Is Joe Biden trying to lose the Rust Belt for the sake of fighting climate change?

We talked to experts on aging about the 2020 field. Here’s what they told us.

from the article:

“When you hear somebody on TV and they make a mistake during a speech or a debate, you’ve got to cut them some slack,” Olshansky said. “If you’ve ever given a speech, it’s not easy standing in front of a crowd of people — especially standing in front of television cameras with millions of people watching — and avoiding verbal mistakes.”

Biden’s physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, said in a statement provided by the campaign that “Vice President Biden is in excellent physical condition. He is more than capable of handling the rigors of the campaign and the office for which he is running.”

Kassell, who performed brain surgery on Biden, went a step further: “I am going to vote for the candidate who I am absolutely certain has a brain that is functioning. And that narrows it down exactly to one.”
Its not just Joe committing suicide... Every damn democrat is doing it...
I don't think he is consciously trying to lose it, but, he just did.

The problem is, they feel the heat from the alt-left, and in order to win in the Primary, they need to appease the far left Dem voters. It means, one of them will win the Primary and then receive the biggest blue participation ribbon when they follow it up with a loss in the General Election when their words and positions come back to bite them.

Trump has so much video material from these debates, that it actually makes me suspicious about those who aren't in it. It's to their benefit to not have the video soundbytes that will follow and remind everyone outside of Cali, NY and D.C why they need to vote for Trump.

I've always viewed America as libertarian in nature, that is now only offered by the GOP, specifically Trump. It's all degrees of course, but I don't see any of that in the Dem field, just bigger government, larger taxes and less individualism. These candidates could be running in Canada and be viewed as too far left.

Then there is the issue of China...something the Dems have been able to duck for the most part. They won't be able to do so in the G.E debates and Trump will pounce hard.
Groper Joe has lost most of his ability to think and form complete intelligible sentences. He is senile and needs to retire. Thank you.
see post #2. thank you
Sorry, the old fart IS losing it. Half the time he can't even remember WHERE he is and he likes to talk about kids fondling his hairy legs. The guy's a goner and REALLY needs to hang it up and retire with some dignity. You're welcome.
we belong to the earth, not the other way around, my friends!

"Anybody making the climate crisis their second or third priority is kidding themselves. On day one of my presidency, I'll declare climate change a national emergency and use the full powers of the executive office to help save our only planet—I’m the only candidate who will say so. We have to save the world, and we must do it together." - Sleepy Creepy Biden

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