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Is It Worth A Civil War To You?

So let's actually look at your claim:
Yes I have seen such a thing. In 2009 when the Tea Party disrupted town hall debates on healthcare.

The first one, didn't disrupt a town meeting. And that didn't show any violence either.
You don't call someone getting in your face, screaming at the top of their lungs, accusing you of things without a shred of evidence, not violent? Let me tell you something mother-fucker, any decent person in their right mind, would treat anyone getting in their face as an act of aggression. And aggression is violence.

The second one showed people asking questions. So apparently in left-tard world, the mere fact they asked questions, and wanted answers, means they were 'disrupting'?
I saw many of these town halls when they were happening and these assholes did not just show up to ask questions, they wouldn't let others speak. They denied others their Constitutional rights to address their grievances. They constantly shouted people down and completely stopped the democratic process. They were organized by Freedom Works and Americans for Prosperity and many had pamphlets on how to disrupt a town hall.

Just curious... do you know what the entire purpose is of a town hall meeting? The whole point is to have a forum where politicians meet and talk with constitutions about their concerns or policies of interest.

Basically, your complaint here is "Tea Party members are engaging in public forums.... and that's disruptive!".

This is how dumb, and brainless the left is..... by their logic, anyone who disagrees with them, even showing up on the forum, is "disrupting the forum".

And you wonder why every left-wing government in the world ends up engaging in censorship and jailing Opposition? Billo here just spelled it out. Authoritarianism is at the heart of every left-winger in the world.
Take that condescending bullshit and shove it up you ass!

Righty- "I am sure you approved of the violent paid protesters, & the disruption of Free Speech and orchestrated anarchy but have you ever seen such a thing?"

Lefty says- "Yes I have seen such a thing. In 2009 when the Tea Party disrupted town hall debates on healthcare."

Me: "Evidence?"

Lefty- (shows video of people asking questions at town hall)

Me: "So in your world, asking questions.... at a town hall meeting where people are supposed to ask questions (which is an exercise of free speech), is violent disruption of town hall debates?"

Lefty- "Take that condescending bullshit and shove it up you ass!"

For the record, I was being condescending, because your response was childish, and moronic.

And you deserve to be looked down on, when you make such moronic statements. You claimed that tea party protesters were violence, and disruptive of other people's freedom of speach... and as proof post them asking questions at a town hall meeting where... you are supposed to ask questions.

How dumb are you? This is violence:



I've been yelled at, at work. Never occurs to me, to arrest the person on violence charges. Only brainless leftard world, doesn't physical violence, equal "oooo.... tea party guy yelled! Loudly! Hurt my widdle lefty feelings!"

Are you a man? Or a puppy? Grow up.
Good. Works for me. That's what I want. That's why I support the Tea Party.

Effectively you are telling me "They are doing what you want them to do!".
Did you wear their colors?

Yup, and I don't care if you laugh. In fact the more you laugh, the more I know I'm supporting the right cause. Anything that pisses off you people, is a good thing. When babies make fun of adults, they tend to not care.
Righty- "I am sure you approved of the violent paid protesters, & the disruption of Free Speech and orchestrated anarchy but have you ever seen such a thing?"

Lefty says- "Yes I have seen such a thing. In 2009 when the Tea Party disrupted town hall debates on healthcare."

Me: "Evidence?"

Lefty- (shows video of people asking questions at town hall)

Me: "So in your world, asking questions.... at a town hall meeting where people are supposed to ask questions (which is an exercise of free speech), is violent disruption of town hall debates?"

Lefty- "Take that condescending bullshit and shove it up you ass!"

For the record, I was being condescending, because your response was childish, and moronic.

And you deserve to be looked down on, when you make such moronic statements. You claimed that tea party protesters were violence, and disruptive of other people's freedom of speach... and as proof post them asking questions at a town hall meeting where... you are supposed to ask questions.

