Is simply being required to read something a violation of religious beliefs?

He has not spent a fucking dime to keep anything secret. Education records are not public records. He need do nothing. Colleges simply obey the law. And, he got into Harvard, you fucktard. They would not let you clean the toilets there and you claim that him getting in proves nothing. And, not only did he get in, he graduated with honors; made and edited the law review. Where did you go to college or law school?
So how do you know how great he was?
Lucky my kids go to Catholic school. No faggy books to read.

Isn't Duke a Catholic School?
No, that you have no proof to show me how great he was?
The proof, you stupid shit, is that he got into an Ivy League school indergrad; that he graduated with grades good enough to get into the most selective law school in the natio; that he was invited to join and later lead the Law Revirw; that he graduated with honors, though graduating fro Harvard Law, in and of itself, would be evidence of his academic achievement; that he wrote two best selling books and that he was elected, twice, with more votes than any other person ever received, to the presidency. If those accomplishments don't satisfy you that he is a brilliant man, you are a fucking moron.
All because he was black. How do you know he graduated with honors? If he was so great someone would come out to verify it.
Because the school announced who fucking graduated with honors. It has been verified by the school. You are too fuckimg stupid to be near a computer. You are directed to turn it off and go play with Legos or something else consistent with your intellect.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!
He has not spent a fucking dime to keep anything secret. Education records are not public records. He need do nothing. Colleges simply obey the law. And, he got into Harvard, you fucktard. They would not let you clean the toilets there and you claim that him getting in proves nothing. And, not only did he get in, he graduated with honors; made and edited the law review. Where did you go to college or law school?
So how do you know how great he was?
I read the article that gave a synopsis of the book. I would not read the book because gay issues are meaningless to me.
Lucky my kids go to Catholic school. No faggy books to read.

Isn't Duke a Catholic School?
No, that you have no proof to show me how great he was?
Obama's professors and classmates, including former international politics professor Michael Baron and current MTV president Michael Wolf, confirm that he was a brilliant, standout student and that he was an active participant in seminars. Baron said he was one of the top one or two students in his class. Despite this, Obama continually declines requests to release his Columbia transcript.
] He graduated with a J.D.magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991 and returned to Chicago.[59]

From Harvard law school:

Harvard Law Review
Students are invited to join the Harvard Law Review based on their grades and performance on the Law Review’s writing competition. No students are invited on to Law Review without first completing the writing competition.

Graduation with Honors
1. A student who completes the requirements for the J.D. degree with distinction will receive the degree cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude.

2. Latin honors at graduation will be based on the average of the three annual grade point averages (GPA). GPA will be calculated for each year of study and then averaged across the three years to determine Latin honors.

3. (a) The annual GPA for students who matriculated as of, or after, Fall Term 2008 will be calculated by assigning the following values to grades: Honors: 4; Pass: 3; Low Pass: 2; Fail: 0. Dean’s Scholar Prize awards will carry an additional point. [1]

(b) For all students, in calculating annual GPAs, each grade, including the Dean’s Scholar Prize, is weighted in accordance with the number of credits earned in the course.

4. For students who matriculated as of, or after, Fall Term 2008, the summa cum laude will be determined by the requirement of a 4.75 GPA. The honor is exact and does not involve “rounding off”; ie., a GPA of 4.749 does not result in a degree summa cum laude. If, in a given year, no student earns a GPA of 4.75 or higher, summa cum laude will be awarded to the student (or students in the case of a tie) with the highest overall GPA.

5. The magna cum laude will be awarded to the next ten percent of the entire class.

6. The cum laude will be awarded to the next 30 percent of the entire class.
HLS Grading Policy | Harvard Law School

So, dumb ass, he was chosen for the law review based on grades and a writing assignment and he graduated with grades that put them in or near the top ten percent of their class.
It's also said that he claims he was born in Kenya so he could be a foreign exchange student. Only the records will tell the truth. He hasn't proven himself smart as president. I will go with that.
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).
You tell me is seeing a religious picture forcing religion on others?
In a public school attended by children, it is an establishment of religion.
He has not spent a fucking dime to keep anything secret. Education records are not public records. He need do nothing. Colleges simply obey the law. And, he got into Harvard, you fucktard. They would not let you clean the toilets there and you claim that him getting in proves nothing. And, not only did he get in, he graduated with honors; made and edited the law review. Where did you go to college or law school?
So how do you know how great he was?
Lucky my kids go to Catholic school. No faggy books to read.

