Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

There are things that are legal that plenty of people accept as a necessary evil in our society, like abortion, the death penalty, etc. I don't see how two people who find love (whether that be with another of their same sex or the opposite sex) is considered bad or sinful. What is more important is how do they treat one another? Did they take their oaths seriously?

Who cares if they took their oaths seriously? Since when did someone make you the monogamy police?

Lots of people like to swing or are into polygamy.

So tell us, do you think polygamists are "yucky"? Should the state continue to discriminate against them by not letting them marry?

I'm talking about what a god would care about. Why would a god care about which sex you marry as long as you make each other happy?

Not to mention, keeping your oath that you made to him.

In fact, why not just marry your dog assuming both you and your dog ae "happy" and treat each other well?

Silly contards who think that dogs can consent to marriage.
There are things that are legal that plenty of people accept as a necessary evil in our society, like abortion, the death penalty, etc. I don't see how two people who find love (whether that be with another of their same sex or the opposite sex) is considered bad or sinful. What is more important is how do they treat one another? Did they take their oaths seriously?

Who cares if they took their oaths seriously? Since when did someone make you the monogamy police?

Lots of people like to swing or are into polygamy.

So tell us, do you think polygamists are "yucky"? Should the state continue to discriminate against them by not letting them marry?

Do you think polygamists should be allowed to marry? Certainly the Bible provides examples of polygamy so it isn't a religious issue.

Not that that has anything to do with marriage between a couple of consenting adults.
christians have been crucifying the free spirited throughout history using their book as a pretext for violence this thread is an example for those type of individuals.

Literally? I don't think any.

But Christians have passed morality laws to punish those who violate 'Christian' sins- most notably in context the laws against consensual male sodomy- laws still on the book, and defended by the Christian right- overturned only because of the Supreme Court.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

No. It is not "wrong" to believe that. But it is wrong to use that as an excuse to harm them in any way.

Any Christian that believes we should intentionally harm anyone for Christian sexual sins are exactly like those that wanted to stone the prostitute. If they read the Bible at all, they know it's wrong.

Yes indeed. The problem is progressives feel they have the right to regulate how a person thinks. Which is wrong. You regulate what a person does, not how they think.

How do we regulate how someone thinks?

We know that Christians for decades tried to regulate speech- which by extension I believe would be 'thinking'- with book bannings and boycotts.

We also know that Christians were happy to try to regulate what a person does- because of how the person thinks- such as the bans- and attempted bans by the Christian Right of teachers suspected of being homosexual. These were not attempts to ban an action- but the teachers own sexual orientation- i.e. their thinking.
Homosexuality has existed in every culture and throughout history. It has also been observed in animal species. This would indicate that it is not "deviant" behaviour at all, but rather normal behaviour for a small percentage of the population.

The idea that homosexuality is destructive to society is a falsehood. It has no effect on straight people at all.

In Sparta, homosexuality was practiced by pretty much everyone.

In modern society, it is down to around 10%.

It would then indicate that it is culturally influenced in large part.

Not really- any more than men having homosexual sex in prison is a 'cultural thing'

Sparta didn't care what a persons sexual orientation was- in Sparta men were paired up with boys. But those same men were expected to get married, have sex with women and have children.

Certainly there can be a social construct to it- a society where homosexuality is rigidly repressed- like certain Muslim countries- and earlier Christian countries will have fewer people admitting their homosexuality.

It doesn't mean necessarily that there are fewer(or more) persons who have sexual attraction to people of the same gender.
There are things that are legal that plenty of people accept as a necessary evil in our society, like abortion, the death penalty, etc. I don't see how two people who find love (whether that be with another of their same sex or the opposite sex) is considered bad or sinful. What is more important is how do they treat one another? Did they take their oaths seriously?

Who cares if they took their oaths seriously? Since when did someone make you the monogamy police?

Lots of people like to swing or are into polygamy.

So tell us, do you think polygamists are "yucky"? Should the state continue to discriminate against them by not letting them marry?

I'm talking about what a god would care about. Why would a god care about which sex you marry as long as you make each other happy?

