Is it wrong to be anti-Semitic?

Steve---you remind me of a televised interview I saw many years ago. The
person interviewed was Frau WINIFRED WAGNER-----she was the wife of
SIEGFRED WAGNER---who was the son of RICHARD WAGNER-----Adolf
Hitler's fave composer. Siegfried worked as DIRECTOR OF NAZI
MUSIC FOR YOUR PAL Adolf. and his wife WINIFRED---was an ENGLISH lady who produced a whole gaggle of little Nazis for hubby Siegfried and was
a SELF DECLARED NAZI----even when interviewed----sometime in the 1980s.
She was an ardent DEFENDER OF YOUR PAL, Adolf------her children called
him "uncle adolf" He was very polite and THE DOGS LOVED HIM. The inteveiwer
spoke very gently and gently introduced the issue of "the jews"----Frau Wagner
shrugged it off and asserted "my husband believed that the jooos had too
much influence in the world of music" See? you are ok. you and
the worms that break your heart. Lots of dead Palestinians? I have seen
lots of dead people-----in fact I have held smashed brain in the palm of my hand---
your pictures are utterly meaningless. Do you know what the brain of a one year
old child looks like? (of course I mean on a dissecting tray-----unlike the polish catholic sluts of auschwitz-----I NEVER KILLED one------I have dissected a few. ---
none of them were killed by jews. In fact none of the many brains I have handled
were dead because of jews) A few of the smashed brains that ended up on
my hand-----did die from a bullet put there for ISLAMIC PURPOSES

All that sympathy! All that anguish over a babies dead brain........not killed by the Jews. Bullshit! Nothing but pure unadulterated bullshit. 50 million dead in WWI and WWII, including the 6 million who died in Nazi death camps; all dead, all murdered so the Jews could have their precious Israel and bring more pain, suffering and death to innocent men, women, and children.

Following are the words of Zionist founder Theodor Herzl4 (1860-1904):

“It is essential that the suffering of the Jews…becomes worse…this will assist in realization of our plans…I have an excellent idea….I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth…The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of the Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends.”

Neturei Karta International is a worldwide Jewish organization whose roots are in Jerusalem. In an article on their website8 entitled, “Why Orthodox Jews Are Opposed to a Zionist State”, they offer the following assessment of what the Zionists have brought upon their own people:

It is openly stated in books written by the founders of Zionism that the means by which they planned to establish a state was by instigating anti-Semitism, and undermining the security of the Jews in all lands of the world, until they would be forced to flee to their state. And thus they did – they intentionally infuriated the German people and fanned the flames of Nazi hatred, and they helped the Nazis, with trickery and deceit, to take whole Jewish communities off to concentration camps, and the Zionists themselves admit this (See the books Perfidy, Min hameitzor, etc.).


Citi not only parrots islamo Nazi propaganda-----he DISTORTS IT to fit his shit[/QUOTE]

We finally find a Jew who is caring and honest and you don't want to listen to him. The truth is out there, too bad your brain is farther out that that.
I just want to point out that there is no ideological difference between Irosie and Citizenal- they are both bigots espousing their own anti-religious prejudice.
The word “anti” means opposed to. Therefore, generally speaking being anti-Semitic means a person who is opposed to Jews. However, as used today, being anti-Semitic is something far worse than just being opposed to Judaism. To be sure, today the implication of the word is that an anti-Semite is an irrational Jew hater, to such a degree, they believe the Holocaust was a justifiable way of dealing with Jews. Clearly, most anti-Semites do not believe Jews should be cleansed from the world and this being the case, one must ask, short of the obvious depravity of the idea just addressed, are there valid reasons for Christians or anyone for that matter, to be anti-Semitic?

Judaism, the religion, is far older than Christianity. Its early holy book is the Torah which in many passages heralded the coming of the Messiah. In keeping with this prophesy, Jesus Christ was born and many Jews rightfully accepted Christ as the Messiah. However, many did not because of His message of brotherhood and love among men, instead of religion where its followers were superior to everyone else. The Pharisees rejected Jesus because they sought a warrior Messiah, who would free them from Roman rule and set up hierarchal kingdom on earth where Jesus would be King and they would be his ministers. For these reasons, with the Pharisees taking the lead, Jesus was declared a heretic and the Jews petitioned Rome to put Him to death. This the Romans did even though they could find no fault with Jesus. Thus, early Jews became anti-Christ and bear direct responsibility for His murder.

Seventy years after the death of Jesus, the Pharisees having problems with reconciling prophesies of the Torah with the ministry of Jesus, decided that the Torah would no longer be their holiest book and they would write the book which ruled the religious life of Jews. This book they called the Talmud, established a new Jewish religion which raised anti-Christianity a level bordering on insanity. Not only was Jesus portrayed as a Shaman, liar, and practitioner of black magic, he was also condemned to be in hell boiling in a cauldron of excrement. In addition to these abominations, the Jews, still believing they were God’s chosen people, were allowed to lie to, cheat, and even murder Christians and other non-Jews. In other words, the Talmud not only made the Jews anti-Christian, it also made them anti-Humanity. And it is practicing these beliefs over the past 2,000 years, which has resulted in expulsion of the Jews from a plethora of the nations of the world.

Now we come to modern times and in light of their abominable history, Jewish leaders decided the Jews must have a nation of their own. For the purpose of gaining control of the oil in the Middle East, the Rothschild’s picked up the banner of Zionism and by engineering Americas entry into WWI on the wrong side, embroiling the world in WWII, resulting in the early and horrible death of over 50 million people, the Jews established the nation of Israel on top of the corpses of these unfortunate and innocent people. And now the Jews have engaged the United States in wars to enslave the nations of Islam. Toward this end, our government, the government bequeathed us by the Founding Fathers, has been destroyed. Even worse, Christianity has been rendered a Godless and hateful religion which condones theft, murder, and war crimes.

Let’s add it up!

Modern Jews (not Torah Jews) are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-humanity, anti-truth, anti-justice, and anti-love. And if a Christian speaks out of against these things, they are hatefully label ed as being anti-Semitic. A Christian cannot hate anyone including Jews, but a Christian also has the obligation to speak out against evil in whatever form it takes. This being the case being called and anti-Semite, in light of what is happening in the world, is the greatest compliment one can bestow upon a Christian.
You can believe whatever you want but you come off as crazy when you ludicrously assert such nonsense as the Jews wanted Israel to gain control of ME oil, got us into WWI, that we were on the wrong side, and "embroiled the world" in WWII.
.[/QUOTE] You can believe whatever you want but you come off as crazy when you ludicrously assert such nonsense as the Jews wanted Israel to gain control of ME oil, got us into WWI, that we were on the wrong side, and "embroiled the world" in WWII.[/QUOTE]


I hear you and understand where you are coming from, but everything I said is true and provable. Following is an excerpt from my book, "100 Years of Deception".

World War I

Prior to WWI, the United States was an isolationist nation. As far as foreign policy was concerned, we heeded President George Washington’s advice proffered in his farewell address where he told the nation to have as little to do with foreign powers as possible, especially those in Europe. President Woodrow Wilson was elected to a second term of office in November 1916. His campaign slogan was, “He kept us out of the war”. Yet, 5 months later, Woodrow Wilson did an about face and championed our entry into WWI on the side of the Allies. WWI was billed as being “the war to end all wars” and “the war to make the world safe for democracy”. With publicity like this and the media furiously fanning the flames of war, no one bothered to ask why our President changed his mind?

There was no good or valid reason for America’s entry into WWI. While we view Great Brittan and the other allied nations as being one with us today, this was not the case in 1916. As far as we were concerned, the Central Powers led by Germany were no different from any of the other powers in Europe including Great Brittan. Furthermore, during WWI, without Adolph Hitler running the show, Germany was not the evil empire we came to know in WWII. Instead, Germany was one of the more sophisticated and advanced nations of the world in both science and the social arts. Unlike most wars throughout history, WWI was not fought over territory, resources, or religion. The conflict arose because Europe was divided into two military alliances at odds with each another. This powder keg exploded on June 28, 1914, when a Serbian national assassinated the Arch Duke of Austria.