Isn't Duke a Catholic School?
No, that you have no proof to show me how great he was?
Obama's professors and classmates, including former international politics professor Michael Baron and current MTV president Michael Wolf, confirm that he was a brilliant, standout student and that he was an active participant in seminars. Baron said he was one of the top one or two students in his class. Despite this, Obama continually declines requests to release his Columbia transcript.
] He graduated with a J.D.magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991 and returned to Chicago.[59]

From Harvard law school:

Harvard Law Review
Students are invited to join the Harvard Law Review based on their grades and performance on the Law Review’s writing competition. No students are invited on to Law Review without first completing the writing competition.

Graduation with Honors
1. A student who completes the requirements for the J.D. degree with distinction will receive the degree cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude.

2. Latin honors at graduation will be based on the average of the three annual grade point averages (GPA). GPA will be calculated for each year of study and then averaged across the three years to determine Latin honors.

3. (a) The annual GPA for students who matriculated as of, or after, Fall Term 2008 will be calculated by assigning the following values to grades: Honors: 4; Pass: 3; Low Pass: 2; Fail: 0. Dean’s Scholar Prize awards will carry an additional point. [1]

(b) For all students, in calculating annual GPAs, each grade, including the Dean’s Scholar Prize, is weighted in accordance with the number of credits earned in the course.

4. For students who matriculated as of, or after, Fall Term 2008, the summa cum laude will be determined by the requirement of a 4.75 GPA. The honor is exact and does not involve “rounding off”; ie., a GPA of 4.749 does not result in a degree summa cum laude. If, in a given year, no student earns a GPA of 4.75 or higher, summa cum laude will be awarded to the student (or students in the case of a tie) with the highest overall GPA.

5. The magna cum laude will be awarded to the next ten percent of the entire class.

6. The cum laude will be awarded to the next 30 percent of the entire class.
HLS Grading Policy | Harvard Law School

So, dumb ass, he was chosen for the law review based on grades and a writing assignment and he graduated with grades that put them in or near the top ten percent of their class.
It's also said that he claims he was born in Kenya so he could be a foreign exchange student. Only the records will tell the truth. He hasn't proven himself smart as president. I will go with that.

He never claimed he was born in Kenya and was never considered a foreign exchange student. Stop being such a idiot.
The proof, you stupid shit, is that he got into an Ivy League school indergrad; that he graduated with grades good enough to get into the most selective law school in the nation; that he was invited to join and later lead the Law Revirw; that he graduated with honors, though graduating fro Harvard Law, in and of itself, would be evidence of his academic achievement; that he wrote two best selling books and that he was elected, twice, with more votes than any other person ever received, to the presidency. If those accomplishments don't satisfy you that he is a brilliant man, you are a fucking moron.
Obama got into Harvard because of Affirmative Action; his grades were crap.

He is the only student to head the Law Review who never once submitted a published article.

Both of his books were ghost written for him.