Not to mention, keeping your oath that you made to him.

Why would God care so long as people are "happy" and treat each other well?

In fact, why not just marry your dog assuming both you and your dog ae "happy" and treat each other well?

Because dogs can't consent to marrying. Duh. Dogs aren't people, stupid.

You're telling me they need a consent to have sex? Really?
And you call me stupid?

Yeah- because you are the stupid contard who thinks that dogs can consent to be married or consent to have sex with a human.

Apparently this consent thing is problematic for you.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

No. It is not "wrong" to believe that. But it is wrong to use that as an excuse to harm them in any way.

Any Christian that believes we should intentionally harm anyone for Christian sexual sins are exactly like those that wanted to stone the prostitute. If they read the Bible at all, they know it's wrong.

Yes indeed. The problem is progressives feel they have the right to regulate how a person thinks. Which is wrong. You regulate what a person does, not how they think.

How do we regulate how someone thinks?

We know that Christians for decades tried to regulate speech- which by extension I believe would be 'thinking'- with book bannings and boycotts.

We also know that Christians were happy to try to regulate what a person does- because of how the person thinks- such as the bans- and attempted bans by the Christian Right of teachers suspected of being homosexual. These were not attempts to ban an action- but the teachers own sexual orientation- i.e. their thinking.
Obviously that doesn't work, the only way true change happens is born out of wisdom or love. Never coersion or oppression
People having homosexual sex in a single sex environment is not indicative of the prevalence of homosexuality. Sailors often had homosexual relations on long sea voyages too during colonial times too, and "cabin boys" were taken on board as a sexual outlet for the captain. It doesn't mean the captain, or his crew were homosexuals. Prisons are notorious for homosexual behaviours but most people revert to heterosexual behaviour when they return to normal environment.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

No. It is not "wrong" to believe that. But it is wrong to use that as an excuse to harm them in any way.

Any Christian that believes we should intentionally harm anyone for Christian sexual sins are exactly like those that wanted to stone the prostitute. If they read the Bible at all, they know it's wrong.

Yes indeed. The problem is progressives feel they have the right to regulate how a person thinks. Which is wrong. You regulate what a person does, not how they think.

How do we regulate how someone thinks?

We know that Christians for decades tried to regulate speech- which by extension I believe would be 'thinking'- with book bannings and boycotts.

We also know that Christians were happy to try to regulate what a person does- because of how the person thinks- such as the bans- and attempted bans by the Christian Right of teachers suspected of being homosexual. These were not attempts to ban an action- but the teachers own sexual orientation- i.e. their thinking.

The thought police are everywhere dude. They want to make it illegal for people to believe anything that is counter to the progressive paradigm. The problem is you can't regulate what people think. No matter who you look at throughout history, they have always managed to dislike someone else. It is human nature. The way you fight wrong headed thinking is to allow them to think the way they do without rancor, but to educate them slowly, but ever so slowly why what they think is wrong headed.

Progressives don't believe in allowing people the time to evolve. It is quite apparent that they would rather just kill them.
Some men would prefer masturbation to same sex sex tho
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

I approach this from a completely neutral perspective. I'm not a Christian but I have a broad familiarity with Christian religion. I have close friends and family who are homosexual. I don't hate them, obviously. My judgement of people is based solely on character of the individual. I didn't support Gay Marriage because I don't believe governments should be in the business of defining what IS or ISN'T a marriage between two consenting adults. I think it sets a very dangerous precedent to establish legal marriage, sanctioned by government, on the basis of sexual proclivities.

SO... let's tackle your question... Do I think homosexuality is a sin? First, there is a clear distinction that needs to be considered. Homosexuality, from my viewpoint, is a condition. Maybe you're born with it or maybe you aren't? Perhaps it's some of both? In any event, the condition of homosexuality is not the same thing as acting on the condition. For example, you could be a sociopathic person but it doesn't mean you are going to chop people up and put them in your freezer like Jeffery Dahmer.

I have personally known people who are homosexual but they don't engage in homosexual acts because they believe it's wrong. (i.e.; sinful) I've even known some who are in heterosexual marriages and have children. So there is a clear distinction between homosexuality and homosexual behavior.