How dumb are you? This is violence:

View attachment 118793

View attachment 118794
I've been yelled at, at work. Never occurs to me, to arrest the person on violence charges. Only brainless leftard world, doesn't physical violence, equal "oooo.... tea party guy yelled! Loudly! Hurt my widdle lefty feelings!"

Are you a man? Or a puppy? Grow up.
And now we can add disingenuous to your list. If you're going to quote me, don't leave out the major part of my post. This is what you deliberately left out...

I saw many of these town halls when they were happening and these assholes did not just show up to ask questions, they wouldn't let others speak. They denied others their Constitutional rights to address their grievances. They constantly shouted people down and completely stopped the democratic process. They were organized by Freedom Works and Americans for Prosperity and many had pamphlets on how to disrupt a town hall.
...and we both know why? You have issues with honesty.
Yup, and I don't care if you laugh. In fact the more you laugh, the more I know I'm supporting the right cause. Anything that pisses off you people, is a good thing. When babies make fun of adults, they tend to not care.
And when dumbass baggers march on Washington to protest things that don't exist...
"Most like me"...Just regular folks, going about their business, who might decide to voice their opinions/beliefs/cares...as is their RIGHT. This appellation applies to most of the people I know, including my university students. So, similar beliefs would be the answer to your question.
Apparently, the LW does not understand the natural right of self-defense. If force is used against me, I will respond with force in order to defend myself...and heaven help the deluded reprobate who assumes some mandate to exercise violence against my child, or her children.
Awesome, so it includes me and everyone I know, 90% of whom are professionals with college degrees and are (or will soon) place in the top 20% of income. How close are you to the top 1%? - CNNMoney

Nice try with your appeal to authority fallacy. You're preaching to the choir on the self-defense justification since I've already stated my support for it.
Righty- "I am sure you approved of the violent paid protesters, & the disruption of Free Speech and orchestrated anarchy but have you ever seen such a thing?"

Lefty says- "Yes I have seen such a thing. In 2009 when the Tea Party disrupted town hall debates on healthcare."

Me: "Evidence?"

Lefty- (shows video of people asking questions at town hall)

Me: "So in your world, asking questions.... at a town hall meeting where people are supposed to ask questions (which is an exercise of free speech), is violent disruption of town hall debates?"

Lefty- "Take that condescending bullshit and shove it up you ass!"

For the record, I was being condescending, because your response was childish, and moronic.

And you deserve to be looked down on, when you make such moronic statements. You claimed that tea party protesters were violence, and disruptive of other people's freedom of speach... and as proof post them asking questions at a town hall meeting where... you are supposed to ask questions.

How dumb are you? This is violence:

View attachment 118793

View attachment 118794
I've been yelled at, at work. Never occurs to me, to arrest the person on violence charges. Only brainless leftard world, doesn't physical violence, equal "oooo.... tea party guy yelled! Loudly! Hurt my widdle lefty feelings!"

Are you a man? Or a puppy? Grow up.
And now we can add disingenuous to your list. If you're going to quote me, don't leave out the major part of my post. This is what you deliberately left out...

I saw many of these town halls when they were happening and these assholes did not just show up to ask questions, they wouldn't let others speak. They denied others their Constitutional rights to address their grievances. They constantly shouted people down and completely stopped the democratic process. They were organized by Freedom Works and Americans for Prosperity and many had pamphlets on how to disrupt a town hall.
...and we both know why? You have issues with honesty.

Ok, I'll buy that. That's still a far jump to violence, but you haven't been mature grasp the difference yet, so I don't expect anything now.

And even then, I don't see you complaining about all the left-wingers shouting down opposing views, and complaining they are disrupting the democratic process (as if somehow shouting down someone, has anything to do with the democratic process either way).

Hey baptist preacher boy... how about you practice what you preach first? Oh wait, not mature enough for that. I remember.

Never mind all that.... ok so show us the pamphlets. Assuming anyone at any of these town hall meetings even had the Freedom Works pamphlets, which we don't know.... you should still be able to show us a pamphlet.

I'm game. Could be true. Show us.

