Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

Progressives don't believe in allowing people the time to evolve. It is quite apparent that they would rather just kill them.

Yeah- because the 'progressives' are all out there 'killing' those they disagree with......

Just as its apparent that for the last 300 years Christians would rather just kill those who don't follow Christian rules.....

Christians haven't been murderous swine on a grand scale for two hundred years. .

Actually Christians have been murderous swine on a grand scale for centuries.

Meanwhile- who are those progressives in America you that are all killing those that they disagree with?
The most outrageous estimates for religious murders OF ALL RELIGIONS, is just over 10 million. Horrible no doubt, but they are pikers compared to you murderous swine.

I do love it when Christians like to proclaim "But we didn't murder as many millions as you did!"

I'm not a christian dumb ass. If anything I'm a pagan seeing's how my wife is Wiccan. I am however a student of history so have read far more about what scum, like the progressives, have done compared to the religious nutters of old. Like I said cupcake, you know so little it is truly amazing.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
People have a right to think and believe as they like. Anyone who thinks they can legislate thoughts, beliefs or stupidity is an idiot.

What we can do is ensure that laws don't strip a person's rights for religious or political reasons.
Yet many of those same Christians have little problem with masturbation and adultery compared to homosexuality even though the Scriptures treat them the same.

Let's be clear; I'm straight. I was also an atheist from about 13 to 17 until I had a NDE. I just question people who cherry-pick from the Bible to suit their personal agendas, not God's nor Jesus.
I wonder why religious people put so much of their energy into gay issues? There are much worse sins out there. If there is a god, I doubt he cares if two men or two women decide to be together in the "biblical sense." (heh-heh!)
I agree. If you're a Christian, sin is sin. Just seems to be more of a hot spot no for them because of the legalization

These seems to be an American thing. Gay marriage was legalized in Canada more than 10 years ago and by and large, the general public yawned. There was some concern about increased health insurance costs for gay families but that was it.

By the same token, the Catholic Church in Canada pays health taxes which fund birth control and abortions with nary a whisper. In the US the Church filed suit to prevent them from purchasing health insurance which pays for birth control.

Americans make a huge fucking deal about every little thing.
I think part of the problem too is that it is felt if it's legal we need to personally be ok with it....this goes for any law .... Just as it's frustrating for Christians that others don't feel as they do, because in their mind, if we all felt and believed as they do it would be a better world, well, Progressives feel the same way...

It's legal for women in the United States to go outside of the house without their husband and without their heads covered. This may not be okay with many Muslims, but the progressives feel it would be a better world for women to be given these extra-special rights.
Christians haven't been murderous swine on a grand scale for two hundred years. Progressive governments on the other hand have managed to murder orders of magnitude more people in less than 125 years, than all of the various religions have managed to murder over the last two THOUSAND years. Quite a group you associate with there, sport.

westwalls no.s, christian murdering swine - 200 years from 400 AD (4th century) to 2017 = 1417 years - westwalls, murdering progressives, 125 years ...

the proof isn't the number of people slain but for how long the injustice has continued that matters and for christians / (desert religions) their reign has continued uninterrupted from their beginning to the present day without the least amount of remorse or initiative to correct their errors.

westwalls progressives are nowhere today to be found.
Christians haven't been murderous swine on a grand scale for two hundred years. Progressive governments on the other hand have managed to murder orders of magnitude more people in less than 125 years, than all of the various religions have managed to murder over the last two THOUSAND years. Quite a group you associate with there, sport.

westwalls no.s, christian murdering swine - 200 years from 400 AD (4th century) to 2017 = 1417 years - westwalls, murdering progressives, 125 years ...

the proof isn't the number of people slain but for how long the injustice has continued that matters and for christians / (desert religions) their reign has continued uninterrupted from their beginning to the present day without the least amount of remorse or initiative to correct their errors.

westwalls progressives are nowhere today to be found.

Sure they are. Pol Pot and his favored defender chomskey are excellent examples of modern day progressives. You need to read more silly boy.
Being gay is fine. I mean, really, who cares? It doesnt effect anyone except for that person and who he/she chooses to be with
You can think of it in any way you want. Being wrong or "sinful" is completely subjective.
Voice it if you want!


