Is it REALLY best that EVERYONE can Vote?

Hell NO,,,giving women the vote was our downfall. Sure 10% vote with their heads BUT 90% vote by FEELINGS.

The Founders were right,,,,,,,,Only people with skin in the game get to vote.

How long ago women were "given" right to vote? A hundred? Well, that is the blink of an eye in the long history of expanding the voice of the people into the people being the source of governmental power. And in that long history, it's just a bit longer than man having a right to vote, which they didn't have neither for the most of the human history.

Problem is not with women having right to vote, but that most of them used their right to vote to free themselves from responsibilities.
They want high paying jobs, but not to do hard physical work. Find one law that isn't favoring woman over a man. They want to be equal, except they shouldn't be drafted.

The same goes for freeloaders, who like always, wanted something for nothing.
One of the mantras of the American Revolution was - No Taxation Without Representation.
That should go both ways, No Representation Without Taxation, as well.
Too many contribute nothing to society but want their all free health care, all free college, free housing, permanent big unemployment handouts.
They are voting to take an unlimited amount from those who do work and produce.
Again, conservatives subscribing to this thread demonstrating their contempt for the right to vote comes as no surprise.

They are indeed the illiberal, neo-fascist, authoritarian right.

It is in fact not hyperbole to state that democracy is in danger, and that conservatism is the greatest threat to democracy.
What a fucktard. ^^^

Welcome to the ignore list, shit for brains.

I hope you choke on your own lies.
Hell NO,,,giving women the vote was our downfall. Sure 10% vote with their heads BUT 90% vote by FEELINGS.

The Founders were right,,,,,,,,Only people with skin in the game get to vote.
Yea… you’re a Republican
What century was that?

Things have changed
20th Century
nope, when can still vote, and be elected to high office...I will say it didn't take your dembots as long to elect a woman as it did to elect an african-american, granted the GOP had 7 women in congress but the time you got your first but you all got in that way things have changed.
One could make an argument that religious fundies that literally make their lives based on something that may NOT be real probably shouldn't vote. It leads into the question are they sane? You want to go on and on about how we woman shouldn't because of emotions? well, I say your sanity and emotional hatred for a large percentage of the population is probably a stronger case for removal of your vote.
The minimum voting age should be 30.

The Democrats are probmving this to be a good idea by conning, indoctrinating, and manipulating highly impressionable young kids / people with this LGBTQ, Trans-indoctrination, grooming, genital manipulation bullshit.

[SIDE NOTE: Parents, teach your kids 'SAFE' / TRUSTWORTHY Adults don't ask them to lie / keep secrets, especially to / from your parents.]
With Election Day less than 48 hours away, I again wonder…

Is it REALLY in the best interests of this nation that EVERYONE is allowed to Vote?

I look at the people I interact with every day in public, who I work with, and the news I see in the media and I truly wonder why it is that so many people really want most people to be allowed to vote. I’m not talking about illegals, criminals, the mentally deficient, etc… I’m just talking about the average citizen on the street.

Haven’t we see enough of the imbeciles and crooks that the general population continues to elect on both ends of the spectrum? When do we start working to ensure only the truly qualified individuals get a say in these vital decisions?
The Republican candidate for president has won the popular vote only ONCE in the past 30 years.

Time is not on their side, so I can understand your flop sweat and your desire to abolish universal suffrage.

A MUCH better idea would be for the Republican party to purge itself of all the psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards.

It might be too late though. I think the cancer has metastasized.
The Republican candidate for president has won the popular vote only ONCE in the past 30 years.

Time is not on their side, so I can understand your flop sweat and your desire to abolish universal suffrage.

A MUCH better idea would be for the Republican party to purge itself of all the psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards.

It might be too late though. I think the cancer has metastasized.
Lots of luck there. Those psychos and bigots ARE the Republican Party now
One could make an argument that religious fundies that literally make their lives based on something that may NOT be real probably shouldn't vote.

Thank God this country, established / settled by people who sought religeous freedom, has a Constitution that protects relugeous liberties and freedoms from Democrats and people like you, apparently.
That would be an absolute monarchy. To live under such rule, you would have to live in Eswatini, Saudi Arabia, and Vatican City.

Who can you trust to rule more than Royalty?
By birth, they are better than the rest of us

Why trust major decisions to poor people?
Lots of luck there. Those psychos and bigots ARE the Republican Party now
Well, I did say it may be too late and that the cancer has metastasized.

The propagandists have been working for decades to dumb down their viewing audience so they are too stupid to recognize they are being hoaxed.

The rube herd will never hold their politicians accountable.
Well, I did say it may be too late and that the cancer has metastasized.

The propagandists have been working for decades to dumb down their viewing audience so they are too stupid to recognize they are being hoaxed.

The rube herd will never hold their politicians accountable.
They started to catch on and their “answer” was TRUMP.
What does that say…

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