In this current day and age is that even possible? Are their fake documents good enough to pass through all the bureaucracy.... hard to imagine.

I concur that mixing the two acts compounds the complexity of the situation...
I graduated from College with a 4.0 GPA Suma.

I doubt if there are more than 2-3 posters if any at all that could boast that.

I hold 3 degrees.

Associates of Applied Science.

Associates of History

Bachelors in Science & Technology

I plan on going back to school to pursue my Masters which would be my 4th degree.

I have to wonder how far the Dems are willing to go regain power in Government.

I've never in my life see paid protesters at Town Halls; people paid to harass and bloody innocent people, and commit violence and vandalism at Political Rallies.

I've never seen a party use the IRS and our Intelligence Community as well as Law Enforcement like The FBI and DOJ as weapons against their opposition.

And if that weren't enough outright disregard of The Law and Rebellion with Sanctuary Cities, Registering Illegals To Vote and trying to affect the outcome of an Election by using our own Government and abuses of power against a Candidate.

And to read this board and others every day and see one irrational hate filled rant after irrational hate filled rant, and to see death threats and calls for impeachment and assassination against our president? How does the Left justify that?

It's absurd. It's Divisive. It's Dangerous and it reminds me of every Dystopian Nightmare Novel I have ever read.

Are we Irving in The Age of Deception and lies? Are we living in the days of

The Left has become radicalized and fantical. There is no reasoning with them, no discussions. Just Unmasked Hatred 24-7 and with it all of the sins that hatred and lies give birth to.

Is it really worth it Dems to destroy yourselves and destroy your country just to claim you won? What do you hope to accomplish? A Civil War?

How old were you when you finally graduated from high school? Wait, I may be overestimating already.

It's too bad that during all of those years of study, that you learned abolutely nothing, and you have managed to keep your ignorance and bigotry so fully intact.

It is you who are posting lies in this forum - one right after the other. The alt-right self-delusion conspiracy theories lies told by Alex Jones, David Duke, Steve Bannon and the rest of the tin-foil hat brigade. Fear and paranoia is all you know. You're frothing yourself up for the inevitable impeachment of your Trumpenfuhrere.

America is The Bastion of Freedom in the world.

However if you allow unfettered importation of Foreign Ideologies which are in Direct Declared Opposition to the Individual Liberties we believe in, it will no longer be so.

As far as Equality goes there is No Nation on Earth that provides that for a People but the USA.

It is written in Our Constitution, its Amendments, and Our Bill of Rights.

You are guaranteed only equal treatment under the law and equal access to Opportunity. But you are not guaranteed Equal Success.

To guarantee Equal Success means that you have to create artificial inequalities by taking from those who have succeeded and giving to those who have failed. Thereby you punish the productive and reward the slothful.

This is not Equality at all, but is the imposition of Tyranny through the false vehicle of Social Justice. Social Justice is simply another term for Communism, Socialism or Collectivism.

Globalism is an attempt to implement Social Justice on a Global Scale through Mandated redistribution of wealth and can only be accomplished if a Nation's Sovereignty and Individual Liberties are assaulted, fractured and then destroyed.

This is the ultimate goal of The Democrat Party, to Fundamentally Destroy America and Transform it into a Borderless Ward of The Globalist State through the destruction of Individual Liberties and the Imposition of Collectivism.

37% of who?

What polling methods? How many people? Who did the poll?

Who trusts polls in this day and age?

Gosh a'mighty! Must be FAKE NEWS!

There's no truth anymore. The Orange One has decreed it.
The truth is that the MSM has deceived many, perhaps most, into thinking that their values, the values of big government and dependent citizenry is the universally accepted norm... Well as evidenced several mo. ago. NOT YET, we were dangerously close though with the demographics of our nation morphing before our eyes with the barely mitigated, tacitly promulgated illegal crisis foisted upon us.

No... you have never been the majority in this nation, constitutionalist, freedom loving Americans have stop-gaped your insidious advances for over a quarter of a millennia. Unfortunately I don't know that this will continue much longer than Trump is in office...

