invent too many ways to break up concentrated wealth.
A MUCH better idea would be for the Republican party to purge itself of all the psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards.
An even better idea would be to rid the country of political parties entirely and force candidates to run on their own merits and platforms. That or for the Republicans to purge the moderate/centrist (pseudo-Democrat) members and actually run in ideology.
Time is not on their side, so I can understand your flop sweat and your desire to abolish universal suffrage
If time runs out, so be it. We will go to our graves with our heads held high and our eternal souls intact. That’s a far better result than winning any election.
Thomas Jefferson believed everyone below a certain point should be exempt from taxation. He also believed in progressive taxation.

Jefferson also believed the government could not invent too many ways to break up concentrated wealth.
I could be mistaken but I believe he was also in favor of a wealth tax( at least a HEAVY inheritance tax)
If time runs out, so be it. We will go to our graves with our heads held high and our eternal souls intact. That’s a far better result than winning any election.

....until the country finally does go under because of liberal failed, nation-destroying policies and agendas and in the end we are bulldozed into mass, unmarked graves by our conquerers.

At that point I am sure many will look back and wished they had won more elections...

I could be mistaken but I believe he was also in favor of a wealth tax( at least a HEAVY inheritance tax)
As far as I know, Jefferson never advocated for a death tax. He did advocate for the abolishment of primogeniture as part of the plan to break up concentrated wealth.
Who can you trust to rule more than Royalty?
By birth, they are better than the rest of us

Why trust major decisions to poor people?
Used to be that way in the UK until the English civil war, then it became a constitutional monarchy, so it's just all tradition and rubber stamping exercise. I would prefer an absolute monarchy but that'll never happen.
Used to be that way in the UK until the English civil war, then it became a constitutional monarchy, so it's just all tradition and rubber stamping exercise. I would prefer an absolute monarchy but that'll never happen.

Yes, today those Monarchy’s are just ceremonial

At the time of our nations founding, the consensus was that only the elite were fit to rule and that Royal birth made you superior to rule.

We responded with……All men are created equal
Yes, today those Monarchy’s are just ceremonial

At the time of our nations founding, the consensus was that only the elite were fit to rule and that Royal birth made you superior to rule.

We responded with……All men are created equal
Which of course we know man is not equal.
....until the country finally does go under because of liberal failed, nation-destroying policies and agendas and in the end we are bulldozed into mass, unmarked graves by our conquerers.

At that point I am sure many will look back and wished they had won more elections...
I’ll be gone (one way or another) long before we reach that level. When there’s nobody worth voting for, what else can you do?
A lot of Republicans answered “Trump” and were SO WRONG
I’ll admit I voted for him in 2016. I didn’t love him but it was mostly a rejection of everything else the Republican Party had offered over the past nine years. I didn’t vote for him in 2020. I didn’t vote at all.
Democracy is not a stable arrangement, and those who first drafted the Constitution for the United States of America did not expect it to be. With time it would get corrupted with new generations coming in, though clauses were put in it to enable the people to continue it better with their rights recognized in it. When it becomes despotic with those coming into the government and then would lead it to being tyrannical, people should according to it revolt against it and it can be overthrown. They may make a new democracy and yet it would be a repeating cycle.
Democrats don't -run for President' - they work to install the next corrupt, criminal, treasonous, compromised self/party-serving, authoritarian globalist who will continue to safeguard their hold on money, power, and control and continue to move the political meter farther to the left until the country - if it remains one - is unrecognizable.
81 million voters prove otherwise
With Election Day less than 48 hours away, I again wonder…

Is it REALLY in the best interests of this nation that EVERYONE is allowed to Vote?

I look at the people I interact with every day in public, who I work with, and the news I see in the media and I truly wonder why it is that so many people really want most people to be allowed to vote. I’m not talking about illegals, criminals, the mentally deficient, etc… I’m just talking about the average citizen on the street.

Haven’t we see enough of the imbeciles and crooks that the general population continues to elect on both ends of the spectrum? When do we start working to ensure only the truly qualified individuals get a say in these vital decisions?
Don't know man they still let me vote and I was diagnosed having Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Borderline Personality Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Tramatic Disorder, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Disorder... They won't let me join the military, but they still let me vote :)

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