I believe it goes something like, "judge not, lest ye be judged".

We choose and discipline our own personal behavior. The moment we start exporting that to choosing and controlling other people's behavior, the sinkhole yawns. And there's the pitfall of preachy punitive-style religion.
It also goes like this, 'a spiritual man judges all things'. That is because the 'spiritual human' is aware that people in judgment are subjecting themselves to the ills of the worldly things.

Well so much for "Judge not lest you be judged", which is what Jesus said. Jesus also said "Let those among you who are without sin, cast the first stone".

The Lord told us to love one another and not to judge others. Some people seem to think He wasn't talking about them. They're perfectly free to judge, to discriminate, and to shun.

I try to show kindness and compassion to all. Even those who don't believe as I do.
GOD doesn't want us to apply our own standards to judge people. GOD wants us to use HIS standards as spelled out scripturally. The entire issue concerning homosexual marriage is founded upon governmental/secular values that are contrary to GOD's standards. And now the government is slowly forcing their standards on people who practice God's higher standards in an effort to undermined those religious beliefs.

God doesn't want US to judge anyone. That's his job. Jesus spent his life among social outcasts, helping leppars, sinners, the poor, the sick and those the priests and the religious leaders cast out or ignored, and urged his followers to do the same.

He also said "Love one another as I have loved you". He didn't put qualifiers on that. He didn't say "Love the righteous", or "Love people who are of your race", or even "Love good people". He said "Love one another".

Most of the people posting here are willing to be tolerant, at best. That's not what Jesus said. He also said "That what did not do for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did not do for me".

Every kindness I have ever done, has come back to me ten or twenty fold. Every unselfish deed has been rewarded even when none was asked for. I can't imagine going through life telling others they're on their own in times of trouble. When I say "If there's anything I can do to help" I genuinely mean it.

Thats the way I was raised and it's how I choose to live my life.

I'm sorry but Jesus also stated that as He was hated, so too, His followers would be hated for their righteousness. When the owners of photography studios, bed and breakfasts, and bakeries are faced with exorbitant fines simply because they reject Homosexuality as a bases for marriage on the grounds of their CHRISTIAN CONVICTIONS, one can only imagine that there is enough judgement originating from many directions, and not all of it is biblically inspired. Where is the freedom of religion? Where is the tolerance of Christian ideals?
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

Actually the worst thing is this.

The Bible says things about Homosexuality, and this means that homosexuals shouldn't be considered first class citizens.

The Bible also says things about divorce and many other things, yet the religious people seem to ignore this.
I wonder why religious people put so much of their energy into gay issues? There are much worse sins out there. If there is a god, I doubt he cares if two men or two women decide to be together in the "biblical sense." (heh-heh!)
I agree. If you're a Christian, sin is sin. Just seems to be more of a hot spot no for them because of the legalization

These seems to be an American thing. Gay marriage was legalized in Canada more than 10 years ago and by and large, the general public yawned. There was some concern about increased health insurance costs for gay families but that was it.

By the same token, the Catholic Church in Canada pays health taxes which fund birth control and abortions with nary a whisper. In the US the Church filed suit to prevent them from purchasing health insurance which pays for birth control.

Americans make a huge fucking deal about every little thing.

We're also way freer than Socialist Canada,aye?
Christians haven't been murderous swine on a grand scale for two hundred years. Progressive governments on the other hand have managed to murder orders of magnitude more people in less than 125 years, than all of the various religions have managed to murder over the last two THOUSAND years. Quite a group you associate with there, sport.

westwalls no.s, christian murdering swine - 200 years from 400 AD (4th century) to 2017 = 1417 years - westwalls, murdering progressives, 125 years ...

the proof isn't the number of people slain but for how long the injustice has continued that matters and for christians / (desert religions) their reign has continued uninterrupted from their beginning to the present day without the least amount of remorse or initiative to correct their errors.

westwalls progressives are nowhere today to be found.

Sure they are. Pol Pot and his favored defender chomskey are excellent examples of modern day progressives. You need to read more silly boy.

Sure they are. Pol Pot and his favored defender chomskey are excellent examples of modern day progressives. You need to read more silly boy.