I don't think my values are the norm. But my values (of equality, humanity, and dignity for all) are the point toward which America is moving. You might not like that. That's not my concern. Be aware, however, that you are negating truth, which is a losing strategy.

I can't take you seriously after you write that "social justice" is the same as Socialism, Communism, or Collectivism.

Like I said, you not sharing my values is not my concern.

Social Justice is a farce. Used by Cultural Marxists and globalists to establish a false morality.

Their version of morality, and frankly it's quite scary.

It's also a tool in the indoctrination process. There's a link in my signature that leads to a comprehensive study on that.
"Most like me"...Just regular folks, going about their business, who might decide to voice their opinions/beliefs/cares...as is their RIGHT. This appellation applies to most of the people I know, including my university students. So, similar beliefs would be the answer to your question.
Apparently, the LW does not understand the natural right of self-defense. If force is used against me, I will respond with force in order to defend myself...and heaven help the deluded reprobate who assumes some mandate to exercise violence against my child, or her children.
Awesome, so it includes me and everyone I know, 90% of whom are professionals with college degrees and are (or will soon) place in the top 20% of income. How close are you to the top 1%? - CNNMoney

Nice try with your appeal to authority fallacy. You're preaching to the choir on the self-defense justification since I've already stated my support for it.

I have a roomy that earns $90. That places him in the top 30% of wage earners in this country. And the top 0.1% in the world. 24 years old, from Bangladesh.

When I hear Americans whining they can't make it, I laugh, then mock, then ignore.
The Zenith of Power and Status for any Nation is to rise to the highest office in the land, and in this Nation, that is to become President of The United States, the most Powerful Nation on The Face of The Earth.

How are we "Not There Yet" if America allowed Barak Obama to rise to such heights in a Nation were his people only make up 13% of The Population?

This Nation has produced the most Minority Billionaires and Millionaires of any country on the Face of The Earth.

There isn't even a close second. So how are we "Not There Yet?"

If you think given that, that "We Aren't There Yet" exactly what do you propose as a Solution to take us beyond a society which accomplished that level of Freedom and Access to Opportunity?

America is The Bastion of Freedom in the world.

However if you allow unfettered importation of Foreign Ideologies which are in Direct Declared Opposition to the Individual Liberties we believe in, it will no longer be so.

As far as Equality goes there is No Nation on Earth that provides that for a People but the USA.

It is written in Our Constitution, its Amendments, and Our Bill of Rights.

You are guaranteed only equal treatment under the law and equal access to Opportunity. But you are not guaranteed Equal Success.

To guarantee Equal Success means that you have to create artificial inequalities by taking from those who have succeeded and giving to those who have failed. Thereby you punish the productive and reward the slothful.

This is not Equality at all, but is the imposition of Tyranny through the false vehicle of Social Justice. Social Justice is simply another term for Communism, Socialism or Collectivism.

Globalism is an attempt to implement Social Justice on a Global Scale through Mandated redistribution of wealth and can only be accomplished if a Nation's Sovereignty and Individual Liberties are assaulted, fractured and then destroyed.

This is the ultimate goal of The Democrat Party, to Fundamentally Destroy America and Transform it into a Borderless Ward of The Globalist State through the destruction of Individual Liberties and the Imposition of Collectivism.

I don't think my values are the norm. But my values (of equality, humanity, and dignity for all) are the point toward which America is moving. You might not like that. That's not my concern. Be aware, however, that you are negating truth, which is a losing strategy.

I can't take you seriously after you write that "social justice" is the same as Socialism, Communism, or Collectivism.

Like I said, you not sharing my values is not my concern.
I've got to say that you hit the nail on the head here, as did 'Tree' below is a section lifted out of his post...

"To guarantee Equal Success means that you have to create artificial inequalities by taking from those who have succeeded and giving to those who have failed. Thereby you punish the productive and reward the slothful.