It has been argued that a reason the United States entered WWI was because of Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare which resulted in the sinking of the Lusitania with the loss of 153 American lives. Another reason talked about is that Germany had approached Mexico in the hope that this Mexico would become its ally if America entered the war against Germany. Supposedly, Germany promised to return Texas to Mexico after winning the war against us. These are not valid reasons for a nation to go to war. The war drums were definitely beating in the United States over these incidents, but the important question is who was beating those drums and why? The Mexican incident is so absurd that it does not even deserve comment. In regard to those Americans who died on the Lusitania, this number of our citizens being killed is a serious matter. However, Germany was not an enemy of the United States and despite this deplorable loss of life Germany did not deliberately target Americans. The 153 Americans killed would not have died had they not foolishly sailed on a British vessel when Germany had declared unrestricted submarine warfare against England.

None of the reasons proffered are adequate to justify our nation’s entry into WWI. This is especially true because in December of 1916, Germany proposed a negotiated end to the fighting1. The United States had nothing to gain no matter which side won and neither side was an evil empire which was a threat to the other nations of the world. Furthermore, had we not entered this war, there is a very good chance that Germany’s offer of peace would have been accepted bringing an early end to the war. Thus our entry into WWI was a misguided foolish blunder. It was misguided because we had no good reason for entering the war. It was a blunder because we entered this senseless war and fought on the wrong side.

As stated above, in 1916, Germany issued a peace proposal which could have brought WWI to an honorable conclusion. Also to its credit, Germany made this proposal at a time when they were winning the war. Therefore, at this juncture, had the United States sided with Germany instead of England, the Allied powers would have had no choice but to accept Germany’s offer of peace. This would have brought an immediate end to the hostilities. Unfortunately, the United States opted to side with pro-war England instead of pro-peace Germany and as a result, the war raged on for two more years. These two years turned out to be horrible with the fighting being the worst of the war.

Because of our blunder, we sacrificed 137,000 American lives and needlessly spent $22 billion. As bad as this is, it pales in comparison to the price paid by the other warring nations. From the time the United States entered WWI to its end, collectively, these nations lost an additional of 5.5 million men and spent $100 billion. All this came to pass just to fight the most senseless and idiotic war in the history of mankind. At this point, you should be beginning to sense that there was a lot more behind our nation’s entry into WWI than meets the eye and you are right. Unfortunately, what doesn’t meet the eye is pathetic and sickening.

Where the worm turns on this is revealed by England’s issuance of its Balfour Declaration2. This declaration was made in a letter written by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour who sent it to Baron Walter Rothschild for delivery to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. This declaration dated November 2, 1917, issued four months after America entered WWI, read as follows:

“His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

The issuance of this declaration was an astounding development! In the midst of a world war having nothing whatsoever to do with the Jews, England issues a declaration which gave Palestine to them? Why would England do this? Great Brittan had no authority or right to speak either for the Jews or the people of Palestine. Benjamin Freedman3 provided us with the answer to this question and his revelation about what happened has the undeniable ring of truth to it. According to Mr. Freedman, England issued its Balfour Declaration because the British had struck a deal with the Zionists whereby, England would support and assist them in their goal to establish the state of Israel at wars end. In return, the Zionists would use their considerable influence in the United States to bring us into the war on the side of the allies. The Balfour Declaration was issued at the request of the Zionists because they wanted assurances from England that they would honor their side of the bargain when the war was over.

Stop for a moment and imagine you are a German soldier in WWI. Early on, your side was winning and this is a source of pride to you. Then one day, the Americans enter the war and you ask yourself, how could this happen? For the next two years you watch the tide of battle change and see your friends and fellow soldiers die under the enemy onslaught. Again and again you ask yourself, how did this happen? “When we were winning we offered our enemies peace with honor and now America’s entry into the war has ensured our defeat.” Eventually, at wars end, England’s Balfour declaration is revealed to the world and with this the above question was answered.

America’s entry into the war against Germany was engineered by the Zionists in exchange for a commitment from England to support the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine. Wouldn’t a development such as this be enough to make a normal person angry? Wouldn’t such a development be sufficient to drive a war weary unstable person to madness? How many Germans who fought in the trenches were enraged by this turn of events? The Jews were a respected and accepted element of German society before WWI. Now the talk in the German beer halls turned to how the Jews had used Germany and stabbed us in the back.

Unfortunately, this is not where this story ends. Getting the Western powers to sanction the creation of the state of Israel was easy. In order to establish a nation, you need people and at the time, the Jews living in Germany were not willing to abandon their homes and leave what Europe had to offer to live in a desert. Something more had to be done to change this. Toward this end, the Zionists decided to fan the flames of hatred for Jews in Germany. Their hope was to make things so bad for the Jews that they would have no choice other than to flee Europe.

The Balfour Declaration had planted the seeds of anti-Semitism in the minds of the German people. Now these seeds needed to be watered and made to grow. An opportunity for doing this presented itself in the Treaty of Versailles. What better way to foster hatred for the Jews than to force the Germans to accept responsibility for starting a war they did not start and then wrongfully punish them with the harsh and humiliating terms of the Versailles treaty?

The Treaty of Versailles had a devastating impact on the German people. This terrible situation was compounded further by the Great Depression which took hold in Germany following WWI. Is it any wonder that the German people looked for someone to save them from the horrible circumstances which had come to dominate their lives? Is it so hard to understand why the conditions they lived with made this intelligent and once proud people susceptible to accepting an eloquent demigod as their leader? In his speeches, Hitler promised redemption, justice, prosperity, dignity and to restore German honor and pride. In light of what the Zionists did to Germany, far too many Germans gladly bought this message.

The Germans did not care that Hitler was a failed artist, former wallpaper hanger, and a deranged anti-Semite. All they cared about was that Hitler offered them hope. Despite the appeal Adolph Hitler had to many Germans, early on, most saw him for what he was and wanted nothing to do with him. Despite the treachery of the Zionists, most Germans were intelligent enough to realize that their Jewish friends and neighbors had nothing to do with the tribulations which had fallen upon them. This being true, it was clear to the Zionists that more had to be done if Israel was going to have the people it needed to become a nation.

No rational human being would deliberately foster hatred for their own people to accomplish what they believed to be an important and worthwhile goal. The fact of the matter is that Zionist leaders are anything but rational. They came from a long line of subversives who thought nothing of instigating wars so they could play both sides against the middle and get what they wanted. What the Zionist leaders wanted was huge fortunes and the political power which extreme wealth gave them.

The Zionists believe that as Jews, they are God’s chosen people and that it is God’s will for them to have a nation of their own. In keeping with this, they believe that anything they do to achieve their goal is sanctioned by God. Therefore, a Zionist can do no wrong in the eyes if God. Anything they do to help the nation of Israel is blessed by God even if it means hurting some of their own people. As fantastic as all this is, it is the truth. But don’t take my word for it. Following are the words of Zionist founder Theodor Herzl4 (1860-1904):

“It is essential that the suffering of the Jews…becomes worse…this will assist in realization of our plans…I have an excellent idea….I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth…The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of the Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends.”

World War II

As fate would have it, along came a former German soldier who, before the war, was a failed artist and paperhanger. His name was Adolph Hitler and he happened to be the unstable person driven to madness by WWI of which we spoke earlier. After WWI, Hitler became a member of the Nationalist Socialist Labor Party or Nazi party as it is more commonly known. Because of his charisma, speaking ability and hatred for the Jews, Hitler rose rapidly to a position of leadership in this party.

In Adolph Hitler, the Zionists found their man! If anyone was able to make the Jews flee Germany, surely Hitler and his Nazis would be up for the job. So what is a good Zionist supposed to do? The answer to this question is mind boggling! The Zionists contributed money to the Nazi party and helped finance Hitler’s rise to power5. Yes, you read this right! This is so astounding it will be repeated. To foster hatred for the Jews in Germany prior to WWII, the Zionists helped finance the Nazi Party’s rise to power.