He was only voted into office because he was Black and wasn't Bush. ..... :cool:
So how do you know how great he was?
Isn't Duke a Catholic School?
No, that you have no proof to show me how great he was?
The proof, you stupid shit, is that he got into an Ivy League school indergrad; that he graduated with grades good enough to get into the most selective law school in the natio; that he was invited to join and later lead the Law Revirw; that he graduated with honors, though graduating fro Harvard Law, in and of itself, would be evidence of his academic achievement; that he wrote two best selling books and that he was elected, twice, with more votes than any other person ever received, to the presidency. If those accomplishments don't satisfy you that he is a brilliant man, you are a fucking moron.
All because he was black. How do you know he graduated with honors? If he was so great someone would come out to verify it.
Because the school announced who fucking graduated with honors. It has been verified by the school. You are too fuckimg stupid to be near a computer. You are directed to turn it off and go play with Legos or something else consistent with your intellect.
It's fucking, the same as you wish Obama was doing that to you right now. Obama in his own book states how he liked to do cocaine and then smoke pot to come down. He was a druggie Niger that used the system to make himself look good. Just look at his work ethics as president. He doesn't go to his morning briefings. He learns about major world events on the news. Just look after Stevens was murdered. The next day he came out lied about it and then went to Vegas to campaign and play golf. He got liar of the year. He is a classless person that doesn't have a clue what is going on. A perfect classless Looney liberal.
No, that you have no proof to show me how great he was?
The proof, you stupid shit, is that he got into an Ivy League school indergrad; that he graduated with grades good enough to get into the most selective law school in the natio; that he was invited to join and later lead the Law Revirw; that he graduated with honors, though graduating fro Harvard Law, in and of itself, would be evidence of his academic achievement; that he wrote two best selling books and that he was elected, twice, with more votes than any other person ever received, to the presidency. If those accomplishments don't satisfy you that he is a brilliant man, you are a fucking moron.
All because he was black. How do you know he graduated with honors? If he was so great someone would come out to verify it.
Because the school announced who fucking graduated with honors. It has been verified by the school. You are too fuckimg stupid to be near a computer. You are directed to turn it off and go play with Legos or something else consistent with your intellect.
It's fucking, the same as you wish Obama was doing that to you right now. Obama in his own book states how he liked to do cocaine and then smoke pot to come down. He was a druggie Niger that used the system to make himself look good. Just look at his work ethics as president. He doesn't go to his morning briefings. He learns about major world events on the news. Just look after Stevens was murdered. The next day he came out lied about it and then went to Vegas to campaign and play golf. He got liar of the year. He is a classless person that doesn't have a clue what is going on. A perfect classless Looney liberal.
And despite all of that, he accomplished something no one in your family has ever achieved; graduating from an Ivy League college and an Ivy League Law school. Kind of pisses white trash like you off, doesn't it, when black folks prove to be smarter, harder workers, better fathers and husbands, more successful and accomplished and simply better than you?
The proof, you stupid shit, is that he got into an Ivy League school indergrad; that he graduated with grades good enough to get into the most selective law school in the nation; that he was invited to join and later lead the Law Revirw; that he graduated with honors, though graduating fro Harvard Law, in and of itself, would be evidence of his academic achievement; that he wrote two best selling books and that he was elected, twice, with more votes than any other person ever received, to the presidency. If those accomplishments don't satisfy you that he is a brilliant man, you are a fucking moron.
Obama got into Harvard because of Affirmative Action; his grades were crap.

He is the only student to head the Law Review who never once submitted a published article.

Both of his books were ghost written for him.

He was only voted into office because he was Black and wasn't Bush. ..... :cool:
He did write an article. It was required. He wrote every word in his books. He was voted into office twice with more votes each time than were ever cast for a president. Most of those who voted for him were white.
So how do you know how great he was?
Isn't Duke a Catholic School?
No, that you have no proof to show me how great he was?
Obama's professors and classmates, including former international politics professor Michael Baron and current MTV president Michael Wolf, confirm that he was a brilliant, standout student and that he was an active participant in seminars. Baron said he was one of the top one or two students in his class. Despite this, Obama continually declines requests to release his Columbia transcript.
] He graduated with a J.D.magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991 and returned to Chicago.[59]

From Harvard law school:

Harvard Law Review
Students are invited to join the Harvard Law Review based on their grades and performance on the Law Review’s writing competition. No students are invited on to Law Review without first completing the writing competition.

Graduation with Honors
1. A student who completes the requirements for the J.D. degree with distinction will receive the degree cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude.

2. Latin honors at graduation will be based on the average of the three annual grade point averages (GPA). GPA will be calculated for each year of study and then averaged across the three years to determine Latin honors.

3. (a) The annual GPA for students who matriculated as of, or after, Fall Term 2008 will be calculated by assigning the following values to grades: Honors: 4; Pass: 3; Low Pass: 2; Fail: 0. Dean’s Scholar Prize awards will carry an additional point. [1]

(b) For all students, in calculating annual GPAs, each grade, including the Dean’s Scholar Prize, is weighted in accordance with the number of credits earned in the course.

4. For students who matriculated as of, or after, Fall Term 2008, the summa cum laude will be determined by the requirement of a 4.75 GPA. The honor is exact and does not involve “rounding off”; ie., a GPA of 4.749 does not result in a degree summa cum laude. If, in a given year, no student earns a GPA of 4.75 or higher, summa cum laude will be awarded to the student (or students in the case of a tie) with the highest overall GPA.

