Is raising the debt ceiling Socialist?


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Aug 27, 2010
Seems to me the social programs in America will be the greatest beneficiary of raising the debt limit. Does this mean it takes socialism to solve America's economic woes? Does it mean Republicans have caved into Socialism, and now are socialists themselves?? Here they have the opportunity to end Socialism, and instead are supporting it by raising the limits again. :eusa_angel:
Does having debt make you a socialist? No. Does it make you an idiot if your solution to the problem is to add more debt? Yes. And anyone with eyes can see the Republican party is the wolf of big government in sheep's clothing, no better than the democrats.
Seems to me the social programs in America will be the greatest beneficiary of raising the debt limit. Does this mean it takes socialism to solve America's economic woes? Does it mean Republicans have caved into Socialism, and now are socialists themselves?? Here they have the opportunity to end Socialism, and instead are supporting it by raising the limits again. :eusa_angel:

No its stupid. Like giving a crack addict more crack.
What the hell is the sense of having a debit limit if democrats keep raising it? Anyone in the right mind knows that new taxes would be spent without regards to lowering the National debt. Giving politicians money is like giving a stolen ATM card to a community agitator. The money will be gone before you can call 911. You have to get politicians to agree to lower spending.
Seems to me the social programs in America will be the greatest beneficiary of raising the debt limit. Does this mean it takes socialism to solve America's economic woes? :


What do you consider as America's economic woes?

I consider the following as America's economic woes :

1) demagogue welfare/warfare state politicians

2) the Federal Reserve Board

3) paper money

Here's a powerful video that explains what is happening. It's from Ron Paul's team, but the message is spot-on whether you like him or not. Enjoy:

[ame=]Ron Paul Ad - Conviction - YouTube[/ame]
It's a sign of failed leadership. Nothing more.
Ronald Wilson Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times in eight years.

So you watched the Ron Paul video. That makes me glad. :)
must be failed leadership. What's it called when a gang of House freshmen hold the credit worthiness of the United States of America hostage to protect the tax breaks and loopholes millionaires enjoy? Responsible leadership?
What the hell is the sense of having a debit limit if democrats keep raising it? Anyone in the right mind knows that new taxes would be spent without regards to lowering the National debt. Giving politicians money is like giving a stolen ATM card to a community agitator. The money will be gone before you can call 911. You have to get politicians to agree to lower spending.

This is the real reason the dems never passed a budget for this year. With a budget to guide them restrain their spending. Since obama took office he has been on a spending binge unequaled in out history. This leads to the importance of raising the budget limit. If it's raised WITHOUT the repugs demanding and receiving deep spending cuts it will just be more unrestrained spending. Obama has a plan with all this spending. He needs to get as many voters as possible receiving a government check each month to live. Be it unemployment, welfare, anything from the government, then he will threaten if not re-elected the repubs will cut off their gov check. This is why he doesn't do anything to increase employment, He is counting on all the un-employed to vote for him to guarentee they keep getting the gov check.
Ronald Wilson Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times in eight years.

So you watched the Ron Paul video. That makes me glad. :)
must be failed leadership. What's it called when a gang of House freshmen hold the credit worthiness of the United States of America hostage to protect the tax breaks and loopholes millionaires enjoy? Responsible leadership?

They are? I thought they were trying to implement much needed cuts so that America wouldn't have to keep raising the debt limit over and over again.
So you watched the Ron Paul video. That makes me glad. :)
must be failed leadership. What's it called when a gang of House freshmen hold the credit worthiness of the United States of America hostage to protect the tax breaks and loopholes millionaires enjoy? Responsible leadership?

They are? I thought they were trying to implement much needed cuts so that America wouldn't have to keep raising the debt limit over and over again.
Expenditures are part of the equation. Enforcing the tax code, eliminating loopholes enjoyed only by the rich and raising the tax rates to those the rich prospered under during the Clinton years would also bring in much needed revenues.

Unless that agenda is specifically about kow towing to the wealthy and punishing the poor and elderly.

Why can't they simply raise the debt ceiling, thus avoiding a calamitous fiscal mistake, and take a balanced approach to the budget later? Or is it hunting season and the Social Security recipients are prized game?
must be failed leadership. What's it called when a gang of House freshmen hold the credit worthiness of the United States of America hostage to protect the tax breaks and loopholes millionaires enjoy? Responsible leadership?

They are? I thought they were trying to implement much needed cuts so that America wouldn't have to keep raising the debt limit over and over again.
Expenditures are part of the equation. Enforcing the tax code, eliminating loopholes enjoyed only by the rich and raising the tax rates to those the rich prospered under during the Clinton years would also bring in much needed revenues.

Unless that agenda is specifically about kow towing to the wealthy and punishing the poor and elderly.

Why can't they simply raise the debt ceiling, thus avoiding a calamitous fiscal mistake, and take a balanced approach to the budget later? Or is it hunting season and the Social Security recipients are prized game?

Kow towing to the wealthy and punishing the poor? :lol: Oh, that's hilarious!

And bringing up the Clinton years and somehow equating the 'good times' to an increase in taxes is even funnier!

Increasing the debt-ceiling is a sign of failed leadership. So what to do? Don't raise the debt-ceiling it. Just cut spending. (That's pretty simple really.)

I'm all for revamping the tax code. A flat- or consumption-tax with no loopholes would be a good start.

(BTW, I don't think you've watched the 1 minute video, but I could be wrong.)
The debt ceiling is about as real as the social security lock box, they're both non existent. Just more democrat BS on the BS pile.
What a load of frip-frappery. Obama's current budget plan seeks to cut social programs - Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, Pell Grants, etc.

NewsOne (Figuring the racists on the board aren't voting for Obama, anyway...)



Paid for by your tax dollars, the President's Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform is online for everyone to see how much Big Banks are in Obama's asshole. (Because, you know, stuff has gotta CHANGE!)

- that should be variety enough for ya.

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