Unfortunately, the Zionists were not done yet. Other than regaling against the Jews in his speeches, at this point, neither Hitler or his followers had done anything to directly hurt Jews. However, this would soon change. One of the reasons it changed was in 1933, world Jewry held a conference in Amsterdam6. At this conference, it was decided by the Jews to declare war on Germany with the stated goal of bringing about Germany’s total defeat and destruction. On March 24, 1933, the Daily Express of London ran these headlines7:


Jews Of All The World Unite In Action

Think about the effect this development had upon Adolph Hitler and think about how this affected the German people. In their minds the Jews were responsible for Germany’s defeat in WWI and now they wanted to destroy Germany a second time. Shortly thereafter Hitler assumed dictatorship of Germany and upon so doing declared, “If the Jews want total war, they will have total war and through it, I will rid this planet of them forever”. Amazingly, no one in Germany dared to stand up and tell him he was crazy.

Beyond any doubt, Adolph Hitler was an insane megalomaniac. The fact that he rose to power in one of the most technologically advanced and sophisticated societies in the world is astounding. However, this happened and because it did, WWII also happened. Clearly, Hitler’s rise to power before WWII was a direct and inevitable result of Germany’s loss of WWI and the way Germany was humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles. Contributing factors to these events were the Zionist financing of the Nazi’s rise to power and the declaration of unconditional warfare against Germany by the World Conference of Jews. All the forgoing ensued because of Zionist meddling in world affairs the purpose of which was to establish a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.

If the Zionist had not taken the actions they did, America would not have entered WWI, Hitler would never have come to power in Germany, and the European theatre of WWII would not have happened. The total number killed in WWI and WWII as a result of Zionist meddling is 63 million people at a cost of approximately $2 trillion to the warring nations. Presently, the World is embroiled in a debilitating war on terror. This war is being fought so 8.2 million Jews can live in a desert which was forcibly taken from the Palestinians. Furthermore, with no end in sight to the injustice fueling this war, there is also no end in sight to the destruction, mayhem, and murder. Is this price worth it? Apparently, it is if you are a Zionist.

The above conclusions are hard for the average American to accept because they are so contrary to what we have been taught to believe. Surly, the NWO Zionists are not as twisted and perverted as they have been portrayed in this book. Neturei Karta International is a worldwide Jewish organization whose roots are in Jerusalem. In an article on their website8 entitled, “Why Orthodox Jews Are Opposed to a Zionist State”, they offer the following assessment of what the Zionists have brought upon their own people:

It is openly stated in books written by the founders of Zionism that the means by which they planned to establish a state was by instigating anti-Semitism, and undermining the security of the Jews in all lands of the world, until they would be forced to flee to their state. And thus they did – they intentionally infuriated the German people and fanned the flames of Nazi hatred, and they helped the Nazis, with trickery and deceit, to take whole Jewish communities off to concentration camps, and the Zionists themselves admit this (See the books Perfidy, Min hameitzor, etc.).

  1. The German 1916 Proposal for Peace – Total War and Peacemaking: (

  2. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 - (

  3. The designs and actions of the Zionists in our government – The Amazing Warnings of Benjamin Freedman; (

  4. Statement of Theodor Herzl: (Jews against Zionism | Dissident Voice)

  5. Zionist financing of the Nazi Party (

  6. The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany:

  7. The London Daily Express, March 12, 1933. (The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.

  8. Neturei Karta International (Why Orthodox Jews are Opposed to the Zionist State)
I don't think you understand the English language. Sorry, I do not speak Hebrew.

Is that code for "I don't speak to filthy Jews?"

You clearly don't believe that the Jewish people have rights. You've said as much. Since this whole thread is about your correct and justified antisemitism -- why don't you just embrace it?

In case my previous excerpt didn't convince you, try reading this one.

The HMS Lusitania Incident

The United States never should have entered WW1 because we had nothing to gain by fighting this war. However, having made the decision to go to war, we opted to fight for England, the aggressor nation instead Germany, the nation that wanted peace. In the October 13, 1972, issue of LIFE magazine, there appears a feature article by Colin Simpson, a British journalist, entitled, “LUSITANIA: New evidence on the ‘unprovoked’ sinking that dragged us toward war”. This article supports the above conclusion. For 30 years our Government purposely withheld vital information about the sinking of the Lusitania. This act of omission led people to wrongfully believe that the Lusitania was an innocent passenger vessel carrying innocent cargo. She was not! Because of these erroneous impressions Americans viewed the sinking of the Lusitania as an unprovoked and unjustified act of war against the citizens of the United States.

According to Colin Simpson:

The British Admiralty financed the construction of the HMS Lusitania and as a result, the ship was fitted with twelve 6 inch guns. Also, in times of war, the ship would serve as an armed auxiliary cruiser under the command of the British Admiralty (Navy). “Cruiser Rules”, subscribed to at the time by maritime nations, specified that unarmed merchant vessels would be warned before being sunk; thus allowing the crew time to abandon ship. Because the Lusitania was an armed vessel, these Cruiser Rules did not apply and legally, she sailed under the rules of war. From October 1914 onward, the British Admiralty made it an offense for British merchant ships to obey a German U-boat’s order to halt. They were also ordered to use their weapons to sink an approaching U-boat and if no weapons were available, to make every effort to ram it. This meant that U-boats could no longer safely make surface attacks. As a result, the possibility of mistakenly sinking vessels of neutral nations was increased. To aggravate this situation further, the Admiralty ordered British ships to paint over their names and port of registry, as well as to fly the flag of a neutral nation.

In retaliation for Germany’s mining the entranceways to British ports in the North Sea, England mined wide areas of open sea lanes in the North Sea and declared this area to be war zone. Germany soon followed suit and followed up with a declaration to the neutral powers which said that due to British misuse of neutrality rules, no vessel was safe from attack in the North Sea and that neutral vessels and citizens should avoid the area. President Woodrow Wilson declined to pass this warning on to American citizens and responded to it by informing Germany that despite the circumstances, any sinking of an American ship or the loss of American lives on any foreign vessel would be considered an indefensible violation of America’s neutrality rights. This message shocked the Germans because they had no way of knowing if Americans were present on any of the targets they encountered. Understandably, the British greeted President Wilson’s message with jubilation.

On March 28, 1915, at the approach to the English Channel, German submarine U-28 commanded the HMS Falaba to halt by firing across her bow. She refused and was subsequently forced by the U-28 to heave to. Her crew was then ordered to abandon ship. The Falaba’s stalled for time and secretly sent wireless message for help. In response, an armed British trawler appeared on the horizon. With this development, the U-28 fired a torpedo into the stern of the Falaba, setting off the 13 tons of explosives she was carrying. Among those killed was Leon C. Thresher; an American citizen. The American press reacted with unbounded fury to this incident despite the fact that Cruiser Rules were properly followed and the crew of the U-28 had no knowledge of an American being on board. An American was killed and the circumstances of how did not matter.

On her ill-fated return voyage to England, the Lusitania’s cargo was primarily contraband; 1,639 ingot bars of copper, 1,248 cases of three-inch shells, 76 cases of brass rods and 4,927 boxes of cartridges each containing 1,000 rounds of ammunition. The weight of all these high explosives was 10 ½ tons. It was common knowledge that carrying such cargo was a routine undertaking for the Lusitania. Because of the increasingly volatile situation, George Vierick, a representative of the New York German community, attempted to place ads in 50 American newspapers, warning Americans about the risk of embarking on a transatlantic voyage to England. In response, the State Department advised the newspapers that it would be highly dangerous to run the ad, so none did. Eventually, Mr. Vierick convinced the editor of the New York Tribune to run his ad which the Tribune did on the morning the Lusitania sailed. Apparently, no American sailing on the Lusitania elected to change their plans at this late point in time.