Now, getting into the "sinful" part. The Bible's beef is not with the sexual act itself. After all, if people can't have sex, they can't procreate. Obviously, homosexual acts can't result in procreation. So these become what is known as "sins of the flesh." Therefore, it becomes no different than merely having casual sex with someone you don't intend to procreate with. The "sin" is equal... but here's the thing... according to The Bible, God knows that humans are sinful. We aren't expected to be without sin, that's the whole entire purpose of salvation.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

No. It is not "wrong" to believe that. But it is wrong to use that as an excuse to harm them in any way.

Any Christian that believes we should intentionally harm anyone for Christian sexual sins are exactly like those that wanted to stone the prostitute. If they read the Bible at all, they know it's wrong.

Yes indeed. The problem is progressives feel they have the right to regulate how a person thinks. Which is wrong. You regulate what a person does, not how they think.

How do we regulate how someone thinks?

We know that Christians for decades tried to regulate speech- which by extension I believe would be 'thinking'- with book bannings and boycotts.

We also know that Christians were happy to try to regulate what a person does- because of how the person thinks- such as the bans- and attempted bans by the Christian Right of teachers suspected of being homosexual. These were not attempts to ban an action- but the teachers own sexual orientation- i.e. their thinking.

Progressives don't believe in allowing people the time to evolve. It is quite apparent that they would rather just kill them.

Yeah- because the 'progressives' are all out there 'killing' those they disagree with......

Just as its apparent that for the last 300 years Christians would rather just kill those who don't follow Christian rules.....
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

I didn't support Gay Marriage because I don't believe governments should be in the business of defining what IS or ISN'T a marriage between two consenting adults. I think it sets a very dangerous precedent to establish legal marriage, sanctioned by government, on the basis of sexual proclivities..

I don't quite get that- since the government has been in the business of defining marriage for quite a long time before same sex couples wanted to be legally married too.

If you just oppose state controlled legal marriage- then oppose that- not just when it includes same gender couples.
No. It is not "wrong" to believe that. But it is wrong to use that as an excuse to harm them in any way.

Any Christian that believes we should intentionally harm anyone for Christian sexual sins are exactly like those that wanted to stone the prostitute. If they read the Bible at all, they know it's wrong.

Yes indeed. The problem is progressives feel they have the right to regulate how a person thinks. Which is wrong. You regulate what a person does, not how they think.

How do we regulate how someone thinks?

We know that Christians for decades tried to regulate speech- which by extension I believe would be 'thinking'- with book bannings and boycotts.

We also know that Christians were happy to try to regulate what a person does- because of how the person thinks- such as the bans- and attempted bans by the Christian Right of teachers suspected of being homosexual. These were not attempts to ban an action- but the teachers own sexual orientation- i.e. their thinking.

Progressives don't believe in allowing people the time to evolve. It is quite apparent that they would rather just kill them.

Yeah- because the 'progressives' are all out there 'killing' those they disagree with......

Just as its apparent that for the last 300 years Christians would rather just kill those who don't follow Christian rules.....

Christians haven't been murderous swine on a grand scale for two hundred years. Progressive governments on the other hand have managed to murder orders of magnitude more people in less than 125 years, than all of the various religions have managed to murder over the last two THOUSAND years. Quite a group you associate with there, sport.
Any Christian that believes we should intentionally harm anyone for Christian sexual sins are exactly like those that wanted to stone the prostitute. If they read the Bible at all, they know it's wrong.

Yes indeed. The problem is progressives feel they have the right to regulate how a person thinks. Which is wrong. You regulate what a person does, not how they think.

How do we regulate how someone thinks?

We know that Christians for decades tried to regulate speech- which by extension I believe would be 'thinking'- with book bannings and boycotts.

We also know that Christians were happy to try to regulate what a person does- because of how the person thinks- such as the bans- and attempted bans by the Christian Right of teachers suspected of being homosexual. These were not attempts to ban an action- but the teachers own sexual orientation- i.e. their thinking.