"This is not Equality at all, but is the imposition of Tyranny through the false vehicle of Social Justice. Social Justice is simply another term for Communism, Socialism or Collectivism." Tree

In the context of this quote do you hold fast to your 'selectively lifted' line that SJ can't be tantamount one of isms listed?

Great facet of this post you picked up on!

I don't want everyone to have equal outcomes, but equal opportunity. We're not quite there, yet.

We'd have been much better off with a real American black man, but the Dems kneecapped Herman Cain early on because they knew he was a serious threat to their agenda.
I have to wonder how far the Dems are willing to go regain power in Government.

I've never in my life see paid protesters at Town Halls; people paid to harass and bloody innocent people, and commit violence and vandalism at Political Rallies.

I've never seen a party use the IRS and our Intelligence Community as well as Law Enforcement like The FBI and DOJ as weapons against their opposition.

And if that weren't enough outright disregard of The Law and Rebellion with Sanctuary Cities, Registering Illegals To Vote and trying to affect the outcome of an Election by using our own Government and abuses of power against a Candidate.

And to read this board and others every day and see one irrational hate filled rant after irrational hate filled rant, and to see death threats and calls for impeachment and assassination against our president? How does the Left justify that?

It's absurd. It's Divisive. It's Dangerous and it reminds me of every Dystopian Nightmare Novel I have ever read.

Are we Irving in The Age of Deception and lies? Are we living in the days of

The Left has become radicalized and fantical. There is no reasoning with them, no discussions. Just Unmasked Hatred 24-7 and with it all of the sins that hatred and lies give birth to.

Is it really worth it Dems to destroy yourselves and destroy your country just to claim you won? What do you hope to accomplish? A Civil War?
Progressives will never tolerate anyone that disagrees with them in anyway, it's all about control to them.… Fact
The Zenith of Power and Status for any Nation is to rise to the highest office in the land, and in this Nation, that is to become President of The United States, the most Powerful Nation on The Face of The Earth.

How are we "Not There Yet" if America allowed Barak Obama to rise to such heights in a Nation were his people only make up 13% of The Population?

This Nation has produced the most Minority Billionaires and Millionaires of any country on the Face of The Earth.

There isn't even a close second. So how are we "Not There Yet?"

If you think given that, that "We Aren't There Yet" exactly what do you propose as a Solution to take us beyond a society which accomplished that level of Freedom and Access to Opportunity?

I can't take you seriously after you write that "social justice" is the same as Socialism, Communism, or Collectivism.

Like I said, you not sharing my values is not my concern.
I've got to say that you hit the nail on the head here, as did 'Tree' below is a section lifted out of his post...

"To guarantee Equal Success means that you have to create artificial inequalities by taking from those who have succeeded and giving to those who have failed. Thereby you punish the productive and reward the slothful.

"This is not Equality at all, but is the imposition of Tyranny through the false vehicle of Social Justice. Social Justice is simply another term for Communism, Socialism or Collectivism." Tree

In the context of this quote do you hold fast to your 'selectively lifted' line that SJ can't be tantamount one of isms listed?

Great facet of this post you picked up on!

I don't want everyone to have equal outcomes, but equal opportunity. We're not quite there, yet.

Unfortunately that can / will never happen... the most that can be guarantied is the amorphous "pursuit" of that ideal

I beg to differ, I'd like to see an old Southern black woman elected. One with sense.
I have to wonder how far the Dems are willing to go regain power in Government.

I've never in my life see paid protesters at Town Halls; people paid to harass and bloody and commit violence and vandalism at Political Rallies.

I've never seen a party use the IRS and our Intelligence Community as well as Law Enforcement like The FBI and DOJ as weapons against their opposition.

And if that weren't enough outright disregard of The Law and Rebellion with Sanctuary Cities, Registering Illegals To Vote and trying to affect the outcome of an Election by using our own Government and abuses of power against a Candidate.

And to read this board and others every day and see one irrational hate filled rant after irrational hate filled rant, and to see death threats and calls for impeachment and assassination against our president? How does the Left justify that?

It's absurd. It's Divisive. It's Dangerous and it reminds me of every Dystopian Nightmare Novel I have ever read.