The Lusitania set sail on its final voyage shortly before noon on May 1, 1915. Her master, Captain William Turner was under orders to steer the same course used on previous journeys. This known course would take the Lusitania south of Ireland where she would be met by the British Cruiser Juno. The Juno was under orders to escort the Lusitania for the rest of her journey. At this point in time, the U-20 was patrolling the waters south of Ireland where the Lusitania was heading. By monitoring transmissions, the British Admiralty was able to pinpoint the locations of the Juno, Lusitania and the U-20. By plotting these positions, it was apparent that if the U-20 stayed where she was; the Lusitania would run into her the next morning. However, the U-20 was not content to just sit and wait for the Lusitania. The afternoon before their meeting, the U-20 sank both the HMS Candidate and HMS Centurian. There was no response from the British to these two tragic losses.

Normally, destroyer escorts are dispatched by the British Admiralty to the seas south of Ireland at the first hint of a U-Boat’s presence. Not this time! In light of this enemy action, Admiral Coke, of the British Admiralty, wanted to send a message to the Lusitania to warn them of the looming danger. He was ordered not to. Having a conscience, Admiral Coke disobeyed orders and sent his message anyway, which was picked up by the Lusitania. However, Captain Turner decided not to heed the warning because he felt his scheduled rendezvous with the Cruiser Juno would be sufficient protection for his ship. Furthermore, he was sailing under Admiralty authority and could not change course without getting permission. Meanwhile, back at Admiralty headquarters, Admiral Oliver advised Winston Churchill that the Juno was unsuited for protecting the Lusitania and was also at risk of being sunk. This being the case, he recommended that elements of a nearby destroyer flotilla be dispatched to protect the Lusitania. What happened next is told by Colin Simpson’s own words:

“At this juncture the Admiralty War Diary stops short, perhaps understandably as it was here that the decision was taken that was to be the direct cause of the disaster. No one alive today knows who took it, but shortly after noon on May 5 the Admiralty signaled Juno to abandon her mission and return to Queenstown. They did not dispatch any destroyers and the Lusitania was not informed that she was now alone, and closing every minute with the U-20.”

The rest is history! A German submarine, the U-20 sank an innocent passenger vessel killing 1,198 people, 123 of which were Americans. Obviously, the Germans are the bad guys and to get even with them, this Nation spent $22 billion and sacrificed the lives of 137,000 of our finest young men and women.

Who is to blame for the sinking of the HMS Lusitania? To be sure, the Germans loaded the gun and pulled the trigger. However, in contrast to what we have been told by our government, the Germans were justified in committing this legitimate act of war. On the other hand, it was the British themselves who set up their target by arming her with deck guns, loading her with munitions, insisting she maintain a course known to the Germans, removing an escort vessel that might have saved her, failing to provide readily available destroyer escorts, refusing to warn her of the impending danger, and not ordering her to take a course north of Ireland instead of going south where it was known that a U-Boat lay in wait for her arrival.

England wanted the United States to enter the war on her side. Toward this end, they set up one of their own ships and thousands of their own people to be torpedo fodder for a German U-boat. But what was our Government’s role in this sordid affair? The Zionists had a special interest to see as many Americans as possible sail on the Lusitania. The more Americans killed, the more likely America would scream for German blood. Could this be the reason why President Wilson failed to warn Americans to not sail on Allied ships heading into a war zone? Is this also why our State Department discouraged newspapers from running ads about the danger of sailing on British vessels? What other reasons are there for government officials to remain silent while Americans foolishly placed their lives in grave danger?

Are we really to believe that governments of the United States and England would deliberately sacrifice the lives of thousands of innocent men, women, and children just to have an excuse to go to war? Winston Churchill, in “The World Crisis”, his autobiography said;

“At the summit true politics and strategy are one. The maneuver which brings an ally into the field is as serviceable as that which wins a great battle”

I hear you and understand where you are coming from, but everything I said is true and provable. Following is an excerpt from my book, "100 Years of Deception".

World War I

Prior to WWI, the United States was an isolationist nation. As far as foreign policy was concerned, we heeded President George Washington’s advice proffered in his farewell address where he told the nation to have as little to do with foreign powers as possible, especially those in Europe. President Woodrow Wilson was elected to a second term of office in November 1916. His campaign slogan was, “He kept us out of the war”. Yet, 5 months later, Woodrow Wilson did an about face and championed our entry into WWI on the side of the Allies. WWI was billed as being “the war to end all wars” and “the war to make the world safe for democracy”. With publicity like this and the media furiously fanning the flames of war, no one bothered to ask why our President changed his mind?

There was no good or valid reason for America’s entry into WWI. While we view Great Brittan and the other allied nations as being one with us today, this was not the case in 1916. As far as we were concerned, the Central Powers led by Germany were no different from any of the other powers in Europe including Great Brittan. Furthermore, during WWI, without Adolph Hitler running the show, Germany was not the evil empire we came to know in WWII. Instead, Germany was one of the more sophisticated and advanced nations of the world in both science and the social arts. Unlike most wars throughout history, WWI was not fought over territory, resources, or religion. The conflict arose because Europe was divided into two military alliances at odds with each another. This powder keg exploded on June 28, 1914, when a Serbian national assassinated the Arch Duke of Austria.

It has been argued that a reason the United States entered WWI was because of Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare which resulted in the sinking of the Lusitania with the loss of 153 American lives. Another reason talked about is that Germany had approached Mexico in the hope that this Mexico would become its ally if America entered the war against Germany. Supposedly, Germany promised to return Texas to Mexico after winning the war against us. These are not valid reasons for a nation to go to war. The war drums were definitely beating in the United States over these incidents, but the important question is who was beating those drums and why? The Mexican incident is so absurd that it does not even deserve comment. In regard to those Americans who died on the Lusitania, this number of our citizens being killed is a serious matter. However, Germany was not an enemy of the United States and despite this deplorable loss of life Germany did not deliberately target Americans. The 153 Americans killed would not have died had they not foolishly sailed on a British vessel when Germany had declared unrestricted submarine warfare against England.

None of the reasons proffered are adequate to justify our nation’s entry into WWI. This is especially true because in December of 1916, Germany proposed a negotiated end to the fighting1. The United States had nothing to gain no matter which side won and neither side was an evil empire which was a threat to the other nations of the world. Furthermore, had we not entered this war, there is a very good chance that Germany’s offer of peace would have been accepted bringing an early end to the war. Thus our entry into WWI was a misguided foolish blunder. It was misguided because we had no good reason for entering the war. It was a blunder because we entered this senseless war and fought on the wrong side.

As stated above, in 1916, Germany issued a peace proposal which could have brought WWI to an honorable conclusion. Also to its credit, Germany made this proposal at a time when they were winning the war. Therefore, at this juncture, had the United States sided with Germany instead of England, the Allied powers would have had no choice but to accept Germany’s offer of peace. This would have brought an immediate end to the hostilities. Unfortunately, the United States opted to side with pro-war England instead of pro-peace Germany and as a result, the war raged on for two more years. These two years turned out to be horrible with the fighting being the worst of the war.

Because of our blunder, we sacrificed 137,000 American lives and needlessly spent $22 billion. As bad as this is, it pales in comparison to the price paid by the other warring nations. From the time the United States entered WWI to its end, collectively, these nations lost an additional of 5.5 million men and spent $100 billion. All this came to pass just to fight the most senseless and idiotic war in the history of mankind. At this point, you should be beginning to sense that there was a lot more behind our nation’s entry into WWI than meets the eye and you are right. Unfortunately, what doesn’t meet the eye is pathetic and sickening.

Where the worm turns on this is revealed by England’s issuance of its Balfour Declaration2. This declaration was made in a letter written by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour who sent it to Baron Walter Rothschild for delivery to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. This declaration dated November 2, 1917, issued four months after America entered WWI, read as follows:

“His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

The issuance of this declaration was an astounding development! In the midst of a world war having nothing whatsoever to do with the Jews, England issues a declaration which gave Palestine to them? Why would England do this? Great Brittan had no authority or right to speak either for the Jews or the people of Palestine. Benjamin Freedman3 provided us with the answer to this question and his revelation about what happened has the undeniable ring of truth to it. According to Mr. Freedman, England issued its Balfour Declaration because the British had struck a deal with the Zionists whereby, England would support and assist them in their goal to establish the state of Israel at wars end. In return, the Zionists would use their considerable influence in the United States to bring us into the war on the side of the allies. The Balfour Declaration was issued at the request of the Zionists because they wanted assurances from England that they would honor their side of the bargain when the war was over.