Progressives don't believe in allowing people the time to evolve. It is quite apparent that they would rather just kill them.

Yeah- because the 'progressives' are all out there 'killing' those they disagree with......

Just as its apparent that for the last 300 years Christians would rather just kill those who don't follow Christian rules.....

Christians haven't been murderous swine on a grand scale for two hundred years. .

Actually Christians have been murderous swine on a grand scale for centuries.

Meanwhile- who are those progressives in America you that are all killing those that they disagree with?
Yes indeed. The problem is progressives feel they have the right to regulate how a person thinks. Which is wrong. You regulate what a person does, not how they think.

How do we regulate how someone thinks?

We know that Christians for decades tried to regulate speech- which by extension I believe would be 'thinking'- with book bannings and boycotts.

We also know that Christians were happy to try to regulate what a person does- because of how the person thinks- such as the bans- and attempted bans by the Christian Right of teachers suspected of being homosexual. These were not attempts to ban an action- but the teachers own sexual orientation- i.e. their thinking.

Progressives don't believe in allowing people the time to evolve. It is quite apparent that they would rather just kill them.

Yeah- because the 'progressives' are all out there 'killing' those they disagree with......

Just as its apparent that for the last 300 years Christians would rather just kill those who don't follow Christian rules.....

Christians haven't been murderous swine on a grand scale for two hundred years. .

Actually Christians have been murderous swine on a grand scale for centuries.

Meanwhile- who are those progressives in America you that are all killing those that they disagree with?

They were. Progressives like you have managed to murder well over 180 million people in the last 125 years. The most outrageous estimates for religious murders OF ALL RELIGIONS, is just over 10 million. Horrible no doubt, but they are pikers compared to you murderous swine.
How do we regulate how someone thinks?

We know that Christians for decades tried to regulate speech- which by extension I believe would be 'thinking'- with book bannings and boycotts.

We also know that Christians were happy to try to regulate what a person does- because of how the person thinks- such as the bans- and attempted bans by the Christian Right of teachers suspected of being homosexual. These were not attempts to ban an action- but the teachers own sexual orientation- i.e. their thinking.

Progressives don't believe in allowing people the time to evolve. It is quite apparent that they would rather just kill them.

Yeah- because the 'progressives' are all out there 'killing' those they disagree with......

Just as its apparent that for the last 300 years Christians would rather just kill those who don't follow Christian rules.....

Christians haven't been murderous swine on a grand scale for two hundred years. .

Actually Christians have been murderous swine on a grand scale for centuries.

Meanwhile- who are those progressives in America you that are all killing those that they disagree with?

They were. Progressives like you have managed to murder well over 180 million people in the last 125 years. .

Progressives like me?

Tell me how I am like Joseph Stalin- a man raised to be Christian and whose mother wanted him to be a priest?

Tell me how I am like Adolf Hitler- another man raised in the Christian faith and who belonged to the Catholic Church until his death.

Please enlighten me. I am fascinated to find how I am like them in your opinion.
How do we regulate how someone thinks?

We know that Christians for decades tried to regulate speech- which by extension I believe would be 'thinking'- with book bannings and boycotts.

We also know that Christians were happy to try to regulate what a person does- because of how the person thinks- such as the bans- and attempted bans by the Christian Right of teachers suspected of being homosexual. These were not attempts to ban an action- but the teachers own sexual orientation- i.e. their thinking.

Progressives don't believe in allowing people the time to evolve. It is quite apparent that they would rather just kill them.

Yeah- because the 'progressives' are all out there 'killing' those they disagree with......

Just as its apparent that for the last 300 years Christians would rather just kill those who don't follow Christian rules.....

Christians haven't been murderous swine on a grand scale for two hundred years. .

Actually Christians have been murderous swine on a grand scale for centuries.

Meanwhile- who are those progressives in America you that are all killing those that they disagree with?
The most outrageous estimates for religious murders OF ALL RELIGIONS, is just over 10 million. Horrible no doubt, but they are pikers compared to you murderous swine.

I do love it when Christians like to proclaim "But we didn't murder as many millions as you did!"

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