5. The magna cum laude will be awarded to the next ten percent of the entire class.

6. The cum laude will be awarded to the next 30 percent of the entire class.
HLS Grading Policy | Harvard Law School

So, dumb ass, he was chosen for the law review based on grades and a writing assignment and he graduated with grades that put them in or near the top ten percent of their class.
It's also said that he claims he was born in Kenya so he could be a foreign exchange student. Only the records will tell the truth. He hasn't proven himself smart as president. I will go with that.

He never claimed he was born in Kenya and was never considered a foreign exchange student. Stop being such a idiot.
It was stated that he was a foreign exchange student, but he hasn't shown proof he wasn't. He also hasn't shown proof he was a great student, just hearsay.
I repeat if being forced to read crap that you don't believe is right is not against your religion then being forced to see religious pictures is not forcing religion on anyone, yet we all know the fact is that governments and schools are removing those statues and pictures.
No, that you have no proof to show me how great he was?
The proof, you stupid shit, is that he got into an Ivy League school indergrad; that he graduated with grades good enough to get into the most selective law school in the natio; that he was invited to join and later lead the Law Revirw; that he graduated with honors, though graduating fro Harvard Law, in and of itself, would be evidence of his academic achievement; that he wrote two best selling books and that he was elected, twice, with more votes than any other person ever received, to the presidency. If those accomplishments don't satisfy you that he is a brilliant man, you are a fucking moron.
All because he was black. How do you know he graduated with honors? If he was so great someone would come out to verify it.
Because the school announced who fucking graduated with honors. It has been verified by the school. You are too fuckimg stupid to be near a computer. You are directed to turn it off and go play with Legos or something else consistent with your intellect.
It's fucking, the same as you wish Obama was doing that to you right now. Obama in his own book states how he liked to do cocaine and then smoke pot to come down. He was a druggie Niger that used the system to make himself look good. Just look at his work ethics as president. He doesn't go to his morning briefings. He learns about major world events on the news. Just look after Stevens was murdered. The next day he came out lied about it and then went to Vegas to campaign and play golf. He got liar of the year. He is a classless person that doesn't have a clue what is going on. A perfect classless Looney liberal.
And despite all of that, he accomplished something no one in your family has ever achieved; graduating from an Ivy League college and an Ivy League Law school. Kind of pisses white trash like you off, doesn't it, when black folks prove to be smarter, harder workers, better fathers and husbands, more successful and accomplished and simply better than you?
He was given a college degree, his IQ proves it. He is a failure, if he was a white man, Hillary would of been president. He got elected for the only reason he is black.
Seems like they are adverse to having to read and think about others and their points of view. Very bizarre people

I have books on that reflect other points of view.

Do they not understand college is for broadening the mind and some assigned reading is required, sounds like they belong in some bible "college" or trade school

The very content of your response demonstrates you have no clue as to what a true open mind is.

I really don't care one way or the other.

But if people chose not to read, I am not going to look down my nose at them or make these kinds of ignorant accusations.
Seems like they are adverse to having to read and think about others and their points of view. Very bizarre people

I have books on that reflect other points of view.

Do they not understand college is for broadening the mind and some assigned reading is required, sounds like they belong in some bible "college" or trade school
Next thing you know they will asked to read a book that is filled stories about sex, child murder, rape, human sacrifice, people coming back from the dead. It is known as the Bible.

That same book also tells people:

Not to lie.
Not to steal.
Not to kill.
Not to sleep with your neighbors (or anyone else's) wife or daughter.
To honor your father and mother.
To love your neighbor (and there is instruction about who your neighbor is....the parable of the Good Samaritan) as you would yourself.
To give to the poor.
To be kind towards those who act poorly towards you.
To honor the government you live under.


Who knew ?
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Seems like they are adverse to having to read and think about others and their points of view. Very bizarre people

I have books on that reflect other points of view.

Do they not understand college is for broadening the mind and some assigned reading is required, sounds like they belong in some bible "college" or trade school
Next thing you know they will asked to read a book that is filled stories about sex, child murder, rape, human sacrifice, people coming back from the dead. It is known as the Bible.

That same book also tells people:

Not to lie.
Not to steal.
Not to kill.
Not to sleep with your neighbors (or anyone else's) wife or daughter.
To honor your father and mother.
To love your neighbor (and there is instruction about who your neighbor is....the parable of the Good Samaritan) as you would yourself.
To give to the poor.
To be kind towards those who act poorly towards you.