Stop for a moment and imagine you are a German soldier in WWI. Early on, your side was winning and this is a source of pride to you. Then one day, the Americans enter the war and you ask yourself, how could this happen? For the next two years you watch the tide of battle change and see your friends and fellow soldiers die under the enemy onslaught. Again and again you ask yourself, how did this happen? “When we were winning we offered our enemies peace with honor and now America’s entry into the war has ensured our defeat.” Eventually, at wars end, England’s Balfour declaration is revealed to the world and with this the above question was answered.

America’s entry into the war against Germany was engineered by the Zionists in exchange for a commitment from England to support the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine. Wouldn’t a development such as this be enough to make a normal person angry? Wouldn’t such a development be sufficient to drive a war weary unstable person to madness? How many Germans who fought in the trenches were enraged by this turn of events? The Jews were a respected and accepted element of German society before WWI. Now the talk in the German beer halls turned to how the Jews had used Germany and stabbed us in the back.

Unfortunately, this is not where this story ends. Getting the Western powers to sanction the creation of the state of Israel was easy. In order to establish a nation, you need people and at the time, the Jews living in Germany were not willing to abandon their homes and leave what Europe had to offer to live in a desert. Something more had to be done to change this. Toward this end, the Zionists decided to fan the flames of hatred for Jews in Germany. Their hope was to make things so bad for the Jews that they would have no choice other than to flee Europe.

The Balfour Declaration had planted the seeds of anti-Semitism in the minds of the German people. Now these seeds needed to be watered and made to grow. An opportunity for doing this presented itself in the Treaty of Versailles. What better way to foster hatred for the Jews than to force the Germans to accept responsibility for starting a war they did not start and then wrongfully punish them with the harsh and humiliating terms of the Versailles treaty?

The Treaty of Versailles had a devastating impact on the German people. This terrible situation was compounded further by the Great Depression which took hold in Germany following WWI. Is it any wonder that the German people looked for someone to save them from the horrible circumstances which had come to dominate their lives? Is it so hard to understand why the conditions they lived with made this intelligent and once proud people susceptible to accepting an eloquent demigod as their leader? In his speeches, Hitler promised redemption, justice, prosperity, dignity and to restore German honor and pride. In light of what the Zionists did to Germany, far too many Germans gladly bought this message.

The Germans did not care that Hitler was a failed artist, former wallpaper hanger, and a deranged anti-Semite. All they cared about was that Hitler offered them hope. Despite the appeal Adolph Hitler had to many Germans, early on, most saw him for what he was and wanted nothing to do with him. Despite the treachery of the Zionists, most Germans were intelligent enough to realize that their Jewish friends and neighbors had nothing to do with the tribulations which had fallen upon them. This being true, it was clear to the Zionists that more had to be done if Israel was going to have the people it needed to become a nation.

No rational human being would deliberately foster hatred for their own people to accomplish what they believed to be an important and worthwhile goal. The fact of the matter is that Zionist leaders are anything but rational. They came from a long line of subversives who thought nothing of instigating wars so they could play both sides against the middle and get what they wanted. What the Zionist leaders wanted was huge fortunes and the political power which extreme wealth gave them.

The Zionists believe that as Jews, they are God’s chosen people and that it is God’s will for them to have a nation of their own. In keeping with this, they believe that anything they do to achieve their goal is sanctioned by God. Therefore, a Zionist can do no wrong in the eyes if God. Anything they do to help the nation of Israel is blessed by God even if it means hurting some of their own people. As fantastic as all this is, it is the truth. But don’t take my word for it. Following are the words of Zionist founder Theodor Herzl4 (1860-1904):

“It is essential that the suffering of the Jews…becomes worse…this will assist in realization of our plans…I have an excellent idea….I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth…The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of the Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends.”

World War II

As fate would have it, along came a former German soldier who, before the war, was a failed artist and paperhanger. His name was Adolph Hitler and he happened to be the unstable person driven to madness by WWI of which we spoke earlier. After WWI, Hitler became a member of the Nationalist Socialist Labor Party or Nazi party as it is more commonly known. Because of his charisma, speaking ability and hatred for the Jews, Hitler rose rapidly to a position of leadership in this party.

In Adolph Hitler, the Zionists found their man! If anyone was able to make the Jews flee Germany, surely Hitler and his Nazis would be up for the job. So what is a good Zionist supposed to do? The answer to this question is mind boggling! The Zionists contributed money to the Nazi party and helped finance Hitler’s rise to power5. Yes, you read this right! This is so astounding it will be repeated. To foster hatred for the Jews in Germany prior to WWII, the Zionists helped finance the Nazi Party’s rise to power.

Unfortunately, the Zionists were not done yet. Other than regaling against the Jews in his speeches, at this point, neither Hitler or his followers had done anything to directly hurt Jews. However, this would soon change. One of the reasons it changed was in 1933, world Jewry held a conference in Amsterdam6. At this conference, it was decided by the Jews to declare war on Germany with the stated goal of bringing about Germany’s total defeat and destruction. On March 24, 1933, the Daily Express of London ran these headlines7:


Jews Of All The World Unite In Action

Think about the effect this development had upon Adolph Hitler and think about how this affected the German people. In their minds the Jews were responsible for Germany’s defeat in WWI and now they wanted to destroy Germany a second time. Shortly thereafter Hitler assumed dictatorship of Germany and upon so doing declared, “If the Jews want total war, they will have total war and through it, I will rid this planet of them forever”. Amazingly, no one in Germany dared to stand up and tell him he was crazy.

Beyond any doubt, Adolph Hitler was an insane megalomaniac. The fact that he rose to power in one of the most technologically advanced and sophisticated societies in the world is astounding. However, this happened and because it did, WWII also happened. Clearly, Hitler’s rise to power before WWII was a direct and inevitable result of Germany’s loss of WWI and the way Germany was humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles. Contributing factors to these events were the Zionist financing of the Nazi’s rise to power and the declaration of unconditional warfare against Germany by the World Conference of Jews. All the forgoing ensued because of Zionist meddling in world affairs the purpose of which was to establish a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.

If the Zionist had not taken the actions they did, America would not have entered WWI, Hitler would never have come to power in Germany, and the European theatre of WWII would not have happened. The total number killed in WWI and WWII as a result of Zionist meddling is 63 million people at a cost of approximately $2 trillion to the warring nations. Presently, the World is embroiled in a debilitating war on terror. This war is being fought so 8.2 million Jews can live in a desert which was forcibly taken from the Palestinians. Furthermore, with no end in sight to the injustice fueling this war, there is also no end in sight to the destruction, mayhem, and murder. Is this price worth it? Apparently, it is if you are a Zionist.

The above conclusions are hard for the average American to accept because they are so contrary to what we have been taught to believe. Surly, the NWO Zionists are not as twisted and perverted as they have been portrayed in this book. Neturei Karta International is a worldwide Jewish organization whose roots are in Jerusalem. In an article on their website8 entitled, “Why Orthodox Jews Are Opposed to a Zionist State”, they offer the following assessment of what the Zionists have brought upon their own people:

It is openly stated in books written by the founders of Zionism that the means by which they planned to establish a state was by instigating anti-Semitism, and undermining the security of the Jews in all lands of the world, until they would be forced to flee to their state. And thus they did – they intentionally infuriated the German people and fanned the flames of Nazi hatred, and they helped the Nazis, with trickery and deceit, to take whole Jewish communities off to concentration camps, and the Zionists themselves admit this (See the books Perfidy, Min hameitzor, etc.).

  1. The German 1916 Proposal for Peace – Total War and Peacemaking: (

  2. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 - (

  3. The designs and actions of the Zionists in our government – The Amazing Warnings of Benjamin Freedman; (

  4. Statement of Theodor Herzl: (Jews against Zionism | Dissident Voice)

  5. Zionist financing of the Nazi Party (

  6. The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany:

  7. The London Daily Express, March 12, 1933. (The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.

  8. Neturei Karta International (Why Orthodox Jews are Opposed to the Zionist State)
While I find it peculiar how you start a thread defending anti-Semitism while insisting you're not anti-Semitic, your assertions remain just as ludicrous.