...are excellent examples of modern day progressives. .:eek-52:

hey dummy, are they still alive, - did they die of natural cause ...

Already enfeebled from malaria, Pol Pot had become seriously ill in recent months while under house arrest by some of his former allies. In the last two weeks he was encircled by the Cambodian Government Army and had retreated farther into the jungle. His wife said he died in his sleep.

... He concluded that "Pol Pot died of a lethal dose of a combination of Valium and chloroquine, Ta Mok's assertion that "no one poisoned him" encouraged speculation that this was exactly what had happened. Thus some sources state that he was murdered by his own colleagues.

mr. librarian, what about the phony 4th century book, has it ever been modified by any means other than persecution and bloodshed ... have they ever been brought to justice for their crimes. even afterwards.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

Actually the worst thing is this.

The Bible says things about Homosexuality, and this means that homosexuals shouldn't be considered first class citizens.

The Bible also says things about divorce and many other things, yet the religious people seem to ignore this.
Everyone does not ignore this --- though I'm sure homosexuals do.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

Actually the worst thing is this.

The Bible says things about Homosexuality, and this means that homosexuals shouldn't be considered first class citizens.

The Bible also says things about divorce and many other things, yet the religious people seem to ignore this.
Everyone does not ignore this --- though I'm sure homosexuals do.

Well, you find me someone who thinks gay marriage is bad and will protest against this, and will do the same for divorcees too. I'm sure they're out there.
I think part of the problem too is that it is felt if it's legal we need to personally be ok with it....this goes for any law .... Just as it's frustrating for Christians that others don't feel as they do, because in their mind, if we all felt and believed as they do it would be a better world, well, Progressives feel the same way...

It's legal for women in the United States to go outside of the house without their husband and without their heads covered. This may not be okay with many Muslims, but the progressives feel it would be a better world for women to be given these extra-special rights.
Yet they can't go bare breasted while men can. ;)

While there are Muslim countries requiring women cover their heads, for most it's an option. Besides Muslims, there are many in the US where both men and women choose to cover their heads just like the Bible says.

What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

Actually the worst thing is this.

The Bible says things about Homosexuality, and this means that homosexuals shouldn't be considered first class citizens.

The Bible also says things about divorce and many other things, yet the religious people seem to ignore this.
Everyone does not ignore this --- though I'm sure homosexuals do.

Well, you find me someone who thinks gay marriage is bad and will protest against this, and will do the same for divorcees too. I'm sure they're out there.

Also, adulterers don't have their own flag and run around announcing it
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

Actually the worst thing is this.

The Bible says things about Homosexuality, and this means that homosexuals shouldn't be considered first class citizens.

The Bible also says things about divorce and many other things, yet the religious people seem to ignore this.
Everyone does not ignore this --- though I'm sure homosexuals do.

Well, you find me someone who thinks gay marriage is bad and will protest against this, and will do the same for divorcees too. I'm sure they're out there.

Also, adulterers don't have their own flag and run around announcing it
neither do heterosexuals.
Yet they can't go bare breasted while men can

Why would any woman want to go around bare breasted? As if men are not horn dogs enough while we are dressed....
1) It's a choice, not a requirement. Women don't have the choice. Just another example of women having less rights than men.

2) A little over a century ago, the sight of a woman's ankle under a long dress was a turn on for "horn dogs". Women go bare breasted on Euro beaches.....and Miami's South Beach. Not a big deal except to the religious-based oppressors.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

I didn't support Gay Marriage because I don't believe governments should be in the business of defining what IS or ISN'T a marriage between two consenting adults. I think it sets a very dangerous precedent to establish legal marriage, sanctioned by government, on the basis of sexual proclivities..

I don't quite get that- since the government has been in the business of defining marriage for quite a long time before same sex couples wanted to be legally married too.

If you just oppose state controlled legal marriage- then oppose that- not just when it includes same gender couples.

I believe there is a difference between 'legal marriage' and 'religious marriage'. Some people just want the benefits from marriage (economic) while others want to make a vow to each other, their families, and their God if they so believe or choose AND have the legal advantages of marriage.

To me they can be two different things. The government doesn't care if you love each other or anything like that.... it's just a job to do.... another paper to file....

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