Who knew ?
You do realize that earlier or later in the same book it says the polar opposite for most of the things you listed right?
He did write an article. It was required. He wrote every word in his books. He was voted into office twice with more votes each time than were ever cast for a president. Most of those who voted for him were white.
Saint Obama.......smartest idiot in the world.....worker of faux miracles......hero of the drug addled crack ho's.....idol of the libertards......etc., etc, etc. ..... :lol: :lol:

Seems like they are adverse to having to read and think about others and their points of view. Very bizarre people

I have books on that reflect other points of view.

Do they not understand college is for broadening the mind and some assigned reading is required, sounds like they belong in some bible "college" or trade school
Next thing you know they will asked to read a book that is filled stories about sex, child murder, rape, human sacrifice, people coming back from the dead. It is known as the Bible.

That same book also tells people:

Not to lie.
Not to steal.
Not to kill.
Not to sleep with your neighbors (or anyone else's) wife or daughter.
To honor your father and mother.
To love your neighbor (and there is instruction about who your neighbor is....the parable of the Good Samaritan) as you would yourself.
To give to the poor.
To be kind towards those who act poorly towards you.


Who knew ?
You do realize that earlier or later in the same book it says the polar opposite for most of the things you listed right?


As a matter of course, it says to steal ?

It says to kill (to you)....not the history less you think obviates that commandment (which it does not).

So, no. Your claim is garbage.
If it takes a lifetime of indoctrination to comprehend then its not a very efficient way of doing things and smacks of manmade tomfoolery. It should be as simple as say the 10 commandments.

Well I am guessing you have had a "lifetime of indoctrination" and still people end up on opposite ends of the spectrum.

So there is more to it than just exposure, obviously. I think in most cases it takes humility and a total abandonment of pride and self to even begin the journey seeking truth or understanding.
No. I have had a lifetime of education, some of it in school most of it on my own. I have read more than the "lives of Saints", though I did read that when I was in grade school. That was about the intellectual level of that
The journey to truth and understanding is through a comic book. Huey, Dewey and Louie would be so proud.

The university should actually be ashamed of itself for even recommending tripe like this.

The Great American Novel, from Hemingway and London to comic books. It's the de-evolution of literature. No more prose. No more power. A line drawing will do.
Not a comic book, dipshit, a graphic novel. And, since you never read it, you are not fit to offer an opinion on it. Now, crawl back into your hold with your copy of the Lives of Saints.
A graphic novel IS a comic book.
The claim to greatness in this comic book is that a mentally ill homosexual man had sex with his students. His mental derangement drove his daughter to become a lesbian. Then he killed himself by walking in front of a bread truck. Who knows, there might have been a great novel in there somewhere. We don't know because it's a comic book. It's not even worth first class illustration.

Not one person has ever asserted that The Fun House was well written. There is no great writing. No one will ever probe a deeper meaning from the prose. There is no prose. The entire claim to being worthwhile is a teacher buttfucking his students and driving his untalented daughter insane. Get a copy of Lolita, at least it's well written.
Seems like they are adverse to having to read and think about others and their points of view. Very bizarre people

I have books on that reflect other points of view.

Do they not understand college is for broadening the mind and some assigned reading is required, sounds like they belong in some bible "college" or trade school
Next thing you know they will asked to read a book that is filled stories about sex, child murder, rape, human sacrifice, people coming back from the dead. It is known as the Bible.

That same book also tells people:

Not to lie.
Not to steal.
Not to kill.
Not to sleep with your neighbors (or anyone else's) wife or daughter.
To honor your father and mother.
To love your neighbor (and there is instruction about who your neighbor is....the parable of the Good Samaritan) as you would yourself.
To give to the poor.
To be kind towards those who act poorly towards you.


Who knew ?
You do realize that earlier or later in the same book it says the polar opposite for most of the things you listed right?


As a matter of course, it says to steal ?

It says to kill (to you)....not the history less you think obviates that commandment (which it does not).

So, no. Your claim is garbage.
Glad you used that for an example. It actually excuses stealing.

Proverbs 6:30

Proverbs 6:30 People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.

Yes it also says to kill. Curiously it uses the same rationale as the radical muslims do.

Chronicles 15:12-13

"They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman."

Leviticus 20:13

If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives."

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