Are we I. The age of deception and lies? Are we living in the daysnof Noah? The Left has become radicalized and fantical. There is no reasoning with them, no discussions. Just Unmasked Hatred 24-7 and with it all of the sins that hatred and lies give birth to.

Is it really worth it Dems to destroy yourselves and destroy your country just to claim you won? What do you hope to accomplish? A Civil War?
^dumb fucking idiot

That's all really, but I guess I should post some content. :rolleyes:

You bastards spent the last 8 years choosing politics over your own country. The result was you bastards choosing to elect a man who's objective is to destroy everything that makes this country great. You have NO RIGHT to pretend that your opponents are fighting against the country. If it comes to arms, you'll end up dead or subjugated like all the others in history who dared wage war against the United States.
There is no future with socialist/progressive values, they destroy any sort of freedom and individuality… In fact
I have to wonder how far the Dems are willing to go regain power in Government.

I've never in my life see paid protesters at Town Halls; people paid to harass and bloody and commit violence and vandalism at Political Rallies.

I've never seen a party use the IRS and our Intelligence Community as well as Law Enforcement like The FBI and DOJ as weapons against their opposition.

And if that weren't enough outright disregard of The Law and Rebellion with Sanctuary Cities, Registering Illegals To Vote and trying to affect the outcome of an Election by using our own Government and abuses of power against a Candidate.

And to read this board and others every day and see one irrational hate filled rant after irrational hate filled rant, and to see death threats and calls for impeachment and assassination against our president? How does the Left justify that?

It's absurd. It's Divisive. It's Dangerous and it reminds me of every Dystopian Nightmare Novel I have ever read.

Are we I. The age of deception and lies? Are we living in the daysnof Noah? The Left has become radicalized and fantical. There is no reasoning with them, no discussions. Just Unmasked Hatred 24-7 and with it all of the sins that hatred and lies give birth to.

Is it really worth it Dems to destroy yourselves and destroy your country just to claim you won? What do you hope to accomplish? A Civil War?
^dumb fucking idiot

That's all really, but I guess I should post some content. :rolleyes:

You bastards spent the last 8 years choosing politics over your own country. The result was you bastards choosing to elect a man who's objective is to destroy everything that makes this country great. You have NO RIGHT to pretend that your opponents are fighting against the country. If it comes to arms, you'll end up dead or subjugated like all the others in history who dared wage war against the United States.
What are you smoking?

If it comes to arms, you are seriously out-gunned. Not only are you out-gunned, but you are also less likely to have any significant firearms training.

In this current day and age is that even possible? Are their fake documents good enough to pass through all the bureaucracy.... hard to imagine.

I concur that mixing the two acts compounds the complexity of the situation...

A fake SS number allows them to get a valid fake SS# which is all they need. They can order a fake birth certificate easily.
I have a roomy that earns $90. That places him in the top 30% of wage earners in this country. And the top 0.1% in the world. 24 years old, from Bangladesh.

When I hear Americans whining they can't make it, I laugh, then mock, then ignore.
You have a "roomy"?

In this current day and age is that even possible? Are their fake documents good enough to pass through all the bureaucracy.... hard to imagine.

I concur that mixing the two acts compounds the complexity of the situation...

A fake SS number allows them to get a valid fake SS# which is all they need. They can order a fake birth certificate easily.
Well that aint good by a long shot... the answer is going with more sophisticated identification .......... .......... leading to the "mark of the beast" in the Bible.

Well lets just say that I put the Bible in perspective and am not a literalist.. BUT.. going down the road much further on ID technology freaks me out, way more than illegals managing to get ID's and fight in our wars....
I have a roomy that earns $90. That places him in the top 30% of wage earners in this country. And the top 0.1% in the world. 24 years old, from Bangladesh.

When I hear Americans whining they can't make it, I laugh, then mock, then ignore.
You have a "roomy"?

I'll make the supposition he meant $90K not $90

Why would anyone making $90k need a roomy?

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