Let's start with your claim that Jews got us into WWI, how it was unnecessary, and how we were on the wrong side....

It seems you're woefully unaware of what dragged us in. You focus on the Lusitania as the excuse but that occurred two years before America entered the war; while you ignore the actual reason which was Germany's declaration that the could, and would, sink any boat in that region even though it was in international waters. America, who stands by her allies, took that as a declaration of war since that was a direct threat against us as we were supplying England.

That was a justified reason to fight Germany, put us on the right side in the war and had nothing to do with Jews. Your entire premise is misguided.

Furthermore, you are blaming Jews for our entry into the war under the guise that it benefited England strategically. That is as asinine as blaming blacks for the civil war because the north found a strategic advantage in freeing the slaves in the south.

My honest impression is that you wrote a book making outlandish assertions knowing it would paint you as an anti-Semite and so now you struggle to make anti-Semitism palatable so you can relieve yourself of the guilt of condemning an entire group of people based on the nonsense you've convinced yourself is true.
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shusha------do not blame citi for the shit he posts-----he did not INVENT it----he,
simply, parrots it. I grew up in a ----town------the town has existed since before
the revolutionary war (of the USA) -----it was very RURAL at one time-----farm-land.
The core population was ---people of german, and british background and-----
new later immigrants--Irish----It was so damned Nazi that even when I was a kid---
there were "restricted" sports and social clubs (when I got invited as a "GUEST"---
I was cautioned NOT TO MENTION MY LAST NAME) There was Nazi literature
all over the place in little seedy pamphlets----and some periodicals. I started
reading the stuff when I was about 8-------IT WAS ALL ABOUT JEWS-----which is
why it caught my eye. It was so idiotic that when MAD magazine came out-----
-------I thought that MAD was written by the same people who wrote the stuff
Citi quotes. -----later on I came to understand that lots of it was written by
people who had escaped the NUREMBURG TRIALS and fled to Syria or
Egypt or south America. I have an excellent memory for stuff I read as a kid.---
For a long time I could quote all sorts of stuff-----like the poetry of Edgar Allen.-----
shucks------I can barely do ANNABELLE LEE now-------but I do remember
the stuff that people like Aribert Heim wrote. Citi does not write his own stuff----

I hear you and understand where you are coming from, but everything I said is true and provable. Following is an excerpt from my book, "100 Years of Deception".

World War I

Prior to WWI, the United States was an isolationist nation. As far as foreign policy was concerned, we heeded President George Washington’s advice proffered in his farewell address where he told the nation to have as little to do with foreign powers as possible, especially those in Europe. President Woodrow Wilson was elected to a second term of office in November 1916. His campaign slogan was, “He kept us out of the war”. Yet, 5 months later, Woodrow Wilson did an about face and championed our entry into WWI on the side of the Allies. WWI was billed as being “the war to end all wars” and “the war to make the world safe for democracy”. With publicity like this and the media furiously fanning the flames of war, no one bothered to ask why our President changed his mind?

There was no good or valid reason for America’s entry into WWI. While we view Great Brittan and the other allied nations as being one with us today, this was not the case in 1916. As far as we were concerned, the Central Powers led by Germany were no different from any of the other powers in Europe including Great Brittan. Furthermore, during WWI, without Adolph Hitler running the show, Germany was not the evil empire we came to know in WWII. Instead, Germany was one of the more sophisticated and advanced nations of the world in both science and the social arts. Unlike most wars throughout history, WWI was not fought over territory, resources, or religion. The conflict arose because Europe was divided into two military alliances at odds with each another. This powder keg exploded on June 28, 1914, when a Serbian national assassinated the Arch Duke of Austria.

It has been argued that a reason the United States entered WWI was because of Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare which resulted in the sinking of the Lusitania with the loss of 153 American lives. Another reason talked about is that Germany had approached Mexico in the hope that this Mexico would become its ally if America entered the war against Germany. Supposedly, Germany promised to return Texas to Mexico after winning the war against us. These are not valid reasons for a nation to go to war. The war drums were definitely beating in the United States over these incidents, but the important question is who was beating those drums and why? The Mexican incident is so absurd that it does not even deserve comment. In regard to those Americans who died on the Lusitania, this number of our citizens being killed is a serious matter. However, Germany was not an enemy of the United States and despite this deplorable loss of life Germany did not deliberately target Americans. The 153 Americans killed would not have died had they not foolishly sailed on a British vessel when Germany had declared unrestricted submarine warfare against England.

None of the reasons proffered are adequate to justify our nation’s entry into WWI. This is especially true because in December of 1916, Germany proposed a negotiated end to the fighting1. The United States had nothing to gain no matter which side won and neither side was an evil empire which was a threat to the other nations of the world. Furthermore, had we not entered this war, there is a very good chance that Germany’s offer of peace would have been accepted bringing an early end to the war. Thus our entry into WWI was a misguided foolish blunder. It was misguided because we had no good reason for entering the war. It was a blunder because we entered this senseless war and fought on the wrong side.

As stated above, in 1916, Germany issued a peace proposal which could have brought WWI to an honorable conclusion. Also to its credit, Germany made this proposal at a time when they were winning the war. Therefore, at this juncture, had the United States sided with Germany instead of England, the Allied powers would have had no choice but to accept Germany’s offer of peace. This would have brought an immediate end to the hostilities. Unfortunately, the United States opted to side with pro-war England instead of pro-peace Germany and as a result, the war raged on for two more years. These two years turned out to be horrible with the fighting being the worst of the war.

Because of our blunder, we sacrificed 137,000 American lives and needlessly spent $22 billion. As bad as this is, it pales in comparison to the price paid by the other warring nations. From the time the United States entered WWI to its end, collectively, these nations lost an additional of 5.5 million men and spent $100 billion. All this came to pass just to fight the most senseless and idiotic war in the history of mankind. At this point, you should be beginning to sense that there was a lot more behind our nation’s entry into WWI than meets the eye and you are right. Unfortunately, what doesn’t meet the eye is pathetic and sickening.

Where the worm turns on this is revealed by England’s issuance of its Balfour Declaration2. This declaration was made in a letter written by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour who sent it to Baron Walter Rothschild for delivery to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. This declaration dated November 2, 1917, issued four months after America entered WWI, read as follows:

“His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

The issuance of this declaration was an astounding development! In the midst of a world war having nothing whatsoever to do with the Jews, England issues a declaration which gave Palestine to them? Why would England do this? Great Brittan had no authority or right to speak either for the Jews or the people of Palestine. Benjamin Freedman3 provided us with the answer to this question and his revelation about what happened has the undeniable ring of truth to it. According to Mr. Freedman, England issued its Balfour Declaration because the British had struck a deal with the Zionists whereby, England would support and assist them in their goal to establish the state of Israel at wars end. In return, the Zionists would use their considerable influence in the United States to bring us into the war on the side of the allies. The Balfour Declaration was issued at the request of the Zionists because they wanted assurances from England that they would honor their side of the bargain when the war was over.

Stop for a moment and imagine you are a German soldier in WWI. Early on, your side was winning and this is a source of pride to you. Then one day, the Americans enter the war and you ask yourself, how could this happen? For the next two years you watch the tide of battle change and see your friends and fellow soldiers die under the enemy onslaught. Again and again you ask yourself, how did this happen? “When we were winning we offered our enemies peace with honor and now America’s entry into the war has ensured our defeat.” Eventually, at wars end, England’s Balfour declaration is revealed to the world and with this the above question was answered.

America’s entry into the war against Germany was engineered by the Zionists in exchange for a commitment from England to support the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine. Wouldn’t a development such as this be enough to make a normal person angry? Wouldn’t such a development be sufficient to drive a war weary unstable person to madness? How many Germans who fought in the trenches were enraged by this turn of events? The Jews were a respected and accepted element of German society before WWI. Now the talk in the German beer halls turned to how the Jews had used Germany and stabbed us in the back.

Unfortunately, this is not where this story ends. Getting the Western powers to sanction the creation of the state of Israel was easy. In order to establish a nation, you need people and at the time, the Jews living in Germany were not willing to abandon their homes and leave what Europe had to offer to live in a desert. Something more had to be done to change this. Toward this end, the Zionists decided to fan the flames of hatred for Jews in Germany. Their hope was to make things so bad for the Jews that they would have no choice other than to flee Europe.

The Balfour Declaration had planted the seeds of anti-Semitism in the minds of the German people. Now these seeds needed to be watered and made to grow. An opportunity for doing this presented itself in the Treaty of Versailles. What better way to foster hatred for the Jews than to force the Germans to accept responsibility for starting a war they did not start and then wrongfully punish them with the harsh and humiliating terms of the Versailles treaty?

The Treaty of Versailles had a devastating impact on the German people. This terrible situation was compounded further by the Great Depression which took hold in Germany following WWI. Is it any wonder that the German people looked for someone to save them from the horrible circumstances which had come to dominate their lives? Is it so hard to understand why the conditions they lived with made this intelligent and once proud people susceptible to accepting an eloquent demigod as their leader? In his speeches, Hitler promised redemption, justice, prosperity, dignity and to restore German honor and pride. In light of what the Zionists did to Germany, far too many Germans gladly bought this message.

The Germans did not care that Hitler was a failed artist, former wallpaper hanger, and a deranged anti-Semite. All they cared about was that Hitler offered them hope. Despite the appeal Adolph Hitler had to many Germans, early on, most saw him for what he was and wanted nothing to do with him. Despite the treachery of the Zionists, most Germans were intelligent enough to realize that their Jewish friends and neighbors had nothing to do with the tribulations which had fallen upon them. This being true, it was clear to the Zionists that more had to be done if Israel was going to have the people it needed to become a nation.

No rational human being would deliberately foster hatred for their own people to accomplish what they believed to be an important and worthwhile goal. The fact of the matter is that Zionist leaders are anything but rational. They came from a long line of subversives who thought nothing of instigating wars so they could play both sides against the middle and get what they wanted. What the Zionist leaders wanted was huge fortunes and the political power which extreme wealth gave them.

The Zionists believe that as Jews, they are God’s chosen people and that it is God’s will for them to have a nation of their own. In keeping with this, they believe that anything they do to achieve their goal is sanctioned by God. Therefore, a Zionist can do no wrong in the eyes if God. Anything they do to help the nation of Israel is blessed by God even if it means hurting some of their own people. As fantastic as all this is, it is the truth. But don’t take my word for it. Following are the words of Zionist founder Theodor Herzl4 (1860-1904):

“It is essential that the suffering of the Jews…becomes worse…this will assist in realization of our plans…I have an excellent idea….I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth…The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of the Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends.”

World War II

As fate would have it, along came a former German soldier who, before the war, was a failed artist and paperhanger. His name was Adolph Hitler and he happened to be the unstable person driven to madness by WWI of which we spoke earlier. After WWI, Hitler became a member of the Nationalist Socialist Labor Party or Nazi party as it is more commonly known. Because of his charisma, speaking ability and hatred for the Jews, Hitler rose rapidly to a position of leadership in this party.

In Adolph Hitler, the Zionists found their man! If anyone was able to make the Jews flee Germany, surely Hitler and his Nazis would be up for the job. So what is a good Zionist supposed to do? The answer to this question is mind boggling! The Zionists contributed money to the Nazi party and helped finance Hitler’s rise to power5. Yes, you read this right! This is so astounding it will be repeated. To foster hatred for the Jews in Germany prior to WWII, the Zionists helped finance the Nazi Party’s rise to power.

Unfortunately, the Zionists were not done yet. Other than regaling against the Jews in his speeches, at this point, neither Hitler or his followers had done anything to directly hurt Jews. However, this would soon change. One of the reasons it changed was in 1933, world Jewry held a conference in Amsterdam6. At this conference, it was decided by the Jews to declare war on Germany with the stated goal of bringing about Germany’s total defeat and destruction. On March 24, 1933, the Daily Express of London ran these headlines7:


Jews Of All The World Unite In Action

Think about the effect this development had upon Adolph Hitler and think about how this affected the German people. In their minds the Jews were responsible for Germany’s defeat in WWI and now they wanted to destroy Germany a second time. Shortly thereafter Hitler assumed dictatorship of Germany and upon so doing declared, “If the Jews want total war, they will have total war and through it, I will rid this planet of them forever”. Amazingly, no one in Germany dared to stand up and tell him he was crazy.

Beyond any doubt, Adolph Hitler was an insane megalomaniac. The fact that he rose to power in one of the most technologically advanced and sophisticated societies in the world is astounding. However, this happened and because it did, WWII also happened. Clearly, Hitler’s rise to power before WWII was a direct and inevitable result of Germany’s loss of WWI and the way Germany was humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles. Contributing factors to these events were the Zionist financing of the Nazi’s rise to power and the declaration of unconditional warfare against Germany by the World Conference of Jews. All the forgoing ensued because of Zionist meddling in world affairs the purpose of which was to establish a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.

If the Zionist had not taken the actions they did, America would not have entered WWI, Hitler would never have come to power in Germany, and the European theatre of WWII would not have happened. The total number killed in WWI and WWII as a result of Zionist meddling is 63 million people at a cost of approximately $2 trillion to the warring nations. Presently, the World is embroiled in a debilitating war on terror. This war is being fought so 8.2 million Jews can live in a desert which was forcibly taken from the Palestinians. Furthermore, with no end in sight to the injustice fueling this war, there is also no end in sight to the destruction, mayhem, and murder. Is this price worth it? Apparently, it is if you are a Zionist.

The above conclusions are hard for the average American to accept because they are so contrary to what we have been taught to believe. Surly, the NWO Zionists are not as twisted and perverted as they have been portrayed in this book. Neturei Karta International is a worldwide Jewish organization whose roots are in Jerusalem. In an article on their website8 entitled, “Why Orthodox Jews Are Opposed to a Zionist State”, they offer the following assessment of what the Zionists have brought upon their own people:

It is openly stated in books written by the founders of Zionism that the means by which they planned to establish a state was by instigating anti-Semitism, and undermining the security of the Jews in all lands of the world, until they would be forced to flee to their state. And thus they did – they intentionally infuriated the German people and fanned the flames of Nazi hatred, and they helped the Nazis, with trickery and deceit, to take whole Jewish communities off to concentration camps, and the Zionists themselves admit this (See the books Perfidy, Min hameitzor, etc.).

  1. The German 1916 Proposal for Peace – Total War and Peacemaking: (

  2. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 - (

  3. The designs and actions of the Zionists in our government – The Amazing Warnings of Benjamin Freedman; (

  4. Statement of Theodor Herzl: (Jews against Zionism | Dissident Voice)

  5. Zionist financing of the Nazi Party (

  6. The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany:

  7. The London Daily Express, March 12, 1933. (The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.

  8. Neturei Karta International (Why Orthodox Jews are Opposed to the Zionist State)
While I find it peculiar how you start a thread defending anti-Semitism while insisting you're not anti-Semitic, your assertions remain just as ludicrous.

Let's start with your claim that Jews got us into WWI, how it was unnecessary, and how we were on the wrong side....

It seems you're woefully unaware of what dragged us in. You focus on the Lusitania as the excuse but that occurred two years before America entered the war; while you ignore the actual reason which was Germany's declaration that the could, and would, sink any boat in that region even though it was in international waters. America, who stands by her allies, took that as a declaration of war since that was a direct threat against us as we were supplying England.

That was a justified reason to fight Germany, put us on the right side in the war and had nothing to do with Jews. Your entire premise is misguided.

Furthermore, you are blaming Jews for our entry into the war under the guise that it benefited England strategically. That is as asinine as blaming blacks for the civil war because the north found a strategic advantage in freeing the slaves in the south.

My honest impression is that you wrote a book making outlandish assertions knowing it would paint you as an anti-Semite and so now you struggle to make anti-Semitism palatable so you can relieve yourself of the guilt of condemning an entire group of people based on the nonsense you've convinced yourself is true.

when I started reading the stuff that CITI parrots------it was---the 1950 s!!!! and by then it was already old. The literature included "holocaust DENIAL"-- by the mid 1930s and the issue of "jewish" (aka Zionist) "war mongers"----even before world war II happened-------and even before ADOLF HITLER got famous.
You --shusha---are addressing a parrot

Even if it is, this changes nothing. The Jewish leaders embroiled the United States in two World for Israel's sake and murdered the men and crew of the US Liberty in a false flag attempt to get the United States to nuke Cairo. How many Muslims have come out and said the were going to nuke Tel Aviv? The nuking of Cairo would have actually happened if the Liberty had sunk as planned. No wonder the Iranians want the bomb. Who wouldn't when Zionists leaders are certifiably insane.
[/QUOTE]While I find it peculiar how you start a thread defending anti-Semitism while insisting you're not anti-Semitic, your assertions remain just as ludicrous.

Let's start with your claim that Jews got us into WWI, how it was unnecessary, and how we were on the wrong side....

It seems you're woefully unaware of what dragged us in. You focus on the Lusitania as the excuse but that occurred two years before America entered the war; while you ignore the actual reason which was Germany's declaration that the could, and would, sink any boat in that region even though it was in international waters. America, who stands by her allies, took that as a declaration of war since that was a direct threat against us as we were supplying England.

That was a justified reason to fight Germany, put us on the right side in the war and had nothing to do with Jews. Your entire premise is misguided.

Furthermore, you are blaming Jews for our entry into the war under the guise that it benefited England strategically. That is as asinine as blaming blacks for the civil war because the north found a strategic advantage in freeing the slaves in the south.

My honest impression is that you wrote a book making outlandish assertions knowing it would paint you as an anti-Semite and so now you struggle to make anti-Semitism palatable so you can relieve yourself of the guilt of condemning an entire group of people based on the nonsense you've convinced yourself is true.[/QUOTE]

At first I thought you were a normal human being, but now it is clear that you and irosie91 have much in common. Are you too sleeping together? Your certainly make a great match.

Even if it is, this changes nothing. The Jewish leaders embroiled the United States in two World for Israel's sake and murdered the men and crew of the US Liberty in a false flag attempt to get the United States to nuke Cairo. How many Muslims have come out and said the were going to nuke Tel Aviv? The nuking of Cairo would have actually happened if the Liberty had sunk as planned. No wonder the Iranians want the bomb. Who wouldn't when Zionists leaders are certifiably insane.

I was around when the USS. Liberty was bombed-----IN FACT,, I heard the radio broadcast of the event WITHIN AN HOUR OF THE EVENT------live. (I was in
the USA) -----it was before I joined the US NAVY ------the islamo Nazi
interpretation------"ISRAEL WANTED THE USA TO BOMB CAIRO"-----is a new
one on me (in my capacity as an officer in the US navy, I was privy to some
----confidential information---------but this one is NEWS to me) It is obvious to me
that if Israel wanted to SINK the USS Liberty------she could have done so EASILY---
what was stopping her?
At first I thought you were a normal human being, but now it is clear that you and irosie91 have much in common. Are you too sleeping together? Your certainly make a great match.
Who knows why you can't even manage the quote feature of this forum, which couldn't be easier? But your posting struggles aside, I suppose it is easier for you to name call rather than defend your positions when such obvious holes are punched in them.

I find that rather commonplace among folks who can't lucidly defend the deranged beliefs which lead them to bigotry.

What a shame.
we opted to fight for England, the aggressor nation instead Germany, the nation that wanted peace.

"Germany, the nation that wanted peace"

What stupidity.

Since when does a nation want peace so much that it amasses a huge army along its border and then invading Luxemburg and Belgium, and declaring war on France?

Even if it is, this changes nothing. The Jewish leaders embroiled the United States in two World for Israel's sake and murdered the men and crew of the US Liberty in a false flag attempt to get the United States to nuke Cairo. How many Muslims have come out and said the were going to nuke Tel Aviv? The nuking of Cairo would have actually happened if the Liberty had sunk as planned. No wonder the Iranians want the bomb. Who wouldn't when Zionists leaders are certifiably insane.

I was around when the USS. Liberty was bombed-----IN FACT,, I heard the radio broadcast of the event WITHIN AN HOUR OF THE EVENT------live. (I was in
the USA) -----it was before I joined the US NAVY ------the islamo Nazi
interpretation------"ISRAEL WANTED THE USA TO BOMB CAIRO"-----is a new
one on me (in my capacity as an officer in the US navy, I was privy to some
----confidential information---------but this one is NEWS to me) It is obvious to me
that if Israel wanted to SINK the USS Liberty------she could have done so EASILY---
what was stopping her?

What was stopping her? The Israeli's had no more torpedos left to fire. Please watch the following video, but before you do, place a towel over your keyboard, because this one is really going to make you cry.


Even if it is, this changes nothing. The Jewish leaders embroiled the United States in two World for Israel's sake and murdered the men and crew of the US Liberty in a false flag attempt to get the United States to nuke Cairo. How many Muslims have come out and said the were going to nuke Tel Aviv? The nuking of Cairo would have actually happened if the Liberty had sunk as planned. No wonder the Iranians want the bomb. Who wouldn't when Zionists leaders are certifiably insane.

God- what asinine stupidity.

There was never a threat or a plan to 'nuke' Cairo.

Even if it is, this changes nothing. The Jewish leaders embroiled the United States in two World for Israel's sake and murdered the men and crew of the US Liberty in a false flag attempt to get the United States to nuke Cairo. How many Muslims have come out and said the were going to nuke Tel Aviv? The nuking of Cairo would have actually happened if the Liberty had sunk as planned. No wonder the Iranians want the bomb. Who wouldn't when Zionists leaders are certifiably insane.

I was around when the USS. Liberty was bombed-----IN FACT,, I heard the radio broadcast of the event WITHIN AN HOUR OF THE EVENT------live. (I was in
the USA) -----it was before I joined the US NAVY ------the islamo Nazi
interpretation------"ISRAEL WANTED THE USA TO BOMB CAIRO"-----is a new
one on me (in my capacity as an officer in the US navy, I was privy to some
----confidential information---------but this one is NEWS to me) It is obvious to me
that if Israel wanted to SINK the USS Liberty------she could have done so EASILY---
what was stopping her?

What was stopping her? The Israeli's had no more torpedos left to fire. Please watch the following video, but before you do, place a towel over your keyboard, because this one is really going to make you cry.

your video is not only silly propaganda-----it is criminal

shusha------do not blame citi for the shit he posts-----he did not INVENT it----he,
simply, parrots it. I grew up in a ----town------the town has existed since before
the revolutionary war (of the USA) -----it was very RURAL at one time-----farm-land.
The core population was ---people of german, and british background and-----
new later immigrants--Irish----It was so damned Nazi that even when I was a kid---
there were "restricted" sports and social clubs (when I got invited as a "GUEST"---
I was cautioned NOT TO MENTION MY LAST NAME) There was Nazi literature
all over the place in little seedy pamphlets----and some periodicals. I started
reading the stuff when I was about 8-------IT WAS ALL ABOUT JEWS-----which is
why it caught my eye. It was so idiotic that when MAD magazine came out-----
-------I thought that MAD was written by the same people who wrote the stuff
Citi quotes. -----later on I came to understand that lots of it was written by
people who had escaped the NUREMBURG TRIALS and fled to Syria or
Egypt or south America. I have an excellent memory for stuff I read as a kid.---
For a long time I could quote all sorts of stuff-----like the poetry of Edgar Allen.-----
shucks------I can barely do ANNABELLE LEE now-------but I do remember
the stuff that people like Aribert Heim wrote. Citi does not write his own stuff----

I agree. And I don't fault him, necessarily, for what he has been taught and what is clearly entrenched in his belief system as "truths".

But I can certainly fault him for failing to think critically about his "truths". And for bringing clearly fabricated lies to the discussion (like the Herzl quote).

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